Least broken Red Key run

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what would this do let's try it [Music] as you can finish up maggie and do the chest yeah this is your chest thanks the pockets if i can get the options before i get the dress room that's gonna be big thank you good free damage we got five coins bomb these two i might get it actually now we have a problem i don't have enough rate will he get enough coins yes he will that is that's that's pretty lucky another free win for me yeah yeah that's right oh oh mama oh mama good thank god i found that thing man it is definitely happening right now i'm so slow though oh my god he's catching up to me dude i'm so slow and i'm not pushing him back at all oh dear step let's go i am actually so goddamn slow it's unreal hello oh hello based finger more okay that's actually very good yeah more more tears that are [ __ ] okay oh big so hard now we can actually plus four tears that's pretty good lucky penny look it's good do we check that we could get twisted pair nah i don't really care what i get at this point hello hey we don't need my net now but later it could be good i'll think about it actually doing good damage with this what the [ __ ] battery could be nice i'll think about it no sacrifice still which is kind of sad i can't i can't believe i'm not getting like zero sacrifices like it's kind of weird getting one moving it good money that's not to buy the battery now let's go with a mirror and get some money got them got them speed and speed good thank you almost acceptable speeds right now well we can't bomb we we cannot bomb into the second area now but that doesn't matter because the only reason we're here is to really just forget two floors maybe the boss will give me a page and boy it would just say yeah surely i won't get hit by the worms right did we go random i think i'll get fomo if i don't okay well it's one step to conjoined which is good but very good for this hello [ __ ] you big big big big big two more tries on this thread i hate it oh yes this is great we have a homing basically okay that kind of worked out i guess [ __ ] game kid let's go with these hearts into the level burger and get some stuff it's going to cost me so lots but anyways [Music] sure very good not getting too lucky with this hope hope angel nothing okay do i give him three more hearts it's gonna cost me like i'm gonna have no harsh left and i'll do that though we have gigahertz so it should maybe be fine you know i think i'll just spend money on in here hold up making some hearts here very good now it's actually worth going in okay bastard oh my yeah i'm one hit any hearts in this whoa thank you we're good we're very good good now we should be fine dude oh [ __ ] we [ __ ] know we get the rocket bombs i guess that's nice to have compass please good my spoon now here we have a good item yeah look at that all right there we go that is could have come a bit earlier but you know what i'll take it well hello there that is quite nice that is quite nice huh yeah all right it's rigged now it's over we do a little rigging a little bit hey boss and that cool okay thank you it's been so long since i've gotten rock bottom man oh tear cap moments oh this is bad this is very bad jesus big soul heart uh cathedral right yeah cathedral see ya dude this is like upgrade the pit needle epic that's good i need turbo bombs dude if i get turbo boomers it's over oh do you realize what i can do here chad oh no i'm gonna die now [ __ ] wait whatever hey soul heart let's go good lord almighty [ __ ] you and look now look look now look at me now chad wake up let's open some doors i think hello give me a reroll item now okay i guess not when are you going to finally get some decent damage this run well not from that i can tell you that much i got nothing i'm getting so many non-items got him oh [ __ ] rift oh conjoined no not yet i don't want that though what do we know let's just get it whatever look at the mega satan too and the lyrium if you want what's this based omega based infestation shot gimpy soul do the best [ __ ] error ever most rigid [ __ ] run impossible sacrifice i'll do it later though let's go boss rush [Music] oh dude i have i have pyrocynical oh my god i put a rock bottom telling you man right there's three bombs if you think about it oh norwegian man but i have hillary clinton well it's truly right now crystal key okay boys nice look two of them holy [ __ ] how many times did you hit after a run this space none none actually oh we get the container before it happens nice nice nice that's very good what hello okay sure now i don't think i can die actually more funny doors error again nice hmm looks like it could be down on the left there i guess if that's possible or it could be like up here wait up this way dark bum okay that's actually good for me right now oh based thank you for the charge there you are one more oh it does work nice oh that was my [ __ ] container [ __ ] well i can hear those can i dude i can swallow more angels i'm gonna keep the filigree then if i find one psychophysical i can just spawn items [ __ ] it didn't get delirium or akash um we do cathedral right we got the white polaroid that's a lot of [ __ ] what seven more damage based nice uh infinite bombs i can just use health to shoot bombs like 24 damage on this [ __ ] on these things here dude that's a lot of damage for all the milk tears finally some decent damage wow produced oh [Music] what would this do let's try it oh okay goodbye scott oh wait that's pretty good i didn't expect this when i got this [ __ ] this is a crazy run we're definitely doing mega satan man 100 if we get the leader of two i'm gonna come oh we got it waste oh dude we got we got obsessed fan man what's that clubs i kind of want that pretty decent run actually errors wait if you go error from here do you go to the other area then where do you get sent if you do that you go the chest well that's what i want to go so bye okay i'm gonna do it don't [ __ ] me game this is about right all right there we go okay even up let's go no [ __ ] that i want something else i can make more rooms and get more [ __ ] that's nice mr boom spider bombs based oh [ __ ] it time for bible oh my god that's all goodness holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no this can trigger d4 no no no no can it d612 the eight no 58 oh but i have [ __ ] yo i have uh i have rock bottom i have rock bottom i'll keep it okay full charge time to open some doors i gotta get as many as possible there i got the bible now can i not get it again very good thank you holy [ __ ] pagan incredible best chaos okay let's do boss that's what i'm here for i wonder how fast it will go nice dad see ya i just wanted a charge planet oh [ __ ] i forgot planet dude what happens now oh my god it's actually good dude donut oh okay dog food more dog food i'm breakfasting can i have like a reroll card or some [ __ ] crack dice yeah but i can't how am i gonna take damage i don't have any cell phone items here as far as i know oh based based based based where's my filigree did i bring my filigree feather he's on here oh let's go am i here do you want an error room right now now we want to go to the lyrium i have to just go to lyrium i think but i can release it can't i with the correct ice where's the cracked ice i put it down there wait won't that send me to dark room that was something i don't want to go to the darkroom right now however if i go dark room i have a whole new floor to clear okay think about it i have a floor to clear and then i can get a new that's mega city key there if i get a sacrifice room and a red room think about it oh [ __ ] that was fast that was quick all right let's check it out oh epic bombs we just need a sacrifice room boys sure can you shark the door wait really okay it didn't work how lucky how lucky am i how lucky to get this [ __ ] i'm done i'm done the run goes on the run is done when i say it's done based sacred heart no sure do i have control now that's a lot of lasers oh my god dude what kind of [ __ ] eldritch being have i turn into right now hopefully mega state drops some [ __ ] or let me go to lyrium that'll be funny if i get the lyrium portal from uh the lamb maybe i might just do that all right oh okay what's what are we gonna do yeah okay [ __ ] oh i have take damage now of course i get marked dude what do i have i have homing bombs glitch i have glitched around not as immortal as i once was you're insane what have you done albie just yolo i cracked ice too this is a stupid one but i i see that i have to use it oh my god the amount of bumps holy [ __ ] is there a portal i can't tell no i don't think there is okay you should get no no we're gonna make it i can use this during like i said see what happens oh my god make it stop this is the dream man anyways i don't even know what i'm doing i have no idea but it seems pretty [ __ ] effective i gotta say there's bullets literally everywhere holy [ __ ] again am i shooting sim again what the [ __ ] am i doing oh i got the ptosis rips that guy oh we got it okay let's go oh we got rock bottom right now oh [ __ ] now we are all during delirium and enter the halls of legend okay done gotta find the poor [ __ ] first i'm gonna get some safety assaults seems to have a good damage list i have a secret or something oh speed and range see ya we do pretty good damage [Music] and i love myself into a safe full sense of security by being strong right now i'm not real under lyrium wake up epic item oh [ __ ] nicer bumps echo chamber goddamn even this guy gets one shot by this jesus christ where's lyrium [Music] let's get full again i'm getting so much scat clear him hello [Music] okay what is happening right now i didn't exp oh i didn't expect this d100 this uh cersei right you [ __ ] that's how you play stack if you were wondering good run good run now maggie is complete jesus christ i didn't expect that when i picked maggie [Music] you
Channel: Not Albino
Views: 312,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ethxTb7mc3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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