Behind the 1000 Mile Race: Day Two!

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hi david hi uh we're we're awake now and we're gonna go to niagara falls to go see niagara falls he's already seen niagara falls but i slept through my alarms we've made it to niagara falls niagara falls niagara falls holy sram bully guacamole oh it's getting spritzy out here david [Music] david david we did it [Music] this almost made actually no screw it this made the whole entire 18 hour trip worth it probably hang here for a few more minutes head back to um the lodge go meet up with the boys and uh go eat some breakfast before we attempt to head out around 10 o'clock um also we discovered there's a charge point charger here um it's also broken so all right day two day two means we stopped at a hotel in niagara falls for the afternoon for the night all the cars are now here we have our deltas here's the current situation uh the gas car is in the lead the audi has about 460 miles of range uh in the gas tank right now plus roughly half an hour is the tesla model s uh it has about 70 miles of range right now and then plus about five hours and change is the mach e and it has about 180 miles uh of battery right now we're all gonna leave at the same time again we're gonna hit our next two stops ithaca new york scranton pennsylvania and then back to the studio and when we all get there we'll add up all the deltas and figure out what happened but this is the second day of our planned thousand mile thing let's get it [Music] day two leaving niagara falls today got sustenance let's go we're gonna try and be more liberal with headed to like chargers like at least keeping a hundred miles on reserve pretty much as often as we can um that way we're never like stranded like we were and then i think we're also gonna try and utilize electrify america as much as we possibly can because that seems to be the safest bet our car is absolutely caked with bugs i'm absolutely caked with coffee it's time it's time to get going damn see you eventually see ya it'll feel good to be on the lead for three seconds again before we sleep for church round one we start this week so first stop of the morning in i think cheek tawaga is what it's i think that's how you say it i think that's right just uh juicing up and we will basically get to choose from here how long we want to charge based on what our next charging stop should be panera bread panera hello gang hi we're at charge spot number one number one in waterloo new york waterloo we made sure that we went to an electrify america charger the goal for today is like only safe only to go to electrify america chargers we're like not gonna vehicle timeout that's cool we literally just jinxed ourselves we did so apparently that first plug didn't work um cool we're off to a great start let's hope that it works now is it says connecting the vehicle so we'll probably find some coffee or something if this actually yeah connects the only thing that i want right now oh this one's only 150 kilowatts whereas the other one is 350. uh this is charging at 125 immediately which is pretty good most ramp up and down like crazy i'm gonna take a photo of that it's working though so that's that's good 34 it says we'll be done at 1. okay so we only need to wait 20 minutes 20 minutes not bad that's fine some coffee 20 minutes to get from 30 to 80 is actually pretty good so one point for electrify america nice mile 700 team gasolina still playing trivia day two we just left um marquez and heyado stopped early to charge that's their game plan i guess they stopped early he auto had a picture with orange juice and water so he's hydrated they're gonna have to stop and use the bathroom though so that's on our side uh tim is still working on a thumbnail dad is still driving um and yelling at him and yelling at him we're still pretty we're only like 50 miles out from where we stopped last night but and we've got 107 miles until ithaca tim how's it going back there it's good photoshop on the ipad is a bit quirky yeah can you give us a quick quick photoshop review quick review on the ipad i'll say it's really strange to do this without hot keys so like i know every key on the thing and how to do it so you literally have to click everything with the pen but i'm getting the hang of it it's not ideal by any means but we'll see when it's done if you guys can pick out which waveform clip he did in the back seat of the car still at our first uh charging stop electrify america we couldn't find coffee no coffee here that's sort of weird but that could be more of a result of the fact that we're far away from a major city there's there's always like a like a wawa or like a starbucks or like something to do by a tesla supercharger to some extent or like a restaurant or something whereas like the amount of times that we've showed up to electrify america chargers and yeah most of them are in walmart parking lots yeah which you know you're probably just gonna be sitting in your car i guess you could go in walmart but it's not that's all right on to the next place we're gonna go to ithaca right after this i think it's only like 40 miles away um 51 51 we should get there a little over half an hour do our location photo get an actual coffee and uh keep going so one of the ways we've been keeping track of the other teams has been with location sharing on google maps i'm just gonna set this for let's say 12 hours sharing and now we can keep track of adam and david and everybody else in their cars all at once alongside one of the finger lakes and we're half an hour from ithaca and we're going to charge there should be good we got uh we did a 250 kilowatt a little bit ago this is gonna be 150 or is it another v3 i think it's 150 that's okay um but it's not too bad we're going to be at like a low-ish battery again i have 50 miles left on the battery and 25 to go drive so it'll be fast and a lot of this is downhill so we might actually regen a decent amount yeah yeah single lane roads for a while yeah is that it's that part of new york again yeah they come here they come it's not i just don't believe it 75 holding a 75 and there they goes it's not it's not it's k-5 you know what we like more than our fast cars knowledge you want to hear tim working on how he's going through this photoshop experience how are you feeling about it now tim i'm not okay we're just gonna run we're running we're running we're way down there all right everyone say cheese we made it 11 148 148 all right there we go charger 1a ithaca new york nice and easy and the signs broken look at that all right 32 miles on the battery plug it in at 153. i'm gonna look up cornell so we'll we'll sit here charging for a bit gotta love this i don't know if you can see this screen right here just as it gets up to peak charging right now it's already at 132 kilowatts we'll probably see 150. you can see how many miles per hour you're adding to the battery so we're charging up 476 miles an hour it doesn't charge at that rate the whole time but we've already gained two miles just sitting here and uh i put in cornell university it said 1.9 miles away so that's pretty sweet we'll be able to get our photo there and then jet to the next charge okay so we are headed to the clock tower we have to find it it should be fairly easy it's fairly large you remember being in college brandon um yeah not a good time yeah i didn't enjoy it that's also a coordinated yeah i didn't have a campus like this maybe i would have enjoyed it more we found the tower the tower you know honestly the only win that i will be happy to have is the fact that we at least got one checkpoint not as last yes that's the tower we made it okay wait get our photos okay the gang is here we're on the cornell i still can't believe we're number two how do we do this i don't know yeah they charged more than see now they know we only charge once and they're charging a second time right now we did it what a beautiful campus posting on the twitter so that everyone knows that we beat the plaid the first spot oh wait they said eta 230 that's the sound of being way too late marquez thank you thank you actually him all right mission accomplished [Music] that's a great sticker sorry we just went to cornell drove through like the finger lakes to get there from the north i believe went through the town the town's beautiful the campus is beautiful minus that hill that we had to climb up that was pretty rough considering we've done nothing but drive for like two days what's funny is that was cornell which is the campus that andy bernard famously goes to throughout all of the office and our next stop is scranton where we're gonna take a picture at the pen paper company tower which is like that tower you see in the beginning of the office theme intro whatever you want to call it um so today is like an office themed day which is funny because marquez has never seen the office what hello hello we are in the car the car we finally got our coffee coffee it's non-sexual we are about 60 miles from scranton our final waypoint before home so we're on the home stretch we're going to charge after we hit scranton this time uh because we have 147 miles now 60 miles to scranton and then it's like 30 miles from there to the charger just outside of scranton so [Music] we will be on the closer end um or at least a little bit more close than we'd want to be not as bad as yesterday but the thing is we're not that hungry whereas marquez and uh hayata are getting lunch there's nothing for food so so we might not that's our advantage we might be it's really close it's really freaking close i'm feeling a lot better about things today and literally better like i hate to have to be in this position where i don't want to jinx anything but like i don't want to change that yeah i'm not going to say anything you know what i'm going to see how it goes yeah 900 miles 900 juventus we're on our last 100 is the point uh and we're on to our last destination i have really truly autopiloted this um trip more than any other trip i've ever taken we're about 11 miles from scranton not too bad uh we just did a twitter space went pretty well i think got to hear from everybody else on the team how they're doing the mock e is nearby and actually the gas car is also closely in front they're probably already there right they're probably there right now taking the picture yeah bathroom breaks snacks water i don't know where tim is but it seems to be a recurring theme we got some snacks i got i really really like energy drinks too white monster i didn't know they made smaller cans i'm glad because that means less peeing good it's a monster i've had the salsa verde ones of these and they're very good but they weren't very hot it didn't read the fact that this is super hot now this is the chip company that does that like one chip challenge but they make some ones the salsa verdes were amazing like honestly one of my favorite chips i've had in a long time can i ask something when you guys are washing your hands did the water come out brown i'm not actually kidding i was watching it was just like and it came out brown i did not yeah i'm using hand sanitizer that was made it to scranton we're gonna go to the clock tower shout out to the office where's tim there it is yes oh this is amazing right there anything i get so much of a rush from seeing this but like i've seen the great wall of china what's it say from dodgeball thunder mifflin i feel like go right at that corner and take a picture of it yeah i'm down tim get in here oh sorry [Music] all right so i'm just seeing wait that's them that's we just passed them oh in that audi yeah i guess they parked to take a photo but we did find the gas car i don't know if there's any certain parking rules so we'll just park it right here so i'm told this is in the show it is it's like often in the show or in the intro it's in the intro so here's the thing about scranton they call it the electric city uh and they call it that because of the electricity [Music] so we found the gas car a bunch of jerks look at that well uh i'm gonna put in final destination and see what that tells me that says go to tannersville charge briefly 15 minutes and then drive 40 minutes home easy oh there's a way faster one right next to it i'm changing it it's calling an audible burtonsville way faster charger we're gonna eat and charge in burtonsville the electric city so we are officially in scranton there it is pen paper is that it right there i've never been to scranton i've always wanted to go to scranton i know that's a weird thing to say but i've always wanted to go to scranton yeah that's cute but uh yeah we're finally here let's do it baby he did it we did yeah let's get it we did it joey b who was also from scranton pennsylvania all right this is not where it was based no it was it was based here it was shot in l.a yeah um but the the funny thing is like the intro of uh of um the office was actually shot by john krazanski um just because he did a road trip here right after he found out he was cast in um in the office so that intro sequence where you see this building is shot by him you ready we finally did it we made it there's a uh electrify america charger i think about 40 miles away or 30 30 miles away um and we have about 90 or so miles of range so uh yeah we should be pretty good knock on wood not gone knock on wood this day today has made the trip all that was hell yesterday is now completely expunged because of today yeah made it work it feels a lot better now thousand mile update we are 34 minutes from the studio at the undisclosed location 26 miles so we're 26 miles we've planned that trip out pretty well i mean yeah we're right over a thousand piranha like this music nostalgia trip right now playing a lot of the songs of our youth are you tim really likes creed it's his favorite yeah i'm excited to get back and wait for everyone else but hopefully not too long love to get home just one more tidy stop 42 miles left on the battery about to pull in here and charge while we grab a little food and then we'll easily have enough to make it back to the studio what a well-planned trip and by well planned i mean i checked that map a couple times if we actually like eat we might have like a full battery by the time we are done all right just uh answered a few questions somebody was curious about the car but now we're finally we're pulling away our final leg of the trip 76 miles back to the studio i found your car to be quite fascinating it's not watching it plugged into that thing yeah like a like a big phone amazing yeah so your car is like electric electric electric exactly thank you god bless to be safe have a good week that's that's who this video is for like you get you get the common we were talking to this other guy who's like so how far does it go how long does it take to charge hopefully these types of experiments can answer those questions uh we're on our last leg of the studio 76 miles we stopped in eight so we have like 300 miles on the battery it will be no problem and then we'll get to see how long our delta is versus a gas car well would you look at that i mean don't don't count it out yeah i'm not gonna quit i cannot jinx anything like eight more stations baby look at those sexy beasts eight more stations let's see oh this one says charger unavailable great this one seems to be working yeah we hope the true american gods final test do it this is actually the last charge we think yeah we think watch out step over oh and three two go boom oh yeah okay amanda locking noise oh yeah connecting the vehicle when a walmart parking lot processing payments let's get it oh it's initializing the charging noise is starting we like a nice high-pitched rotor 32 cents a minute yeah i don't know if we've talked about this all this much on um on the drive on the drive or the the the video documentation really but um charging at these chargers is really kind of expensive like we've walked away with um with like 30 to 80 charge costing it around like 26 30 bucks it's kind of a lot but uh yeah i think we're just gonna figure out oh is it gamestop a domino's oh shoot and wine and beer oh shoot we're probably about an hour or two away from home base why did it slow charge the charging session error i say we try the 150 because the 150 seemed to work when the 350 didn't seem to work at the last electrify america charger one hose down hopefully uh hopefully this one works a little bit better hopefully charred station fault c manual man take pictures of all this when i was on the electrify america app and i looked at this it said one out of four chargers available so i wonder maybe this is the one that's broken maybe three out of four of them are broken yeah i say we pull this pull into the far one because that's also 150. it says the first three should work and the fourth is grayed out oh yeah payment declined cool so two of these don't really work so this one says charger unavailable uh so that's that's that's this one at the first stall this one was the one that canceled out on us and then that one didn't work at all so now we're trying this one so hopefully this one actually works this time okay so it says authorize now okay so we're we're we're going yeah we're going yeah it's charging pretty quick this one's working let's hope for the moment yeah compared to the last time in the spirit of a trying to win and also uh i guess trying to keep some daylight on our side as we drive home uh we're just gonna leave now it's about 71 miles to get back to uh home base 61 we've about 185 miles remaining so like we're totally good we kind of figure as long as we drop off the board with 100 miles left it should be okay totally fine so yeah we're just gonna unplug get going and uh i'm gonna drop down to 81 kilowatt hours so so yeah that's getting a little slower yeah but uh yeah we will see you guys on the road we did it andrew number one andrew mvp andrew how does it feel to uh make it first back to the studio what are you thinking right now what's going through your head dream come true we did it wait what's our time 6 11 6 11. 11 officials yeah we did it i think we should go out and take a little take a photo should we welcome them we should definitely welcome them [Laughter] we made it team guy gasolina numero uno number one number one made it back there's the there's the car so we won but we kind of expected that because we don't have to charge um we're just more wondering at this point win by how much like how much of extra time is getting added on to thousand miles so what i learned uh the audi was great i liked a couple i liked the lane assist it was comfortable it was fine i mean like it was it wasn't exciting we definitely probably had the most boring car out of everything but it's reliable it's easy to get gas we had like free range to stop pretty much wherever we wanted it was fun i enjoyed a lot of it i sat in the back seat and uh as you can see i got nothing [Laughter] he's got everything he's everything to this team great ride great co-host um it was very fun no one's going to beat us we're ready for round two it's just like a rap video ready for round two let's go number one right here all right where are we at 6 55 p.m on day 2 pulling into the studio right now so that's 1058 miles 330 total kilowatt hours and one priceless road trip tesla winners welcome home we did it joe you did it joes nice of you to join i caught it show up hey so the charger worked one when did you guys charge uh right after scranton okay so same yeah but we ate while we were there yeah okay we got philly cheese steaks or i did yeah we went to walmart look at that how many people did you [Applause] yesterday's experience compared to today's experience was just like two completely different did you guys pull in animals uh 20 minutes ago right before seven oh really an hour that's not bad yeah okay okay but you guys should and we pulled up at starbucks and charged true we were at starbucks for like 15 minutes i think we should all get this photo should we [Music] we might as well right because that is a thousand miles under wraps wow we did it it's over wraps now so i just want to give a congrats to team gasolina against all odds they pulled off this win somehow i don't know started from the bottom oh they made it work but they did so congrats on great on that one out guys no advantages to our car yeah that was all where they were teaming up on that one through then uh team tesla officially did come in second we're gonna work on calculating for the for the main video how long it was but it seemed like about an hour and change delta plus or minus 10 something like that and then we had team maki it's pulling up the rear it's gonna be okay they had a good time from what i could tell so that's worth something second if we didn't have that one issue at the very beginning i think our delta would have been like two hours day two is only like a 20 minute difference yeah yeah yeah it could have been 40 minutes total yeah so we we'll summarize everything this is obviously a learning experience we put ourselves through it instead of just taking the numbers on paper for granted and actually learned a lot about all these cars and the differences between the networks that's about it thanks for watching and uh we'll catch you guys the next one [Music] you
Channel: The Studio
Views: 344,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MKBHD, The Studio
Id: Eb-vBAS2Dls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 17sec (1817 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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