3 Ingredient Healthy Breakfast Recipes (Protein Pancakes, Low Carb Avo Toast, Keto Steak and Eggs)

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minimalism is a movement that has become extremely popular i mean does it spark joy question mark everyone knows what i'm talking about now how does that translate into food and how many types of breakfast can we do with only three ingredients [Music] 20 20 was a crazy year for absolutely everyone and i'm still carrying some extra fat and some extra stress from that year so i made a commitment this year to just try to be more mindful in terms of what i'm eating and just get back on track with my health and fitness just to feel better talking about minimalism i'm a huge fan of this movement because we tend to live nowadays in excess we eat too much we have too much things it comes to a point where you know you don't even know why you want certain things or does your body really need all that food that you eat every day and minimalism in food makes a lot of sense because when it comes to healthy eating what you're trying to do is simplify the ingredients that you have so that you can really control the amount that you're putting in and keep the portions exactly how they're supposed to be not only that but by reducing the amount of ingredients that you put in your food you make the dish much faster it's quicker it's more convenient and most of the time it's actually cheaper but the overall benefit is that it actually is healthier if you use healthy ingredients obviously so today i'm going to show you how to make breakfast recipes using only three ingredients per dish they're really quick to make they're all quite healthy and if i didn't tell you they only had three ingredients you probably wouldn't even question it which is pretty cool when it comes to healthy eating when you think about it there are tons of three ingredient breakfasts that you're probably already making without calling them through ingredient breakfast something like i don't know half a cup of your favorite frozen berries with half a cup of frozen bananas that you've kept in the freezer a little bit of some favorite nut milk almond milk oat milk whatever your fancy is usually all equal combinations and that already is your basis for a morning smoothie now to this you can add some protein powder some peanut butter and tons of other pantry ingredients that you might have but already that because it is so dense in terms of nutrition and micronutrients is already a really healthy start so all i need to do now is blend this just fasten that and when i like to blend this i like to blend it for at least two to three minutes even though it's already blended it just aerates it more and kind of makes it fluffier don't you love it when you pour something out and it's like the exact quantity of that glass three ingredient breakfast really healthy really dense in nutrition lots of carbohydrates perfect before workout maybe like two hours before workout just to give you that extra power and obviously delicious another popular one that a lot of you are probably making um but again we're not calling it a three ingredient breakfast most of the time our overnight oats really easy to make and quite simple so once again what i'm showing you here is like the basis and then from here you can add chassis flax seeds nuts honey agave fruits fruits i would recommend usually adding the next day and yeah so it's just really versatile really easy to make you can use tons of different kind of milks you can even just use water if you want to um and again same thing i usually do is just equal sorry i'm making a mess right now equal amounts of oats and milk and don't worry if it looks too liquid here um it's basically the oats are going to absorb that liquid and this is going to become more like a forage if you're wondering what kind of oats are best to use for overnight oats i actually like rolled oats and remember these are already processed and already have gone through a cooking process so you can eat rolled oats raw because they're pretty much processed and cooked already so by leaving it to absorb the liquid overnight will just make it softer and make you feel like you've actually cooked it on the soaked up give this a good mix and now really up to you what do you want to add since i have it here already i'm going to go ahead and add some peanut butter and those my three ingredients mix that in forget about it and leave it in the fridge for at least eight hours so the point of me showing you the smoothie and the overnight oats and not really spending too much time on them is because a lot of people know how to make them already um but when we're talking about three ingredient breakfasts and we're talking about like minimalist cooking they're kind of like the kings of it yes a smoothie is actually considered a meal replacement now i'm going to show you some slightly more creative three ingredient breakfasts starting with our sweet potato toast so yes you can toast a sweet potato obviously i've boiled this sweet potato very quickly for five minutes it just makes it slightly more tender then i cut a bottom section here so i can lay it flat on my board without it moving too much and without me cutting my fingers and then we're going to go ahead and just make some toast slices so i'm going to remove that first one you can use that for whatever so a little wrong side and then we're going to cut about one centimeter toast slices too thick and it won't cook all the way down too thin and it will be too mushy yeah that one is perfect about a third of an inch is what we're looking for right here can you see that i don't know if my camera is going to want to focus on that it's way too thin once you have your slices drizzle with some extra virgin olive oil and some salt this goes into the oven at 200 centigrade for about 10 minutes or just until cooked you don't want this to be falling apart okay so you don't want these to be too overcooked in a sense where you won't be able to kind of hold it with your hand or else it's not really toast but you want them to be obviously cooked enough right so if you have a little bit of a give like this that was hot absolutely fine since i'm still in australia i might as well serve it with some avocado and a fried egg [Music] okay this is gonna get messy break that egg perfectly cooked try it to spread it as much as possible over the avocado and the toast now the question is does it eat like toast no it doesn't it's sweet potatoes but you should be able if you cooked it properly to pick it up with your hands just like this one big bite [Music] it's so good it has all those breakfast flavors that you'd be looking for so for people who are looking for a more nutritious carbohydrate source in the morning versus a slice of bread or sourdough obviously something like a sweet potato has more vitamins and micronutrients than any bread that you might have more oats we've all probably made the famous two ingredient pancake with a banana and an egg high in protein and good fats but not great if you're looking for something substantial so by using cottage cheese you have a more complete macronutrient dense pancake just place your rolled oats cottage cheese and eggs in a blender and blitz until you have a pancake batter [Music] simply cook this with a little bit of butter [Music] you're done you can eat these as is but if you have fruit and peanut butter lying around why not you can always get a little more creative if you're being extra healthy don't add anything if you want something a little sweeter go ahead and add one teaspoon of maple syrup that's never really hurt anyone [Music] so obviously as you can see we added a couple more ingredients the three ingredients was the base um and then it's up to you if you want to build upon them you can have the pancakes absolutely alone by themselves they're still going to be very delicious but if you do want to kick a sweetness i'm sure you have something in your pantry that won't add too much calories like maybe a little bit of honey a little bit of agave a little bit of maple syrup some fresh fruit i had some raspberries you can use some bananas and things like that um just something to make it slightly sweeter for me peanut butter and butter just kind of just makes it like a better experience but it doesn't make it unhealthy again with calories it's all about kind of like balance and knowing exactly what you're putting in let's try it this is so good this doesn't even taste healthy you've heard of green eggs and ham let's make green eggs and steak first thing we'll do is quickly blanch about half a cup of spinach this really just brings out the natural color of the spinach and it's a one minute process does not take any time at all now we're going to quickly just strain that and that goes straight into our blender three eggs with the spinach now if you wanted to add more ingredients you could you could add things like parsley tender stem herbs like coriander um you can even put some chives if you want to um there's a bunch of different options in terms of just making this a bit more hearty if you want but this is it in its simplest form salt and pepper with the eggs [Music] now we're going to blend this all together you basically want to blend this until it's it's ground as fine as possible in terms of the spinach and you get this beautiful kind of like really really green um color [Music] arguably eating protein and fat in the morning will keep you full the longest grab a hot pan and fry off your steak i'm using a grass-fed strip loin here today season with salt cook until desired doneness while that's cooking we're just going to cook this like a french omelet quickly with some butter make sure to check out my omelette video [Music] season to taste take your steak off and rest for 5 minutes [Music] so [Music] let's give this a taste perfectly cooked medium rare steak our green eggs should be nice and fluffy inside you can make this runnier if you want to as well completely up to you this is so good i could eat this every day you
Channel: FEATR
Views: 374,425
Rating: 4.9649124 out of 5
Keywords: erwan, heussaff, thefatkidinside, weight loss recipes, breakfast recipes, 3 ingredient recipe, keto, pancake, 3 ingredient pancake, gluten free, avocado toast, steak and eggs, healthy recipes, low calorie breakfast, keto recipe ideas, smoothie recipe, feel good
Id: 1x96n-mIspY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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