Honour The Place + Process - 18th April 2021 - Pastor Joel Taller

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welcome well it's that time of the week again amen welcome to faith line amen if you're visit visiting us this morning then we want to extend a very special welcome to you to those of you watching online we're so glad you're here welcome jump up join in it's gonna be a good one this morning amen well if you're not already up on your feet come on church let's get up let's get ready to lift up the name of jesus in this place let's begin to worship him to praise him to give him the honor that he's you amen hallelujah hallelujah praise you jesus hallelujah glory to god so waking up from the darkest night fixing my eyes is finally free your spirit makes me machine is unraveling let's feel alive to praise you there's no turning by i was meant to love i was made i'm you make me fearless hmm let it break your name let it break everywhere actual name jesus jesus you make the darkness tremble jesus jesus your silence free jesus jesus you make the darkness tremble jesus jesus breathe cause these bones to live cause these lungs to sink once again i will pray once again i will praise jesus jesus you make the darkness tremble jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus you make the darkness is is is foreign is is is is jesus you make the darkness tremble jesus jesus jesus is is is jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus you make the darkness jesus jesus jesus jesus silence fear it's jesus the jesus tremble jesus jesus you make the darkness jesus silence fear jesus is silence fears oh oh your mercy never fails me for your mercy never fails me all my days from the moment oh with every breath that i am is is is is is we give you everything your goodness is running out it's running after me all my life you have been faithful every breath that of the goodness you have been so good of the goodness of will god of the goodness of god will sing of the goodness of god is will say of the goodness of god chasing us down your goodness goodness thank you for your goodness thank you so oh goodness is all around i'm so thankful you are good you are call the sun to rise it down to rest you hold this heart of mine so such an awesome faithful raining in is is so oh is is is so wonderful you are is so generous oh is the name of god is the name of god is love the name of god is pouring down on us is it's pouring out on us is oh is receiving now pouring out his love on you pouring out his love on you pouring out his love on you whoever you are is is is team you just all first work with this for a moment our sense that's fresh deposits of the holy ghost in this room god's not limited between our our present place how many know we can occupy two realms at the same time the realm of the spirit and this natural realm we are spirit beings and in this place there are spiritual deposits being released there is something called fresh anointing and if you believe it's being poured out then just receive but there is always a man's side and always a god side man's side is this this is what con consecration looks like i empty my cup so that god you can fill it up and i censored my spirit strongly i had this strong conviction in my in my heart when i walked in here that there are assignments heavenly assignments with your name on it but many have given up on that assignment because of their past they've forfeited the high call of god because of what they've done they've been very carnal they've been discouraged by what they've dabbled in and the spirit of god if you let him he will arrest you right now there is a fresh outpouring of the holy ghost but there is something called hear me now i'm not the holy ghost is speaking he wants to fill your cup the consecration looks like you empty in your cup so he can fill you up and there's some people in here that the holy ghost needs to arrest and he wants to arrest you and he's saying this why are you letting your past trip you up empty your cup and i will fill it up says the spirit of the lord and i believe that would be a moment right now for you to activate your faith unashamedly before him no matter who's in the room and you lift up hands and say lord i know there is freshness for me and some other individual's problem in this room is this oh man you become so content with the life that you're living and you call it humility settling for the life i'm okay with what standard i'm living at i'm okay with what i know revelation wise you call it humility god calls it pride because it takes not nothing of god to sustain that life that you live in you are self-reliant you are totally independent upon god and independent upon man but god's called you and made you divinely deficient samara what are you on about i'm divinely deficient that's not very encouraging you are called not to lean on your own understanding but in all of your ways you acknowledge him and he will direct your steps thank you father if everything that you're doing in life ministry is uphold by your hand you may call it humility but already god calls it pride and he wants to he wants you to empty your cup of that so he can fill your cup with fresh grace fresh grace and your man i see it in the realm of the spirit i can see some of you walking out of this place with grace on your lips well what are you talking about your sound will be different your voice will carry a greater weight it will break and it'll add like a hammer it'll smash things that need to be broken up so miss david says he is annoying talking about that which is being poured out psalms david said in psalms 45 is to he said he anoints my my mouth with grace grace on your lips you speak different gracefully new words in this new season you can see a shift in the seasons people you can see a shift in the seasons i i love this season of change where where you see life and you know things are blossoming and things are coming up and coming who believes things are blooming in your life and things are multiplying and things are growing and things are getting greener and fruit's coming come on now who sees the signs of that as it goes with the natural so it goes with the spirit hallelujah but many have settled because they don't believe and by their actions we can tell what they believe they don't believe there's more but there is more some say there is more there is more souls to hear the name of jesus there is three billion plus people who've never heard the name of jesus there's more nations there's more communities there's more people to share the gospel to there's more power there's more healing there's more insight come on now there's more facets of god and more rooms in the realm of the spirit for us to explore man there's more of god's comfort more of his love more more more experiences god wants you to experience taste and see there's great there's more tastes come on now there's more things to hear there's more things to touch more more things to experience in him amen and uh and you may call what you've experienced thus far as good and dandy and you're living your life and you call it humility i'm not pressing for more i'm content it's you know god calls it pride because uh you can sustain that life but i want to be in the arena where where i'm linking myself up to something called called god's anointing or god's grace where it wasn't my works it was an act of god's handiwork it wasn't my doing it was his grace at work in my life it wasn't my power it wasn't my intellect it was my ability it was by the spirit says the lord i want things to be so evident in my life on the progress to be so seen in my life that no one could give me the credit for it i'm not looking for credit i don't want the credit i want people to give god all the glory amen and get all the glory hallelujah but that is not gonna happen people aren't gonna be marveled by what you make you're not that smart i hate to burst your bubble but certain bubbles need to be burst amen can you see the pops can you hear the pops going off man people's pride and puffed up nurses getting popped all over the room amen myself included amen because we're emptying ourselves up so you can fill us up so say multiplication still say more so say i will not lean on all my own understanding but in all of my ways i acknowledge him oh he leads me he guides me he fills me he anoints me he refreshes me he sustains me he empowers me he's strengthening me he's showing me he's telling me oh he's preparing it all for me thank you jesus thank you jesus father we believe you we believe your matchless power love it's it eclipses any any other love that is out there we we find our place in you this morning we find our trust invested in you and we trust you for the remaining part of this service thank you holy spirit amen thank you all this i said this last week and it stayed with me all week there is something and i heard it in the service again songs of faith sometimes it comes out boisterous people start shouting hallelujah glory and you hear a sound of faith but then there is what david talked about and that is he's annoying my my lips with grace there is grace and both are needed faith and grace is needed faith pushes through to see a fulfillment of what god's promise that has to get a hold of god's promise and it presses through barriers amen and it sees a it pulls it into the the the seeing realm that's what faith does but there's something called grace and that's not a push that's a pool where god's grace gets to work in god's favor gets to work in and he pulls those things that god has promised to you to you there is a force of faith but then there's a flow of grace and if you operate in faith glory to god pass through all those natural barriers and say none of these things will move me my physical abilities my own strength my own intellect what i know none of these things move me i press through that i press through all insecurities that are out there all the limitations that are in the world that present itself i press through who's saying i press through amen i saw say i pressed through paul said i pressed towards the mark of the high calling i'm not letting go of my high calling because i've been arrested by the holy ghost today so faith presses through to latch on to hold on to the grace when it gets to working it flows to you instead of you pressing two grace flows to you and when you've got grace and you've got faith and the two me wow you got something special and i believe something's cooking in this room hey man something special is going to take place extraordinary whoa come on extraordinary i don't want general i want extra ordinary i don't want to ordinary i want extra not no super not not natural super super natural amen why don't you go ahead and say hello to two or three people and say hey welcome to the supernatural sunday welcome to the service this morning love them greet them smile at them show them your pearly whites tell them so good to see you this morning i would agree my wife who's watching online i know i know you are sweetie i i know you i know you are watching online and i want to agree all of those who are who are there for your comments if you're watching on on youtube then subscribe to the channel like the post uh it just helps with the algorithms it you know pops up to more people's feeds and that kind of stuff so do your part you know it doesn't cost you nothing to to like it if if you like it if you don't like it then you don't have to like it but follow the page we post content every every week so subscribe if you're on facebook hey greens to those on facebook um you know thanks for joining us you know we love to see you sometime soon right here in person because god's calling us to gather together i know we're we're here in capacity every week but you know um hey getting quick getting quick and registering and make it out as often as you can it's nothing quite like gathering together amen my wife pastor evie she sends her love because our corgi our dog um is um it's about to give birth people and so uh she was up all night and we were up all night and i was on night watch and uh but i'm refreshed because i'm in the i'm in the glory of the lord i can sleep late my but i told my body you'll sleep later stop stop whining complaining you'll sleep eventually i don't know you can tell your body you know when to eat what to do wake up stay alert i'm gonna be i'm i'm alert today full of energy um you know running off maybe 120 minutes of sleep but that's all good amen it's all good but my wife is right there because the dogs are panicking they're not eating her food and so joy that's the name of our dog joy is being multiplied in the taller household amen i'm believing for 26 puppies no i'm joking as soon as i found out how much i can sell these puppies for i thought man i got my faith out there i thought let's have it let's say double figures at least come on poor joy no bless joy come on you can do it joy come on joy come on joy i know everybody's put their pastor you've lost your mind yeah i've lost my mind i i i've got a hold of the mind of christ amen so anyway um that's why ev is not here this morning so she would have loved to be here we did think about for maybe two seconds bringing joy and just but bad idea lasted two seconds like i said who believes that god is faithful who believes that god is able not just to make promises but to keep the promises he's made hallelujah you know something that um abraham he says in romans i put this down because i wanted to share with you romans chapter four this is not my message but i believe there's a word for us this morning amen uh we're looking at this subject called the unstoppable church the local church the body of christ amen and i believe we are the group that cannot be shaken we are the group that will not be stopped and there's key ingredients that must be found in the body of christ and that is unity we'll touch on them recap a couple things and we'll hear some new things today amen it's gonna be glorious i mean this whole series is glorious you know it's not everyone's cup of tea but you know hey you need it anyway well i've heard this before who cares if it's not about what you've heard before it's what you need to hear now yeah it's a bunch of stuff i've heard before but there's certain things i've heard before that i need to hear now amen and so i believe there's a now word for us and that's about the local church but i wanted to encourage you with something um about abraham it says in romans chapter 4 verses 21 it says i'm being fully convinced amen i believe this is the season of being fearless in other words to be full of faith or full of hope amen um and fully convinced of what god had said promised come and he was he was also able to to perform so so abraham he he gave god credit for being able to keep his end of the bargain god is able to do what he said and he can outshine anything that you believe god is able to do for god is able who's going to help me finish this the verse ephesians chapter 3 20 for god is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ask think or even imagine in other words if you can think it he he out does what you think according to that's the key the power that is of god that is our work within who's going to let the power of god work within man i like people who know the word amen is good so anyway we're we're in for some good things this this this year brother copeland prophesied that this is the year of the local church and i believe that amen i believe it's important for us to hold fast too to the word i told my girls they're going to make some notes they're going to preach this message to me later on so so you can hey history makers and note-takers amen so some history makers on the front row you can take notes wouldn't bother me one bit uh but i believe there's going to be things that are going to be triggered in your spirit stood in your spirit i believe a holy ghost determination a spirit of determination is going to be stirred in your heart today about your place discerning the body your place discerning other people's part in the body of christ and also um amen understanding your supply we can't cover that all in one service you can we'll be here for 20 20 plus hours but we're at church we're not a conference we can come back amen but we're going to hit you know and we'll all know um when we've landed and then we'll temporarily unbuckle and work with what we've got amen and how far we've gone and then we'll keep on working with what the holy ghost has got for us amen so important to hold on to what god's saying i want to say something um very simple what i'm about to say what i'm sharing is god's word it's not my words it's god's words so if you get offended then take it up with them don't write me letters i've got a special place for those letters in a little box i put it every monday they get emptied the following monday com i don't listen to complaints amen amen amen but uh if you have questions that's another thing and we want to have answers it's okay to have questions amen and those that those questions going to be answered i believe the reason for many people's issues the reason why they're weary weak defeated in life financial issues marital problems i believe this series is full of answers for you and i'll preach it boldly because it's the word but i'm also preaching it from a place of experience having given myself to this hallelujah discerning my place and taking my place in the body of christ seriously discerning other places in the body of christ what do you mean places well um thing you know positions in the body and what god's called other people to do in the body and how that relates to my part and also the importance of bringing mass supply to a place that god's planted me and i know that's all loaded and it is it's loaded what does that mean supply well you've got a spiritual supply and i'll say this there is a spiritual supply for each person in this place but you don't tap that spiritual supply or whatever place god's called you to the local church you don't tap that supply until you give off your supply the supply for you don't flow unless you release your supply and so that's going to come in like maybe a few weeks we're going to look at look at that but this is divine this is awesome amen i don't care if the tap's on and it's flowing down the pipe if you've got a kink in the pipe anyone ever had that you've got a knot in the pipe it's not coming out it's not it's not coming out you've got a kink in the pipe somewhere so so i know i know the pressure is flowing i know the pipes fall the you know god's side um tell them you know tell them hey you should be here um just tell them hey where are you what are you calling me don't you know where i am praise the lord amen amen there is a spot it's in the pipe and it's flowing but if there's a kink it's not getting to you so i believe we're going to get the key the knots out they're not so people getting untangled people get remember this is not my words and i started the series looking at an interesting passage it's found in philippians chapter 2 verse 15 and it says in the midst of a crooked in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation among whom you shine is that the call of the church to shine can we we would talk that song in sunday school you know uh shine jesus shine but also let your little eye shine how does it go this little light of mine i'm gonna let it shine let it shine it's not little but let it shine it's a big light we can change it you got a big light on the inside well we're called to shine albeit in the midst of a crooked is this world crooked is it perverse well that's why the church is still on the earth to be a light now how are we going to be a light in this earth how is the church going to be exactly there well it goes on to say in verse 16 hold this is a key hold in fast embracing the word of life hold on to the words that god has given you perhaps you're here and you know you've let some words that the spirit of god has spoken to you concerning you've let them you you've dropped them and we've all been there before where we've heard something from god we've heard an assignment we've heard god tell us something and we we dropped it well let me tell you something that's encouraging this is the word of life if god speaks to you his word is living it it didn't die i said it didn't die you may have dropped it but it's living it's still living just because you dropped it you didn't kill it when you dropped it um it's stronger than that amen it's still living that means you can still you can still pick it up then in colossians chapter 3 16 i want to give you another verse here it says let the word of christ let the word of god dwell richly it says let it dwell richly in all wisdom within you dwell in you richly in all wisdom so say richly dwell richly now that's talking about a measurement it's talking about a measurement um that you can have a rich let me put it this way you can have a richer could i say it like that you could have a richer measure of the word on the inside of you and you could have a a minimal measure of the word on the inside of you and paul is saying have a great measure of the word on the inside of you and the greater hit me out now i know i'm a teacher and there's a lot of teaching and stuff but the holy ghost is going to activate this in your spirits amen and the preach may come on and we're going to we're going to get happy and we're going to work with the word amen who's going to waver me back hey praise the lord where where the work is with the word where where the work is with the word amen so so so tank up he's saying now if you went to my my pantry today you know because i have a wife it's full of like great ingredients and full of good stuff and she's very creative with the food she's a great great cook but when i was single at rhema bible school you know in my pantry i had very limited supplies on my shelves i had some but uh you know i didn't have much to work with right some some some ingredients but it was pretty boring my pantry was pretty pretty boring yet if you had a brilliant chef who came into my little apartment came into my kitchen he could still she could still make something off it with the ingredients that were present with the measure of ingredients that i had she could he could cook something up and present something but if i had more ingredients if i had spices come on if i had jose ann you know she's amazing i know there's some some bakers and some chefs in this place so you know exactly what i'm saying if you had a greater measure of ingredients then i'll tell you what that chef could come and just create something masterful who's hearing me in other words if you have a a greater measure if you have a greater measure of the word the holy spirit through paul is saying this stack up the shelf of your heart stack up the shelf of your your soul with the word so that the holy spirit who's the greatest of chefs can come up with a masterful something with what you have stacked up on who realizes that's your responsibility to so say i'm gonna i'm gonna write that down i'm gonna stack up my pantry what's a pantry it's a cupboard where you put your food amen just looking at you know some confused faces you know um hallelujah who's going to do that this week stack up your pantry with the word he said let your pantry be full filled with a rich measure of my word and then the holy spirit is going to serve something up so abundant oh man i like that i like that analogy amen now the holy spirit he'll work with whatever you give him if all you've got is mayonnaise and dry pasta and and water he'll cook some pot he'll he'll make it exciting he'll do something with that and he'll be the best pasta with the mayonnaise sauce that you've ever tasted in your life i'm telling you because the holy spirit is that way he he can create with what you have on your shelf but if you have more ingredients whoa that big they could be really something so i believe that's an instruction of the holy spirit and we paid attention to john 17 verse 11 but i want to look at another verse that connects to to that be before we go to john 17 verse 11 i want to look at john 17 verse 8 because spirit god has been highlighting something he's been highlighting the importance of words can you hear the emphasis on words here who can see that he believes that the holy spirit will confirm the work the words with mighty works amen well you've got to you've got to have the shelf of your hearts there's got to be a richer measure of the word in you you want to see greater things you want to taste more you want to see things cooked up come on how many know this is going to preach well you've got to you've got to have a richer measure of the word jesus here um really in this whole chapter is an insight of his prayer to the father and i love this because people say ma if only i could be around when jesus was if only i was one of the disciples lived in the time when jesus was on the earth how many know this is even a great time because the holy ghost is being poured out and the there is something called progress and advancement in the body of christ and there's further revelation that we we have amen that they didn't have but this passage is an insight of what actually jesus prayed people people say i wish i could have heard jesus pray well john 17. he prayed a whole bunch and notice what he said here in verse 8 he says for i have given to them i've given to them words words i've given to them the words which you have given me and they have notice that they have received them in other words jesus was giving credit to the father for the words that helped him fulfill his mission and his ministry and helped him function on the earth it was because of the words that his father gave him who believes this church has got a function every person has a function and like jesus you would be wise to give credit to the words that you have received from him he said the words that i've received i've given them words oh man think about all the things that all the things that he could have given us he said what they need is my words because if they use my words and stuck their shelves with my word then the holy spirit has got something to work with he'll confirm those words if they work with those words amen and so i really believe that the holy ghost is going to be confirming his word but we've got to be a church that hold holds fast to the word of life we've got to be a church that you know shines in a perverse and crooked you know world but the key to that is holding fast to the word and the key to that is letting our hearts you know let the word dwell richly within it stack the pantry and take very seriously and give credit to the father and and give credit to jesus for the word that was that that has been given to us why why did he choose to give us his word because in his word contains the very power of god it's in his word words from heaven is the greatest thing that heaven can give you because that's the foundation that's the foundation of now now he goes on and i read it and they have received it having words given to you spoken to is no good unless you receive it if unless unless you receive it it's not going to benefit you one bit so so you'll be good to just humble yourself and say i take it everything that's taught if you can't find it in the in this series if you can't find it in the word then don't take it but if you can see it and go ah i receive it my ignorance is going out the window come on my arrogance is getting kicked down i'm empty my cup of pride so that he can fill me up with the first supply of his spirit amen so i believe that the lord is wanting to do something now now you have got to cooperate with what he's wanting to do and one way you cooperate with the holy ghost is by humbling yourself and saying you know i don't know at all i need to i need to pay attention to these words i need to pay attention to these words that why because they're words of life in fact words i've heard before but i've let them drop but they're living words so so they haven't died i i'm picking i'm picking them i'm picking them back up i'm picking them back up healings deliverances were done through jesus and his ministry through his words jesus paid taxes with his words he multiplied food and supplies with his words remember the roman centurion when a servant was dying and jesus said his servant was at the point of death and jesus said i'm going to come i'm going to come and i'm going to come to to to where he is i'm going to pray for him and he will live the roman centurion said you don't need to come it's found in matthew chapter 8. he said all i need is your words just give me your words that's all i need now think about it if jesus jesus you you have a life or death situation at the house and jesus says i'm gonna come personally to your house there's a life or death situation would you have as much faith as the roman centurion in the words and say you don't need to go to my house most people say oh yeah please i need hands laid on him and please come where's your faith level at is it where it needs to be concerning the word of life it needs to be in order for us to shine in this crooked perverse world he said i i and and all i need i don't need to come there it'd be a waste of a trip we can we can skip a whole bunch of time here i just need your words give speak the word only i'll receive it and my servant shall be shall be healed who why because all god's power is in is in his word then uh we see something in in john 17 verse 11 jesus prayed and this is in the same passage he was getting something out of that man i'm i'm blessed by this amen said in verse 11 jesus praying now for for us and he didn't pray lord make him powerful he said make um make him one because where there is oneness and unity there is power the key to power is in our oneness you don't have to be concerned you don't have to be concerned whether or not there'll be enough power just focus on unity because wherever unity is there's going to be power power to buy power to heal power to raise the dead power to see provision come on power to penetrate regions power to transform the landscape of this land power well we haven't got that kind of power we haven't got the millions to buy buildings we haven't got what it takes you know the expertise and the experience in ministry pastor you know with all due respect you know when you shave you you look like you're barely 20. we have we got what it takes listen we don't we don't focus on what we have we're not concerned about power we our focus is our unity if this group of people just here coming if the 120 in this room like the 120 in the upper room could get together in one accord with one mind and one spirit there is nothing we can't do that god tells us to do there is no building too expensive to acquire well how we no honestly how we're going to pay for it where's the millionaires in the in the church it's not about where's the millions it's where's the unity it's not where's the power it's where's the oneness because where there is the oneness where there is the unity there is the power there is the healing virtue there is the money there is so and and the key to oneness is if one praises how many scripture weep with those who weep praise with those who pray praise and rejoice with those who rejoice someone over here just rejoice real quick rejoice rejoice okay some people with scripture some people start rejoicing and i just gave you that the answer right rejoice with those who rejoice if one rejoices all rejoice that's called oneness if one serves if one serves all sips that's the power of being one what do you what what's the whole deal about all volunteering power healing resurrection provision come on don't cheat us out if you if you don't uh you know if you don't want to serve here we're going to get into we're going to look at the scriptures here but if you don't want to serve here find a church please find a church where you feel that you can serve we don't we want it to be this church the lord's leading you to to it it's not your decision it's your discovery you don't choose which church you go to you you you discover not decide but if you feel that now you know even if i don't want to be a part of this church you know it's like i know it's god's plan all right then serve and if it isn't then find the place that is your place and serve there because the power of this place is not how great a teacher or how great the worship or how great finances we've got and how great business the greatness is founded in our ability to be one together we become unstoppable con esther you prayed it out on thursday unstoppa the you the power of unity the power of unity so this is what jesus prayed hallelujah who who's getting this and the key to our unity is all doing the work of the ministry can we look at this in ephesians chapter 4 verse 11 to 12 ephesians chapter 4 11 to 12. we haven't seen this passage yet it says then he himself gave some to the apostles some prophets some evangelists some some pastors and some teachers next verse for the equivalent of the saints notice that gifts were given to the body of christ to equip the saints so there is an importance and and you gotta i've said this over and over and over again you gotta not be ignorant of the devil's devices there are antichrist spirits first first john chapter 2 4 18 it says the antichrist spirits are on the earth anti-anointing anti-believers annoying ministerial anointing and anti-corporate annoying on the earth undermining ministers why because the devil the antichrist spirit antichrist christ means anointed one and his anointing anti-anointing and the corporate anointing ministerial anointing and believers annoying they're on the earth because and they're undermining ministers because they don't want through the pastors apostles prophets uh evangelists and and teachers they don't want the saints to work effectively trying to get us out of work and trying to stop the equipment because when we are equipped and when we get to working something happens power's there because oneness is there and there's something called edification or growth in the body of christ this is such a wonderful passage who sees the importance i see big time the importance of this it says in in verse 13 because um you know one would ask well how well first of all let me let me ask i says what if you're you're not doing your part in the body of christ what if we don't do our part in the body of christ well the body of christ can't be built up you know people can do you know what there's so many critics out there so many critics and it's a religious spirit they sit and do nothing and you know by the way i'm a loving pastor i love everyone in this room amen who can feel the love you'll feel alone but i know love and irritated but i get irritated i get i get irritated with it with critics who just talk about how this should be and that should be and yet they don't do nothing well the reason why it's not edified in that area or built up in that area is because there is work lacking in that area well who's supposed to do the work pastor come on do the work now the the five-fold ministry equips the body teaches messages like this so that we can do the saints can do the work of the ministry amen every one of us well how long are we going to do the work well it says in verse 13 until notice the unity theme until we all come into the unity of the faith is isn't that important and so we can all come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the son of god to a perfect man to the measure of the stature of the fullness of christ that we should no longer be how many preachers this morning no longer be children children are ignorant i've served before anyone else served before in a nursery i remember in different churches i served in the crash you know we have little babies and and uh not much gets accomplished in a room full of babies um some of you know you know what i'm talking about you know i couldn't get them to you know be organized or help me get organized i can get them to do anything in fact all they did was make a lot of mess and all i did was clean up their mess when it was time to pack away and put stuff away they just watched me do everything put away their mess why because babies spectate so really when when somebody is not doing or playing their part it's because of immaturity now something that paul after three years um having planted the church in corinth he wrote the church in corinth and uh in his first letter and he rebuked them for their carnality in other words he said it's been three years you've been saved for three years why are you so carnal in other words it doesn't take long for us to grow up it's okay babies are cute not every baby but my babies are cute some babies you know some babies they come out and they're just like whoa some babies are cute don't get offended please come on i got babies puppies on my mind we love them they're adorable but babies are designed to grow up and this is not my class today we we gather we grow and we go and we're going to talk about the growing us but not today but but a key to your growing up is the next verse hearing the truth preached in love and speaking the truth in love this is verse 15 as you can see on the screen verse 15. now now let me just stay there in verse 14. you'll see something about babies babies are tossed you know they're moved by every window doctrine you know if i my advice if someone's newly born again don't watch god tv don't watch a christian television and i'll tell you why because there's all kinds of winds of doctrine all kinds of nonsense on there wrong ideas but notice this in verse 15 a key to your growing up is speaking the truth in love may grow up in all things into him who is the head jesus christ hallelujah first verse 4 16 says this let's read this verse 16. from whom the whole body join and knit together by what every let's read that should we read it every joint supplies every joint supplies according to the effective working by which every part does its share every pot every one every part does its share nobody's job is to come and spectate i believe our christianity can go beyond just watching church on on online or just coming to church and occupying a sea it needs to well what hangs in the balance are power levels what hangs in the balance what the chef can cook up he'll work with what we give him but there's more there's more and i want the whole body to be edified could there be a church imagine that i know statistics is like 20 are engaged and 80 you know of spectators 20 participants i believe tables are turning this year for this church i believe that i believe we're going to have at least 80 but but i'm contending for a hundred percent and i and i want to or imagine if god found a people who said you know what i'm going to play my part because this is so necessary let me say this we are the generation that's going to see jesus come back we are going to witness it according to the scripture we where the according to biblical prophecy we are the ones who are going to witness it maybe 10 years maybe less but it's soon maybe 20 years but it's soon and i want to all of us i want i want us all to be able to say this i did not just spectate i didn't just watch i didn't just come i worked i played my part i surfed oh man i've been studying this i mean i've been in it i've been in it day in day out and i see it i see there's a obsession with leadership in the body of christ yet there is very little in the bible actually talks about leadership yeah everyone wants to be a leader there's not much in the bible there is a lot we can glean from don't get me wrong but you know yeah it talks about you know the blind lead in the blind and stuff like that but it's really about fault make what leaders know make disciples what what did jesus say to his disciples follow me they were called followers where's the followership section in our bookstores it's all this this wrong obsession with leadership now people won't like what i'm saying but it's true nevertheless you can't be a good leader without being a good follower jesus didn't say i'm the great leader he said i came to serve my generation i believe god's not looking for leaders he's looking for servants amen who don't call count their life dear to themselves hallelujah right well how are you going to grow up well um i i hit something brief and i'm going to share something that's going to help you philippians chapter 1 verse 28. i'm going to try and keep these instruments instructional and led by the holy ghost but also inspirational too because we all need that amen this verse i mean if there was a another verse that we could glean from of course we work with psalm 112 that whole chapter really one of our key key psalms passages for this year but in in philippians 1 28 it says and do not for a moment not even for a moment man this is a key scripture for this year don't for a moment be frightened or intimidated be fearless in anything by your opponent and adversaries for such notices consistency is key con constancy and fearlessness will be a clear sign was he talking about proof and seal to them who who's them your opponents are of their your opponents impending destruction but a true a sure token an evidence of your deliverance and salvation that comes from the lord man i heard an interview from an old old old-time boxer who fought muhammad his name was uh joseph fraser they called him uh joe smoking joe smokey joe or something like that anyway uh this individual he was interviewing him him said have you ever been afraid and he said i've never been afraid of except this one moment but it says not for one moment he said this one moment or what was that moment it was when i fall it's when i fought muhammad muhammad ali i punched him on the chin i mean i i made contact boom right on his chin and i i hit him so hard this is what joe fraser said i hid him so hard i literally heard his jaw break you could hear it muhammad ali put his head down slowly and then slowly he lifted up his his head joe fraser said and he looked into my my eyes and he smiled and he said that that's the moment i knew i'm getting eaten alive by this guy because i hit him with my greatest punch i gave him my wildest hit and he looks his response was a sure sign of my impending destruction never let your opponent see fear on your face i'm talking about how you grow up here your how your view of your opponent will either diminish your growth or it will strengthen your growth and your response in the midst of a challenge must be i count it all joy yeah yeah but your jaw's like i count it all down glory to god why because he sustains me what god's looking for in this hour is your spiritual response not emotional reaction to everything your job is not to eliminate and to have as little opposition to eliminate opposition to have as little opposition as you can no your job is to be masterful at timmy eating your opposition oh yeah caleb at 85. i'll show you how this is key to your growing up caleb at 85 he said give me that mountain at 85. give me that mountain what mountain he chose a mountain that was full of big giants he could have chosen any other any other any any other one of the other you know let me get my words out he could have chosen a different mountain with no giants just a little bit of wildlife on it but he chose a mountain that had giants on it give me that mountain if you read in numbers they can put it on the screen he said but why because they are food for me they are food for me he said only do not rebel against the lord nor fear the people of the land for they are our bread your job isn't to to limit the number of opponents your job is to become a master at eating your opponents well why why that bowing they've got massive giants in that in that land well big giants means big homes come on big businesses everything's big because i wanted to do something big anyone else come on i want to have a big impact i want to give big time glory to the king but it's dependent upon your ability hallelujah to say do you know what in the face of great opposition i i i adopt the renewed mind that doesn't a renewed mind does okay an unrenewed mind will will regard giants as a threat that a renewed mind will regard it as food hallelujah as bread glory to god come on faith don't take the easy way who's found that out so far that the plan of god is going to take the spirit of god the plan of god is going to take the spirit of faith to stay on course and to see yourself sustained on that course and see that plan fulfilled it's going to it's going to take that hallelujah lillian b yeoman she said this wonderful quote she said she was a missionary and she did amazing things moved in the healing anointing she said this i believe in a diet of giants devour each one that comes your way and becomes spiritually strong no opposition no giant no challenge is your downfall but people got it the carnal mind says i've got a giant i've got opposition that's my downfall no no giant no opposition is your downfall because if it's bred where are you going to get your what's going to sustain you that is your feeding place the opposition you're up against right now is god wants it to feed you and to see you grow up this whole cat aspects all kinds of people people you know talk to me about you know the the whole man spirits whole body and they they adopt all kinds and try trial all kinds of different diets that that emit certain you know food groups out of their diet but um a lot of the time you know because of them eliminating these certain food groups it it causes them to um have physical issues and then they try and supplement that with all kinds of other supplements and bill pills and all kinds of other other stuff what's what's gone wrong they've they've eliminated a food group that they need that their body needs if you if you sidestep opposition there is a nourishment that comes through the opposing force i know this is an upside down way of thinking but it's god's way of thinking if you if you avoid opposition you sigh sidestep opposition therefore eliminate nutrients that god designed to get to you through that and therefore physically um then and and spiritually there may be there may be issues who likes krispy kreme you've been to krispy kreme before man i like krispy kreme you see when the sign goes on and it says hot hot doughnuts now when the sign starts flashing you know that that fried bread dough i mean it's hot that's the best time to eat it when the when the hot when the threat is the hottest and the opposition has come with his threats come on now it's remember it's bread now if you all wanted to go further in life you got to eat it at some point but if you buy a fresh dozen of you know original glazed crispy donuts krispy kreme donuts and you keep them in your in your home for two weeks and don't devour them when they're you born when the hot they came when they were hot but you didn't eat them when they were hot um it's gonna be a different experience for you but never nevertheless because this is how god rolls he says i'm not going to permit you to go through the drive-through again i'm not until you've in that dozen of donuts so if you want to press on in life you got to you got to eat them anyway you're going to have to eat them and devour them anyway because because there's a strength in them that you that in that bread there's a strength in there that you need to press on so you may as well eat it when you're hot don't live with it for week on end when the opposition comes go i'm gonna face this hallelujah the word of god if you keep your pantry full of the word come on now the holy ghost has got something to pull up and out of that pantry called the word of life and it will smash that death spirit the spirit of life on the inside of you will will deal with those things have a big amen on some of these things amen and so acts 20 22 says and see now ah i go bound in the spirit acts 20 22 i go bound in the spirits of jerusalem not knowing the things that will happen to me there except that the holy spirit testifies in every city saying that chains and tribulations await me there was a place some say place and there's three key things in this and i'm i'm slowing down on purpose because there's three key things and we're gonna go over this three key things in this this um series that we're gonna get and that's discerning your place discerning other people's place and discerning your supply and the supply that's for you in this place all right but but notice what will try and get you out of your place and out of the place that god's sending you because we gather we grow and we go is uh tribulations that we may know about that are ahead of us in certain places nevertheless those places are for us to occupy so i believe paul said hey listen i know about the i know about the chains i know about what's ahead but it's bread come on i'm going through the drive through anyone else as long as you don't move in just you know don't move into krispy kremes just drive through take the nourishment and go amen how many know this is going to preach i'll preach whatever material i've got here so anyway paul goes on and he and he says that but none of these things move me i refuse to be moved out position i talked about saul that could have been used mildly and saiyan tried to use saul mildly to get david out of position can't think about it saul was david's boss and saul david's boss is throwing javelins and spears at him and he refuses to leave his post because he said i will be somebody who stays where i'm stationed i'll only go where i'm sent come on this is gonna this is gonna help somebody if god called you to that place of work if god's called you to that ministry then why let somebody who's carnal get you out of your place even if it's me even if it's my flesh that rubs your flesh the wrong way let's not let our flesh get each other out of place so say that that sounds like real maturity and character yeah it is and david showed that that's why he walked in that kingly anointing he said none of these things move me don't nor do i count my life there and to myself because i'm a serpent so that i may finish my race you want to finish your race this is key you want to finish your race this is key is there a race for us as a church to run yes well this is key do not count your life dear unto yourself that i may finish my race with joy and the ministry which i received from the lord to testify to the gospel of great the grace of god well what do you need to finish your course you need to refuse to allow opposition to move you hallelujah don't count number two don't count your life dear unto yourself say none of these things none of these things move me this was spoken by a man with determination and that's a spirit that is lacking in so many believers life is where is their get up and go where is their grit where is their determination but i'm telling you there's a revival and a key stirring of the spirit of determination in this place paul said this from a from from that place as being so unfueled and he was working with that spur of determination he was a man determined coming if people in the natural can be more determined without the holy ghost than those who are with the holy ghost something is drastically wrong you're stronger than that i'm speaking to you you're stronger than that you're bigger than that come on just take it take take a case study and you'll see determination is in the human makeup but the holy spirit come on now will will far exceed the determination of the human being and he resides on the inside of you ludwig ludwig van beethoven at the age of five he he became a masterful violinist at the age of 20 he wrote nine symphonies became a master but at the age of 20 he started to get death death by the age of 53 decades later he was completely deaf death do you know what he did he was a masterful pianist at that point he cut the legs off the piano he couldn't he couldn't he he couldn't hear he cut the legs off his piano laid it on the floor he laid on the floor he later he laid on so that he could feel the vibrations of the keys and he would play his sim he would play his music masterfully and he was found one on one point lying on the floor you know messing up he said he said i'm determined he was hitting the keys because he was frustrated but he was overcoming i'm determined to get the music in me out of me i will not be defeated by life i will defeat life i will win man come on somebody and i'm not just popping on a show here there was some something was it that was a man determined what about you you carry the spirit of god there's music in you there's gifts in you there's things to be played and things to be written and things to be preached and things to be done and and you're letting something natural stop you no none of these things none of these things move me he said i take life by the throat i'll take you by the neck and i say i will not be defeated and choked out of my destiny i choke this crippling uh opposition deafness will not stop me come on if you're experiencing dimming of the eyes or you know physical thing there's healing here so that can be dealt with we're not limited to those things we can bypass those things but if there could be that level of determination in a man without the holy ghost i'm telling you we've got to show the world what real determination looks like we got to show show the beethovens what it really looks like paul was a man with that spur of determination and he said none of these things are going to move me out of place i'm going to go where i'm supposed to go i'm not afraid of chains you kidding me i'm not afraid of persecution are you kidding me i'm not afraid of hard work are you kidding me are you kidding me i'm not afraid of this in another passage paul said to those in corinth and first corinthians 12 1 is it not concerning spiritual gifts or spiritual things he said i don't want you to be ignorant concerning these things there is widespread spread ignorance concerning spiritual things and in the body of christ the i i can't think of you know a bigger area of ignorance in the body of christ than the body of christ people don't understand people don't understand it hey jack jack come on come up here come up here just i'm going to test you all right what's this what what is it what what's this is that my ear what's this elbow is he doing well so far what's this see it in the mic knee what's this it's my back in it what are these eyes this mouth you got away with the people with your hand you know where your hand is right man did he do well did he pass the test he passed the test but do you know if we if we start saying okay what part what part is jeremiah what part is he in what part we should we should know our part this it you can go back you've been amazing well done jack i thought he was going to pull out his tongue because i pulled out my tongue at him i thought he was going to do the same now he is it's elementary for us to know and discern our place and our part that's just that ought to be known can you see this widespread ignorance concerning this we are gonna find this out i said we're gonna find this out i'm gonna read another i'm gonna i'm closing i'm trying i'm trying to close here and um i'll skip there the bible says give no place to the enemy do you know how most people give place to the enemy by not taking their place in the body of christ in first corinthians chapter 11 it reads this in verse 30 and it's concerning the body of christ i know the context is talking about the the last you know not the last supper but um communion and the supper but if you look at chapter uh the the context of this the verse is before the verse is after paul's talking about the body of christ your part in the body the gifts in the body the members in the body and he's saying for this reason so say this reason for this reason many are weak many are sick among you and many sleep many die prematurely this is so so sobering you know the reason why people have problems double parked in their life the many the how many of the there is something wrong with somebody at the age of 40 50 or 60 dying when god's promised this long life who realizes that's a problem and how many know there is a reason why you know people people talk about well i don't know why this happened i don't know why that happened i don't know why i'm got this problem and that problem and you know spirit you know financial issues well well no no we do know why and this is one reason why you can find the reason why and for many the reason is is they do not discern their place of the people's place in the body of christ he said many men many fall asleep many are weak many of are sickly do you know why in mark six verse one it it talks about you know he you know he came out from there and came to his own country there that their place is mark five where he healed the woman with the issue of blood he he raised the um uh the the ruler of the synagogue's daughter from the dead so we're seeing the dead raised up we're seeing issues of blood that have been in people's lives for over a decade healed and then jesus is excited no doubt he's coming to his own hometown i know there's noise we're a family church it's all right um but uh he comes to his own hometown and he's pretty excited whoa these people are going to get it man i'm expect i'm excited to bring resurrection power to to my hometown can you imagine jesus excited about this but do you know what the bible says and i'll put up the verse on the screen here versus verse two to five it shows you that he could not do any mighty any great thing except heal a few sick that word sick means just minor ailments headache broken toenail foot fungus i don't know just help me out come on medical people minus stuff got healed well he didn't try to no he did try he couldn't he tried to but he couldn't if he didn't try it would have said you know he didn't try he didn't bother he says he could not why they did could we say many were sick remain sick many remained weary could we say that and maybe many of them died because of their sickness because they did not discern jesus's place who's seeing this this is the reason why they're not in place anyone being on one of those courses to avoid three points on your license because you were speeding so honest people out there what do they tell you they show you case study they tell you all these different stuff on how this accident happened and how that accident happened and do you know what the common thread is that the driver was in the wrong place at the wrong time a crash happened but if they were in the right place at the right time guess what the reason the reason why they crashed was because they were in the wrong place is this important nancy dufresne she had a dream and in this dream she saw herself trying to encourage somebody closing my bible she saw herself dying and she saw herself getting buried and not living past a certain age and that age was pretty close she woke up and she had no fear no no dread so she knew it wasn't the devil she she discerned that the lord was showing her something because there was no fear and she took it up to the lord and said lord what is this you know he wanted to say something to me he said yes but i'll speak to you about this later um well after a day or so she went before the lord and said lord is it later and he said get a notebook get a pen and he started speaking to her about certain things he said the reason why you will die prematurely thank you is uh you are in your place but you're not giving your supply as i have intended you to in your place now some people think well pastor you know where faith church was supposed to be positive in this place listen love will tell you you're headed down the wrong wrong road and love will say look there's danger ahead and i'm not trying to make anyone afraid i'm trying to get across the severity and the seriousness of discerning the voice of the lord and discerning your power and other people's power dishonor decimates families honor will elevate families jesus a prophet is co is not even welcomed in his own hometown there's just no honor why why that's mary's son he made me a chair i saw him laboring for me he's a carpenter that's the the guy who cuts the grass that's the window cleaner dishonor people think it's all about the ministers who stand on the stage with lights on them oh they're so dishonorable to to those people in authority there's more dishonor going on not towards those in in authority but those who are not in authority and it's crippling destiny in lives but this is why this is so important ham walked in dishonor towards his father noah when he found his father naked what happened he exposed it in cover and what does the bible say it says that canaan was cursed not not just ham but kanan kanan is the son so dishonor what what ham did in his acts of dishonor went to the next generation because this honor will decimate the family whereas honor will elevate the family miriam dishonored moses for marrying an ethiopian eh it's true i'm telling you because who he chose was not somebody who looked like them different color of their skin dishonor and do you know what happened it says that miriam became a leper a leper she she got leprosy do you know what that is you lose the ability to feel the nerve endings you lose the ability to feel you lose the ability to sense and touch people who are who are struggling with the ability to hear god's voice sense his presence god's moving god's flowing but you know they've got spiritual leprosy what's the problem there will be a rule of dishonor somewhere in their life but hearing god's voice is absolutely necessary hallelujah thank you father thank you thank you thank you father thank you father brother hagin he would preach all over the place you know he was from texas and uh his smallest though i i i'm connected with some of the people who who traveled with dad hagen for years and he said some of the members of the rhema singer sing as a band they said they would go to various different cities and churches and preach and i mean they would pack out rooms there were massive rooms and maybe two or three hundred people some of these churches and they would pack them out but they observed something this one member of the rhema singer band said this that they saw something happen after two or three years when brother hagin would come back and minister the crowds weren't quite what it was when he first came because of familiarity his smallest numbers was in his home state texas dishonor in is this interesting is this worth talking about so nancy you you are in your place but you're not giving your full supply in your place and you you will you will die so she she inquired off the lord and she could see it she was not yielding to the gifts she hadn't fully discerned her place in her place and she put it right she put it right and she lived way past she's still alive today praise the lord but that funeral day i mean came and when she put it right i don't know it's a blessing to be forewarned do you know what i would love to have on my my gravestone if i i doubt i'm getting i'm not getting buried i'm being taken up anyway but amen we're getting caught out of here soon and very soon that it would be he served not he led not that i was a pastor that he was a servant he served he helped people this is the greatest this is the greatest honor could this be the reason why many many have problems i believe it's one of the main reasons and you know what i've never had anyone call me up and say i've got a problem my problem is i don't rightly discern my place in the body and i don't rightly discern other people's place in the body yet that's their problem they never say that they say i've got this back problem or i've got this spirit this this financial problem well that's not really the problem the problem is you're not discerning your place in the body and because of that problem you have this problem because people don't really believe this is the issue but answers some say answers answers answers are coming jesus preached and he taught and he still looked at them and had compassion and he said they're weary without a shepherd scattered they were they experience supernatural ministry teaching and preaching but still weary place who's going to believe with us next week who's going to believe with me next week that we can get further revelation into this hallelujah and rightly discern i've got a part someone so i've told you to do this before but consider it right now and ask yourself if every member was just like me what kind of church would my church be think about it if i rocker once once a quarter to church or once a month and if every member was just like me what can a church would my church be what kind of church would it be i'll be preaching a lot on my own right maybe maybe you don't serve maybe you don't never give if every member was just like just like me what kind of church would my church be think about it would it be the force on the earth that can't be reckoned with something called the spirit of determination i mentioned but it's something else a spirit of excellence is something that we're going to really look into man is this faith building is it helping is it helping what are you going to do come on what are you going to do when you see your opposition you're going to be masterful at devouring come on just imagine that double glazed cream infused chocolate dipped krispy kreme donut come on we're winning who's going to crispy cream doughnuts later on if only there was one nearby there's some random place up the street called tim hortons i mean what's tim moore's oh i'm sorry yeah tim hortons canadian brand tim hortons i mean outshines chris chris my wife's watching tim hortons i mean it's another level tim hortons father i pray i pray for your spirit to quicken us let's pray a little bit here jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus oh jesus jesus i arrest i arrest anything that's trying to steal and snatch the annoying on your life hallelujah the enemy and this is not to make anyone afraid but he wants to do what his brothers did to joseph and that is it says in genesis 37 verse 23 so it came to pass when joseph had come to his brothers that they stripped joseph of his coat of many colors that was on him then they took him and cast him into a pit and the pit was empty and there was no water in it do you know what the enemy wants to do he wants to put you and throw you in a pit where there's no water where it's empty with no life no no spirit of god no voice of god no supply of god that's not gonna be you in the name of jesus father i pray that there would be no brothers in this place that would aim to rip off and undermine anointings but the spirit of honor and grace would prevail in this house that with a spur of maturity we would approach life and ministry we would realize that man my brother has this gift and it's worth celebrating worth feeding off and i've got this gift and this supply and i i need to give it it's worth giving to the body because when i do hallelujah the house grows and the body is edified thank you father i pray that every person who is not active in this church would hear from you and lord that you would navigate their steps and they would plug in that nobody would par would would be a spectator but everyone will play their part and as a result this church this body hallelujah will be talked about in the grandstands of heaven as a body who got serious who laid laid hold of god and oh hallelujah got equipped by by by god's spirit and fed of god's word and walked in honor and high esteem of the gifts and the graces and the callings and then consider man after the flesh but according to the spirit hallelujah lord walked in honor oh walked in honor walked in the spirit not counting hala brought their life dear unto themselves but were willing to lay down their ambition and embrace significance for the king and his kingdom to give god's name all the glory that he deserves father i pray that that is what this church is that's what we will all be no matter what it is no matter what the cost is we'll do whatever it is you tell us to do we take this seriously i declare protection and i speak the blood over every person over under the sound of my voice those who are live streaming those who are in this room that you will obey what god says that you will not turn back and you will not you will not forsake the words that god is speaking to you concerning your part in this hour hallelujah thank you lord that no twisting demonic spurs would minister questions in the hearts and the minds of people oh pastor he's just egotistical just wants people to do stuff for the ministry and it's all about work work work father i pray that and i speak against those anti-christ spirits that are that are trying to undermine this very godly thing father that we would grow up we'll grow up that we would grow speedily quickly this church won't be just full of spiritual babies the only spiritual babies in this place are those who've just given their life to christ hallelujah but they're growing up speaking the truth the truth in love may grow up into the fullness of god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah lift up your hands thank him praise him glorify him thank you lord jesus whoa glory thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you lorna samara oh glory thank you so much from abroad for ideas yeah yeah yeah thank you this works on a personal level this works on a personal level level and a corporate level that if you would lift up your strength and send strength to those who are in the field just like moses who stood on the hill and he was as long as he was strong on the hill joshua was strong in the field he overlooked the battlefield and he he lifted up his strength and he sent his strength to joshua as long as he did that joshua in the field prevailed and so did the kingdom of god through the nation of israel but when moses got tired god sent aaron's and hers and lifted up moses's hands and as long as he was lifted up and in that place of strength oh strength kept on flowing and power kept on being sent to joshua and i sense this in my spirit that some people are going to get excited about this as a corporate body and personally too that when you send your financial strength and your spiritual strength you send your power leverage what you have and send it to those who are in active service those joshuas who are in the field god will do what god did to moses he'll do that for you he'll send aaron and her you don't have to plead with them they'll just come right to you they'll lift up your hand they'll tell you sit down we've got you we've got you we got you we got you we got you we got you this is why as a ministry we're not going to stop sending our power and our strength to to joshua's in the field as missionaries we support hallelujah hallelujah kevin we don't give 10 percent off all income in this church this year's figures are beyond close to 40 percent of all income goes down because we give us we believe in it and as a result we have more more more than enough more than enough in this ministry because we realize something as long as we send our strength out to joshua to the joshuas the missionaries and the widows and the helpless and the marginalized come on as long as we send our strength out god's sending errands and hers and he's lifting up your hands and my hands and when this is how grace flows this is how grace flows to you when you give up your strength hallelujah and do foreign whatever it is that you're saying as we purpose in our hearts thank you holy spirit let's worship can we worship him one more time you know don't be thinking necessarily unless the holy spirit quickens into your heart don't be thinking about the message necessarily but just think about the holy ghost that's the best place think about him and that's the best place to be and that's where he will speak you speak to you and meet you amen let's worship him all my life you have with every breath of the goodness of god oh of the goodness of god is is is breath that i am oh with every breath that i've of the goodness of of the goodness of god god hallelujah church amen our god is a good good god amen amen um just before we get into announcements i have where's jack jack come up come up on stage again your time to shine again cool we we love you that's why you're awesome give up around random applause for jack okay so do you know what you're talking about what is it today what is it today okay um so you're gonna give the birthday shout out can you do that for me just ask does anyone have a birthday anyone in april um recently um so i know we've had mercy's birthday yesterday let's give her a shout out hey and we have jax today and we have samuel in the back whose birthday's in two days as well which is awesome oh is it today as well happy birthday awesomeness awesomeness um so yeah happy birthday are you gonna lead us happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to you all happy birthday thank you very much chat say bye bye bye all right all right it's great to have everyone in the building this morning so awesome to see you all and online as well thank you for tuning in and joining us um it's been awesome to see you all engaging online that's been amazing so um here at faith life we are a people of prayer we make time to fellowship with god but sometimes it can be difficult and if you don't take the time out purposely it can be hard the busy day can get disrupted but fret not we have fellowship so take the time out of your day join us on facebook our 6 a.m prayers that we have every day monday to friday 6 a.m in the morning and that's just a time of fellowship for us to all come together to all um have the time of prayer to communicate with god and to just reveal what's on his heart for us um and it's amazing that we can all do that together and then during the week as well we have um times of prayer about various things praying for our pastor about our pastors about vision um we have a pre-service prayer as well every sunday morning um which kanwa is always faithful to lead that as well so that's awesome so like our facebook page follow the faith life prayer page and then you can get notifications every time a meeting starts and you can get involved in that um so i don't know if you saw but leaflets were being handed out as you all walked in this morning about the thief the feed the 5000 projects um so just an encouragement to pass those on to anyone you see during the week that you think might be in need because we have um the food bank every thursday and we can provide for whoever needs it and also remember to add something to your shopping carts this week that you can donate next week nothing is too small when it comes from your heart so just make sure just be conscious of that as you go throughout your week um and we do thank you for your faithful giving we appreciate all that you do and there is so much more to be done so you can give online or in the building and just a note for those in the building we do have a little change in the giving part it's still in the same place but now it's just an easy fill out and then you slot it into the box and you're all good to go but speaking of appreciating all that you guys do to sow into faith life we have a new um segment called the serve spotlight where we highlight those in our local church who give their time um and who just um who are just ready to serve and who um have this have the willingness on their hearts to do so so over the next few weeks we will be highlighting people um who serve and it's an awesome time um to just see what's going on in the church that you might not know about so um that is on our newsletter if you're not signed up you can hop onto the website give your email address your details and then you can stay in tune to that but just in case you missed it this tuesday which was our first launch a little information our first person was naomi jaro give her a round of applause and just a quick overview she serves in the pastoral care team the worship team and the children's missionary ministry so um if you'd like to find out more about that join us on our socials on instagram and facebook and those will be um posted there as well um so yeah just remember that you can find the zoom links for the kids um zoom today on the website and um you'll find you'll find that there and you can go directly to that um but it has been awesome fellowshipping with you all fellowshipping did i say that right but fellowship fellowshipping with you all this morning both in the building and online i hope you all have a blessed week it's so great to see you and stay blessed thank you
Channel: FaithLifeCentre
Views: 213
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 28sec (8368 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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