Learn Video Editing in ONE HOUR ⏳

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you don't have to be good at video editing  in order to look legit on video and grow your   audience online with youtube but if not knowing  how to edit your videos is what's holding you back   from creating content we need to get you started  so in this video i'm gonna show you how to teach   yourself to edit videos in just one hour including  the time that it takes to watch this video   now editing videos for youtube is something that i  love to do myself and i love to teach other people   how to do it here on my channel and in my paid  program like social video pro but i often run into   this big roadblock from clients and customers  and random people who message me on the internet   and they say meredith i'm not using the same video  editing software as you do i have to use final cut   pro do i have to use premiere pro and the answer  is no you really don't have to use anything that   i'm using use what you have and follow the steps  in this video to teach yourself how to edit videos   using whatever software you're  using whether it's final cut   premiere pro premiere rush filmora camtasia  screenflow lumafusion imovie davinci resolve but   you can figure this out as long as you follow the  steps in this video so here's what you're going to   do you're going to record two clips either on your  phone or with a camera whatever you have handy and   you might be thinking oh i already have footage  that i want to edit i just need to edit what i   already have i hear you that's why you're watching  this video but i promise just follow the steps in   this video and then you'll be able to edit your  footage really quick and easy because you'll know   exactly what so you're going to keep your camera  rolling throughout this entire clip you're going   to hit record and then you're going to record this  clip that i'm going to tell you to record and then   you will stop recording so what you're going to  do is you're going to look at the camera make sure   you're looking directly at the lens of your camera  and not at yourself on the screen that's important   that takes some practice but you're going  to record into the camera you're going to   say my name is and then insert your name  and then you're going to snap three times   for the camera yes i know it sounds weird like i  said follow me here you're gonna snap three times   and then you're going to again look at the  camera and say on this channel i talk about   blank whatever it is that you talk about  and then you're gonna pause and snap   again three times for the camera and then  for the third time you're going to say   the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog it's  a weird sentence i know but it's a sentence that   has every single letter of the alphabet so it's  a good one to practice and after you say that   again you're gonna snap three times for the camera  and then you're gonna stop recording so if you   mess up your words when you are recording just  stop and start again just stop and start again   you're going to make your three snaps after a good  take after the words come out of your mouth the   way that you intended for them to come out of your  mouth and it sounds good that's when you're going   to snap three times for the camera so here's  what this looks like my name is meredith marsh on my channel i create content  about creating and editing videos the quick round fox jumps over the lazy dog  if it takes you 17 takes to get the words to   come out of your mouth correctly seriously that  happens to me all the time that's totally normal   that's why you're making the three stamps and  i'll show you why that's important when we get   to the actual video editor in fact the worse you  do at recording your quick project right now the   more you're going to learn about video editing and  in turn the faster you're going to be at creating   videos from beginning to so now you have your  single clip done it's in your camera or on your   phone now you're going to use the same phone or  camera whatever you're using and record something   around you that hopefully has something to do with  your channel if not you can literally just record   your desk so for about five or ten seconds you're  just going to record a little bit of footage it   could be of anything other than you and what  you're creating here is called b-roll so this is   video content that you can use in your videos  over top of your talking head your a-roll we'll   talk more about that in just a minute so next you  need to import your clips to your video editing   software now remember i said it doesn't matter  what software you're using all of the steps that   i'm going to show you are the same so if you get  lost or you don't know how to start a new project   or add clips to the software you're using just  google it after this video is and i'm using final   cut for this at the moment if you want a dedicated  tutorial on final cut let me know in the comments   and i'll try to make it happen now if your files  aren't already on your timeline you're going to   drag them or add them to your timeline and once  you've done that i'm just going to zoom in a   little bit you're going to see your clip down  here and you can also see that you have your   audio and you can see those little wiggly things  down there at the bottom those are the waveforms   and you want to look for the three spikes that you  made after you had a good take when you recorded   your clip those three spikes are where the good  takes are all you have to do is look for the   wiggly wave forms that are happening before the  three spikes and you know that's where you said   something good instead of scrubbing through  this entire clip trying to find exactly where   the good parts are what do i need to keep what  do i need to get rid of you can laser focus in   on those three spikes because you did your snaps  and make this really quick for yourself so the   simplest thing to do here to teach yourself how to  edit your videos is to look for those three spikes   right here and you're going to make a cut  i'm going to just hit the command b and i   know that right before here you can see where  i was talking you can also see my mouth moving   right there and you know that's where i'm going  to be talking so all this stuff was me messing up   so right here we're going to clip that and then  i'm going to delete this whole part before that   i don't even have to watch it because i know  it wasn't good because i know where my three   snaps are and then i'm going to come find  the next three snaps which are right here   i can see i'm talking right here so we're gonna  clip that and take that whole section clip that   trim that cut that whatever however you wanna call  it i guess technically it's considered a cut and   then our next three snaps were there yeah we're  good with that and then here's our three snaps   so same at the end i can just take that and then  i messed up here so it's like right there is going   to be our good take and everything before it is  not good so those three things that i had you   say your name what you're talking about on your  channel and then the quick brown fox from silver   lazy dog those are our three um sections of our  clip right here we have a really great rough   draft but we need to fine tune it just a little  bit so what we're gonna do is i'm gonna zoom in   here and we're gonna basically go frame by frame  i use the left and right arrows on my keyboard   to figure out where i stopped  talking which is like right there and   so before my hand comes up to snap so we're  going to trim it all the way there and then   on my channel like we're going to come right to  where the waveforms are starting here when i start   talking okay moving on to the next one here  so again we're gonna i'm not even listening   to this i'm just looking at my lips move  and then stop and it looks like right   there something like that same thing  here this is a really bad angle okay um   and then at the very end we want to get rid of  any frame that doesn't really matter you might   think that one second or two seconds of awkward  silence isn't that awkward but it's really it's   kind of deafening it's really really awkward and  it can mean the difference between your video   looking kind of amateurish and a little bit more  pro and i want to show you another thing to make   it look a little more pro as well because if you  remember we shot that b-roll and i told you we   would do something with it but first what about  background music i get my background music from   epidemic sound and you can use whatever background  music that you choose here but you want to   make sure that when you import it into your  project just like you did with your video clips   and then bring it down to your timeline that you  drop the volume of that background music quite a   bit you're gonna have to use your headphones  really listen and make sure that your video   isn't going to cause the viewer to strain to hear  what you want to say what you are trying to say   in your video so bring that background music down  you're going to have to play with it just a little   bit now for that b-roll clip that i had you shoot  so we're going to take this we're going to drag   it down and we're going to put it on top of that  a-roll that rough draft that we just created where   we were talking to the camera and in this case  it's this clip is a lot longer than it needs to be   i don't want it to be covering my face the whole  entire time so what you want to do with your   b-roll is use that to show what you're talking  about in the a-roll so if i'm talking about my   desk and then i'm showing my b-roll of me talking  about my and you can use your b-roll to cover up   those jump cuts if they're a little bit  jarring just to smooth them out a little   bit this is going to make your video look a lot  more smooth and a little bit more professional   my name is meredith marsh on my channel i  create content about creating and editing videos   the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog  so those are the basics of teaching yourself   how to edit your videos that are going to  work for you no matter what type of videos   that you're creating and there are a couple of  more moderately advanced techniques like using   l cuts and j cuts and overlapping your audio just  a little bit to really smooth out those cuts and   adding in background music that fades in  and fades out plus lower thirds like your   name and subscribe button and i cover that  and so much more in my youtube editing for   beginners course called social video pro  which i'll link to down in the description
Channel: Meredith Marsh
Views: 1,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn video editing, video editing, video editing tutorial, video editing for beginners, online business, social media marketing, video marketing, meredith marsh, vidpromom, side hustle, sidehustle, learn video editing for beginners, learn video editing for youtube, learn video editing in 10 minutes
Id: c6TjhQPKv8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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