Simple Step by Step Process on How to Freestyle (Front Crawl) Kick

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[Music] welcome to STS presents I'm Lucas Sisko today guys we're going to talk about how to kick in swimming but more specifically how to kick in the front crawl guys do you ever feel like this or look like this when you try to kick across the pool [Music] well I want to take you from that to this there are three main elements when it comes to good kicking that I want to Zone in on number one ankle flexibility number two we're gonna look at the technique of proper front Carl kickin and number three simply the cadence of the cake we're going to explore these three main elements put them all together and show you a step by step plan on how you can get motorboating across that pool with good freestyle kicking so let's dive in [Music] first of all why is it important to have flexible ankles when kicking well big problem with most people we don't come up from from a swimming background where they try to kick is that they have very rigid and stiff ankles so if you imagine that this is my leg with these are my toes pointed down you know when I'm swimming in the water most people like I just said we don't come up swimming backgrounds kick with almost a 90 degree angle on their ankles so when they kick down like this this motion is actually cutting into the water and pulling them backwards so they're fighting against themselves not to mention when you kick down with your ankles like that it makes your legs sink and most people try to increase their cadence when they do this it just wears them out they start spitting their arms in before they know it they swim 25 meters in them dead so guys we want to avoid this if we increase our ankle flexibility when we kick down we can have a floppy motion just like you see a dolphin in the water how it kicks down and then its fin just causes propulsion well we can do that too with our feet we kick down and we flop with our ankles so we have to get those ankles floppy so let's look at a few things that we can do at home when watching TV or whatever to increase our ankle flexibility nice just relax some guys you can do this while you're watching some TV [Music] they're really gonna enjoy myself roll back in one direction the other direction let's get a wider range of motion away from the table just get into you guys this is making you faster now this you have to do according to your current level of flexibility I've been doing this all my life guys so I can do this without pain or discomfort but gradually want to build it up maybe officially just kneel down without sitting down right here you'll see me rock back and forth several times increasing each roll back as I go back [Music] then guys it's good practice on land what you want to do in the water the movement is initiated from the hip and it ripped the shades down to the ankle do both legs this is the beginning and at the end guys I like to get a deeper stretch manually pulling it back myself with my hands and rolling it myself and all the while we can be chilling watching TV it's a little bit distressing to be honest into the water and take a step by step look at proper kicking technique okay so we're gonna take what I did in the living room where I was flopping my ankle we're gonna put that action into the water leaning against the wall and just trying to feel the pressure the water on the top of my foot take you from the hip creating a little bubbling brook as you'll see here under the water that's the goal you're going to create that brook I'm gonna see me take it with both feet on our back guys it's actually easier on our front to feel this pressure that's why I want you to take a kickboard and hug it hug it as such and kick on your back nice and gentle from the hip the action is initiated from the hip the next step before we go to our front is vertical kicking we want to feel the pressure of the water on the on the up kick and the down kick here's the action as you can see close so our third focus that I mentioned at the beginning of this video is kicking cadence now beginners have this misconception that they need to kick nice and slow but this is actually a very advanced technique that as you progress in your swimming it's something that you learn how to do in the beginning we need to learn how to whip that leg and we can achieve that by having really fast cadence so I'm going to first demonstrate to you the more advanced cadence on the wall and then I'm show you what I want you to do so here's that slow more advanced cadence that I was talking about we're gonna speed it up a little bit and show you what I want you to do just a second that's it guys we've got to create that whitewater behind us just like this and here's an excellent drill that you can totally practice your lungs but also that fast cadence kick try to stay up there as long as you can then once we go into our front we're gonna try the single leg kick where we just focus on one leg at a time the same wick with action that we did on our back we're gonna do on our thought of course put it all together and let's motorboat across that pool well there you have it we have the three main areas of focus that I want you to Zone in on we have floppy ankles we have kicking technique that I showed you and then we have the cadence of the cake if you Zone in on these strategies and implement them consistently I'm really confident that you're gonna have big breakthroughs in your kicking it's gonna be no longer the struggle to get across the pool but you will be flopping around motorboating across that water just like everybody else so with sts presents i'm lucas sisca take care for now [Music]
Channel: Siska Training Systems
Views: 450,443
Rating: 4.8749833 out of 5
Keywords: How to flutter kick, How to freestyle kick, How to kick in the front crawl, Freestyle kicking, front crawl kicking, triathlon swim technique, flutter kicking technique, freestyle kicking technique, swim training, swim technique, Lukas Siska, Siska Training Systems, Triathlon Coaching, swim coaching, swimming drills, kicking drills, freestyle kicking drills, front crawl kicking drills, swim stretches
Id: uqX2e_zl2EA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 23 2018
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