The IV Bag Incident

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I don't even know what I have man it seems to be [Music] today I feel uh gay the economicon and bombs four damage two hearts but I actually know my hearts what is what do I have in my ass never like a tail or something or someone else but plug great I just didn't want to do the room we are doing chests it seems why is there a shot spin man can I get like a status or something thank you okay but we have a heart in there so I might as well let's use the curse Gates simply get the health back do we take OSHA paid me oh no I haven't got my item yet I forgot about that taking damage spawn spiders one night one spider made from Spiderman yeah it's like the least useful transformation ever in this game lucky well I had negative looks that's pretty good one keep going next I I think it's kind of risky if it was uh if it's XL it's fine but in case it's something satellite wanna I wanna get the key man thank you are all the four floor bosses I'm August amongst themed a lot of them are a lot I have a lot of amongst mods uh I used them more but I have a lot still I guess I didn't need that key did I oh okay what is this game dude yeah I I I killed me again kill me again kill me again annoying floor what is this ah I'm trying to walk oh my God I wanted to save a bomb there I had to say bomb it was very important I was gonna spend the boat man it's good nope that's not gonna happen wait the room is cleared oh suck head dude that is crazy I need second oh spider baby this is a Spider Run uh okay may I have some money your money I read one second is like incredibly incredibly good it is ghosted even ah it's suppose not because it's hard or anything but it's just stalling a lot of the time all right oh we still got the okay that's really good oh all right so let me sitting we still get the angel chance next door that's really good I was worried that some people were not gonna get it so I guess like the one important thing about the socket is that like you can you can use the build machine and it will instead of swinging a coin against bonusack which can give you keys and bombs and all types of stuff pills yeah no bomb no nothing we're kind of struggling here but we got some good good starting point I guess Mr Russell I like him by this because it could it gets that buying just hard normally it's not worth it because it's three coins for one heart and normally that doesn't pay out but since your side cut it could uh be good that's the biggest spider so although it did it wasn't it didn't pay out so whatever at least we Traverse have no bomb for secret drum nothing's just sad I spent a lot of bombs I didn't really know what spider baby does and I don't I generally don't really know I never get it and I want to do it it's like always like at a very late game and I'm like fighting Mega Satan or something it's pacing the floor yeah I guess so oh my God bum friend this is great he might give sacks but he will still take my money oh hmm Uno I don't think I want to fight this guy when I'm uh lost form actually don't think I do shastra oh sure sure okay again oh hello sure yep [Music] good item appreciate it awesome thank you more shot speed guys that's exactly what I needed um I think I want to take damage here actually I want to lose my soulards sort of I don't want to I don't want to spawn ninja door right now I really don't want to spawn the engine but it's obviously I don't want to lose all this solo so they're really useful let's just um yeah I'll just do the boss should be okay hopefully it doesn't spawn angel would be unfortunately with it did we get the door don't completely pleasing the door uh seems to work all right a lot faster than just shooting him I guess uh we don't have any bombs uh shocked to do digital bumps two it did have bombs do we have any place to use the bomb uh maybe if it is here it will be pretty cool oh in that case we'll buy one more bomb I get access to the bathroom cool could be a good item probably gonna be Health up though which is always the case marbles would be nice I like marbles oh my speed I've taken I will teleport out but this still this could be a room clear this could be a bomb you know who knows I'm incredibly fast though having found a two-speed item so far I'm in good base speed a base speed where we got like this is this is isn't Ross and this the same it's like the same level listen like I feel like they're the same this is the water caves with water no it's basically the same thing voices I couldn't see the guy what hello blood more speed hmm okay I'll I'll wait it hits a lot of hard so we can wait for that man is streaming out the Epic oh if we take one more hit we can actually go uh uh I didn't mean for it happen but it did anyways that's the opportunity to use the no but it's it's not here anymore okay we needed a another machine because this one just died where the animal met all right screw by Guess uh seems good if I can afford it somehow oh we're gonna very slow but it's really really hard shots damn I'll look this way this is risky about talking okay we have some solar spirit for later oh yeah am I fighting this boss no okay worth it for all bandage though for sure how far we got Gordy it's fine that I had to just be careful like just focus a bit but it's fine for him you just beat the attack and mock left with this Moon speed whatever now picking the soul heart [Music] and to pick up this bit of Max Speed and we can print Hearts so that's pretty powerful I'm just going to find a video for the starts we need also bombs uh you've been the game through and through and keep wanting to players what about motor characters or more the content in general I don't like it I think about the character in this type of the game system l and another game it's one boom one bomb can I get one bomb bomb can we get one bomb hello yes you can give me a bump not Keys No bumps bump you want to give me a bomb you uh and the mushroom isn't that good but I would like to have it but Chad wait we have all bandages and back a second and stir up the blindfold really unlucky now what the hell is happening wow okay we're not getting anything that's really unfortunate yeah so I did all Benders can spawn Hearts when you get hit and then uh ahead can spawn can turn any pickups into a sec so combined it can make it so that I take damage and I spawn a sec and then if the sack will maybe have a bomb oh look at that the blind spot we actually extended it long enough now we could take more hits technically okay it afforded the three more hits but that meant alcohol because the game is just mean to me today of course the blind fat oh my God uh Rod tart I guess I guess better than nothing you know The Hermit okay well it's a Teleport that's kind of valuable in its own okay I hate this run I hate it straight up I no longer like it two of diamonds that's actually pretty useful now if I didn't have a guy stealing all my money yeah it would be pretty good no hurry it again okay awesome I love having the same card at this nothing aha I knew it I'm good at games what can I say oh aha gato ah random items Among Us I guess yep rip only I love of course the blind goodbye still got it God damn Health up you're nice hmm oh I'm glad I got that both I actually got two really good items there fake PHD and two bum friends albino turned into the local drug dealer true true I think yeah my stuff is dogs but I want to make sure that I go to this floor and not the other one I want to make sure that I stay on this path so we do this we go here and then we uh we use against this on the end of this floor LOL okay we lost an item sure is pretty good where's the ghost oh my dogs thank you only regular room is annoying if you get to keep them against the ruin but I guess we're gonna again this is the shot anyways so rip I never used as well there's a card to clear room before but I am forced I'm literally that weak which is very uh you know Genesis will come in handy I'm gonna pay to get uh well it's an item okay it's gonna get reblown noise [Music] God damn thank you uh I guess there's I mean I could check up here there might be something probably it wasn't but it might be I guess careful curse okay I guess we're good but let's do the Boston and then uh see what happens yup more chance more coins bus not as a mild boss could be worse all right uh that should be that yep ah a good Soul King baby so now I got rid of both of the annoying little beggars like that conjoined well I have a base or why not bad energy I'll take that I like how do they sound like that out of these I will I have [ __ ] a piece again um shot speed then I card I don't think so I guess I'll just get the bookworm uh or damage damage D1 is pretty powerful I guess depending it can it can be like a some way I mean it's kind of gotten super Giga nerfed but not really tears I think it packed oh there's a good news item actually try say again my short speed is a bit High though as really I [ __ ] that's that's kind of bad conjoined conjoined yippee speed and range magic speed is pretty decent but taking enemy damage drops hard neptunus I have control already eternally six I mean is flip good past like well yeah I guess it is I guess James piggy bank that's all that's a good one very nice spider mod yeah um lockup Gold Head well we have full key to guarantees to get double these are not very good this is not very good this is yeah sure another one of those human tempestus key bomb I don't think so all right that's pretty good oh there's a bit why not we have chaos wait what okay sure but it's pretty good whoops chaos didn't really do much here did it perks again okay hello we don't have enough money though I wish I could find a uh item room already so I could use my flip sacrifice room okay that's pretty cool means we can use the perks in there and get the film sacrifice that's pretty good 15 and now we can fly look at that oh [Music] well I didn't expect that what time do we want huh I think I think I'm excited I think I know exactly what I want chat I'm gonna go for something simple today I'm just gonna get cm200 in here for the fifth time I don't think uh that's what it feels really feeling that today wait for us here I guess I want to pick up some things in here because there's a lot of like pickups that you can get like chests and sex sex now I could get Among Us 100 damage that's not that's not very much when I have this little what would be perfect would be um Good Old Reliable chaos number two an item that gives me three things that I want first of all it gives me Shots a bit down second of all it gives me homing yeah and it gives me uh two thirds oh that's pretty good yeah I guess I'll take that perfect now we got told me and just be down perfect amazing and we got the flip back damage homing all of the above I'll take it hello bookworm okay I'm pretty effective right now it's pretty good damage to use items though yikes was there anything good in the shop there was like a sack head I think but we don't have a charge we can't like it we can charge our thing our funny um hello actually we can in which case I don't know by that it's gonna trinkets good second Epic goodbye uh we're doing this yep still looked here I guess we Yep this is the second time we do this turn absolutely run into a broken run I mean it's it's I I literally with the Genesis and and start somehow I didn't I didn't pick up chaos that's the thing I didn't pick it up I just had chaos I don't know how that happened but it did what's this done oh ah items I like items particularly items of the secret variety hello Dwayne The Rock I mean it's damaged scam yikes let's be that was fine we'll just take damage and we get speed because we have a ghost to Gusty blood wait what wait what happened now what huh oh it's because I have the the trinket came back to go drink it thank you it's this moment beautiful uh what's this 99 bombs Among Us wavy cap I didn't think it was moving [Music] for the boss foreign great uh helmet is nice I don't care about the blank is I'll take the helmet I guess I like it though let's just get some more options here oh my God ah this wasn't worth it I gotta clear some rooms man I'm not doing that much damage actually I'm a little bit worried about dying but I have all the bandage and Hyper correlations I should be okay so it's just because like I'm not doing that much damage and it's really hard to do this it's very difficult of this they are behaving they're in the wave pattern and they have a terrorist is in a waving hello heart oh oh hang on I'm sorry okay I think we're good he lives for now there's a strength there I didn't really didn't realize anyways Montezuma we got uh we gotta go up for uh lockdown Epic for Isaac that's our goal I won this very very captive two away it's it's really annoying right now calm down oh it's almost normal now it should be normal it's not oh my God thank you Game the lovers yes Believers win oh hello damn spider will be again dude oh my God check in PC and game he gets too much spider baby style yes could be something worthwhile in here unicorn horn this guy hello well why not money usually he spawns a bunch of pickups but this time when I have D20 and uh chesty does not which is uh just funny and Epic well let's spawn pickups I believe we're rigging because that was a uh gold battery if only had that mental man that's one of the good that's the only things in mantle is like actually good for this specific situation so you can maintain the gold battery without taking actual damage cool thing though so we actually generate more Precast by doing this perks hello oh okay shut let me cook now somebody's not picking up the coins that should be good [Music] oh well now I just take damage and don't worry I wish I had more time more ways of cell form let's use bumps whoops that is all my bumps uh now we picked the the thing and maybe get the gold Mumba if you can good points well albino actually you just run here if you wanted to rig it I think if you can get an R key yeah do you get if you can't get an Archie I think that would be a good idea yeah that is what yeah in my expert opinion this run needs a Sacred Heart just get it just get it if you see a secret heart you should probably take it I know this might be a you know kind of out of the box idea but if you do see a secretary I'm gonna stop no golden bomb unfortunately pick up drum scare but pick up more chests what is this red card I'm kind of interested in that uh uh uh all right I have this mod installed the moon hello beggar I guess you can use the moon yeah great let me get one more room though I don't oh [Music] okay well hmm uh-huh nice garbage yeah two troll bombs yeah okay okay two two of course of course one wasn't enough now we need we need two I think yeah I think we need to yeah yeah it's one more one more hello goodbye see ya all right goodbye uh what's his hero no aha gosh a golden bomb would be the it but uh we don't have that I think Hmm gold natural layers well there's gonna be more pickups the glass Cannon oh that's pretty good look at that oh that's actually all good cell from item okay okay that's the one I wanted I didn't want the blue bag I wanted this so if we get perks now it's actually a giga over now we have infinite an option for infinite by the way I have a model installed that lets me uh hold R to go over pickups so I don't have to pick them up hold r no I'm gonna hold R2 I hold R2 oh foreign Game Boy orb not like an orb oh really I don't know maybe that's a rune spawner I think that's for sure oh that's a rune that's a rune run the Lord tag us okay yikes Emperor is it isn't okay a way to rerun this would be perfect uh the emperor reverse we could do but I don't think it's gonna be like really meaningful no card to just spawn extra stuff is it temperate temper semperance big value this should be good for now I think reverse golden pill Golden Key no golden bump when I heard a gold dink sound I was like now is there a perk in here could be huge reverse Tower could be huge experimental full of full health I think I'll take that that's actually value wait oh that's that we have Perks okay that's really good now we don't have to worry about perks anymore epic let me take this now you can make an argument for going for a bigger room actually oh look at this this is a good starting point for a big room yeah I like it now you can move a rig now because now we have a good starting point here also we have a good easy way to set up infinites and now we bring the full Hill and we do a little bit of money moment thank you epic okay yep rigging oh Lord it really did that just appear foreign pickups now than we did before and it's Mega infinite as well this is gonna be a big role I that's that there we go there we go there we have it boys it's over there we go it's always it's not over because until it's over something malicious is ruining something malicious Brewing that's all I have to say so much money this one's funny and this one's on the tour yeah you're starting here is perfect so because then we can uh we can store my uh spawner item and my uh rigging item in the same like room let me keep going more stuff yes okay let's see now aha stuff this looks like I'm playing agreed oh let's go oh that's a recent machine Evan this is how the devs ever envisioned the game being played I like bumps Network hello my beloved I don't mean to like that whoops piercing Brimstone this this this this this oh hello damage let's let's go uh charge Bunny and then bam now it's more oh now we gotta go okay it's over I think I will call it there actually of course not nice why am I nice we recorded it there but let's just pick up the rest now oh parasite of course always tear bombs okay it's over yep yep yep yep yep yep there's some blow up my wrist machine please 100 okay boys you know what time it is you know what the one way we finish this up yep yep boom what is happening you um [Music] twisted pair actually I'll take it excuse me coming through I would like the echo chamber thank you oh yes more items thank you I would like some more items please can I have some more yes mirror great that sounds awesome and then boom yippee he said I shoot a lot of things let's make it even more things also that makes it even more things additionally I would like to be even more things more items yes great I have what ah Where'd I see two scat bombs fruitcake oh because we have fat moments you have a personal Diner oh great I hate to say them and my gun let's go kill the boss now I guess we're done with this now hello I don't even know what I have man it seems to be seems to be working out I guess it's fine I guess it's fine I guess it's cool I guess it's decent yeah that's how it works out that works out uh satisfactory that's all I have to say okay I don't even know we did ah there you go Satan yep that's it when we did I think we're calling it right here yeah I'm yeah beat it let's run started with two bumps I told you it was possible let's give it if it's readable I will find the way but it was like it's sad though because it's like uh someone asked in the beginning it's just gonna be a YouTube video and I thought to myself there is no way in hell this is gonna be a YouTube video this is social but here I am with the you know base rate moments every time I mean every time every time I have a good run like that in the beginning it is like terrible it's awful but some guy asks is this gonna be a video I'm like hell no absolutely not no way no way and then it's like uh it turns into it the raid run ever all right [Music]
Channel: Not Albino
Views: 239,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hf0He4JmM8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 2sec (1742 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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