Learning to Fly - BAD LANDINGS | Student Pilot

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every pilot strives for the perfect landing where the wheels gently kiss the ground tracking straight down the centerline the reality is during the early stages of training your landings will be anything but gentle and straight so if you're feeling a little disheartened when watching everyone else's nice touch downs here's a short compilation of some of my bad landings [Music] yeah they're just a little just a little trickle of hair it brings level now slightly down into the crosswind divinity no change any power settings it's all looking good he's the pair just let it continued follow them profile dance looking good that's your ride brother just what a move that's a little bit more right brother now live a lot and all they say it's coming to the right there yeah you nearly go okay oh that's the next show on the ground then oh good what are we doing over here okay outside okay and so I forget so I get away look outside you get away from this better yep will they get across the threshold okay so continue up smoothly flee make sure the pairs right back all that off all the back keep that stick back relax and just keep the stick back relax relax stick back stick back stick think Big Bang what you're trying to do is not let the nose touch the ground yeah not put the nose on the ground yeah okay never can find some breaks Oh ready to catch it and have that all right rudder okay and just to prove that I'm not worse pilot in the world and that you do learn from your mistakes use the landing for my last lesson nice coming up I straight looking right there at the end of the runway that's it nice all even eyes up as long as you can it eventually goes there
Channel: Romeo Juliet Whiskey
Views: 4,096,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Scary landing, bad landing, learning to fly, running off the runway, bounced landing, ballon landing, bad landing cockpit, student pilot, private pilot licence, recreational pilot license, recreational pilots certificate, how to land a plane, how to not land a plane, learning to land, learning to land a plane, student landings
Id: 1xjJuWkSUGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 1sec (181 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2016
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