How I Edit My Youtube Videos in Camtasia 2021 | Always Improving

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hey everyone how's it going my name is joel tolentino all right so in this video i'm going to show you guys how i edit our youtube videos in camtasia 2021 so this is going to be like a workflow type video and i'm going to be talking through everything so i literally just recorded this tutorial video for those of you who don't know we have a youtube channel called essatino artists and it's a how to tutorial channel so that is the majority of the type of videos that go on our channel i'm usually doing a screencast recording with myself and the screen and i'm teaching something so i just did one on how to upload a video on your ig tv from desktop because a lot of people don't know that you can upload instagram ig tv videos from your computer from your desktop and that's the video that i'm going to be editing right now while recording this tutorial video so i'm kind of doing like a two-in-one this is exactly what i would do and at the end of this video this is the video that's going up on youtube so first thing here is i'm going to expand this on the timeline pressing the plus sign which is the magnifying glass i like it to be past halfway but not fully i don't like it completely to the end i think that's too wide so i like it about here next i'm going to enlarge the video here a lot of people leave it really tiny and they don't think that they can enlarge it and they just leave it like that i'm gonna enlarge it to about this size and i'm gonna change the color but first i am going to do the audio so the first thing before i start cutting and clipping everything is the audio i have everything in my favorites if you don't use favorites i highly recommend that you favorite your favorite features and and buttons and things that you like so that it can be in your favorites and everything's there so i'm just going to scroll down to the audio area all right so here it is i'm going to go noise removal and then this was a tutorial video where i'm clicking around on my computer and i'm showing stuff so i'm going to actually add the highlight as well to the screen which is on track one and then i'm going to add the clicking sound just my personal preference i like to have the mouse clicking sound so as you can see it came up yellow i'm going to change it to purple because that's our brand colors and what i do is i make it a little bit more opaque increase the softness and then i increase the size of the actual mouse and i usually just ballpark it that's pretty good so now i'm gonna go back after i've done all the audio and i've added the mouse clicks and the highlight now i'm gonna go to the color so as you can see i'm sitting beside windows and the lighting gets really tricky in here i'm in a condo building and when it's summertime you just get blasted or you look really dark so i'm gonna go over to color adjustment which is also in my favorites and i'm gonna drag it down it's going to make me black and white but i'm going to fix that i'm going to reduce the contrast increase the saturation decrease the brightness do a little more saturation a little less contrast i'm just gonna fidget around until i get it to my liking and you'll see the difference in a second it's not perfect the the color correction isn't perfect but way better than before so if i turn this off and disable the effect look how horrible that looked i was like totally shadowed out and turn it back on boom i'm in color again okay so we've got that now another thing that i'm gonna do is i'm gonna chop the bottom of this i don't like seeing so many icons everywhere it's just my personal preference i find it distracting and it looks cluttered so i'm gonna cut this part off because it's not it's not of use for the eyes so i'm gonna just move that down okay now i am going to make myself circular as you can see i'm trying i'm not triangle i am in a rectangle so i want it circle so i favorited the circle here and i need to add another track so i'm going to right click insert track above it's going to create a new space area and then i'm going to drag the circle down stretch it out bring it over here color doesn't matter and then i'm gonna hold the shift i'm gonna make it the entire size from top to bottom and it looks like it's covering me then i'm still in my favorites as you can see you guys if i didn't have this all this stuff in my favorites and i'd be clicking around in all the other places which would take more time when you're editing videos you want to do things that is going to save you time so i'm going to go to mediamat which was a cool new feature that they added in camtasia 2021 i'm going to drag it on to the circle and it automatically makes me circle and then i'm going to highlight this and have the shape highlighted because i'm gonna move all of us over so i'm literally just moving using the arrow keys and i'm moving me to the corner that's usually where i like to be placed in these kinds of tutorial videos looks like we're all good okay so now after i've done all the visual i've done audio i've done the color i added the mouse clicks i made me into a circle now we can go and start cutting everything so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to just run through the entire thing and just start cutting so i'm going to highlight these two wait first i'm going to extend the circle because i don't extend it to the entire duration i'll extend it to about here because i know that i'm going to be doing a bunch of cuts so it's going to be getting shorter and shorter my goal here this is an it was a nine minute recording i want to bring this down to let's see if we can bring it down to below five minutes that would be ideal so i'll leave this at the five minute mark i usually like to play these you know cutting editing games where i'm like let's see if i can bring this down because the more that you can cut out the more concentrated you can get your video the better it's gonna be right you don't want to leave any fluff for the viewer especially if you're teaching them something you want to get straight to the point so let's start playing this and let's start cutting hey everyone how's it going it's joel tolentino here and welcome to the ascetino artists youtube channel where we talk about money okay so i'm gonna clip that part and i'm literally just going to be doing the exact same thing throughout the whole thing if you don't know how to cut and do that kind of thing check out my other tutorials where it goes into more detail like slower detail right now i'm just showing you my workflow hey everyone how's it going it's joel tolentino here and welcome to the essatino artists youtube channel where we talk about money marketing and mindset alright so i'm actually gonna chop this part too wherever i see dead space i am chopping and i like to get it as concentrated as possible and i'm literally just sharing my exact thought process here okay so i'm just going to click that and once you do this so many times you kind of just know where to go and clip it sometimes i don't even need to like i just recorded this so i don't need to listen to every single little thing okay so from here to okay so i'm just gonna highlight these two things and again i'm gonna chop out some stuff and i'll explain after why i'm not doing it over here you'll find out closer to the end of the edit but i'm gonna move this like that and then continue on all right so we are nearing the end here i've literally gone through and chopped it up removed all the dead air that's all i was doing removing the mistakes and this is the last bit here and it started off at nine minutes something if you guys remember and now it's like at three something so that's really good because i like it to be very concentrated remove all that stuff and just have the video get straight to the point so that it can help people alright so i've chopped it up we're not completely finished yet there's a couple of embellishments so after i go through and chop everything i go and do a little thing at the beginning and then i do something at the end so let me just play this here i have to see where it is all right so this is really okay so for the first part i'm actually going to remove the screen here and you'll see what i'm going to be doing in a second i'm shortening this removing the shape and having it only start here this right here i'm going to actually have full screen and sometimes i just decide this you know right at the end that i want it to be full screen okay and let's play this here hey everyone how's it going it's joel tolentino here and welcome to the escotino artists youtube channel where we talk about money marketing and mindset okay so i'm going to highlight these two pieces i'm gonna right click i'm gonna group it and then i'm gonna go to animations animations click custom drag it down go to zoom and pen and i'm gonna do a zoom in effect something like that i'm gonna stretch it out so it does this zooming effect i'm gonna play it hey everyone how's it going it's joel tolentino here it's a little glitchy because i'm a recording and then i'm going to add a transition so i'm going to go to my favorites grab this transition here and then i'm gonna grab this audio that i like first i need to add another track right click insert track above so that i can place this sound right here and with the sound it's gonna look really cool and sound really cool okay okay so that was the beginning part i usually do like a zoom in thing and then i'm going to do a a transition here as you see and then so we kind of it's like it's like to do a little intro and then okay now we're gonna get into the tutorial sometimes the beginning is a little bit more intricate but this one is a little bit easier so now we're going to scroll down all the way to the end here and then the part where i say hit a thumbs up and then head down to the description that's where i want to add some stuff head over down to the description okay okay so it starts over there thumbs up and again i'm gonna go to my library where i have some stuff already and i'm gonna find the video clip of me pointing down okay that's me there so i'm gonna place it over here and then i'm gonna grab another audio sound this one place it over there press play okay cool so that right there is pretty much done i have edited the entire video here we went from nine minutes down to three minutes something i added a little intro transition removed all the dead air and then added a little thing at the end so now this video is literally ready to go i have to just render it and how i do that is i go to export local file click on mp4 1080p click next title it and then click finish i'm not going to do that just right now because i'm recording right now but that's exactly what i would do and then i would take that video and then upload it to youtube which is what i'm gonna do all right so that is my workflow that is how i edit tutorial videos with the new camtasia 2021. if i was able to help you out please let me know by hitting the thumbs up button and head down to the description as we have a lot of cool stuff for you guys thank you so much for watching and i'll see in the next video
Channel: Essetino Media - Create Profitable Content
Views: 528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how i edit my youtube videos in camtasia 2021, camtasia video editing tutorial 2021, camtasia 2021 tutorial, camtasia video editing tutorial advanced, camtasia video editing full tutorial, camtasia 2021 how to, how to use camtasia 2021, camtasia tutorial 2021, camtasia 2021 tutorials, camtasia 2021 how to tutorials, camtasia 2021 for beginners, how to edit in camtasia 2021, how to edit a video in camtasia 2021, camtasia 2021 how to edit, camtasia 2021 workflow, #essetinoartists
Id: jWGs0RsIj-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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