Tonight Show Magic Tricks with David Blaine

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♪♪ -Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome David Blaine! [ Cheers and applause ] No, you can't get away from me. -I'm only gonna do simple things. Nothing -- No stealing, no pick. Nothing weird. Just simple card tricks. Don't worry. -Just simple card tricks? -Yeah. -Okay, very, very good. What are you doing with us, me and The Roots tonight? What's happening? What has already happened? Something already must have happened. -No, no, no, no. Simple. No, no. Simple, simple. Simple, simple. We'll just do simple. -Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. [ Laughs ] -Just cards, you know? -Okay. Just cards. That's it. Simple stuff. -Maybe I'll try -- Which one of you guys plays poker a little bit? -I do. -Yeah? You want to help with this? -Sure. -[ Laughs ] [ Laughter ] Come on, man. -Actually, you know what? You'll oversee it to make sure I don't cheat. You can see the cards are all mixed. Jimmy, in poker, there's usually about five cards. -Mm-hmm. -Take, like, five cards. A little group. Like a poker hand. -Yeah. -Is that five? Good. Don't let anybody see them. Just you. Good. -Uh-huh. -And, Jimmy, hold them up so only you could see it. Like that. Only you can see. -Good. -Yeah. -And, Jimmy... Think of -- Jimmy... [ Laughter ] Think any one of those cards. Think of any one of those cards. -That one's too obvious. This is... Oh, man. Alright, I'm thinking of it. -And, Jimmy, look at me. Good. -Oh, my gosh. I'm freaking me out, man. -Jimmy, put the cards behind your back. And, Jimmy, mix them. -[ Laughing ] Oh, my gosh. Oh, my God. I'm freaking out, man. -No. [ Laughter ] -Whoo-hoo! -Now, Jimmy, I want you to look at the five cards again. Look at all of your cards. Don't let anybody see them. Just you. Look at all of them. Just you see them. Good. Now, Jimmy, I want you to focus on every other card except for your card. -Okay. -Now, see, what's funny is when I say that, it makes them just focus on his card. -[ Laughs ] That is true. Okay. -Right. -Yeah. -Jimmy, repeat after me. -Yes. -Say "Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King." Go ahead. -"Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King. -Good. Clubs, hearts, spades, diamonds. -Clubs, hearts, spades, diamonds. -Get rid of the 10 of hearts. That's not your card. You can put it here so everybody can see it. The 10 of hearts. -Oh, my gosh! -I'm, like, freaking out. [ Laughs ] -And get rid of the obvious one that you talked about -- the ace of diamonds. Get rid of that one. -[ Laughing ] Oh, my God! Dude! This is what I'm talking about, man! What is going on, David Blaine?! -Jimmy, get rid of the 4 of spades. Get rid of the 4 of spades. -Holy moly, moly, moly, moly, moly. -And you know what? Get rid of the other 4. The 4 of diamonds. And, Jimmy, you thought of a card. Get rid of the 4 of diamonds. You thought of a card before this began. Show everybody the 7 of hearts, your card. [ Laughter, cheers and applause ] -Dude. [ Laughs ] Dude. I love you. This is the type of stuff I'm talking about. Oh, my gosh! See? You can't just do that. I don't know how you just did that. I didn't do anything. Yeah, I don't know how you did that. -Should we try another one just for the hell of it? [ Cheers and applause ] -What made him choose that? -I don't know. How many decks of cards do you have in your house? -On me? Just two. -Just on you, two. In your house? -One in each pocket. Yeah. In my house? -Yeah. -Like, a houseful. [ Laughter ] -A house of cards. -So, hold on. I put one card in a specific location. -Yeah. -So one card goes in a specific location in the deck. Fair enough? Okay. -Yeah. -Great trick. [ Laughter ] -Name any card in the deck. Name any card out loud. Say it out loud. -9 of diamond. -9 of diamonds? -Yeah. -First or second? It's up to you. -Second. -9 of diamonds, second. I shuffled. You saw me. I placed one card in a position. I put the 9 of diamonds in the second position in the deck. Jimmy, open the box. Turn it over. Go ahead. -Gosh! -Go ahead. Turn it over. -Turn the box over? -Yeah, yeah, yeah. Turn it and open it up. -Okay. -And pull out the whole deck. And you said second, right? -That's correct. -So that's first. Show me the second card. [ Audience "ohhs" ] -Dude! [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪ You're just amazing. You are the greatest, man. Oh, my gosh. -Can I try one more? -Yeah. Experiment. Yeah. I don't know if this is gonna work or not. Come on. I'm checking my pockets. I'm checking my pockets now. -So can you guys come even a little... Yeah. I want you to count out... I want you to count out loud for me. We're gonna use 10 cards. -My heart is beating. -So let's count out loud. -1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. -10 cards. No more than 10. -Mm-hmm. -For this, we don't care about the number and the suit. We only care about the actual paper that makes the card. 10 cards, correct? -Correct. -Yes? -Yes. -Nobody's skeptical? -Yeah, but... -No, I'm saying if you're skeptical, then you do the count yourself. Here. Look, feel it, make sure that's one card. No, no, here, and then put it upside down on the bottom, like a real count. -Okay. 1. 2. -That's number 2. Right? Good. Keep going out loud. -3. -And on the bottom. Yeah. -4, 5, 6, 7, 8... That's 10 cards. -10. Can you hold them against your heart for me? -Absolutely. -Yeah. Good. Just like that. Keep your hand there. -Oh, God. -Just, as I go through -- And you can see they're all different, right? -Mm-hmm. -As I go through, I just want you to just yell "stop." It doesn't matter. -Stop. -Here? Look at the card. -Yeah. -See what it is. What number. We only care about the numbers. -Can I tell everybody? -Yeah, yeah, yeah. -3. 3. -It's a 3? -Fine. It doesn't matter. You have 10 cards. You want three to travel from here to there. Three cards will move from this to your pile. Look. One card just shot through there and landed. -Yo, I felt something. -Hold on. [ Laughter ] -Wait. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. -Let's do it again. Card number two just traveled through the air and landed in his pile. Hold on. One more. Three cards just traveled through the air and landed on his pile. What I want to do is, you're gonna count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Count there's no longer 10 cards. You're gonna have 13 cards. Count them out loud, right here for everybody. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 10's the original number. -Oh! -How many are there? 11, 12, 13. -Dude! [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪ -Oh, my gosh! He's unbelievable! -Now, wait. You know what? Take all 13, hold them against your heart for me. -Oh, gosh. -Yes. Can you name a number up to 10? -3. -3? And can you name a number up to 5? -4. -Okay, so 4. -Hold on. -3 for you and 4 for you. -Yeah. -I'm gonna move three cards for you and four cards for you into his pile of 13 from back here. There's three, and there's four more. Now there's 20 cards. 3 plus 4 -- 7. Plus your 13. When you pull the pile off of your heart, you'll notice it's significantly bigger. Pull it off your heart. Does it feel bigger? -It does. -Oh, my God. -See? There's no longer 13 cards. Count out loud for everybody. -1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10... -11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. -Dude. [ Cheers and applause ] -Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. -Oh, man. Stop. -I mean, no, no, no. There's no one like that. -Your special airs this Tuesday. You always blow us away with your magic. What is the craziest thing that you do in the show? -There's a couple of crazy things. [ Laughter ] -Are we gonna find out right now? -No, no, no. No, no, no, no. -That's Tuesday night. Yeah, yeah, we'll see it, yeah. -Well, there is one that I worked on which is called the Human Aquarium. It's, like, one of my favorite things. The concept is a hundred years ago, there was a guy that converted his stomach into an aquarium. Yeah. Where he could store live creatures. And then he could bring them up at will. [ Audience groans ] -[ Laughs ] [ Laughter ] -I never heard that story. I... [ Laughter ] -I mean, if... [ Audience "ohhs" ] ...if it was possible... -No, no, no. No, no, no. would... it would kind of... -Oh, no. -If it was possible... [ Laughter ] [ Audience "ohhs" ] -No! -Oh, n-- -Oh, no. -Oh! -Oh! [ Audience screaming ] -Oh! No! -Yo! Oh, my God! [ Applause ] -David Blaine, everybody! [ Cheers and applause ] -Let's show them. -It's real. It's a real frog. That is a real frog. -Well... -Oh, my gosh. -I got to -- Guys, come over here. No, no. I want you to see that it's real. Also, I'm gonna put him back where he came from. -Aaaahh! [ Audience screaming ] -Thank you, guys. Good to see you. -Nice to see you, buddy. -Thank you. [ Cheers and applause ] -That's from Africa, right? -David Blaine, everybody! -Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for David Blaine! [ Cheers and applause ] I mean... -I'm excited. Very excited. -I know. I have no idea what you're about to do. I did not come to rehearsal on purpose, and -- but I think it's safe to say to the audience -- do not try anything you see at home. -Well, that's not the case, because I'm just gonna try a few classics. Something simple. [ Laughter ] -I love his reactions. -How you doing, Priyanka? -I'm really nervous. [ Laughter ] -No, no, no. Don't be. -Like, is there, like... -Actually, you know what? -Something's gonna come out of my mouth. -No, no, no. [ Laughter ] Just some simple pieces of magic. But I need a -- Could I use your phone? -Uh-huh. [ Laughter ] -So glad he didn't ask me for mine. 'Cause that would've been a no. -Yes, you can use my phone. -I want Priyanka -- I want you to be able to film this. -Oh! Yes. -And you can -- Yeah. -Okay. -You want me to do anything? You want me to turn it on or anything? -I mean, that's how it usually works, right? -No, just -- No, I think we can just -- I think we can just -- -Don't use my credit card. [ Laughter ] -That one. -Don't worry. You can change your code. [ Laughter ] -Do you already know his code? -Can you -- Can you hold this like this? -Okay. And I'll just record that, as well. Good. And I might need just to use this to see the trick. So, do you want to see the card trick or the needle-and-thread trick? [ Laughter ] -You're already in my head. Already, right? Uh, the card trick. Right? No? -Perfect. We'll do the needle and thread. [ Laughter ] -Oh, my God. -For this, I need exactly this length. -What? What are you stitching? -Well, I need it exactly, I'd say... [ Light laughter ] -Yo! [ Laughter and applause ] -Whew! Whew! Okay. [ Light laughter ] Very cute. -No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. -Oh, my God, no. -No, no, no, no, no. -Oh, my God! -Ohh! [ Audience gasps ] -Stop! -Aah! -I can't focus! I can't focus! [ Laughter ] I'm focusing, I'm focusing. [ Audience shouts ] I can't look at -- I can't -- -Aah! -Oh, my God. [ Audience gasps ] -[ Breathing heavily ] [ Laughter ] Oh. Oh, my gosh. gosh. Oh, my gosh. -Aah. -I think that's -- -Oh, man. -Guys, there's blood on it and everything. -There's blood on it. There's blood on it. -This is some "Game of Thrones" stuff. -This is insane. [ Audience gasps, shouts ] -David, stop! [ Laughter ] -Oh! [ Indistinct shouting ] -Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo! Yo, yo, yo! Oh, my God, yo. Oh, my gosh. Oh, for crying -- Ooh. -[ Breathing heavily ] -Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. -Nah, man! No! No! No! -Questlove! Questlove! Come on, just do it. Just do it. Questlove, just come back. -For what? -Because you have to see everything. You have to finish the trick. This is insane. -Get him to do it. No. -Just -- Questlove, please. Oh, my gosh. -Ohhhhhh! -Oh, God, no, one more time. No. -David.... [ Audience gasps ] David, what is going on, dude? What's -- [ Laughter ] Oh, my gosh. Yeah. How you doing, man? No! No, no. I really -- I don't know if I can do it, man. [ Laughter ] I feel bad. Okay. -Aah. -Aah! [ Audience gasps ] -Oh! Oh! [ Laughter ] Jimmy! -Aah! [ Audience groans ] -Oh, my gosh, dude. Oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry. -Guys, there's blood on it. -I'm so sorry. That is insane. -There's blood on that. -That is unreal. Don't smile, dude. [ Laughter ] I can't -- I can't unsee this, dude. I can't -- Tie it? In a thing? In a knot. Alright, yeah. Make a knot? Oh, my gosh, David. I don't want to do this, man. Oh, my gosh. We should've done the card trick. [ Laughter ] I'm telling you, we should've done the card trick. -Oh, God. My camera skills are horrible. -Oh, my gosh. Alright. Alright, so... Oh, my gosh. I can't even tie a knot. I'm freaking out right now. [ Laughter ] -Aah. -Okay. That's a knot. Well, thanks for coming, David. [ Laughter ] It's always good to see you, and you're on tour starting May, uh... May 9th, in San Diego. Do you have something? The card trick. Yeah, the card trick, yeah. We should've done the card trick, absolutely, yes. You're gonna do that while I -- -I'm still recording, right? I'm just check -- Yeah. [ Laughter ] Clarify. -I hope that's a normal deck of cards. -Normal deck of cards. Yes, yes, yes. [ Laughter ] I-I should check it. Yes. Normal. Oh, pick one, pick one, pick one. [ Laughter ] Okay. Picked one. Show it to everyone but not you. You all see it? Put it back in there? Oh, no, hold the deck. Oh, he saw it. Okay. [ Laughter ] -Yeah, not impressive. You ripped the card. [ Laughter ] Oh, I thought you were showing me how strong you are. Yes. [ Laughter ] -Okay. And I put the rest of it back in the deck? On top of the deck. Oh, I hold it. -Yeah. God, I feel like I'm speaking ESL again. [ Laughter ] Okay. [ Audience murmuring ] Oh, my God! If that comes out of where I think it is... [ Laughter ] -No. His -- His mouth? Is that what you're thinking? No, David, don't -- -I'm having a -- [ Laughter ] -David...No, no, no. Dude, this dude is insane. [ Audience gasps ] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, my God. [ Laughter ] Okay. Gosh. Tariq, you want to do this? Here, you do this, man. -Ugh. -It's like surgery. -Geez. Aah. -Don't cut his -- That's his lip. Aah. -Tariq... -Okay. Okay. Okay. -Aah! [ Audience gasps ] Yaaah! [ Laughter ] [ Laughter ] -Man... [ Audience groans ] -Oh. -Jimmy, you must open it for us to see. -Okay. Ugh! -Aah! -Holy... -No way. [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪ -Oh, my gosh. This is unbelievable. Unbelievable. -Could I just have a little water just to clean up? -Thank you. -Oh, wait. Aw, man. [ Audience gasps ] -Oh! -[ Laughs ] [ Laughter ] -Am I clean? -Yeah. -You're clean. -No blood? No blood. -A little -- no. -A little blood, I mean. -Just a little blood, I mean... -Wow, there he goes. [ Laughter ] Do I go to the card now? [ Laughter ] That was insane. You're about to kick off a huge tour next month. You have 36 shows all across North America. What can people expect from these shows? [ Laughter ] Expect to see some different -- Some different -- -Jimmy? -Yes? -Is my mouth empty? [ Audience gasps ] -No! -Yes. -Yes. -Is there nothing...? [ Laughter ] -Questlove. -No! [ Laughter ] [ Audience gasps ] -Questlove. [ Indistinct shouting ] -Yo, man. [ Laughter ] -Oh. -[ Shouts ] [ Audience gasps ] [ Laughter, cheers, applause ] ♪♪ -I have to throw up. I have to throw up. I have to throw up. I have to throw up. -Yo. -David Blaine, everybody!
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 2,938,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tonight show, jimmy fallon, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, Tonight Show, Magic Tricks, David Blaine, illusion, close up magic, sleight of hand, card tricks, deck of cards, pick a card, any card, shuffle, The Roots, poker, 5 cards, look at me, behind your back
Id: 8SFzZvlespA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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