Learning Geometry Nodes in Blender 2.93

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[Music] foreign [Music] it is tuesday it is tuesday second day of the week and of course it's time for another stream today we're going to do something pretty uh i guess we've done it before but something pretty rare um i guess for the stream we've done it once before and we're gonna do it today as well we're gonna learn something together so um you know um i wanted to learn more about geometry notes so that's what we're going to do today and um yeah maybe i i thought about maybe you know getting to the point that we could you know create real projects with geometry notes or just going over i guess you know maybe yeah just being comfortable with using geometry notes and that of course includes uh having to learn no having to learn geometry notes so um today that's uh that's gonna be the streams topic learning geometry notes let's go to the summary hello as you can see over there we have two topics as always two topics right there um first one is always the quick sketch uh should roughly take i mean they're they're they're just 30 minutes but that's only the quick sketch afterwards we're gonna do some possible processing and we're gonna post it on social media as well which means we're gonna probably end it like an hour or so then we're gonna go into the next topic welcome uh well what immigration welcome back hope you've enjoyed your day as well thank you um yeah so if you only want to see one of these and you're seeing the the video or the vod you can probably look at the description or in the timeline there should be some timestamps to either the first topic or the second one of course the first topic is coming up right away right now i'm gonna do the quick sketch first and then afterwards we'll go we're gonna go and learn some more about geometry notes um i have you know i've looked into it once and we've created like a small project where we basically just gathered you know rocks on a you know like on some some sand or whatever um today i wanted to look more into you know i don't know just uh getting into some more i guess shaping different different objects with geometry knows that's kind of what i wanted to look into um but as always first things first the quick sketch today we're gonna sculpt something uh also pretty simple yesterday we sculpted a snail today in terms of the shape we're gonna scope something pretty simple as well which is a baby penguin so um let's go to blender and then we can start with the uh with the quick sketch okay so let's go to sculpting and then oh there you go dynamic topology and constant detail there you go we set it the resolution to 20 just to start off and then we can start with the sketch um do we need anything else symmetry we need symmetry yep i have my references as well blender okay there you go okay perfect do we need anything else we need the references that i already have perfect let me just put them in a new tab right here there you go [Music] okay perfect i'm going to make them smaller for me to see and then we can start the timer's ready hopefully you are ready as well so we can start um yeah i would say um where's my timer there you go i would say hold on i want to make the music just a little bit louder like two percent maybe four there you go perfect okay so i would say i'm ready i have my pen ready so let's sculpt this uh baby penguin in uh three two one go there you go okay so first of all let's shape this into a penguin shape oh i just accidentally did something let me uh let me see okay we have symmetry perfect let's do let's put this into a penguin shape what does a penguin look like uh i would say like a pear according to the reference so um let me just quickly resize them they go now i can see the full body perfect oh perfect okay let's go into the body first of course this will be another full body scope just because you know the body is pretty simple and then we're gonna go into the head afterwards or you know as always putting creating a very simple shape in the beginning and then getting into [Music] i guess some more detail later there you go nice pear shape um so where's the where's the front where's the back i completely forgot where it is okay this side the front perfect so we need a little bit of like a tail at the back as well so i'm going to put this down here maybe a little bit like this they go that's better look at this already looks more like a penguin not really that much but you know you have to start somewhere there you go that's the bottom of the penguin maybe pull it out a little bit there you go perfect okay so let's go to the uh the head that is pretty simple we're just gonna create a quick mask and then we did we're gonna pull out the head do some quick math some quick masks there you go let's make it a little bit bigger maybe like this perfect nice and round inverted grab my good old snake hook and pull it out like that okay make it wider because it's you know it's not flat he actually needs some an actual head shape it's not just like a plane there you go looks pretty weird right now but we're gonna fix it later work right now or rather so first of all i need to see the side view okay perfect so they actually have quite a few quite a lot in the front but um yeah let's go here right first and we're gonna pull the head forward a little bit there you go okay nice head shape he has a nice neck there's basically no neck for these dudes they only have either a body or a head they don't have a neck which looks kind of weird but also kind of cute there you go let's look at the the mouth the beak there you go make it smaller just smooth it down to make it sharper there you go perfect okay all right let's grab my good old crease tool and create a nice beak that actually goes pretty deep and also kind of down i think that's kind of like a you know a um what do you call it like a characteristic of penguins that like the mouth goes down like this looks pretty interesting there you go then we have the eyes as well i'm just going to sculpt them in probably over here somewhere like there there you go okay it looks like uh what is it called a uh a dolphin right now let's fix that real quick um we need a small little mouth right here they go all the way down there you go now immediately looks more like a bird rather than some sort of aquatic i guess mammal there you go perfect look at that ah okay we need some eyes now the eyes are pretty small actually but um yeah i mean we're probably going to keep them pretty small because i want to keep it or kind of stay close to reference there you go give it a nice eye shape okay perfect eyes are pretty open there you go okay um they also have a different head shape so the back is bigger than the front so we need to make it wider first of all and then we also need to pull this forward so that the eyes can look more forward than i guess to the side they go that's better perfect let's make the head a little bit rounder by just going in here and adding some more volume over here there you go nice and round okay oh that's a lot there you go okay let's smooth it out and we have a better head shape it looks kind of so if i see correctly the head is quite round and also goes kind of more back so i'm gonna add some definitely more more geometry over here because otherwise we the neck isn't really developed enough there you go nice huge neck on this little fella there you go we need some more back here in the trunk nice nice there you go okay that's definitely looking better his eyes look kind of weird i think we need to pull them a little bit more forward like in here yeah also maybe more in and then smooth this out that's probably better or we look sad from here okay let's continue we should probably pull this a little bit further forward usually you know birds small birds have very very very small beaks that kind of develop as they grow which means that in the beginning they're pretty small and this one's kind of seems too big from i think so we need to make it a little bit smaller bigger that's better okay perfect smooth it out okay we need to make this definitely smoother there you go that's better oh okay i need to see him from the front again i kind of don't like the middle part is it wow yeah i think what the the biggest problem right now that this is just too wide so i'm gonna definitely make it slimmer there you go we have 23 minutes left so plenty of time okay maybe this is also too wide i don't really know we'll see what we can do though is we can first of all pull this forward a little bit and then i'm gonna extend the volume of the fur over the beak basically like this there you go we probably need to pull the eyes out just a little bit there you go okay and then we need to make the head even bigger so let's add some more volume over here in the back that thing can also go to the front there's quite a lot of you know fur in the front as well they're kind of fuzzy you know to keep them warm without having to move a lot so we need some more volume right there as well and then we have some more in the back as well we also need to add these uh another hands i guess arms or whatever you want to call them flippers for uh for arms but we're going to do that soon we also want to you know kind of fix or kind of you know get a good head size and head shape going and then we can go into the rest of the body there you go okay this looks weird i'm going to make this smoother i think that's better there you go okay now it looks definitely better but it still doesn't look perfect maybe the reference isn't really that good in terms of you know what the mouth looks like or at least the one that i'm that i have open right now i have another one that is probably a little bit better so i'm probably gonna make it more like this there you go perfect okay smooth it out okay now he looks this definitely needs to be a little bit longer more like this maybe there you go okay i'm gonna keep it there for now let's do the rest of the body first of all what i'm gonna bring in is are the feet so we're gonna put in some feet what i want to do with them though usually what they do is they kind of pull them up so kind of that the fur is covering them so i'm gonna put the feet right you know push it up a little bit so i have some more room for them and then we're gonna bring in some feet feet look more like prehistoric dinosaurs but you know without them they look kind of weird so let's bring them in they go okay they tuck them in real nice under their body like this okay let's adjust the shape a little bit there you go we need some more over here as well everything around the the feet should be you know nice and fluffy perfect there you go okay we also need the tail back the tail is kind of lost so i'm going to bring it back in just a second okay there you go perfect we're gonna pull this up just a little bit so i have some more room for the tail and it's more even here at the bottom there you go let's bring in the tail now the tail we can probably just grab the good old snake hook brush and just pull it out this there you go oh like this there you go okay perfect let's uh make it a little bit more defined by maybe doing this using the crease brush to kind of make it sharper there you go perfect we also need arms now let's do the let's put in some arms we also need a bigger belly so i'm going to make it pull it out a little bit more there you go okay lured him chillin okay let's let's bring let's give him some arms i'm probably just gonna sculpt in some arms so we're probably gonna start somewhere over here that's the shoulder it then goes all the way down over here and then it kind of does this this uh i guess thunder shape you'll see what i mean in a second there you go going back to the going back up like this and then going up like this there you go that's what i mean thunder shape pulling up pulling it down a little bit to have some more room here okay let's grab the add brush and add some more geometry over here so it's actually like a separate object that is just lying on top of the body there you go perfect i'm just i'm going to use the crease brush as well to kind of you know separate the two perfect let's grab the crease brush there you go there you go smooth it out a little bit i think we need to make this wider so i'm going to pull it more to the side here this side here over here there you go perfect that's the arm the arm was kind of weird maybe that's just because the arm itself in real life also looks kind of weird but i think what i want to do is i want to make pull this more over here there you go i think that's makes that makes it better um maybe we need some more rotation here get some rotation going like this perfect and then i need to add some fur let's do that now just by kind of you know going in here with the what is it called the classic brush the one that i always use but still don't know the name of and add some fur texture here of course as i said yesterday where you could add a texture to a brush but if you do you know these very very broad strokes they can also just create textures especially useful for fur hair or whatever just to kind of create this um kind of you know just a general structure in it doing it like this you can see all these small little uh nooks and crannies and all these small little you know stripes and i guess hair particles hair strands that get created or these lines that get created that look like hair there you go look at this perfect look at him um okay so we need to do a few more adjustments but we're gonna we're in the right uh we're going in the right direction first things first what i want to do is um kind of give him some fur on his face as well like this perfect okay there you go let's go into oh where am i there you go let's go into uh the shape some more so one thing that i want to change so i want to pull these feet just a little bit lower like here rotate them in as well they're kind of you know rotated in so that they just cover or that they stand on just a little bit of their feet not like all of it which i guess saves some more warmth there you go let's go to the front yeah the the head is definitely too thick so um i'm gonna make this remove the thickness or you know reduce the thickness rather a little bit more like this perfect that's better yeah then i also want to pull this arm just a little bit lower not too much oh there you go perfect that's the arm we also need some more depth in here [Music] perfect okay look at him let's put it let's give him some eyes so we can give some so we can also give him some eyelash eyelashes eyelids i mean uh uv sphere they go pull it to the side make it smooth scale it down and then we use a mirror modifier on it mirror put that on the sculpt for the sculpt i mean mirror object and then we can place it in his eyeball i mean his eye sockets there you go look at that now he has some ice let's go back to to the scope and adjust the scope a little bit more first things first i think what i want to do is i'm going to increase the dynamic topology to 50. there you go and then we can you know adjust the eyes a little bit more because now we have some more control we have some more resolution which means we have some more uh room to work with or you know we can add more detail there you go smooth it out perfect do the same on the other side it's weird sometimes animals have like this normal eye shape or this you know this eye shape that humans also have and then sometimes they have this you know they have this tear duct in the front but then or this you know pure shape in the front but then in the back it's like it's like round which is kind of weird maybe that's dependent on i don't know being a carnivore and maybe a um herbivore i don't really know why but oh now he looks kind of like a female female penguin hold on maybe i could pull it down a little bit kind of decrease this female look okay maybe i mean we could probably keep it like that maybe we could give him some more just a little bit over here as well there you go kind of define his eyes a little bit more there you go do the same at the bottom right there okay smooth it out okay let's uh i mean we could you know we have a few decisions we can or we have a few things we could do now we can either i guess um detail the fur a little bit more one thing that i want to do so i want to detail the the beak the beak looks very very rough right now so i want to go in here and add some more detail there you go let's go in here and make this definitely sharper because there isn't really any you know every any sharpness it looks kind of like a i guess soft i don't know it looks kind of soft because it's so um yeah it's so soft the edge there's no edge to it now by adding using the crease brush we can actually create an edge as well there you go perfect let's do the same at the bottom as well pretty quickly pretty easy there you go easy it still looks kind of like it's um you know it's not fully together so what we could do use maybe is the pinch brush the pinch presses some print pinch brush is something that i never really use that often but maybe in this instance it might be actually you know might actually work quite well let's see pulling those together yeah that looks pretty okay i think not great but i think that's pretty pretty cool there you go let's um adjust the fur a little bit more i think they also have you know some some nose holes some big nose holes let's put them in as well i think they have like knife right here if i see that correctly are they there it seems like it so we're going to keep them there i'm also going to change the shape a little bit there you go make the make it thinner in the front because it's quite wide right now just oh pushing it more together like this there you go smoothing it out and then going back in here adding some more geometry just to kind of define and refine the uh the beak shape a little bit more there you go perfect okay that's definitely better okay let's get into uh the rest of the head shape a little bit more so what i'm going to do is we have 10 minutes left so we can probably you know just add a little bit more fur like this pretty simple pretty easy just to kind of detail out the rest of the body a little bit more because right now it looks very very i guess you could say blurry in terms of geometry because there's you know you can still see the structure but the structure is very very raw i guess or very very rough and that's now if we add some more geometry it'll look way way better we're not going to go into the next level i think the next level is way too much for a quick sketch we will never probably get there where we need 100 resolution just to kind of you know give this scope a little bit more detail about 50 should be enough for everything that we need to do there you go maybe we don't even have to go through the full body but we can see how far we get we have uh in nine minutes left there you go maybe we can detail the uh the arms a little bit more the wings whatever i guess i guess they could be called wings on penguins although they can't fly there you go it was the same problem that we had yesterday for the for the snail whether or not a snail is wearing or you know has a a house or a shell i think we came to the conclusion that it's eggshell same problem we have here whether they're arms or rather wings i mean they're they're shaped like wings so i would guess their wings i also learned that if you say you know the plural for fish is fish or if you speak about multiple different species of fish then it's fishes which is kind of weird but now you learn something new just like i did [Music] there you go just kind of adding the structure to the to the arms ball to the wings or whatever it is there you go now just trying to continue and finish the body and ending i think we're good i think we're um [Music] oh we could probably add some more detail to the feet as well but the feet of course are very low we're probably gonna see them in the render so we don't have to pay too much attention to them but i think i mean if you if you can see them right here you know we can at least add some detail which shouldn't take too long because uh all they basically have is these toes these three with maybe even toenails you could call them or claws um so let's add those now first of all we need to you know generally just give this some more detail pulling out the claw right here there you go do the same with the other two and then detailing the toes a little bit more [Music] there you go yeah that looks better than before at least maybe going in here as well just kind of adding some more detail we're not going to see it but you know why not there you go okay we have some more to do in the back because the back looks very blurry so let's add some more geometry over here as well there you go we have six minutes left so we can actually probably do more than that maybe we could go into i guess part of the scope and kind of highlight the the contours a little bit more with the crease brush we'll see we'll see what is necessary right now we're just kind of detailing the the fur and then afterwards so many possibilities i'm actually quite you know i've seen some tutorials about geometry notes now um which made it seem pretty simple um and i think also you know once you kind of understand the concept in the workflow then it gets simpler i guess the biggest you know hurdle i guess right now is just to learn all the notes and how they work together and how you create i guess different systems and different attributes and all that stuff that's what we're going to look into today because in blender 2.93 there are also new nodes that have been added which we're going to look into because when i looked into them into geometry nodes last time i think it was in 2.91 or maybe 2.92 with 2.93 there are new new notes so we're going to look at those as well just to kind of you know learn more about them how they work and how they work with each other and how the workflow goes okay so do we need more we can probably make the head a little bit rounder i'm going to pull this up just a little bit like this there you go look at this the eyes should be quite small so i'm going to pull them lower closer together like this okay that's better there you go little penguin okay maybe the head is even too big i don't really know looks weird oh hold on oh there you go oh that looks pretty good just made it the head a little bit smaller i think that works quite well maybe giving him that a small ammo like a small chest right here as well there you go perfect okay four minutes left can we do some more here i don't really know the the mouth or the the beak looks pretty simple maybe we can give that some more detail hold on very very simple of course oh we haven't really worked on the beginning at all did we no we did oh yeah we did okay there you go maybe making it a little bit sharper okay perfect look at that okay i think that's good i don't think we need to add more i think that looks pretty good already i'm gonna save it right there because i don't want to lose my quick sketch we're at uh quick sketch day oh day i think 1 49 149 is that right yep quick sketch day 149 there you go save it right there and then we're done maybe we can create a penguin in with geometry notes who knows i don't think so but uh you know if you can create different looking plants and all that stuff maybe you can create the penguins as well okay so now that we have the penguin let's create or let's let's you know let's render it we're going to first of all move the camera over here because i usually make a three-quarter view of the sculpt figure pull it to the side maybe a little bit closer look at them sitting there let's go a little bit closer just a little bit more there you go that looks pretty good um we don't need the slide because we're gonna append the new lighting or the you know the lighting that i always use there you go collection and there you go let's go into render view so we can see what the lighting looks like right now look at that okay first of all what i'm going to change so i'm going to hide this and i'm just going to change this one um i'm probably going to rotate it more to the left side because that creates some more you know some more structure on the right side which we can actually see and then we can also bring back the area light maybe either bringing it over here like this maybe also giving it bringing it over here a little bit more just a little bit just a little bit not too much no that's too much you know just like that i think that's pretty cool and then i also have a a material let's grab that material in a second we save that right there we're going to append the material as well lego material one codename over one we're gonna put it in there it's gonna be fully black because we have to change the note and there you go now we have a nice little penguin the eye needs to be shiny and black as well so that shouldn't be a big problem we're going to make it black first oh there you go make it very very dark and then we're going to change the roughness to zero and they go very nice shiny eye what we can do now is we can go in here and add just a little very very tiny light that kind of reflects uh in the eye right there we can decrease the strength maybe to 100 so this isn't that you know impactful there you go we have 18 seconds left so one thing that i want to do is i want to adjust the eyes just a little bit not too much just kind of push them up a little bit more oh welcome andrade hope you've enjoyed your day we're doing a quick sketch right now before we go into geometry notes there you go ah maybe pull it up a little bit more there you go perfect yeah i think that's good let's um save it and we can do the render okay uh let's do the sketch render first 50 and also 30 at 32 samples there you go and let's do the quick render we're going to switch to render view so we can see the post production as well which we're going to do in here which is basically just the glare node but you know we can't really do that in photoshop so i'm gonna i'm gonna use that in i'm gonna put it into the image in blender and then we can go into photoshop do some more post-production okay perfect ah okay perfect let's go in here and do some post-production first things first i'm gonna use the glare note put that in there oh he's a very glowy boy let's increase the threshold so it's not that strong we can also set it to high and there you go oh for a client interesting did you use geometry notes or uh did you use something else normal modeling maybe animations there you go yeah so we've done we've looked into geometry notes before probably like a month ago or so just to kind of get you know the idea of what it really does we went kind of in fully blind then kind of explored everything how it works and all that stuff created like a small scene um some you know some rocks on the ground um and today we wanted to look into the new notes that have been added and kind of maybe getting more into how you really work with you know the notes how they work together and all that stuff yeah okay nice normal modeling no procedural modeling um times eight you know i yesterday i just talked about it as well but there thank you this one i actually don't really like that much just because the b kind of seems like it's going into the rest of the sculpt um i liked yesterday's quite a lot the one the the snail um we've sculpted a small snail um yeah it seems like they're you know i always thought about two two worlds of i guess 3d modeling which would be either hard surface modeling or sculpting which kind of have their own i guess objects you can create with with both of them you know which you can create more organic objects or you know yeah basically organic object with sculpting characters and animals and all that stuff and then you have the other side which would be more machines like i don't know planes or cars or guns or whatever which you can create with um hospice you know modeling but i think there might be another one first of all first i only had these two i guess and then everything else is kind of included in either one or the other but i think there's also procedural i guess modeling you could call it either with um with shaders or with the geometry nodes and um yeah it seems like you know you can either be a sculptor or you know a character artist or whatever you want to call yourself you could be a hard surface modeler or whatever you know i don't know stuff like that or you could be a procedural artist only working with notes and kind of you know modeling whatever you need which is uh a field that seems so so foreign to me and so so difficult um but i'm still interested in so i kind of definitely want to look more into it um which is today at least a little bit you know stepping one step further into the world of procedural modeling um 149 they go perfect let's go to photoshop i need to open it and then we can do some more post-production yeah maybe so i thought about maybe maybe if we can figure it out maybe create like a small flower or something maybe some you know radial um i guess um you know um yeah some sort of flower maybe like radial arrays or whatever um could be pretty cool and with geometry knows but we'll see what we can do yeah the good thing is um you know if if it's um just a quick sketch you know sometimes i just you know it's it's probably the same for me like oh i have to do the quick sketch again or i have to i still have to do my quick sketch today but um usually you know 30 minutes isn't that long and um most of the time at least when i'm not streaming because i on the stream like on stream i always try to stay stick to 30 minutes um sometimes you know off stream i maybe do like 45 minutes or a little bit more um but the good thing is if you only do like you know a sketch every day you can't really care about all of them so you can be a little bit more i guess um you don't have to love all of them um which is okay and probably you know required for you to really do them every day um which makes it way way easier to just do them and you know even if it's if it's bad it's not that horrible because you're gonna do another one tomorrow but it's a um it's a cool challenge um because i actually haven't started with sculpting i actually started with um what was it probably normal modeling yeah just like you know modeling creating an environment actually and now i'm i went into into sculpting i think this month i'm probably going to continue after june maybe a little bit more into no hold on yeah into july as well um you know just kind of doing whatever i want it's kind of hard to really branch off of what you can already do in blender which if you do you know 30 minute quick sketches just because you kind of have to know what you do beforehand before before you go into it because otherwise you're just gonna struggle your way through and there's probably gonna be nothing in the end so um you can only really improve on what you kind of already know but it's still a nice little um you know nice little challenge every day okay perfect [Music] yeah that's it nope i need my oh hold on there you go what i've done basically is just added a selective color correction to this little boy so we can bring back bring down the gray tones a little bit make them darker and then also i made the white parts a little bit brighter and then i used another contrast note i mean contrast uh adjustment layer just to kind of make the contours a little bit stronger even and then i have my good old fingerprint texture that i applied to my quick sketches just to kind of i guess stylize them you could call and they go somebody asked me if i could do some i guess tutorials or explanations or whatever videos on uh geometry notes but then i kind of commented well to do that i would have to learn geometry notes myself first so this is like the the next attempt at doing that um i think it has a lot of potential i just have no idea how to really work with them or you know i kind of know the very very basics but um yeah i'm still very interested in the topic so that's um you know that's one reason why i want to do some learning on it we could also go into you know i guess you know procedural modeling with shaders but um i think geometry notes are more intuitive because you can immediately see what you do or what the changes are you don't have to stay in the render the whole time to see the changes there you go ah there you go perfect where's my up there it is [Music] okay i'm gonna upload the quick sketch real quick while i do that you're gonna see a compilation three minute compilation and then afterwards we're gonna go into learning geometry notes kind of going into all the new neat all the new notes that have been added and trying to get to some sort of i guess you know creating a small project hopefully with um with the new knowledge that we can gain and that's gonna be today's uh topic i'm gonna make a new file of course there you go okay perfect everything's set up um oh hold on i have to import import the image into my phone there you go copy [Music] copy and paste perfect okay good okay so we're gonna start [Music] um yeah um i've tried you know scattering as well kind of replacing i guess particles in in a sense um but you know there's so much more that you can do that uh i kind of want to get in more into it especially i guess creating procedural objects like houses or flower i guess flowers or whatever um seems to be pretty cool and once you know it seems to be very versatile um which i kind of want to learn as well so yeah i'm gonna see you in three minutes once the compilation is done and then we're gonna go into geometry notes hope you enjoy i'll see you then [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] and there you go easy peasy let's get into some geometry notes i still have my graphics tablet on my table i'm on my desk i didn't need it anymore today today we're getting procedural i think i'm gonna need a lot of uh a little of the blender manual but we'll see okay so uh let's start with the sphere actually let's see what we can do here um oh actually do we need to yeah we probably need at least something so yeah let's use the sphere let's see so first of all of course we need a new shader i guess or new i guess geometry layer so we need to go into the geometry geometry nodes tab there you go and then we can make a new new layer there you go so first of all of course to scatter anything on this ball um what we need is some particles um fracturing do you mean uh can you explain that more welcome jax right okay that's pretty like a horrible pronunciation of your name i'm sorry but yeah do you mean like um spitting an object into multiple pieces i've seen that before um i've seen like an animation where somebody used suzanne and kind of rotated her or split her into multiple pieces and then rotated them around so i think it's it's possible i just don't know really how it works [Music] um but i guess yeah i think there's there are a lot of possibilities you just have to kind of you know just know how you just have to know how to do it okay um so let's we can of course add a mesh primitive what happens if i just remove this um you know all the vertices can i still add a mesh primitive oh i can let's add a uh [Music] a sphere video oh that's the wrong one hold on actually we can use the microsphere i think that the icosphere has a better topology radius nope geometry yeah there you go where's my icosphere hold on did i do something wrong let's try again oh i know why we have to keep that here there you go let's bring the sphere back i think we we still need to have the geometry wait there there was hold on there you go okay oh it needs to be on subdivisions interesting so i guess we can then change it in here if we use it no okay okay interesting radius okay uh let's actually start with a sphere i think that's easier nope let's see here i need my uv sphere there you go okay first of all we need a layer there you go i wonder if the layers are yeah they're being saved somewhere but i don't know where which means if we can save yeah we can switch between the two but doesn't really do much okay let's begin first of all um i don't want to scatter something today because scattering is boring we've done that before so today i want to go more into um what is called um circular alignment you know aligning multiple pieces of the same object in a circular fashion so what let's look through the new nodes first so we have a way more in over here we have like a attribute clamp i think that's that's an old one color ramp as well combine xyz i think compares new convert i think it's still old yeah that's why what i'm doing right now just trying to get into procedural modeling some more with geometry notes trying to learn some more about the workflow and kind of how it works um that's kind of the point of the stream today kind of just looking into them and um maybe learning a little bit more maybe getting some more getting more comfortable in creating different types of objects or i guess pieces models map proximity so these ones are to basically you know change um [Music] the attributes of an object um if we don't have any attributes defined except maybe for you know the basic stuff like scaling and i think normals as well then we can't really you know change the attributes we could randomize the uh the um the scale on this you know on this ball but that will really do much so we're not going to do that let's go in here and use let's go through the next one color whatever you need color right now geometry bounding box joint geometry so here you can you know use stuff like boolean or transform them um okay input collection info is viewport of this viewport that's interesting object info random float string yeah render float is just you know a random value between zero and one we don't need that string what a string actually is that like a i guess like a for formula or what no not if your formula what is called like a is it a formula i think so like a calculation okay let's see we don't we have a mesh of course we can boolean edge split subdivide we can you know subdivide this if we want to but we don't really need to so we're not going to we're going to we're not going to do it i wonder why it's not going to why it's not getting subdivided though you know it just does nothing maybe we just don't see it because there's no smoothing that could be the problem here um subdivision surface isn't that one yeah that's the one right there yeah there you go so it still got subdivided but you couldn't see it because it wasn't smoothed out okay so subdivision and subdivision surface is of course a different thing wouldn't need you there you go then we have also uh points and points are of course for scattering stuff like um where is it point incense to create the points we don't see the point right now uh wait no that's the wrong one right yeah that's the wrong one but instances to to apply an object to the points that you create so i think point distributor is the one that we need put that into the geometry there you go and we have some points and then we can decrease and increase the amount look at that okay so i think how we can um create a floral pattern is by using points because points are there to multiply an object onto another object so we should probably use points one thing that i um i'm wondering though is if we can [Music] i have an idea for how we could create a flower and that's what i'm going to try now so what i want to do is i want to create petals for the outside and then also create a surface word where we can play apply the geometry nodes to i don't know i can't click this object anymore hold on there you go so i'm going to remove this object again i'm going to make a new one which will be a uv again but this time i'm going to remove the top half they go remove the upper faces like this oh we need to enable oh no we're doing it okay perfect remove the faces and then i want to scale this make this slower there you go so we have this nice bowl shape then i'm going to pull it up there you go then we need another object that can serve as the petal so what we're going to use is oh wait i want to make this uh change the shape a little bit i'm going to grab this point down here and i'm going to use proportional editing probably with sharp and just pull it down a little bit more like this look at that that's better okay now we need the pedal shape so we can probably just use a [Music] let's use a cylinder actually pull it to the side make it smaller let's see how we can change this one thing that i want to do is i will probably yeah first of all what i'm going to do is i'm going to go in here and in invert yeah invert this there you go add some more faces in the middle so we have some geometry right there as well which you can use to transform this perfect that should be enough now i'm going to use the um another sharp what is it uh proportional editing pull this down so we can get a nice shape going like this then i'm also going to go to the side over here no hold on i'm going to do it differently i'm going to select these faces and then i'm going to add some more over here as well which will be these ones nope that's not here welcome welcome back give that punk hope you've uh hope you've enjoyed your day this is not here we're going to learn a little bit more about geometry notes today so no hair today we finished the hair last week today it's going to be something else there you go that looks pretty cool so we're going to use that for um the petals let's see maybe we can make this a little bit more interesting there you go this might be too big but we'll see okay let's keep it like this i'm gonna maybe pull it up a little bit over here there you go yeah we finished the org last week um i actually did a full or i i guess did you know edited a video about the whole process how i did it or kind of how i did it um that's going to come up on my videos channel on thursday probably going over the whole process more in general but i show you know some footage i guess from it um it was it is the second character in the series of i guess creating realistic characters the first one i think we've done two weeks ago i kind of you know liked the the end result of that so i wanted to do one more and i think yeah it looks pretty cool of course you can always spend more time on it i've seen some mistakes that i might have you know that i wanted to fix but then on the other hand i can just kind of just want to you know continue and do other stuff so um i just left there okay so see we can't really we can't really use these layers which is interesting so we have to make a new one again but now we can actually add these points to um to this geometry let's do that now so we need points they go distribute and then random should be no what is poison disk i don't know but we need more density i think there is some sort of note that lets you attach um hold on thank you for uh subscribing i just need to pull up my uh interface so i can see your name hold on there you go wrc wrc if you're here thank you for subscribing hope you'll enjoy the stream if you're not here then you're not going to hear this so you know yeah so let's see how we can um so i think you can apply um objects you know this object i want to this instant object i want to apply to the point of course but i think you can also it adjust or the position of the points and put them onto the the faces if i remember correctly right now it's set to random what is what happens if we set it to poison disk it just does the same but with poison disk you can distinguish or you have two parameters you can change with random you just have one basically the density how many points are in the same i guess quarter or in this in this room right here three dimensional room um and for postdisk you can basically change the distance between the points which um doesn't really do what i want because i want to you know apply these points to the uh to the to the faces but what i'm going to do first is i want to you know apply this pedal i guess this 3d thick pedal to um to my what is it the sphere or the whatever it's not really a sphere anymore i want to probably remove this geometry down here because it's too thick and then i can just add another one by or i'm going to add some sort of a solidify modifier so this is this has at least some sort of thickness probably also going to make it smooth there you go now it looks better let's use a solidify modifier they go make it a little bit thicker just a little bit like this they go okay let's go in here and add the petal to the points so we can go into point and then we have the point instance note now we can select this object and they go we have some pedals the pads look weird let's uh let's adjust the pedals let's see so they seem to be in the wrong direction but we already have like a flower shape sort of we just have to adjust the uh the points a little bit excuse me so let's see first of all um what if we apply the rotation oh apply rotation nothing happens because it's already in the right direction one thing that i want to change though is i want to pull this lower so it actually is on the pivot point it's not just flying in the air like this there you go that's probably better but we still have to change the points let's go back to the sphere let's call it flower base there you go okay now we can change the point uh rotation what we need for that is i think it's in the point section which is point rotate if we put that in here we can change between different axes and also rotation if we use an attribute or a vector attribute is you know you can create an attribute which will then be applied to um to this node or you can just use the vector so if we now rotate the x rotation we can see we rotate the whole thing around oh look at this this looks actually pretty interesting but not really like flower more like some sort of abstract uh object let's see which one's the best choice here this one definitely isn't oh what is this this looks pretty cool oh okay but first of all i think what we need to do is we need to change the the scale the scale is way too big it will never fit in here so we're going to change the rotation later first thing that i want to change is i want to change the uh the scale so i think it's also important right yeah point scale they go um vector let's see we can use a float to just change the factor i guess that's the easiest one just a you know value there you go look at that now they're oh look at this they look there look already pretty good like a flower but um i think the biggest thing that we need to change is that they are supposed to point in the other direction i don't really know why they point down maybe we have to flip the normals oh there you go easy but now the rotation looks weird so we have to change the rotation a little bit i think what happens is that they follow the normal of these um faces which is also why these ones here these petals on the outside you can see point inwards because the normals of these faces point inwards as well [Music] um so we can maybe create the i guess um flower shape already but we still have to figure out how we can place the points on the faces but let's change the rotation first that's not what i wanted nope that's not what i wanted and then we have the rotation this direction okay so this doesn't really help us what we probably need is the oh point what does point do oh there you go look at that oh that looks pretty cool even if we rotate this look at this okay so point oh so okay so there's another distinction object takes the ack the act okay hold on the axis of the object basically the whole object so if you look at the flower base geometry if i rotate it on the y axis if we if you um click so for example r and then y twice you'll get the object defined um axis what i mean is usually when you press r and then y you rotate on the global axis if you press r and then y y you'll rotate around the uh local axis the one from your object which is helpful if you for example have a a cube and then you rotate it a little bit and then you don't really know you know you just want to now rotate it rotate it around this face it doesn't really work if you just you know press x r or x y it just rotates it on the global axis but if you press r y y you can rotate it on this way still that's i think what what you can change here with this setting either an object or point so if you switch it to point uh we get a way better result so let's see which which setting we need to change oh this looks cool some interesting shapes here but not the one that i needed [Music] this could do for some really cool abstract animations though but that's not what i want to do here i think i'm going to place my camera somewhere over here so we can have some rendered shots as well maybe over here like this and then let's go into rendered view okay we need some better lighting so i'm probably going to use world lighting uh where are my hdris they're not here why why would you do this to me there you are [Music] there you go okay let's see can we give them a random color i think we can right hold on we how do we go back right there pressing f3 a few times switches between multiple or shift f3 switches between multiple different images i mean windows first the shader then the compositor then the uh that's the compositor then the uv editor text texture edit you edit what isn't that texture editor or whatever then you have the geometry notes so one thing that i want to change is the color for each individual instance let's see if we can do that but first um hold on we can also oh we can randomize the um the petal size i think what we want to do first though is i want to kind of make the size just a little bit smaller so they kind of fit better together like this and then oh hold on i want to i want to figure out how you can place them on the faces blender geometry notes um points on faces point distribute no that's not what i wanted geometry knows instancing faces oh [Music] no that's not what i wanted hold on attribute randomized nope [Music] normals attribute nope okay point distribute let's see um the point distributed node places points on the surface of the input geometry object point corner and polygon attributes of the input geometry are transferred to the generated points that includes vertex weight oh that's cool and uv maps additionally the generated points will have a normal id and rotation attribute normal as well oh that's interesting could we use that as the rotation id which means we can change the id or we can use the id for the color because the idea is random for every piece for every particle seed properties distribute points randomly on the surface nope okay let's see so now that we have points let's see if we can make the color random the first idea i would have is let's go to the color step combine now to be nope that's not what i wanted we can't really i guess change the colors because we need a shader for that i guess right i think that's how it works so we can only really do it in here but what we can try though is if we add a shader to this to this leaf or this this this piece right here um and we create a we use a color mix rgb note nope uh we need a an rgb note or the b right there wait no there's no value we can put in there hold on um which one did i use color hue saturation if we use a random color here what about input rgb color into the color then we have the hue which means if we plug this in here now it will still be white because we have to make this a color which let's just use pure red there you go and then we can change the hue to change the color which means if we go in here and use a input geometry uh geometry node i think there's one that is called there's random but that's not what i wanted is it let's see um particle info hold on index no that's those are points that particles hold on that's not the right one object info there you go random ah look at this now they're random because um every single one of these have has an a um custom id which means each one of these leaves have a um basically it's a separate object which means they randomize the color so what we could do is we could maybe put this into a more greenish region maybe darker like this there we go then we can go in here oh actually let's make it red like this then we can go in here and change the uh random we can reign in the random value hopefully let's see if that works by using a color ramp or map range let's use color ramp first maybe that works so if we set this to maybe let's set it to oh this that works but that's not what i wanted let's set it to 0.4 and this one i'm going to set to 0.6 let's see how that turns out 0.6 so we basically rent in the values that can be applied to the hue factor for every object now we have a nice pinkish to yellow flower let's rein it in just a little bit more maybe 0.45 and then point okay getting closer to 0.5 and i think that's pretty good let me change a few settings here maybe the roughness can be lower also do we need some transmission nope we need subsurface i think subsurface will just kind of make it more noisy so i don't want to use it let's let's keep it like this for now um but now at least we have some color but what we don't have is a good i guess uh you know the position on these leaves look kind of weird or these petals so let's change that now [Music] let's get back to geometry notes so first thing what i want to do is i'm going to randomize the scale i guess the easiest way to do that would be to use point what is the line rotation to vector hold on let's let's see what that does oh hold on what is this now we have to change the uh oh wait isn't that what it did before hold on wait maybe i don't know [Music] oh look at this looks better than before at least which means if we now plug it into the point rotation value we can still rotate them let's see nope we can make it you know smaller or we can we can rotate them in we can rotate them out like this the biggest problem right now is that the random distribution kind of creates a hole in the middle so i guess what we could do is we can adjust the distance minimum and density as well there you go at least now we have enough pedals but they also heavily intersect which is kind of annoying i think there's a new note that lets you distinguish lets you dictate how close objects can be or points i mean you could probably do that with the uh distance but oh look this nope oh look at this we can create a nice um with the distance value we can really space them out more but then we don't really get this nice full you know full distribution that we need to create a full flower but let me i guess um go into the scale first the scale right now is just i guess um you know a standard scale of 0.16 can we rotate i mean randomize the scale we could probably buy what is okay um so we could probably randomize this factor right here what we could probably use is a scale value so if we go in here attribute randomize lego and then we say float attribute scale now we you know we use the scale as the uh we we want to randomize the scale which is why we put it into the attribute uh you know slot right there replace recreate yeah exactly replace recreate or create minimum of zero maximum one let's set it to zero zero so we can have a scale of nothing and then we can add more so what means which means if we put that in here now we have no pedals and now if we increase the max you can see we have some pretty big pedals and we have some pretty small pedals so we can probably increase the minimum a little bit to make them a little bit bigger and we can probably also tie the scale to the proximity of an object can we add an object to this which will be then used as the proximity because for a flower the inner petals are probably smaller or mostly or usually smaller than the outer ones which means what if we add a primitive to this which will then be used for the proximity or do you have a do you have to use a separate object let's try and add an object first object mesh mesh prodif let's use a cylinder for now and then we can i think combine these two by going in here there is a what is a geometry combine node a new one i just have to com you just have to find it join geometry there you go now there's this new i guess you know kind of uh socket piece where you can just put multiple connections into which means we can now connect combine these two geometries and then if we put the geometry into the geometry we see nothing great why not oh there it is wait that doesn't make sense wait hold hold on oh fill type let's set it to ngon what if we just plug it in like this okay so they hmm can we use a different object let's see what about a cube pretty simple size put that in there ah okay let's use a cube for now let's join the two [Music] there you go perfect now we have both which means uh can we hide the cube though hmm first of all what i want to try is i don't like the cube maybe we could probably use something else like a sphere more like a we don't oh there's a uv sphere let's use the uv sphere [Music] okay it seems like i wonder why these don't work we can plug it into whatever you want but we get no no uv sphere for the cupos it was pretty simple there was only like one socket and then it worked but for this one it seems like it doesn't really do much i wonder why i guess we can just start with the cube then there you go okay so next up what i want to try is i want to first of all try somehow remove this cube and we can also change the the position of the cube so what which means i guess if we can go in here attribute fill yeah fill means basically just to change the attribute let's put the attribute position position but that doesn't really work right position value no okay um which which which one's the um oh hold on i can just change this to float from flow to vector so now i can move the cube itself where's the cube the cube is gone okay apparently the cube is just gone now hold on what did i oh there it is maybe using the attribute file is not the best option let's uh try a few more let's see transform there you go that's what i wanted perfect so we can use the geometry transform option so we can just move it hopefully there you go perfect keep it at zero we can probably make it smaller maybe just like this there you go we could probably also apply a subdivision so it's more like a sphere shape so let's use a um let's see where is it subdivision surface there you go level three smooth nope don't need that let's increase the scale a little bit maybe like this there you go can we make it smooth no okay then what we need is oh hold on i can probably just move this right no i can't okay it doesn't work um let's see um i want to make this flat ex supposed to be the middle of the the flower so i'm probably going to change just the z factor to make it flatter like this there you go maybe change these two values make them a little bit bigger okay pull them down and they go okay i'm going to save this real quick because i don't want to lose my progress i've been working too hard on this to lose it there you go perfect geometry knows test two perfect okay now i want to see if i can use the proximity for the uh what is it the ran uh the scale factor of the points so we don't need attribute randomize we need um point where's the proximity i saw it before is it in here proximity there it is which means if you put that in there distance and position okay faces points edges faces um let's use faces distance hmm hold on i need to pull i need to see how this works let's see geometry notes so what do we have here attribute sockets attribute domain blender geometry notes proximity attribute proximity there it is okay let's switch to display capture so you can read as well so for each point in the input geometry this node finds the closest position on the target both wait one for each point in the input geometry here this node finds the closest position on the target both the positions and the distances to them and can be stored in attributes so oh so you can create attributes and then they take um okay standard geometry input target center geometry input distance the name of the float attribute where the computed distance is stored so here we can create an attribute that stores the distance value okay new attribute with that name is added if it doesn't does not exist yet if it does exist the values of the existing attribute are overwritten position the name of the attributes or the computed location is stored and you attribute with that name is added if it doesn't exist yet if it does exist the very values of the existing attribute are overwritten for these faces edges points okay oh we have some examples here the difference mode the different modes of the note faces edges and points in this example the jump oh okay hold on um so it uses the source geometry not what we can add to it or sort of if we join the cube or if we add a cube to the i guess source jump to maybe it'll just keep it still keep it into it you know take it into account maybe what do we have here object info geometry target ah [Music] okay [Music] which means hold on [Music] can we see weight painting in here i guess we can hold on let me make a new weight painting layer there you go oh okay let's actually show the surface as well so we need another no we actually don't we just have to put that on into this join geometry node as well now we can see the bottom or the the source surface as well so now we can define a target oh so which means we can now use the cube put that geometry into the target geometry distance let's call it distance for your original video position let's call it position position let's call it dist pause it pause there you go so now we have both attributes um defined so how do we use them what if we use the distance value on the factor i want to see what that does which means we use a oh we need attribute factor distance oh look at that it actually worked i'm surprised um so you can see does it work yeah it does right yeah it's um the the petals on the outside or that are further away from the middle part this you know this bulb i guess or whatever you call this middle piece um or smaller or the ones that are further away or bigger than the ones that are close close to it if we go into okay well that doesn't really help i want to remove the source geometry as well there you go you can see it better here probably yeah so what if we change the um the the reference point from face maybe to points oh okay that looks weird this doesn't really seem to have an effect edges yeah i guess faces works the best so now we can also kind of rein in the values um by using a attribute map range we can dial it down kind of like the what is it cut around attribute distance from minimum zero to maximum if we decrease this hopefully nothing happens hell yeah okay hold on one two oh okay [Music] um oh we have to put in distance here as well so we can we say that the distance gets transferred into the same attribute which is the distance now if we decrease the uh maximum there you go but why if we do we have to increase the from max this looks interesting change the two max what if we change this now it seems to do the same what is the difference hold on i need to pull this up as well what is it attribute map range let's see um is it in here attribute color i have the attribute math mix there's no attribute map range here nope there it is so remaps and attributes value from a range to a target range inputs attribute yup result name of the attribute where the computed result is stored yep from minimum the lower bound of the range to remap from we probably keep that at 0 because the smallest value should be zero or it should probably be bigger actually the higher bound of the range to remap from um oh hold on the lower lower bound of the target range oh now i get it so [Music] aha okay so for the first two values you define the range in which this attribute or this note is it's supposed to affect the points which means if there are points that have a value higher than one they're not going to be affected by the changes that we're going to apply to this to the attribute so which means if we set this to 10 now all of them should be at least wait okay let's leave it at zero one first then if we decrease the maximum we should definitely decrease the size perfect we can also increase the minimum so that we have a minimum value of maybe like 0.1 maximum maybe 0.3 now the ones in the middle are smaller than the ones on the outside at least okay [Music] are they yeah they are okay [Music] so what if we increase the maximum now they include more of them right yeah the more we increase the value the less they will be affected by it so if we set it to 100 they all of them will be affected now if we change the maximum yeah look at this so if we set the maximum to i don't know let's give it a 15 maybe or let's keep it at 18. there you go okay or we could also probably decrease the amount a little bit where's my there you go like this we probably need a few more density oh hold on this looks interesting wait we can also tie the density to the we can use the distance acid density as well can we but this looks already pretty good the problem right now is that they still intersect with each other it could also be a problem that comes from the geometry or the instance object so which means if we change this one now we grab for example these two faces here and pull them back or down we can probably fix some of it but that doesn't really fix the overall problem that we have here [Music] um maybe this this object isn't really that well put together to be used for um for the petals let's actually look at some reference here so what do we have here we have um let's just look for flour flour this one looks pretty cool pretty simple oh that's quite a small image but that should still work oh wait i pressed the wrong one there you go [Music] okay we're gonna start off simple hopefully it's simple um there you go [Music] oh that's the web web page image let's just save it as a screenshot then there you go there you go okay so the first one is pretty simple hold on where am i there let's pull it up there it is look at this these ones are pretty simple you know just these um small petals and then we have the middle part which is pretty big so first of all what we need to change is the instance object um i guess we can just make a new one we can probably just use a plane and create a nice little pedal is it kind of rotated outwards or is it just straight it seems to be pretty straight some of them are kind of rotated some of them or not so let's change the the shape first we can probably apply a subdivision modifier to smooth it there you go we probably also need to apply a rotation to them just a little bit we can do that in a second first of all what i'm going to do is i'm going to cut that in the middle and then scale this down so we have the top part of the pedal we also have the bottom part right here there you go the bottom part probably needs to be a little bit slimmer and then also probably we need to extrude it a little bit more scale it down like this this looks pretty good i think that could work one thing we probably need to change is the directions we can if we you know adjust the rotation so that it is similar to this one we don't have to do any changes to the rotation once we apply this object to the geometry nodes 90 negative once more we need to rotate there you go okay you probably need to make it smaller as well but it is kind of d i guess mislocated one thing that i also want to change is i want to probably put the um what is it called the pivot point at the bottom of the leaves or the the petals right there and they oh there you go okay let's see if that works so we have to go back in here we have to change the point uh instance there you go oh one thing we need to change now is the um we need to bring in some displacement or some like a slight rotation so i'm going to add some more cuts right here maybe two here as well and then i'm going to just use this tip set it to 3d cursor because the 3d cursor is still at the bottom of the leaf or the pedal and then we can just use the proximity sharp and rotate it in this direction ah like this looks pretty good okay it is definitely too harsh at the end too too spiky so we could probably make it rounder like this that's pretty good yeah like this okay so now we have a pretty good shape at least one thing we need to change is the the middle part oh i need to change my headset battery real quick okay so let's um change the geometry a little bit first things first i want to change the middle part i guess we can just scale it up a little bit more there you go nice and big of course the shape is really perfect right now because it is kind of it has this weird inset i guess you could say i don't really know if we can apply that we can try though let's see if we can do that we could maybe even create a middle piece but that will be pretty hard or we could try which means if we now use a point distribute on this one as well we can also add points to the middle piece if we set this to density high maybe even poison disk and then we create another piece for the middle part which is probably just you know like a boring i don't know like a cylinder but we need to change a little bit make it slimmer [Music] there you go we add some more edges we rotate this out as well sharp wait there you go let's try again rotate it on the wait i want to rotate it like how would it look like right now like this maybe a little bit slimmer like this there you go and then i want to use switch to 3d cursor so we can create a general rotation as well not too much though i like that maybe yeah that's pretty cool okay let's apply that to the point to the points of of the uh the sphere where am i i'm in the wrong one there it is okay which means we need a point instance note oh hello okay that's interesting hold on what is this we have to apply the scale i guess and rotation as well there you go that looks better now one thing we need to change though is the um i only want to just you know display these weird things on the outside or on on the inner part that points upwards i wonder if that works we'll do that soon first things first what i want to change is the scale so we'll go in here and change the um [Music] point scale value there you go we also want to rotate them because they point outwards right now they they're supposed to point inwards so we i guess we could just use a point rotation set it to point and there you go look at that okay next up what we need is first of all more ah look at this okay um the next thing we need to change is the scale i guess yeah they're too big we probably also want to change or we want to create some proximity as well because they're supposed to rotate more in the more they get into the middle of the piece and then they also are supposed to get smaller the closer they get to the middle i think what i wanna yeah let's do that now which means we need to use proximity again let's do that now we can probably do that in the beginning though so let's use attribute proximity let's call the distance on what is the middle part called again i can remember um let's call it middle dist position middle pose okay what's the target the target is the geometry we don't want to use the face can we use the pivot point points faces let's keep it at faces for now and see what happens so if we use this one now for the um density no not the density the um the scale was my scale there it is middle distance now they're bigger wait are they bigger they seem to be the same size everywhere um what if we change the the um whatever that's called points nope edges nope faces it doesn't really do much should we duplicate the cube and do it again or use this as the target oh now they're gone okay why is that i guess we can use edges or points nope i guess we can we just have to increase the subdivision here as well so we have to plug this into the next one which doesn't work hold on there you go aha [Music] so now we need a mip range again which means we can go in here use attribute map range um float yep linear yep attribute middle wait where are you middle no hold on what was it middle dist there you go result middle [Music] dist wait is that middle this yeah it is okay and then we can change the the maximum and minimum first of all i'm going to increase this all the way to the max maybe 100 should be enough then we can change the maximum i guess what there seems to be probably oh hold on why are you are we supposed to put this into the oh okay now i get it there they are okay they don't seem to be smaller though in the middle are they no so that's still a problem is there another you or another another way we can get the middle point of an object the um all right let's see compare [Music] is there an attribute for the position of the geometry object hold on [Music] um properties no um [Music] introduction edit modes nope wait where am i modeling nope hold on there you go attribute sockets attribute domains built in attributes position built an attribute describing the vertex or point locations in the modifiers object in the modifier object's transform space any node that changes the location of points will adjust this attribute like the transform and point translate note okay radius as well material index used to specify the material slot for every phase in a mesh oh okay crease edge attribute used by the subsystem okay normal shade smooth okay [Music] okay which means [Music] hmm can we use global coordinates let's see do geometry don't get global position just looking into it for a few days but add node input object info location original hold on oh hold on oh maybe [Music] okay so [Music] let's see [Music] i'm gonna make this smaller okay so you know what i'm gonna change this real quick you go okay so object info hold on so this doesn't work so let's scrap this why are they all gone now oh because of this what i don't want to shade smooth point scale why is there oh vector no float oh okay okay let's see so if we go to input object info is viewport what is viewport okay string value vector vector okay object info um relative original what is relative the transformation of the vector and geometry outputs bring the input object geometry location rotation and scale into the modified object maintaining the relative position between the two objects in the scene [Music] okay but the location is just a simple value right it's not really just like a it's not a how do you call it like a um a map i guess can we use weight painting hold on we could also probably use texture coordinates but that would be more complicated more complicated than using um weight painting wait nope what is in rotation scale geometry [Music] collection info nope [Music] string value vector utilities points to volume group oh hmm [Music] hmm let's see let's see if we can use um weight painting geometry notes weight [Music] painting weight pain factor in geometry notes you can use an attribute math or attribute vector math if you want non homogeneous scale nodes to control the point scale with your vertical weight which means we have to use attribute math geometry a scale b's group result scale why is it called group is groups just oh wait so that means if we create a vertex group we go into weight painting real quick hold on i need to see the actual geometry so if we go in here and use a weight paint we paint a huge red dot in the middle strength full where's the middle even i can see it there it is that's the middle right there maybe a ring around it as well the yo okay so now we can use this by using going to weights and smoothing it a little bit more but you probably need we probably need a bigger circle though because smoothing also goes in not only out so increasing the the size a little bit more like this okay now we can use smooth shift arches you know repeat the smoothing up you know smoothing i guess action there you go now we can go back into the geometry notes and we have to use what is it called group let's call it uh wait wait okay which means now if we go to the scale set it to attribute and use attribute what did you use he used attribute mix attribute mix okay we want to change the scale no let's change the let's go for the leaves first [Music] geometry right there we need to use which which is the factor the factor is there you go that's the wait there's no scale that can happen wait what that doesn't work there has to be a scale factor i mean a scale attribute [Music] trying to troll me what is going on here or yeah do we have to do it later no oh result of scale scale scale and then set it to add yeah then we use weight here aha look at this we can use weight paint hell yeah so if we increase the factor we can probably also increase the um weight strength by using is there like an input attribute attribute oh um attribute what is it um [Music] map range wait maybe that works so now if we use the attribute weight and then result is also weight if this goes from 0 to 1 we can then change it to from 0 to 10. yeah yeah look at this aha we should probably also invert it can we invert it yeah we can probably write if we set it to 1.9 and then zero now we've inverted it look at this oh hell yeah so we can also use this as the at the scale now i mean the um what is it oh wait wait wait wait we can split it later now can we maybe no we can but we can okay um [Music] let's use it for the rotation as well we need okay factor um yeah factor attribute vector yeah no rotation which means this has to be an attribute and this has to be if load right yeah so now if we use um oh will you use the vector weight aha no that doesn't doesn't make sense hold on what is this now that's completely wrong hold on factor no hold on no we have to change it we have to use weight for the factor yeah yeah so now if we change it change the rotation nothing happens okay why is it so so strict with it whoa okay uh that's interesting wait wait oh hold on this looks pretty good wait does it yeah yeah wait wait what did i do aha hell yeah okay but that is really exactly what i wanted [Music] we need to use point rotation this one right here there you go so now the ones that are more in the middle will be rotated more in or you know up and the ones that are more out will be rotated more out um but i think we need to change the overall strength of the weight for the rotation at least so we probably need to use in map range again and plug it into the uh factor can we do that though hold on what happens if we change the the factor now yeah yeah oh interesting okay we're on the right path we just have to do a few more changes so um okay [Music] just fiddling around with the settings right now that looks pretty good one thing we need to change though is the um what is it um the i don't even think we need to change or the geometry needs to go down so we can probably pull this up again like this well that kind of ruins it does it no it doesn't really right does it were they so weird in the middle though let's revert these changes the league store that at least looks kind of like a flower okay so we still have some intersection though which is the biggest problem that i have right now um can we use where we're worried attribute color ramp maybe that works if you put that in here we set it to attribute weight result weight okay now is everything in a scale from 1 to 0 but nothing changes why not that's interesting why does the geometry i mean the color does why does it not why does it not do anything it just you know it doesn't work what are you trying to tell me well it doesn't seem like it works so maybe that isn't the right option one thing that i want to change though is the scale the scale is too small where's my scale point distribute where's the scale there it is distance okay where's the distance there it is okay that looks better now although i want to change the value in the middle we can probably use an attribute math note attribute math put that in the middle if we put that to how can we bump up the low values and not really bump the bump up the small or the big values the high values isn't there a certain multiplier for that add doesn't work that just adds everything makes everything higher subtract doesn't work multiply no divide right divide maybe i'm just kind of guessing distance um oh and then float result distance no that doesn't work [Music] hmm let's switch through a few more multiply add nope power what does power do nothing or it does something but not that what i wanted okay that's interesting what is that logarithm nope square root nope minimum there's nothing oh there it is but that's not what i wanted [Music] maximum okay that's a big flower looks pretty cool but that's not what i wanted oh hello this looks better i think does it see oh yeah it pushes them up that's exactly what i wanted hell yeah look at this it looks way better now okay so i guess we have to do the the same for the rotation as well um which means we need should we use what if we use the um weight for the rotation as well wherever wait oh hold on no that doesn't work does it let's see we first of all have to decrease the strength [Music] but then it changes the rotation as well so we have to do it oh we can do something else we can use map range again but then we can use we can change the attribute from weight to weight rot for the rate rotation which means if we set this back to 021 [Music] 0 and 1 oh wait rotation okay now we can adjust these two values [Music] separately [Music] okay [Music] the biggest problem that i have right now is that the the inner petals kind of go into the next one that's either a problem of the oh hold on we can do something else we can we can change the rotation of the point hold i mean the the position wherever so we need another point location rotation scale separate translate is there something like that attribute wait is there a position for it um if we just use an attribute no hold on point separate no translate what is translate oh we can change the vector attribute weight what if we just use weight oh hello that just moves it up there for some reason interesting what does weight rotation do oh the same okay so that's not the one that we need so i want to push the middle points higher than the other ones that's the goal right now i'm gonna sit back down hold on okay so i think we're close we just have to figure out the rest here the next step you know would be pushing up these uh point um point position let's see if they are defined when we add points how do we do this we can go into modeling geometry nodes not attributes we need node types particle where is it vector nodes utility nodes point nodes point distribute so which which purpose properties do they have id normal and rotation they do not have a position how do we get the position though wait wait so we can move them on the normal but that's not what we want we want to move them on the either local or global axis which means um [Music] blender geometry notes move on global axis nodes move points on global axis [Music] live noting okay [Music] okay nope that doesn't work um let's see if we can figure out ourselves so if we set it to vector we can just push them up and down which is what we want but we only want to effect the wave rate we can plug something into the um what is it the vector input which we could probably use so if we go in here we can go into vector separate xyz but what we need is an attribute first which vector do we use we use the um is there a point vector there's not hmm how do you get this effect this weight value to affect the z-axis combine separate vector math nope combine nope what does the vector rotate nope points separate mask nope point translate is that the one that we already have we don't need this we need what if we use geometry input object info what is what if we just put that into the location nothing what about rotation nothing of course scale nothing okay so the location right now is yeah the middle but that doesn't really help us we need to use something else because we have to use the uv or the geometry info oh i removed the whole thing geometry info no separate xyz what were you ever worried attribute yeah vector what does the vector mean oh oh oh hold on vector um [Music] zed position that pose result x and y and where's oh z okay um the vector will be weight maybe and then result will be result z will be pose no zed pose okay the other results will be yeah can we just juice i don't know let's use it let's see what happens that pose oh and there there it is again i'm there why do you do this to me uh why is the weight pushing it up over there though that's the question that i have doesn't make any sense why is it pushing it up with diagonally because of a line rotation of vector no hmm that's just an intrinsic thing i guess which is weird wait let me google this um geometry notes weight paint for position nope i find nothing okay so this doesn't work let's scrap this okay let's first of all bring back the middle maybe we can fix that first before we can go into the i guess detail stuff where there why is it not displaying anything point scale vector float oh there it is okay so the first thing that i want to change is that the pedals should probably start later because the middle part is quite big which means the pedals need to start later so we can probably cut them off at some point which means um how do we do this we can probably oh i know i know how we can probably just duplicate this the um we that the one yeah for the scale which one does the scale use weight rotation weight where's the rate rotation there it is why is it choosing weight rotation what if we just use weight [Music] okay well that doesn't work but what we can do is we can we can work with the right rotation we use another map range and then we say um we use weight rotation and switch it to weight scale what i want to do now is i want to define a value where if they're in that value they're going to be scaled 0. which means we set this to zero both to zero and then we need to use weight scale first of all i need to bring it back to one just so we can see it bring this back to one as well [Music] okay so the maximum should be zero where the minimum should be zero the maximum should be um do we need to bring up the maximum or the minimum nothing okay well that doesn't work that well why not is it too too low or do we have to change something else hold on let me just see it visually i want to remove these first so i can actually see what's happening how do i remove them i guess just like this [Music] please there you go okay so we need to remove the ones in the middle which means we have to define a value [Music] the first two values define which values or which values will be included and then the next two values will be will decide in what these values will be included in or how these values will be changed so okay so if we set this to 2 for example and then we change the maximum we see less and less will be affected or more will be affected hmm should we start with the weight okay like this and then we need to dial down the maximum so that it's more appropriate let's say like this okay then also the what is the minimum dude okay nothing [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] can i use cut around for this hopefully let's see that's what it's used for right good ramp we need what is this weight scale attribute let's use uh weight there you go and then we use weight scale okay first of all what should happen is we if we decrease this value yeah now they get smaller that's perfect now what we can do um if we bump this black up nothing happens hell yeah why not what if we convert i mean switch these two it seems like it only it seems like the weight has the same value everywhere which doesn't really make sense though we could create another weight painting map of course but i kind of want to use the one that we already have can we use volume coordinates wait wait i don't think so hmm one thing that i want to change though is i want to remove these upper faces because they have a higher rotation than i want them to have i mean we could probably also just scale them outwards up like this yeah that's way better okay let's give this petal some thickness as well just a little bit like this perfect okay so hmm i'm confused wait does it even take that in to take the rotation into account what happens if i just mute all this oh okay we actually i think we did we need to remove this so that we can actually no hold on we need to change the maximum to i guess 100 or so maximum negative no 100 0 okay what is that that's not what i wanted uh okay well that doesn't work hold on okay how do we invert this this has to be there has to be a way to invert the weight oh i know wow i know how we don't even need to use this we can probably just use a attribute math note attribute math hold on attribute math we use weight result wait we set it to float result will be weight and then we can use and not add we use multiply negative one aha now it's the opposite no it's not is it uh maybe no that doesn't make sense hold on i did something else no we have to use how do we do that um is there like a attribute invert hold on convert no wait wait wait georgie notes invert attribute invert transform hmm so that's not what i wanted what about the divide nope okay so modulo nope that's not what i wanted um so how do we not sign cosine what does sine do nothing i need a value that i can put in that inverts the value divide by zero or by one no by zero well that doesn't work obviously negative one no the big leaf should be on the outside that's the problem that i have here i mean you know i can always just go back to the weight pin probably inverted but that would be boring okay i want to figure out a way to do that in geometry notes but that that is isn't that supposed to work with map range if we say float okay what is float yeah attribute wait result weight from minimum which is zero to maximum which is probably i don't know how how high does it get let's set it to 100. so the values from 1 to 100 will then go from z 100 to zero or not is that how that works apparently not i don't know why linear step linear no why so map range doesn't work what does clamp do attribute weight result wait it's uh yeah it clamps the the value who would have guessed wait that's how you can invert it can you no no no no [Music] [Music] nope that's not what that's not how that works hmm [Music] convert what does convert mean color boolean 2d vector wait wait wait i'm just gonna google that like normal um math um invert invert number so [Music] no multiplicative inverse so what we want to do here is we want to change the values of one to zero and the values of zero to one and the only way that i that makes sense for me is if we use map range everything else seems to be yeah it doesn't really work compare no maybe hold on float wait so if we set the b value to something else oh we have to set it to weight as well nothing happens hell yeah greater than oh um less than how big is it [Music] yeah just nothing happens i'm confused [Music] not equal nothing happens dude i'm being scammed here you could randomize the weight but that doesn't really work or does anything [Music] yeah that that's not really what i want what i want it so uh yeah that's not the option that we need um dude wait wait i could probably google um blender map range invert values how can i invert the value range of a nodes group input node yeah map range and how does it work yeah but that doesn't work for me it i did exactly what it tells here what it says hold on see it says from minimum zero no from minimum zero from one from minimum zero from max one to minimum one to max zero does it work what are we doing wrong dude i'm being scammed hold on let's try again okay so float linear [Music] vector what does vector mean attribute weight result weight okay from 0 to 1 let's use clamp um two one and oh oh wait what why does it work now maybe i'm just dumb okay it barely works now perfect okay well that works now okay so now that we have that we can continue working on this now that we have the inverse um let's figure this out so one thing that we need to do is we need to change the scale the scaling should be 0 everywhere where it's too small which needs we have weight rotation weight rotation oh yeah which means we need another map range which will have weight and then weight scale set that to zero and one zero and one okay weight scale there you go so now if we first of all decrease the maximum decrease the maximum we can no that's not what i wanted i wanted to from minimum 0 and maximum let's say 0.5 let's say 0.5 everything should be zero but then that doesn't work let's see what happens if we now use color because now we hopefully have a more clean clean attribute layout wait what do i need weight scale aha now it works look at this hell yeah now we can cut off some of these pieces oh look at this okay which means at a certain point it should stop right there how do we make a certain stop point though first of all i'm going to bring back the other geometry so we can see how wide it needs to be there you go okay now we can actually see it perfect let's see one thing that we need to change is we need to push up this cube because the cube is quite low there you go okay now that we have that let's look at the um let's look at the pedals they they seem to be in a good position now one thing we need to change is those the rotation do we need point rotate even we probably don't even need it anymore i'm gonna keep it i'm gonna keep it muted though hello okay doesn't doesn't seem to work okay there you go which means now factor wait yeah good what if we set this to float okay yeah exactly which we need is a factor attribute then we create the rotation value for this which means we need a we have weight right here this one inverts the weight this one creates the weight no the distance do we need distance even we don't even need distance right we don't need distance okay [Music] there you go we clean it up some more all the trash is gone okay so now we have the weight let's use the weight again or we need uh what is it um yeah wait do we wait okay [Music] let's actually call it weight inv high env so we can so we know that it's the inverse what is this add why is there an add value weight rotation let's remove this weight inverse okay scale okay i did something wrong hold on let me re remove this or bring it back rather so what is what does what do what what is okay we don't need this oh yeah attribute map range weight rotation yeah yeah so this one's going to be replaced by a new one so now we at least have the basic setup the next step will be to change the rotation which will be done by another map range but we need to switch this to weight inv weight inv weight scale there you go i don't know why it's now back to oh no huh you're trolling me so hold on we can set it to constant right no that doesn't work no well sort of let's use it for now okay perfect let's change the rotation for now one thing that i want to change actually no let's do that now we use attribute randomize which attribute we're going to randomize we're going to randomize weight scale perfect this one still has weight scale right yeah then we're going to say minimum and maximum pretty close together okay let's say add [Music] not too much though just a little bit maybe like 0.1 okay then let's change the rotation now which we need what we need is weight inverse um hold on let me pull this back what does it use factor weight we don't need weight we need um let's say weight rot there you go we need attribute map range attribute weight invert to weight rotation so now if we change aha okay [Music] i want to spread them out more why does not work oh there it is does it work like this no sort of no not really i think i need to decrease the uh the amount the amount is so high right now i also probably need to change the rotation of this this is way too strong okay this is pretty cool maybe not really exactly what i wanted but it looks pretty cool so i'm going to keep it let's change the values here aha look at this looks this looks way better now one thing that is weird is that it's kind of slightly rotated i wonder why or you know oh because of this why is it so weird why is it so clampy so so immediate well it doesn't matter to me at least it works i guess so i'm not going to complain this looks pretty good i like so we have the flower part almost done let's do the inner part now the first thing that i'm going to do is i'm going to clamp it so that's only that they're only going to spawn on a certain part which will be means we need to use weight painting which we can't do because it's like an added object in the notes themselves let's save right now there you go so what we need to do is we first of all i want to remove the the bottom parts oh i have an idea hold on hold on we can add another one another um cube and then let me show these two i want to see them so we have one right there and one right there one is a circle and one is a i guess we can see it in render view i mean wired view there you go we have one in the middle and one in um you know once subdivided one's not so now if we re if we move this cube geometry transform move the cube down like this i think this cube is still displayed because of um this maybe i don't know yeah this is that wait oh okay so it shows the the bounce that's the bounce um so now we have one that is lower which we can do what we can do now is we can use these two and say mesh boolean geometry 1 geometry 2 and then we put that in here nothing happens hell yeah i think i know why i don't actually do i wait what happened oh i know why there you go now just a half a sphere the problem is it it'll still pick it up at the bottom so you know it'll still um [Music] there's still surface on the bottom which is the problem that we have now because we can see it now the bottom pieces are all going straight down they want the ones at the top kind of spread out but the pieces at the bottom just go straight down so we kind of can we just remove the surface piece for the um wait wait see there's surface down here can we remove this this is like an option self intersection hold tolerant nope hmm i don't think there's a way to remove it that's the problem so maybe this isn't the best option that we could choose um is there another option [Music] cutter hmm h split what is f split [Music] what does that do nothing i guess it splits the edges that have a [Music] certain angle i guess which means if i add another subdivision modifier it does nothing hell yeah but we can at least see the changes now can we well if there would be changes oh there they are yeah no that doesn't work [Music] nope how do we get get rid of these i mean we could create a half like a half a you know sphere and then just add it i guess but i wanted to see if it works without adding stuff i don't think it will so i guess we need a cube that is just half um just you know half of what it was before or you know half a cube um but how do we add more geometry wait we can use um object info right yeah so let's do that wait does that work let's see so that's the geometry now if we create a sphere we create a sphere and then we remove the bottom half we're back to the beginning like this oh faces now we have the bottom half we can smooth it if we want to can we add this to the geometry now we don't need this we don't need this done this i guess we could have kept it that would have probably been a good idea oh well yeah we can still we can still add it there you go um okay so if we now you say geometry join geometry we plug that in there we then say input object info we select the sphere right there we put it put the geometry into the geometry and then if we plug that in oh hell yeah which means now if we change the scale nothing happens but that's okay because now we can actually adjust it perfect okay okay okay okay okay we don't need this anymore we don't need you uh but i actually want to use a cube rather than a sphere wait why is it still there okay that's interesting [Music] right there remove it faces there you go okay why is it not visible now oh we have to uh use the we have to select it first and there you go okay so what does that look like [Music] perfect okay we're gonna remove this [Music] okay so now that we have a nice half sphere sort of [Music] um we can do some work here [Music] let's do that now so let's bring this back okay perfect what is that why is it so big now where are you all coming from we have to change a few settings here so i'm going to remove all of this first so what is happening here we don't need this there you go let's look at this now okay well that that's definitely the problem we can remove this connect this back [Music] that's better okay so let's now adjust the size of this sphere geometry transform change the scale okay that's pretty good that's pretty good we then also change the um [Music] the position pull it push it down a little bit more like this what i then want to do wait no that doesn't work right i don't think so what if i go in here and then oh hello create a small dip in the middle what does that look like when except about it that's not too bad like that maybe then we can scale these ones down a little bit more no actually up really yeah i think so like this let's see what it looks like now okay and then we say now we need to apply some weight painting to this i think right do we maybe not we do because of um yeah yeah so we go in here go into weight pain say let's call it weight middle weight paint there you go that's the weight paint perfect maybe even up here to kind of create a better gradient wait smooth okay so now if we go in here there you go we want to change the the scale probably so we need another attribute mix mix yeah add ores add they go a is let's say um factor one middle scale we add to the new created middle scale attribute we add to that the what is it middle weight wait is it not middle weight or does it take it from here it does right weight middle o [Music] weight middle okay now we have to go to the point scale and switch that to attribute which is weight okay wait middle aha okay okay okay click okay then we can use a map range to change it i think we need to invert it attribute map range invert float wait float yeah attribute what is it weight middle result weight [Music] um oh hold on no no no no [Music] wait what does that do [Music] okay nothing happened of course so now we can go in here and say we use attribute middle scale result middle scale and then we can change the we can invert this one zero okay now we just have to decrease the strength which we can probably do with another map range now that isn't that's make that makes just a little bit less confusing wait oh yeah so now we can decrease the strength uh one problem we have is the distribution right now let's change that one thing that i want to change is i want to make this probably scale this lower this applies scale no that's wrong i'm gonna keep like this wait wait there you go one thing that i want to change though is i want to go in here and change the face scale like this okay that's way better yeah yeah okay perfect now that we have that we can go into um the scale first yeah okay [Music] so this should be in the middle very very small and the maximum should be like this maybe what we can do then now is we can use color ramp to kind of just kind of change the uh the flow or the gradient hopefully if i'm thinking correctly oh um what is it middle scale middle scale so that means um okay where should be the smallest ones of course in the end hold on so right there but then the the furthest out should be wait where's the furthest out right there [Music] why does that not change can we not go past this that should work pretty theoretically [Music] that's interesting okay well that does work how i wanted it to work okay next plan first of all we need more that's the next step so no no color ramp we need more first of all so distribute let's set it to random okay now we have more the scale isn't perfect right now so let's adjust it okay that's better the biggest problem i have right now is in the middle right here you can see oh we could probably bring back the geometry we can join it together with this so let's say geometry join we can bring back the object i can't even see the it's so long i can't even see the end there you go not this one though we need the uh after the transformation okay this one right there where it's emitting off of there you go okay so now we have a nice base we only need to make these more dense i guess so one thing we could do is we could i guess just increase the density what if we use poisonous then i guess that's the exact same i guess let's use random they then to be way more yeah but i think the the the rotation here is too strong so we have to change the shape a little bit more that's definitely better that's pretty good so one thing we can do is we can probably go in here and change the bottom size a little bit make it bigger probably using sharp maybe no not sharp reuse oh yeah we use sharp there you go now they're thicker at the bottom which works quite well for this okay there you go the ones in the middle are too small though so we have to change uh the range one thing i want to do is i want to reroute this so it doesn't go through the whole the whole sequence okay so where's the scale there it is okay now that we have that we can change the geom i mean the um the rotation we have the scale ready let's change the rotation do we use point rotate we used point rotation line rotation to vector right yeah so let's use that here as well there you go geometry geometry geometry geometry oh hello that looks interesting that's not what i wanted though that's better okay but they have a weird rotation now they are rotated outwards which is not what i wanted um how do we change that do we have to use point rotation [Music] let's use point rotation for this okay first of all we need to change the uh rotation right here set it to yeah 180 why nope nope now i think we need to use axis angle what does that do nothing okay [Music] there it is hold on [Music] that's it is it though yeah it is it is it is well sort of it works quite well though one thing i want to change though is the shape a little bit more um smooth it out or make it wider probably everything everything no not only these faces here [Music] do i [Music] that's what i wanted [Music] there you go hell yeah there we are we're on the right path but it's too small in the middle [Music] so if we select this that should work right wait only this no really yeah like this that's better now i want to push these down though just a little bit there you go okay we're getting in the right direction we're getting there there you go oh that looks pretty good i like it i like this this looks really really good i like it okay we're gonna save it right there okay so now let's push it down a little bit actually no let's keep it there let's keep it there okay or do we push it all the way down and then increase the size like this that doesn't really look like the petals that i see there though no i'm gonna keep it there maybe a little bit lower over here that's pretty good [Music] although [Music] more like this maybe okay so now we have that what what else do we need i mean let's see it in rendered view [Music] that's pretty cool the only problem is that they're not connected to anything we might be able to fix that though um although i don't really know how [Music] hmm is there some sort of way how we can create a procedural stem or whatever that's called there's definitely a way but i don't know how let me adjust these settings a little bit more let's see what do we have here randomize nope map range what is that the rotation did we change the scale as well we did but not really here we have to increase this right yeah that's better that's way better that is way better now we change the rotation as well just a little bit map range that's the rotation perfect [Music] [Music] maybe even no or wait maybe oh no that doesn't work [Music] okay i mean you know we have a flower now that's at least what we've uh you know made out to do so i'm at least i'm actually quite happy that we finished this um the problem is now we or we we we could add some like like a bottom piece as well which i don't really know how to do because it needs to tie everything together somehow i guess we just create another piece here and then create like a i have an idea do i let's duplicate this one okay let's see if that works so now if we use this and we go in here and duplicate all this do the same again [Music] combine it no before we combine it i wanna see what it looks like solely like this wait oh there you go then i want to change the [Music] rotation [Music] the way i want to change the rotation is in [Music] i want to reverse it that sounds kind of weird but um i'll show you what i mean hopefully i show you what i mean so which means i don't even think i need to invert it do i yeah i still do do it no i don't i don't i don't okay okay let's see how we can change the rotation now what is this weight invert oh do we need in the inversion any even no okay that's pretty good almost let's see rotation what does it do weight rotation what is there it is [Music] okay okay [Music] that's not bad that's not bad but we need probably more do we need more maybe let's see what if we just add more to these we could probably also make them longer a little bit we can make it i guess less wobbly [Music] cursor first selected select this piece here rotated to the cursor [Music] okay there you go that should be enough okay let's see so now that we have that we could kind of just be setting some more [Music] but why do they why do these ones are why are they stronger pointing inwards than the other ones that's the problem that i have what is this what are you trying to tell me here [Music] i mean hmm i found the truth they tried to contain it we set it loose i'm sick of it we're infinite it's time to move aha there it is now it works set it to linear there you go then we can change the the values if we need to we don't really need to though one thing that i change when i change though is the um i need to set this to black invert it so i don't want to remove too many maybe like this why did they rotate outwards now i don't get it please just let me finish this [Music] where's the word rotation there it is [Music] hmm okay where's the scale scale there it is which means if i increase this now [Music] [Music] okay why do they rotate out so far though can i do the same for the rotation now hold on maybe maybe maybe nope wait why why why is it so weird with the cutter ram stuff it just says nothing [Music] oh no uh i'm no i'm not gonna use it so now that we have that we have a few problems here what is this supposed to be here the the rotation is so [Music] awkward [Music] hmm [Music] okay [Music] i mean we can actually at least close it somehow or somewhat it doesn't really look perfect but you know if we now bring everything back let's see what it looks like oh see at least now it's uh closed somewhat we can still see holds in some parts here we could maybe fix that by just adding more but um you know it works uh but there's a weird distribution here for a weird rotation which it which yeah see how they intersect like super hard however you know how to get rid of this i guess that's just the geometry's fault i would guess yeah i'm going to keep it like this let's go into rendered view let's give it some uh some colors so okay let's finish this um we're gonna go in here and we're gonna go into the camera view we need another we need the camera view again there you go okay where's my where's my focus point come on there it is perfect okay let's remove these pieces i'm going to put them out of the frame there you go okay let's create a small i guess you know wait we can i guess just duplicate this and make a few of these we could probably also use some sort of uh distribution for that but i'm not going to do that i'm just going to put them here is rotate them slightly [Music] okay now that we've filled the whole scene getting kind of laggy here they go perfect now that we've filled the scene we can create the final render so what we need to change is the colors for these pieces let's do that now let's create a shader for the the leaf first no i should just create a one for this one for this piece first [Music] there you go make a new one call it middle make it make it brown i'm not going to change make this gradient that's just going to take too long nice and brown here there you go perfect maybe some surface scattering as well maybe like 0.1 set it to black yeah yeah that's pretty cool okay okay okay let's you now do the pedal the pedal should be pretty simple what i want to do though is i want to use a gradient call it petal we use a input nope a texture gradient put that into the color um we need to use mapping though we use i guess object perfect we can rotate it what if what about using uv does that work it does work nice we can use a color ramp to invert it [Music] is it inverted i guess what is the uv the weird okay well maybe we should use the object then what do i generate it what does that look like [Music] it's somewhere on the in the distance so i'm going to use uv object we can then rotate it on the something location z perfect oh yeah that's perfect negative 90. then we can use a uh converter cut around to kind of adjust the gradient there you go that's pretty cool and then what we need is some color but before we do that i want to add some more to this texture i'm going to use probably [Music] a noise texture we use color multiply no mix rdb there you go set it to multiply factor color one one yeah we need another color ramp just to kind of kind of tone down the colors there you go [Music] okay that's pretty cool yeah i think that's enough let's use a color gradient i mean color graph color ram to add some color [Music] okay now we need some roughness this probably needs to be a little bit rougher we also need a sub-surface scattering baby 0.2 or so set it to a nice yellow there you go that's way better but it's too dark that's better probably yeah uh but i want to change the distribution here a little bit more [Music] i don't know if i want to use this noise texture though i don't think i want i want to i think it looks better without it so now we can adjust these values here this one needs to be darker why is it so bright can we use it in here as well oh that's pretty good yeah hell yeah okay oh that's pretty cool yeah a nice nice orange in there as well i like it perfect there you go now this way way closer to to the reference um let's save it and what else do we need we could make this a little bit brighter but i think i kind of want to keep it like this next up we have this part this part basically has the same material as uh these smaller weird antennas there you go then we have this piece we can probably just adjust or yeah just this one and make it green wait oh we have to separate the two materials of course before we do any changes right there there you go then we can go in here and change the [Music] colors you go can we see the green even yeah we can see it from the bottom right no we can't wait wait why is it still do we apply this the faults the wrong object hold on that's fatal if that's the case let's see yeah we have there you go aha perfect now it's done easy okay let's see if we can find a better lighting scene here though the lighting is kind of weak well that's kind of too bright what about uh this one okay okay i think we need to increase the subdivision level on this i mean uh the the subsurface 0.5 make them just a little bit a little bit softer that's pretty good yeah this piece needs to be pretty rough as well and this one as well oh yeah it is okay okay so now um where's that piece coming from the white one in the middle isn't that the the cube yeah that's the cube do we have to reapply it [Music] well that doesn't work why is it still white that's weird okay i guess that's just how it is okay let's render it and see how it looks in the end but i want to change the lighting lighting isn't perfect yet [Music] nope oh that looks pretty cool let me maybe change a few things here and there first things first i want to change the uh rotation [Music] yeah that i think that's a good uh rotation [Music] okay let's leave it there oh hold on [Music] i like that that's pretty cool i'm gonna keep that uh then one more thing we need to add of course that is very important um go in here and select the depth of field we use the good old dof piece and there you go we have some nice depth of field [Music] perfect [Music] let's see how long it's going to take to render if it's going to take too long then i'm just going to end it here we'll see let's set it to times 4 90 20 by 1920 let's see let's see so um let's set this to f10 we have render result there you go eight minutes oh uh let's see if we can reuse it what about half the sampling amount should still be enough hopefully okay that'll take three minutes that's okay time to drink something [Music] okay three minutes that should be good enough perfect so now today we learned a little bit more about geometry notes um i'm actually quite happy with what we've got today i wasn't really expecting to be able to create a flower um but it turned out to be pretty good or you know it looked it looks pretty good um one thing i'm kind of wondering is if you can create it fully procedural um so you basically don't even need the geometry um of the emitter object i guess or the source object the only thing you use are objects that you add by yeah by um adding them in the geometry notes that's one thing that i wonder or if it's you know or if this if how we made these flowers now if that's the best way possible probably not probably probably bad but you know at least we got some flowers we have uh something to show off in the end and that's all that matters last time we've created a little you know i guess you know like a sandy shore with some some rocks scattered all around and today we've created some flowers uh we learned a little bit more about you know using attributes and how to manipulate them how to manipulate point rotation scale how to adjust the attributes um yeah at some point we might do another another one of these streams just to kind of you know learn more about them but um yeah i don't think they're gonna be like a you know a regular occurrence just you know from time to time i think this could be a cool project to do you know there's these getting better and better at geometry notes by just doing small projects i think can be pretty cool [Music] is 16 seconds remaining and then we have the final image i really like the middle part this looks really really cool except for of course the the white part at the bottom but i can't really do anything about it because the shader would just not change i guess that is because we have to we had we added it as another separate object maybe i don't know although that should be the problem i don't know well who pierce let's save the image and then we're done for today um where are we geometry nodes test there png okay perfect yeah maybe you learned something as well i learned a lot i'm happy with the result the results uh maybe we can you know yeah maybe i'll look into some more advanced stuff for you know i guess overall into some tutorials or whatever to learn more about building objects with geometry notes i hope you enjoyed today's stream thank you for joining for chatting maybe thank you for listening we're just watching you know thank you for being here hope you enjoyed the rest of your day and um yeah take care and maybe i'll see you later bye bye
Channel: Noggi Now
Views: 834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zkZqyvRg1sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 42sec (13902 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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