Leaving A Legacy of Greatness - 23rd May 2021 - Pastor Joel Taller

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[Music] [Music] so good morning everyone oh there's already a beautiful presence of god in this place thank you jesus oh thank you jesus amen hallelujah thank you jesus oh to those of you watching from home this morning we welcome you we're so pleased you're with us but we just encourage you jump in jump into the presence of god this morning amen oh hallelujah jesus we lift you up we worship you we yield to you this morning always say father god have your way have your way have your way come on open your mouth say have your way have your way have your way in us and through us father we yield to you we give you glory oh come meet with us [Music] there's something just so precious about being in the presence of god just something so free and we get this honor and privilege to do just that this morning so let's come with open hearts and [Music] there's no place i'd rather be there's no place i'd rather be than here in your life here in your land there's no place i'd rather be there's no place i rather be this whole place i'd rather be than hearing your love hearing no place no place i'd rather be no place i'd rather there's no place [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want [Music] i want more i want more of you god [Music] there's no place that arrives [Music] [Applause] right [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] there's no place [Music] be [Music] here's [Music] being soul and i praise god we worship you we want more of you god we want more of you god we want more [Music] we want more of you god we want more of you god we want more thank you for your presence god thank you for your presence god thank you that you're moving and you're here right in the midst of your people [Music] you're moving god you're restoring hearts you're freeing lives [Music] and we worship your god this morning come have your way flow holy spirit flow like a river through this place oh god touch every heart oh god touch every lie for god let not one heart of god [Music] he sees you he sees you he sees you he sees you he sees you he sees you he sees you he sees you he's demanding every brokenness he's mending every heart he sees you he's healing bodies he's touching lives he sees you he's touching families he sees you he sees you you're not outside of his reach you're not outside of his reach before he sees you [Music] oh [Music] the holy spirit flow like the day of pentecost [Music] he's moving in [Music] we inhabit [Music] moving in the midst i worship you i worship you you are here working in this place i worship you i worship you you are you are here [Music] you are here in this place i worship you [Music] my god that is [Music] my god that is healing you are here you're healing every heart [Music] we declare [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is who you [Music] [Music] you are [Music] who you are [Music] even when [Music] he went [Music] he's never stopped [Music] is you are [Music] [Music] is [Music] even [Music] when i don't see it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] away [Music] just the voices [Music] he began a good work [Music] oh he never stopped he hasn't stopped working he hasn't stopped working he's still working [Music] just hold on to his promise he's a faithful god [Music] he doesn't go back on his word and because he began a good work [Music] he will complete it he began a good work he began a good work he's begun a good work he will completely he's breathing life into your situation those dry bones are coming back to life those dry bones are coming back to life oh they're coming back to life don't be shaken by what you see the dry bones are coming back to life they're coming back to life he never stopped like he never stopped [Music] is [Laughter] [Music] he's [Applause] [Music] now [Music] he's restoring families [Music] is [Music] you're not outside of his reach you're not outside of his reach he sees you even the young ones in this room he sees you even the youngest one in this room he sees you [Music] he sees you even if you don't fully understand know that god just loves you so much every tender heart every heart that just wants more of god every heart that just needs god in your situation he sees you just open your heart to him and let him in just let him in just let him in he's a faithful god he doesn't go back on his way he's so [Music] faithful oh god oh god oh god oh god [Music] just reach up your hands to him [Music] this is just a sign of surrender unto god [Music] it's just a sign of surrender to god just a sign to say lord i just need you [Music] i just need you [Music] i just need you god on the day of pentecost god poured out his spirit [Music] he poured out his spirit [Music] and the word also says that in the last day he will continue to pour out his spirit on all flesh oh flesh you're not exempt [Music] you're not exempt he sees you he sees you he sees you he sees you he's working in your life he's working in your heart he's working in your body he's working in your body he's working in your body he's working [Music] depression has to go fear [Music] is [Music] never stop working [Music] it never stops [Music] [Music] he never started [Music] he never stopped [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] promise that is is promise keep light in the darkness my god that is who you are lift up a shadow praise hallelujah [Music] hallelujah you are gone he's restoring hearts he's restoring minds he's restoring families he hasn't stopped working he's still moving hallelujah you give life you are love you bring light to the darkness you give hope you restore every heart that is broken great [Music] you bring light to the darkness you give hope you restore every heart that is [Music] [Applause] is so we pour out our praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] you bring light to the darkness is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh our hearts will cry these i [Music] these boats will see [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] praise [Music] leave [Music] god [Music] is [Music] are is [Music] [Music] jesus jesus jesus [Music] jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus father we give you praise in this place we give you praise in this place we this people this morning we thank you that you are working you're working we say great are you lord father we give you praise hallelujah hallelujah praise you jesus praise you jesus hallelujah father thank you for this day this is a day to re reminded to be reminded of the fire of the holy ghost [Music] come on [Music] this is pentecost morning right [Music] hallelujah come on just say it one more [Music] time [Music] lord [Music] praise god [Music] great are you lord right now in our lives in our futures great are you lord forever his promise stands forever you're secure in his hands great are you lord to our children to our city to this region come on to this nation great are you lord come on so much bigger than you so much bigger and yet you are part of his greatness you are part of him and his plan come on grain is his hand on your life [Music] there is nothing nothing he cannot do do you believe that this morning [Music] father we lift this place to you this lamb to you as intercessors every one of us every one of us come on just lift this place up this nation up this morning father we lift up the united kingdom to you and we say great are you lord great are you lord in our city great are you lord in every community great are you lord from the palace from the palace to every side street great are you lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] great isaiah 61 verse 4 says they shall rebuild the old ruins and they shall raise up the former desolations and they shall repair the ruined cities the desolation of many generations strangers still stand and feed your flocks and sons from afar [Music] who are these people who are these people that will be called the servants of god that they shall eat the riches and in the glory of god you shall boast come on who are these people but the bible says that these are the people that god came to restore to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim at liberty the captives anybody who mourns anybody who has had ashes shall have beauty these are the people who will rebuild cities so any person this morning who feels broken or feels like they've had a past or feels at lost sometimes it's that wonderful story of peter in the midst of the pentecost story that peter had a past but with the fire of god peter had a future and peter stepped out a different man than when he came in you are the people that god will use in a nation to lift it up little old me shy little old me yes you oh glory to god so great are you lord right because it's him not us and that's why right that's why father we just flat believe that your plan for manchester that your plan for the northwest that your plan for the united kingdom for preston and all these places that you have spotlighted to this house these homes we flat believe it you are great and your plan is great manchester you're a city of hope you're a city of life you're a city of faith in the name of jesus glory be to god amen glory to god praise the lord come let's praise him one more time in this place left of our hands with our voices thank you jesus yes thank you all we worship we worship [Music] to be a casualty of condemnation i have been redeemed how do i give my life as a place for him to attach his anointing to oh glory to god i heard this in my spirit hallelujah just quieted down slightly i heard this in my spirit give me something to attach my anointing to give me something to attach my anointing to come on we're talking about pentecost sunday how many know being filled with the holy ghost and it's a baptism of the holy ghost and fire isn't just a spiritual luxury it is your spiritual necessity that is not just something that you know you can just enjoy but it's necessary anything that was birthed from the fire of god must be sustained by the fire of god in order for it to see a fulfillment of its purpose and its intent and so what condemnation and what past will do is will pull you away from the fire and it will cause you to draw nato other passions and other fires that will destroy you but there is a fire for you hallelujah it's being lit it's been set it's the fire that jesus had pre-arranged for peter coming out when he was adrift doing his own thing a casualty of condemnation but i tell you what the spirit of god is ruining you back to what is necessary some say the fire is needed there is an urgency for me to burn like a spiritual inferno for him hallelujah i refuse to be a casualty of condemnation his mercy is never-ending his grace is never-ending his ability to uplift me is never-ending his ability to forgive is never-ending holland never ending glory now here's the deal on the day of pentecost when the day of pentecost had fully come the spirit of god came and filled all who were in the house so if you're here and in the house in in the house come on now joining us you're here tuning in come on all shall be filled now i want to say this i want to address needs there in this place because you may have walked in here and said i need i need this and i need that when jesus was presented with the need he looked for parts something to fill first miracle john 2 when there was a need there was a lack he looked jesus looked for something to fill and you can either be an umbrella or you can be a funnel and i choose to turn my umbrella upside down drill hole right at the spiky point and be a receiver of everything that has been outpoured from heaven amen i receive amen and so when there is a need presented god looks for a vessel he can fill come on somebody will you be that vessel and when he when there is a a turning that is needed when there is a turning that is necessary he always looks for somebody who will make a draw when there is a need a lack of wine a lack of whatever he looks for what who can i feel and when there is a need for returning like you don't need a wife or you don't need a husband but you need that marriage to turn from being bitter to sweet come on now you don't need necessarily a you know um a new job a new church or you know you you know someone but you need it to turn you don't need a new business come on somebody you don't need new kids i don't know you can't just farm your kids off but your kids don't farm them off that's why you know we collect our kids when we drop them off to school you pick your kids up from school on friday right just check in just [Music] but if you need something to turn [Music] then god looks for people to make a draw can i have a big amen from the back to the front everyone in between are you getting this there was a need for war to be turned into wine and jesus looked for people to make a draw on what was always present and the drawing is the act of faith that gives god's anointing something to attach to and when his anointing makes contact with water it enriches it and it turns into wine i made a statement last week and i said this that in order for god to get in you've got to make a draw when you make a draw then god gets in and when god gets in he enriches your life god wants to fill you afresh so say man that's me yeah i'll take that fresh anointing it's clear it's evidence in this place it's not just on the stage it's it's happening on you and you on all of us and there is another step and that is make a draw come on make a draw and pour amen it's your breath in my lungs and i pour out my praise was it a lot like to make a draw and make a poor well you you you realize everything that has breath is because of god's goodness and his mercy it's because he gave me life to live and as i pour out my praise to him i make a draw and i pour out my praise to him and god gets in and he enriches and suddenly the turning happens come on now so say oh he's turning it you might want to do the the the action he's turning it come on he's turning coming he's turning our captivity he's turning it come on now we will be like those who dream again hallelujah but he's turning someone's captivity again he's done it once he'll do it again and then you just stay in that place of freedom don't dabble back into those chains prison places no i shall not be a casualty of crippling anxiety will not be a casualty of depression i will not be a casualty of condemnation i will not let the guilt of my past robbed me of the glorious future reserved for me i move forward i press on i receive the fire that is necessary for my walk i receive it afresh and i make a draw today i praise you i praise you lord come on praise me praise and praise and praise and praise praise [Music] oh glory glory glory glory glory [Music] yeah he's getting in his attention is annoying to your life to your mind your body your family your kids your marriage your ministries hallelujah the school situation your workplace we praise you all this nation we praise you we praise you lord glory glory glory glory gloria lord jesus oh glory to god [Music] thank you jesus jesus he told his disciples before before you take a seat he told his disciples in luke 22. uh what was the verse 10 i think it is i've got it down verse 10 he said go into the city and you'll see a man in the city this is right before jesus prepared he prepared the last supper for for for his disciples he said go into a city and in the city you'll see a man follow that man and the man you're supposed to follow is the man who's got a big picture of water on his head he's carrying a big picture of water not a picture frame but a picture you know where you can pull water in and pour water out of water follow that man tell him i have need my master my teacher my rabbi has need of your place he said rent it off him walk in it's yours it's reserved for us man talking about being led by the holy spirit and that same place where they there's an upper room an apartment place in that same place jesus prepared the last supper for his disciples and it was in that same place where the fire of the holy ghost like a mighty russian wind came and filled the whole place where they sat in anticipation and expectation for the fulfillment of the promise of the holy ghost and something happened when the day of pentecost fully came it wasn't just a a picture of water that was placed on top of their head ah man it was yes the the floodgates of heaven were released if it was in the form of a heavenly size picture that picture you better believe it got broken and that water got poured on their heads and fire landed on each and every one of their heads oh glory to god and so i believe the holy spirit is saying listen i want to use some picture people who are going to be carriers of the anointed people who carry the fire of god so whose faith others can follow to upper places upper rooms where the holy ghost can be enjoyed and experienced in greater measures i want to be one of those countless people anyone else not to be impressive but to lead people to the baptism of the holy ghost this is necessary it's not a luxury it's necessary hallelujah so i determined to be a carrier i determined to be a carrier in the name of jesus i will not be frozen out i will not lose by default there's about 10 percent of people say you know i want to unleash the majority say i will not be defeated by default i choose victory i choose to lift up a sound of praise i make a noise i get a hold of my heavenly spiritual trumpet and i'll blow it i blast my trumpet and i'll make a sound i'll make you [Music] [Applause] sound [Music] yes [Music] we say yes [Music] oh glory to god glory to god glory to god man well on your way down why don't you tell somebody tell welcome to pentecost sunday this morning welcome talon welcome to pentecost sunday hey man tell tell somebody else say there's more there's more there's more tell them there's more there's more there's more why don't you put in the comments there's more there's more there's more if you're watching on um on facebook or youtube there is a section where you can put comments if you're watching on vimeo you can put your comments there too i believe uh if you're watching on spotify or or you know i you know i podcast whatever app or whatever it is i choose this one trying to say hey welcome i believe the holy ghost is going to speak to us i don't know if faith comes by hearing hearing the word who who believes and chooses to take the power you need to put my mic up i feel like i'm straining i can't hear myself you need to take the power that's more likely a little bit more you need to take the power that's in the word hearing the word is one thing but taking the power that's in the word that's hurt is another thing entirely and and and then take it a step further and not be ashamed of the power of the gospel amen for the the gospel i'm not ashamed paul said for it is the power of god in other words you don't just hear it you don't just take the power in it you work with it with your actions with your belief with your speaking amen and uh and you'll see great and mighty things wonderful to be together in the house of the lord i want to bring to your attention something before i get into the bulk of the message this morning uh something that we've been diving in something that was prayed out during our 6 a.m prayer as well and if you haven't signed up for faith life prayer you can find us on facebook it's a closed group you can sign up and and uh we'll accept you um we we will check you out first and then we'll like say i'm sure the administrators will accept it and uh and we can pray and make tournament tremendous power together every day uh as we praise all the mics we'll get there amen when we pray together how many know when god gets a hold of fervent people who know they're righteous power is made available made available and then the power that's made available has got to be taken because i'm gonna know there's a lot available in the supermarket but someone's got to take it [Music] so you've got to take it so i'd take it but you can be used to make it as well or make it available in other words be used as a conduit through which the spirit of god uh releases and dispenses his power to your generation to your family to your wife to your husband to your colleagues to the person next to you hallelujah to that individual who desperately is in need of a touch i don't know it's a spiritual necessity to to know how to harness the anointing and to release the anointing into bodies that are heard hallelujah and god's just in his sovereignty chosen people like you people like me to make known the mysteries of the kingdom of god and to release the power of god to our generation hallelujah what an awesome thing what a simple set of truths but how powerful that is i ask you to pray for me i'm i'm going to be teaching in india at like 4 a.m every day this coming week because of the time zones it's going to be live means for a number of hours every day on the very subject of the anointing so we believe the great transformation i've been told those who are in the classes there's a bunch of students but i told about 80 of them are pastors full-time ministry so i believe that we can touch many churches through the teachings that go forth that impartations of the holy ghost will go forth across the nations of the earth amen as we minister to to countless many others because we don't know how many people are gonna you know be touched through the messages and through the overflow of the anointing but uh but how many know it's wonderful being part of the kingdom for such a time as this amen so i began with saying this that um we've been praying in the mornings and about the camera she was praying and using numbers chapter 7 referring to judges churches chapter 7 and verse 16 shows us something that was given to each and every one of the fearless 300. remember god needed a volunteer army amen can we somehow like lower tony's keys slightly and uh saw my sound out you know uh we'll get there we've been talking about how god is raising a volunteer army and he needs people since the very nature of the volunteer army he needs people to sign up to volunteer themselves god's not going to persuade you i mean he will through his word convict you and convince you to be a part to play your part to serve amen in your local church to love other people to be generous to be a giver a man not just a a sucker or a taker or a freeloader all means the same thing amen but god needs a volunteer army and that's exactly what was told to to gideon because enemy armies were coming against them and they didn't have a organized military army and so he needed to have people sign up and scores of people signed up scores of people signed them but too many signed up because god knew many in the camp were afraid were afraid and he said tell them or ask them this question are you afraid and many said i'm i'm terrified i signed up but i'm terrified he said go home if you're terrified go home you do not qualify the spirit of faith is not a luxury it's a spiritual necessity if you want to be involved in god's army if you want to wear the spiritual armory outlined in ephesians chapter 6 you've got to be ephesians chapter 6 verse 10 strong in the lord and in the power of his mind you've got to be strong why to where just to wear the armory to put on the whole armor of god paul the apostle used a very natural picture the pieces of the armory if you add all the weights of the pieces i mean we're talking about in excess of a hundred pounds worth of weight to carry you've got to be strong to carry that god is not looking for weak people he wants us to grow up into greater levels of strength because someone your muscles right now come on i know some people have been or haven't been to the gym for a long time um but but god's calling us to be strong so say i'm getting stronger come on where's your voice this morning so i'm getting stronger [Music] some of you i believe you some of you i don't know i'm not convinced yet so i'm getting stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger god needs us to be strong and fearless only strong and very courageous is that what god told the children of israel and joshua chapter one over and over again he told him why because they were about to take some land well what if they weren't very courageous what if they weren't strong they weren't able to take it oh man so thousands were sent home and they never complained about it they never said anything about it they never argued about it they said okay fine i'm off home that in itself is telling and then he said okay we've got the faith bunch how many know it's okay to be a bunch of people but we need to know how to drink the holy ghost he said now you go no no go and drink and he watched as they drank and only 300 out of 10 000 drank the bible says according to how god saw fit for them to drink so there's a certain way we ought to drink from the holy ghost amen it says that the 300 who drank right they lapped up the water like dogs hallelujah in other words they dove in some say i'm diving in i'm not going toe deep ankle deep knee deep waisty i'm going thank you dr scamway i'm going oh hold on let's head on i was going all in i'm going all in i'm going to lose my phone that's the type of people god wants that's what he's looking for he's looking for people for the word and full of the holy ghost amen word and holy ghost filled believers and then if you notice in judges chapter 7 verses 16 god gave him well they were given two things they were given number one so say a trumpet the fearless and those who knew how to drink from the holy holy spirit it's a picture of that he gave him a trumpet and there was a there was if you will um a torch but it was a covered torch a torch what's that in inside the jar so he they had a trumpet and they had the fire now when the day of pentecost had fully come they lifted up their voices and you know they spoke they prophesied they spoke in tongues which is which is really prophecy inspired utterance in a tongue you don't understand so really it's it's god's word coming out of your mouth you'll speak in the perfect will of god and god's word is likened to that which sounds like a trumpet so when you get come on out full off the word fearless fake comes by hearing and when you get full of the holy ghost come on now you drink from the well you drink from the rivers of life come on there is fire and there is there is a trumpet there is a voice you you sound different and you sound different now your voice has changed and you've got fire you're not dull and indifferent boring come on now no no there's a fire in your belly there's a there's a difference to your voice there's a difference to your sound and what caused the enemy to run cry and flee was the noise they made and the fire that they possessed but here's the deal it was in a jar but they broke the jaw to expose the fire and many in this place and many believers don't lack the infilling of the holy ghost and don't lack the fire that's been placed in their belly but they're containing it and we don't need in this hour closet pentecostals we need people who say i'm not ashamed of the gospel i'm going to expose the fire of god to my generation amen i'm smashing the jaw believe in me i was looking for a job and uh and i wanted to damage just smash it you know boom just to make a picture you know who can hear that in the spirit just the smashing of the jaw so i'm not ashamed of the gospel i'm not ashamed of the fire of the holy ghost what is going to cause the enemy army to run cry and flee with his tail tucked between its legs running like a scared dog is the noise you make and the fire you possess in christ glory to god we don't need believers covering up the fire we don't need churches ashamed of the fire of the holy ghost covering up what we possess we are a church a word church in the spirit church we believe in tongues and interpretations of tongues gifts of the holy ghost amen we believe in the fire of god we believe in deliverance we believe in the the loving kindness that is better than life amen believe in healing we believe in raising the dead we believe in the rapture we believe in the soon-coming king we believe that we're going to get caught up out of here we believe in heaven people we believe in the power of the blood that still flows it still flows praise god thank you for the holy spirit miracles happened when they blew the trumpets when they made a sound and they exposed the fire of god i was reminded of the offer a quote from uh glory to god from smith wheelsworth come on every enemy army every antagonistic devil running in fear as you lift up your voice this way as you burn for him feed on the word that's your fire fuel put another log of god's word his promises on your on your fire this week and you'll burn bright um smith wigglesworth he said this he said god help us to understand this truth it is time that people know how to knew how to shout in faith as they contemplate the eternal power of god to whom it is nothing to quicken and raise the dead so say it's nothing to quicken and raise the dead he said well i come across some people who would be giants they would be giants in the power of god but they have no shout of faith they have no shadow of faith i find everywhere this is somebody who raised 24 people from the dead so he said i find everywhere people who who who fall and fail even when they're praying simply because they are breathing sentences without uttering speech and you cannot get victory that way you must learn to take the victory and shout in the face of the devil it is done it's a done deal there is no man who can doubt if he learns how to shout there will be things that will be different and tremendous things will happen when the believer gets the shout out who's getting the shout out is there a shout in you you may have never shouted in church before you may have shouted to your kids on the way to church but what about shouting in church praise the lord so say thank you holy ghost don't be looking at me like i'm you know listen god's gonna use fools god's gonna use people who have faults and uh failures and all kinds of let's put our eyes on him is there a shout in your belly did he give you a trumpet i talked about 120 trumpets the other day some people thought trumpets in church do you get them i don't want trumpets in the worship team hey listen you are a trumpet you've got you got a trumpet you brought your trumpet today come on who's gonna blow your trumpet today amen who's got the fire of the holy ghost in your belly today who's gonna expose it amen burns up tumors burns up cancer father in the name of jesus father i pray anything that must be burned up in this place your fire is present your fire is and only is and in heaven only it's in and on each one here that has received the baptism of the holy ghost and fire so father we want to thank you for your work your amazing work in this place yeah it's been said over and over and over again this morning already he is the god who heals he's the god who heals the brokenhearted he heals the brokenhearted he binds up their wounds come on now oh come on now if you're here you're broken in your heart healing's here can we expose the fire see la father thank you for the fire of the present the fire of god oh let your fire fall we pray in jesus name hallelujah some say glory glory glory all in his temple shouted glory glory glory glory i'm giving you an opportunity to share this morning so say glory glory glory to you god glory to you god for the lord is good and his mercy enjoys forever for the lord is good and his mercy enjoys forever come on one more time for the lord he's good [Music] and his mercy enjoys forever in jesus name amen he's so merciful i was taken back moved to tears i know many of you worked today this morning he sees me you know even as a minister who's in ministry you know that doesn't get old for me personally he sees me he sees you he sees you he sees every aspect of it he's separated he has sanctified you set you apart i believe he's setting many people apart to fine-tune your inner ear this season i heard that in my spirit praying for the church this this week he's setting many apart in this season you're sanctified set apart to fine-tune your inner ear because you fulfilling the purpose on your life is directly connected to your ability to hear the voice of the spirit of god speak and if we were in a time of being sanctified set apart separated to hear i i i do believe it's now i do i do believe it's right now god has a call for every person in this place the overwhelming reality of eternity is hitting home like never before the bible calls it life on earth as the shortest thing you'll ever do in light of eternity it's like a vapor people cut it in half it's smaller still it's smaller than a vapor your time on earth is the shortest thing you'll ever do but what you do in this period of time deter determines a lot not just for you but a whole bunch of people throughout eternity in jeremiah chapter one verse four to five so i'm finding my place so as i i'm discovering not deciding i am set we don't discur we don't we don't decide we discover we don't make decisions concerning our destiny we discover our destiny you don't decide it like you don't decide the place where you go to church you don't decide what you do you don't decide what you're called to do you don't decide where you work did you realize that i mean god gives you he gives you um you know the desires of your heart i mean he grants the desires off your heart but but there are places some say places even concerning the local body we've been in this series you know he's been enriched by it i believe we're in week seven can you imagine week seven of looking at the local church and um you know i am being changed by it and we're learning that it's the holy ghost who sets us in our place as he desires and as it pleases him not as how we desire or how we are pleased with god's placement it's not our decision it's our discovery so whether whether the placement is pleasing to you or not has no bearing whether you stay or go the easy part really is discovering the place because if you would ask people because god's gracious and good to speak if you ask people who are out of place what's your place i'm talking about what church what place you're supposed to be what city they're about to tell you even though they're not in it they'll belt to tell you that's the reality but many people check out it's easy discovering it because god's faithful to talk the challenge is staying in the place that god has called you to why would god hook people up to leaders who have evident faults and flaws to teach us how to submit to god and his plan and to teach us how to serve in god's house and that's something it's why it was one thing for david to get prepared for his promotion serving his father's sheep in a place where he's loved and then the promotion put him in a place in the king's palace now he's serving the agenda of the king in a place where if the king wakes up on the wrong side of the bed and decides he doesn't like david he's he he's going to kill him and he he david served such a person saul who was a crazy man who wanted to kill david but you know what's amazing about david's story and david's journey is he stayed where he was promoted promotion doesn't always look the same as well they make it out whoever they are they make it out to to to see god will put you with people he will get you around leaders who have so many faults am i preaching to somebody how many i've got faults i don't realize my faults why why why why is pastor john my pastor he's got this wrong with him and that wrong with him hey listen my wrong may may may rub your flesh up the wrong way until you have no blessed flesh left but as long as my flesh doesn't mess with your placement not that i'm wanting to offend you but as long as you can still stay placed in the place that god placed you despite how difficult it may be now you qualify to be used and so when peter's talking about cassio gets upon the lord because he cares for you the context is the church con context it's talking about you know younger people submit to to those who are all over you in the lawn and um because hey here's the deal when walking in walking in uh you know fellowship with the brethren that you will have many reasons many opportunities to care but what you must do is humble yourself and cast the care have i rubbed anybody the wrong way before i'm sure i have anyone to come up and testify we've got a few mics up here we may have a long service this morning oh man i'm you the holy ghost is helping us isn't he most of what i say is not planned so helpless lord anything could be said and probably will but but this is just doesn't apply for me and my relationship with you applies to your relationship with the person behind you and in front of you and beside you well they don't like me hey listen if you like it or not it doesn't matter you discover your place and in a time where we are the time we're in with the dispensation of the fullness of the holy ghost and fire the holy spirit is going to show you speak to you and the first step to discovering your destiny is realizing god speaks god is a speaker i said god speaks the word of the lord came to me saying as you can see on the screen the word jeremiah 1 4 then the word of the lord came to me saying god sets with his mouth he the word comes in spoken form hallelujah he said before i knew you before your mom even knew she was expecting you and do you think about that before your mom knew she was expecting you god said i i i knew you i i had a value placed on you i had a pre-arranged path for you to take i had places for you to occupy ah before you were born i sanctified you i ordained you coming out god don't do interviews it happened before you were even born so well i didn't i didn't pass the interview what interview what you want about before you were even formed he put in you he sanctified you he ordained you a prophet this was jeremiah a prophet to all the nations how many know if it was the case for jeremiah's the case for you too so i i've there's a plan on my life god's got something for me hallelujah people it makes it's humorous when people say well i'm going to take a course on how to hear from the lord it's the reason why it's humorous is um i think they've got the card before the horse i've never taken a class to learn my mom's voice because i know her and because i know her i know her voice and so people think well i need to learn how to just know him can i get to know how spend time with him and his voice you'll become more accustomed to his voice and when he speaks you'll recognize that voice in the midst of a whole bunch of other voices and that is key fellowship is key because there are many many voices out there hallelujah so it says the word of the lord came to me saying see god is a speaking god and god says with his voice um on mount sinai his voice was like thunder prophet eli elisha said his voice was like a still whisper john the last disciple he outlived all the other disciples on the out of patmos he said his voice was like the sound of many waters like a thousand niagara falls his voice i don't know he he can he can speak like like thunder like a trumpet like a still small voice like the sound of many wars god's a speaking god in revelation 2 7 it doesn't say you let him that has a mouth let him speak it says let him who has an ear let him hear what the lord is saying talking about john the baptist's ministry in isaiah chapter 4 verse 3 he said he was the voice of one crying out in the wilderness so john the baptist's ministry was he he was the voice off of one so he said i'm preaching for the one who has a voice he said i'm i'm speaking on behalf of the one who has a voice jesus a voice so say god speaks and you discovering not deciding but you discovering your place uh is dependent upon you hearing the voice of the holy ghost voicing hearing the leadership of the holy spirit you seeing the provision is determined by you hearing the voice of god the provider i shared when we for me and bi-weekly on google me for those who've registered their interest to to be a part of and pray and sow and be part of the church plant in preston how many know we're taking the north west amen because we've heard we've heard presidents yours amen it wasn't personal preference or you know uh it wasn't uh because we chose to you know press on to preston but it was it was god's leadership and last time we met i shared from genesis 22 verse 11 to 13 we know the story three day journey abraham father abram takes his son the promised child isaac because god said sacrifice your son and and sure enough he's about to he straps him to the altar he prepares the place fire and he's about to slaughter his son and he's about as he lifts up whatever he was going to use he hears the voice of god speak through a messenger an angel saying abraham abraham don't lay your hand on your boy now i know you fear you fear the lord he he was somebody who paid close attention to the voice of god it's one thing hearing god say something is another thing doing what he said how many of the miracles are dependent upon you doing what god's told you to do first miracle set a precedent jesus uh jesus is mother mary said hey servants whatever he tells you to do do it whatever so say whatever whatever what no not that kind of whatever whatever whatever he tells you to do i will whatever he tells me to do i will do it and it will give birth your obedience will give birth to miracles hallelujah thank you holy spirit and so the moment he took this connection out the moment he heard the moment he heard the moment he heard god speaking through the messenger he saw a ram who got its horns stuck in the thicket the horns are the part of the realm that the ram will use to resist you so god tied up all resistance against you come on up i'm telling you all provision that round was the provision all all provision is tied up it cannot get away from you it cannot resist you but you seeing that always comes after you hearing him and you hearing him always comes after you obeying him even if it trumps personal preference who's getting a message this morning even if it trumps personal preference you do it anyway and what are you going to do what's going to happen you're going to hear more and when you hear more guess what's going to happen you're going to see provision come on nelson you're going to see yeah the provision and he's already know the ram already from day one already was a living breathing ram this is what you can believe that you receive because it already exists amen so say the blessing is not a mystery it's not a ma if you want if you want to be funded by god hook up to his plan and he'll fund you it's not a mystery the blessing and provision follows obedience your word your true worship is not shown by your songs but by your obedience hallelujah who was it billy graham he said you know show me your checkbook today we would say show me your bank statement and i'll show you what you worship because it's easy to give to the one that you love hallelujah well what are we given obedience what are we given honor how many know like someone asked me one time how often do you preach you know they call one of my messages and uh and i just so happen to be talking about uh you know giving and stuff like that and um and they said how often do you pre uh teach on uh teach on giving i said every single message he said what you don't preach on on our marriages oh yeah i do what about faith oh yeah i do oh but you said you preach on giving every single message yeah it's impossible to to teach on marriage without teaching on giving it's impossible to teach on faith without teaching on giving you it's impossible to teach on worship and praise without teaching on giving release and give a sacrifice of praise hamlet of god is looking for the gift of obedience that we can give him on the back of we hear and when we obey even if it trumps personal preference we'll hear more and when we hear we'll see so we'll say my provision cannot resist me it is tied up i really do do help you with these confessions don't i i already do help you i really helped you so what say all the provision that i need cannot resist me hallelujah it's tied up like the donkey that was tied up for jesus this things tied up hallelujah who believe you're going to hear the voice of the lord more clearly in this hour amen thank you holy spirit and we've been talking a lot about just being being full you know don't be unwise not knowing the will of god but be filled with the holy spirit and you will know what the will of god is amen um it's so important uh i was thinking about these things meditating on this and this phrase came up that uh if if you're not full of him then then not only will you be misled you will be you'll be gullible and you'll be deceived you'll be dull and indifferent and so if you're not full you will be gullible in these days and be deceived but you know what you cannot deceive and a a believer who stepped over into adulthood the reason i'm saying things like this and the reason why we are still talking about the local church is because i believe that god wants to take us from being infants into adulthood through servanthood and this is why the spirit of god is stirring these things up and teaching these things is because god told us something he said gather he said grow and he said this will then enable you to go so say gather grow go amen and it's through growing up going from being childlike to stepping over into adulthood through servanthood do we get to carry other people to places amen so uh turn in your bibles please to first corinthians 13 hallelujah so as i'm growing up who's determined to grow up this morning hallelujah we've already got a lot already this morning ah glory glory to god you cannot deceive a mature believer yet there is so much deceived people in the body of christ deceived churches um filled with deception churches filled with deception teaching all kinds of stuff that god would you know put sickness on somebody to teach somebody a lesson where did they get it from like from which book are they preaching deception this is why we take it very seriously the word of god and and here's the deal messages like that people who are who are on that who have embraced i should say that journey of stepping over into adulthood maturity like messages like this immature people don't like to hear about how immature they are but we need to understand immaturity in order for us to transition to maturity so there are certain things that we need to hear in order to transition amen and so there are some very simple keys that i want to just express to you today in first corinthians chapter 13 verse 11 it says this is paul speaking to those in corinth he said when i was a child i spoke as a child i understood as a child he said i spoke i understood i thought i spoke i understood i thought i spoke i understood what i thought as a child but when i became a man when i stepped over into adulthood he said i put away childish things he did not say this and this is where a lot of people got into error he said when i when i stepped over into adulthood i i did not have any childish thoughts i did not he didn't say i did not have any of those things he said i i did not have any unchildish beliefs or understandings he didn't say i didn't have any of those he said i put them away people think you're either immature or mature oh so-and-so they're so mature because i've seen maturity in this area of their life no paul is saying maturity is discerning when a think thought comes in you think you're you just a mature person doesn't go well that's just how i'm thinking no when a childlike thought comes in somebody who's mature or stepped over into adulthood when you become a man a woman you've grown up you discern that is childish and you put it away amen for a long time you'll be pawning away childlike speaking for a long time we're going to be putting away childlike thoughts childlike beliefs childlike understanding since i'm putting it away part of adulthood is discerning that is childlike and you put it doesn't mean that you're not gonna no he didn't say i didn't have it he said ah put it away paul said maturity isn't i know everything in fact immaturity is i know it all and unfortunately there's a lot of know-it-alls in the body of christ you can't tell them anything that they are that they don't already know but do you know that do you know what that calls those type of individuals immature but the sad reality is this it locks them into deficient division defeat and that's not our portion since i'm growing up some say we annihilate deception i'm growing up and where as i grow up i can discern that's immature speaking i put it away that's immature thoughts i put it away that's uh that's immature thinking i put it away this week you ought to say that like out of your mouth that's him that's childlike haven't put it away come on i put it away and so in matthew hebrews chapter 6 verse 12 from the nlt it says then you will not become spiritually dull in and indifferent this is where this is all stemmed from because we've touched on this a little bit instead you will follow the example of those who are going to inherit god's promises because of their faith and endurance the chapter before hebrews chapter 5 11 says of whom jesus talked about jesus the high priest of the church he says we have much to say he said we have we we are we have much to say but it's hard to explain it's like for those who who refuse to grow up like no matter how how much you're trying to express a thing it's just so hard to explain it because they're just not willing to listen so much to say and hard to express since you have become dull dull of hearing dull of hearing well become dull which means once upon a time you were not dull and indifferent you were sharp and i can't get away from these thoughts that god wants to get you like red hot and passionate to hear the word not passive not on unattentive not sluggish not dull and indifferent but red hot for the word you can tell if you become dull of hearing when the speaker gets up and starts teaching certain messages and you say this is what comes i've heard i know that i want to hear something else you've you're slipping into itching ears and you'll be locked into deception division and defeat the lord must love us because he doesn't want us deceived this is why he's teaching messages like this he doesn't want us to fear it and he doesn't want us divided but i've heard it i know it there is no area no subject that god has ever spoken to you about that doesn't require hearing more about that subject there is not one area of your life what i love about watching kenneth copeland do you know when he is a guest on on his believer's voice of victory and um you know he gives them the floor so to speak you know they're at that round that table anyone watched the tv show and he this is a guy who's been in ministry for well 65 years 70 years something like that you know he's in his late 80s now so i mean it must be must be 60 years plus right anyway he will you know the the speaker will be like turn to turn to john 3 16 he's right on it he's right on it he knows it turn to romans chapter 10 and 17 you know faith comes by here and here and by the way then he's he's getting right there he's getting right there i need to i need to see it he's preached it a thousand times but you know what he's he's not dull and indifferent he's like i need to hear this i need to see this again faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god but i've heard this faith doesn't continually come and your faith the spirit of faith that is on the inside of you isn't stirred up having heard it's hearing and hearing what you have heard over and over and over again but if you're if you're dull and indifferent then the holy spirit finds it hard to explain more stuff he wants to talk to you about and you can tell you're not as passionate about it anymore you're not as attentive attentive as as you were before how hungry are you for the word i've because of consistency and now it's just a habit i you know asked my wife you know i i'll be listening to several you know the word audio bible or there's never a day i'm not listening to the word i study the word i mean i invest hours into the world i remember when i was younger because i convinced my family my parents to get got tv thank god for god tv and that's when i learn about the word of faith and you know my parents place in the in the living room they have the tv and the cabinet where you can close the doors you know and i was all the time wanting to listen to the word and and family members like can we turn that off please i said no i'm hungry for the word and so what i would do was you know to appease my family i would close the doors but i bought myself addictive phone it's the size of a brick at that time i don't remember cassettes kids you have no idea it was even before cds what what's the cd just google it i would put that dictaphone i press record play button the record button at the same time remember those days and i would record the 28 and 30 30 second uh program you're going to be at jesley or jerry or brother hagin i'd record it and they it would be recording on that tape and then i knew you know though things were closed so it didn't bother anyone else and and i when it was done but i was straight there got the cassette ran upstairs put it in wore that tape out studying there listening to that man oh hungry attentive do you know what it wasn't hard for the holy spirit to get things across to me we've got to keep that up though and i've heard that i know all about that oh danger i'm slipping into itchiness give me something new entertain my flesh entertain my soul i want the word i got the i want to i want the word verse 12 hebrews 5 12 by this time you ought to be teachers you need so let me challenge every bible school graduate in here especially those who've gone to rhema at the drop of the hat you bet you should be able to teach on healing faith authority the name of jesus paul's theology of righteousness come on now we ought to be honored full of the word ready in season out of season not just those who graduated from bible school we're we're we're marines we're we are disciples of jesus people have countless amount of countless amount of questions and we've been entrusted and this is a shake-up call because we've been entrusted with the bread of life but we're struggling how to bake bread and where our whole assignment is to get this out out there hallelujah thank you holy ghost thank you holy ghost because these are words these are life-giving god-breathed power-filled life-changing substance-filled spirit filled vehicles ready to land into one's heart an injection of truth that breeds and give birth to liberty it's the truth that sets people free hallelujah by this time you you ought to be teachers you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of god and you've come to need milk and not solid food everyone who partakes only of milk is skillful in the word but he's he's a he's a babe now now often a sign of immaturity is this it's like just just oh oh don't get me on that yesterday we had tomahawk steaks has everyone had tom hawk steaks you know there is a god i'm telling you god made a cow amen for the time of hawks and um but i enjoyed the tomahawks i enjoy meat and i also enjoy meat come on i know patricia you and you're big me i'm joking i'll mess with uh anyone else enjoy me patina one a sign of immaturity is just going to the tomahawks and never drinking a glass of milk because it's just milk i enjoy milk to this day i had a glass i i like milk anyone else like milk oh there's triplet uh chip cookies and a glass of milk i enjoy milk to this day yet i have i'm an adult and i still like steaks do you know what same should be true with the simple things of the kingdom the simple keys it's like oh with this oh there's nothing quite like oh glass there's nothing quite like just sitting back and knowing that i'm born again there's nothing quite like realizing and just meditating i've been crucified with christ it's no longer i who live but christ lives in me the life which i now live yes i'm living in the flesh but but his life the son's life his spirit is in me oh my gosh it's really all because of his love for me you meditate on these things make it personal i i'm now simply enjoying my second existence which is jesus using my body hallelujah i see his soul behind this world i'm so loved by him he sees me before my mom even knew i was she even she knew she was expecting me he knew me he knew me god's got a plan for me oh man but i've heard that get back to that so i'm getting back to that thank you holy spirit i don't want to race on on certain things because i'm telling you you want the more but you're not stealing what you've got how are you going to be interested with more if you don't steward what you've you've been given solid food belongs to those who are full of age that is those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil mature he hears the word understands the word and applies the word daily hallelujah if you don't practice the word then then then you will not know the difference between good and evil and this is where the deception has crept in many have become dull deceived not not understanding the times that we're living in drift off from healing because of other people's accounts well you know that whole laying on off hands deal is you know it can't be the will of god that it's you know the will of god to heal everybody i mean so and so i saw it i witnessed i was there i was there i heard the prayer i mean they said they really believed but they in fact they died they didn't get any better they got worse and so really i'm you know i don't really believe in healing anymore it's it's it's sad it's not humorous it's pretty it's pretty sad and it's but the reality is that everyone you don't even have to be born again to to believe in healing you don't because god put healing in the physical body next person who tries to challenge you and argue the truth that you know that you believe concerning healing that god's a healing god and he heals all and it's the will of god for all to be healed you tell them well well have you ever had a scar on your body and and most likely they'll show you it no i want to see the wound show me the wound well no this happened years ago this happened years ago i mean no no i've just got a scar just to to show now i want to see the wound show me the wound well no what are they going to say well that happened years ago what happened well it got healed i thought you didn't believe in that i thought you didn't believe in healing see people believe in healing but you just believing in healing isn't going to cause you to be healed i believe in driving but that's not going to get me anywhere me believing in driving is not going to get me there it's not going to get me places i need to have a car and i need to have more than a car i need to have a license it's a good start i need to have a car but i also need to have some keys because people have cars but they don't can't even find their keys and i need to i need to use those keys and i need to know how to drive i don't want to over complicate the word but there's keys to this thing and we are growing up well what about a child well children can't drive but that doesn't mean they can't get to the places where they need to why because adults can drive them there and so you if you want to take people on the journey of experiencing god then then then you can be that person you can be the chauffeur you can be the driver if you yield to growing up and not grow dull and indifferent but get your passion back for truth and growth because god will then use you to drive people believing in something is not enough well i believe in that well then by default i'm just no you can believe in healing all day long like i believe in driving all day or believing flying all day long but that's going to not give me an ability to to be able to drive i need a plane i need to know how i need the keys and i don't want to over complicate it but because it's simple but we just have to yield to it hallelujah is this what the message is seeping in okay good i need it i i need it i'd love to get on to surfing because that's the that's the place that that's the place where we where we where we grow up it's the place where we move from adult from childhood to adulthood it through through surfing let me just finish with a couple scriptures here in romans 12 verse 2. it will set us up good for next week romans chapter 12 verse two it says do not be conformed from the english standard version don't become fun you know they took the clock away i used to have a big clock there and i can't see the time apparently there's a screen up here which there we go half the digits like cut off so i i'm not trying to find excuses but i can't see the time what do you expect from me expect me to finish on time i can't even see you take my clock away come on what's the what's the problem i'm looking at you guys i know who you are you know who i'm talking to it's 12 now i know it's it's it's 10 o'clock elsa says he said he he stopped the time he walked in stopped that english standard version says do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is by testing you may discern what is the will of god what is good and acceptable and perfect you may think you have a renewed mind just because you have knowledge of the word but you you don't have a renewed mind until you put away child like thinking you don't have a renewed mind until you put away childlike speaking childlike understanding when you rise up and say i quit thinking like that i quit speaking like that i quick quit understanding like that amen and then one one last uh passage one last passage this morning in first corinthians chapter three verse one to six a few verses here is this look lil lil we're growing up amen little babies when they cry they can expect to be carried right they can expect to be picked up and carried um but there comes a time where you can't pick them up all the time because they they're at an age where they can walk you don't have to baby them our kids you know when we're going out places like oh dad can you pick me up i'm like no you've got two feet i've got two feet you've got two legs you walk you know i'm using mine you use yours you know you've grown up now you're not too ah man this is the last sunday that gloriana's gonna yeah next this time next week i'm having a teen in my house i've got a teenager in my house this time next week i'm looking forward to the best days are ahead whoo teenage years they've been a delight and the teenage years teenage girls in the house oh my god i'm going to pray for you yeah because you know we're going to have so much fun it's going to be amazing amen it's gonna be awesome there is an increase of long-term babyhood in the body of christ we're not against babies we love babies we're against people who aren't babies anymore wanting to stay a baby that that's what we're against we wanted to grow grow up amen paul had to teach and correct a lot of stuff in corinth and uh we'll see this one thing it says and i brethren could not speak to you as spiritual people but as to carnal as two babes in christ i fed you milk and not with solid food for until now you were not able to receive it and even now you are still not able after all three years it was come on it's about time for you you are still carnal for where there is envy strife divisions among you are you not carnal and behaving like me and men that's a sign that when people get offended immaturely next first for when one says i am of paul and another i am of apollos are you not carnal or what's the answer yeah what's he saying do you know what's wrong with with you you have your favorite preacher like you would want me to preach and a sign of immaturity is you do not hear god in other people who speak just because it came through them doesn't mean it's any less god just because it came through them your immaturity is you'll hear it from one person but won't hear it from another person come on somebody it's amazing who god will use you use a child to preach messages to us and that'll be the god selection any one of us could be used at any moment to just speak but a sign of image i can't receive from that individual divisions we need to grow up oh someone says got a word let me hear it it's not any any less you got just because it came through them no no it's power in earth and vessels harm earthen vessels i'm gonna know we've all got earth and we're gonna earth than vessel flesh but it's him we're not hearing oh his message or you know so-and-so's her message we're wanting the word we're wanting the word and your maturity will be tested by how well you receive from other people that are not your favorite speaker and god may position you to be part of a team who maybe they're not your favorite individual and they may not be your favorite teacher or whatever it may be but your maturity will be tested by your ability to receive from them i i've shared a lot here but we're moving on amen praise the lord father i pray as you've said it summer in a season of separation sanctification being set aside to to have their inner ear fine-tuned to you and lord i thank you that that is possible that is possible for us to to move from being dull and indifferent to being hard to uh be tall to be easy to teach easily led hallelujah by you not easily misled by every wind of doctrine but father that we would discern what is good and what is not good having our spiritual senses exercised by being doers of the word that we hear father i pray that you would convict everyone in this place about the truth that is being given to them that they would walk in it you convict me you challenge me areas of my life that that i need to fine tune concerning everyone no one is exempt father i pray that we grow up hallelujah we are growing up we're moving we're stepping over from childhood to adulthood glory to god through servanthood hallelujah surfing not picking choosing who who we like it doesn't have no divisions father i pray that there would be no divisions in this place hallelujah i pray that no one would divide themselves from the place that you've chosen them to be well i don't get on with them father thank you that your placement trumps personal preference pleasures likes dislikes your your ministry holy ghost i pray it to be rich in each household this week in the name of jesus i pray just lift up your hands father father i thank you for these people surrender to you lift up your hands whatever it is the lord needs you to do this week i don't know why you're stepping into this way i don't know what you what must be done through you this week but whatever it is assigned to your life to do this week i speak great grace over you i speak great ability over you i speak yeah just to just uh just the great ministry of the helper in the name of jesus holy spirit will help you this week amen the fire of god will be present this week amen you just keep on letting him fill you fresh and then you make a draw and then then then his anointing will enrich that which must be in the name of jesus thank you father your people walking forward with wisdom your people walking forward with strength and power and might and know-how glory are not deceived nor misled and led astray but knowing knowing knowing knowing accuracy accuracies in the name of jesus knowing the tone knowing the pace in which they're supposed to be speaking knowing what to say when to say what to say to whom and how father in the name of jesus father let their their mouth be navigated in the name of jesus make their tongue like like the pen in the hand of a ready writer to release what must be said that will steer their course in the right direction we speak over the rudders the mouthpiece and we see be aligned be aligned be set in the right direction in jesus name set a god over your mouth this week watch the things that come out of your mouth death and life truly are in the power of the tongue pay close attention to what you're saying put away child child like speaking put it away and say it i put that away that's a childlike thought i put it away father give us all that oh yeah a fresh dose of the holy ghost to rise up with the power invested in us hallelujah glory to god to put away what must be put away in jesus name hallelujah someone said i walk in victory this week i walk in triumph this week i walk in the plan of god [Music] one step in front of the other lord spoke to me and often speaks to us very very simply he said john i want to increase you my way my way and then something very simple he said to us he said step master don't be concerned about the steps ahead just step faster and you'll find your feet will be in the right place at the right time with the right people and you will be on the right path with the pre-arranged provisions that god's prepared ahead of time i believe her i believe amen hallelujah i'm excited i sense the holy ghostly man i'm excited i'm excited for you there's really nothing quite like being in the plan of god i won't trade it for anything i wouldn't trade it for anything being in the plan of god being married to the right person being in the right church with the right people doing the right things come on i wouldn't trade him for anything thank you lord his plan is perfect we embrace it lord we embrace it we embrace your master plans [Music] your plan that has been designed in the design room of heaven we embrace them the architect of the ages we take the blueprints with the help of the holy ghost we move forward hallelujah we move forward with the plan amen with the sword of the sperm hallelujah lord glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory come on glory let's love on him glory glory glory glory [Music] you bring light to the darkness you give hope you restore every heart [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise you all [Music] you are loved [Music] heart that is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] our [Music] you are great for foreign [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] you [Music] praised [Music] good [Music] praise [Music] amen oh this is loud happy pentecost sunday guys happy pentecost sunday just as we stay in this mood let's keep worshiping i'm liking the atmosphere does anyone know this song though if you guys know it holy ghost fire fire fall on me holy ghost fire fire fall on me on the day of pentecost fire fall on me on the day of pentecost fire fall on me [Music] holy ghost fire fire fall on me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] what a glorious day to be in the presence of the lord amen amen so glad to have you in the building with us today and online as well hey everyone um just a few things from me a reminder about the soaring faith devotional which continues to be released on a daily basis by pastor joel ever faithful in the word amen provides us with amazing scriptures amazing words to think about but these are only snippets you know a foundation to grow from um he puts hip so beautifully yesterday in the word that he released your heart is like a garden whatever you cultivate in that garden will grow and produce fear fruit and when that word when the word is what you grow you are mighty beyond any forces that may try to weaken your faith so do we have people of faith here today amen hallelujah so make sure to tune into that get get something to really stir up your soul get you thinking get you in that place to connect with god on a deeper level amen um just continue to tune in with us to our prayer sessions every week 6 a.m prayer which is power filled and excellent it's an excellent way to start the day so it's there every morning at 6 00 a.m during the week so hop onto facebook and you you can find it there and i just wanted to thank kanwa because i see her every week in faith of true power and prayer warriors starting us on a sunday and it's so amazing to have that to have access to that so thank you kanwa it's amazing for that is she in oh my goodness you're in hello morning i'm so sorry i didn't see you thank you so much so it's amazing to see you on there hallelujah amen um and we cannot out give god a man we know that when we are generous with even our little god sees our heart and he um rewards our obedience in malachi the lord talks about the ways in which he will pour out he will open up the windows of heaven and pour out blessings so much so that we will not possibly have enough room for it so let us glorify god with our plenty amen amen hallelujah you can give online or um if you're in the building towards the back in the little um giving station you can go there and do that in person amen amen so we just appreciate all the servers in the house hallelujah there are still areas requiring hansel make sure to tune in and sign up if you haven't already and as we prepare as exciting times happen that we might be able to get everyone in here um then there are still new ways to get involved so if you have any ideas of any new roles that could come into play bring that forward and that will be an amazing time hallelujah it's been wonderful to have you with us today both in the building and online and just have a great week stay blessed everyone hallelujah [Music] [Applause] amen
Channel: FaithLifeCentre
Views: 195
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 0kML6B7vN9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 7sec (8947 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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