The Pull - How To Swim Front Crawl | Freestyle Swimming Technique

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today I'm at team bath and I'm gonna be talking through the pool phase of the front wheels stroke which is the propulsive phase of the stroke this is simply the part in which your hand in your arm are pulling against the water directly beneath our bodies now if you get this part of the stroke dry it can completely transform your stroke make it both easier and faster however it is quite complicated partner stroke to get right so today I'm gonna be running you through a step-by-step [Music] previously on GTM we have covered the catch phase and the rotation of the frontal strike and today how are we gonna be honing in on the face directly after the catch the pool face and as I've measured this is a really important part of stroke because this is a parlous trait that really helps to propel us forward now to help me explain this better more easily there I'm actually gonna do a non swimming action it just makes it slightly more relatable and easier to understand sorry and actually most you really look forward to it is getting out of this room let me demonstrate I'm gonna put my arms wider my hands wider than my shoulder width try and scout the pool now it's really really hard work near impossible now how's this relates to what if you've been told that you pull with quite a wide arm angle you're outside of your shoulder width then you're gonna struggle to a the force whereas if I demonstrate now with my hands within my shoulder which got my arms around a 90 to 100 degree angle 120 degree angle trying to pull myself out it's much much easier it's a much stronger position equally if you're someone that drops your elbow during the full face or you can told that you do then you could also be losing considerable power again if I demonstrate drop my elbow as I'm trying to pull myself out so important I really can't apply the port to get myself out and this is another really common technical mistake during the pool phase of the strike so now let's play all together and let's do some swimming after entering our hands into the water first we should aim to catch by applying pressure down onto the water this maintains our body position in the water and begins to load our arms ready for the pool phase with a perfect catch you should see the elbow above the hand as the hand presses down and through the water as the hand starts to come underneath your head this is when you start the pool phase there are different teachings on this pool phase but the one that I recommend for symmetry balance and efficiency is a direct pull straight underneath the body this prevents any movement or sneaking from side to side to do this effectively you should have a slight bend in the elbow somewhere between 90 to 120 degrees as demonstrated earlier this really allows maximum force production if you're in a pool with a line on the bottom as I am now and you are fortunate enough to have a whole lane to yourself or you're in a squad session then you can use this line to help teach this movement just imagine the line as a ladder and you have to pull yourself up this ladder each hand and pull should track over this line now back to our physics lesson it's important to remember that we're trying to push ourselves down the pool to do that the palm of your hand needs to be facing and pushing the opposite way at the wall behind you it sounds like a silly thing to point out but when you're immersed in the rest of your technique it's easy to let it slip now you may also have heard that some different methods are pulling yourself through your water on the front right such as the s-shaped pool so what happens on this pool if the hand enters the water pulls out to the side before coming back in and then pulling down your side almost like an hourglass shape now this was taught to me as a kid when I was first learning to swim and it's pretty good however what I will say is that you don't see many of the top swimmers or top triathletes doing this simply because it's not really direct enough you're actually wasting time the front of the stroke and almost offloading that force that's helping to propel you forward and what I will add is that with triathlon we're mostly swimming open water the water is moving a lot you really want to make sure that you're pulling effectively and quickly to maximize that propulsion force now let's finish the pool phase off as your hand starts to pass at your elbow you should seamlessly begin extending your arm out while still pushing against the water this is another area that is so often forgotten and neglected but without it it can cause serious dead spots within your stroke as the arm full extends the hand should be alongside the hip ready to begin the recovery phase of the stroke we have previously discussed the rotation of the stroke in another video and this ties nicely in with the pool phase of the stroke I recommend working on the technique of the pool face first mastering that and then moving on to learning the rotation after trying to do both at once would just be a little too much if you are at that stage in your stroke technique and development then the rotation can really help to utilize bigger muscle groups without the rotation you're predominantly hitting the pecs and biceps by rotating you can start to use the back muscles including the big lat muscles in turn it also helps us cut through the water by reducing of frontal area nothing should change in terms of your hand position or the angle of your arm when you rotate your shoulders and hips should move in sync and as you extend forwards to begin the catch this is when you rotate and whilst keeping a strong position through your shoulder and back as you finish your stroke at your hip I like to imagine that the hand almost moves the hip out of the way as you begin the rotation to the other side now then back to the pool face there are a couple more drills that can really help to emphasize this technique and one of my favorites that I've used before on GGN it is the doggy paddle drill okay it sounds like a Daffy draw but it's actually really quite valuable but all you've had a drill essentially putts that catch and pull into action but in a nice slow and controlled manner if you like you can put fins on for this drill just to make it easier and make sure that all your focus is on nailing the drill itself just keep your head up and simply perform the catch and pull phase of the stroke and then slide your hands back under the water to the start of the stroke again focus on pulling straight down the center of your body and pushing right out to the back with an extended arm and the final drill isn't really a drill as such but it is to swim with paddles it really helps to promote a greater feel for the water it also helps to slow the stroke down so you can really focus on the technique and it also helps to develop a greater and more powerful pool but we'll do take your time with the pool phase of the front will strike it can be really tricky putting it all together so as I mentioned before just really take your time with it and break it down into stages as always if you have any questions please do drop them in the comment section below and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible if you like this video hit that thumbs up button if you'd like to see more from GTN just click on the globe and subscribe if you like to see our video on the catch base of the front wheel stroke that beginning part is your hand into the water and just click down here and if you'd like to see our video on the rotation within the front crawl stroke which everyone is always talking about and please just click down here
Channel: Global Triathlon Network
Views: 1,190,855
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Keywords: GTN, Global Triathlon Network, triathlon, Triathlon (Sport), tri, ironman, Sports, swim, swimming, how to, how to swim, how to swim front crawl, swim technique, swimming technique, beginner, swim faster, faster, freestyle swimming, front crawl swimming, triathlon swim, triathlon swimming, pull, the pull, swim pull, swimming pull, swimbikerun, triathlon training, triathlon skills, iron man, tri bike, triathlete, traithlon, Ꮮ, 3417, Ꮵ, Ꮽ, Ᏸ, Մ, Շ, Չ, Ջ, Ꮲ, Ս, Ց, ཙ, ཎ
Id: eGYUrbJ3TmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 13 2018
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