Learn to Spin a Book || Learn Quick

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in case you are new here this channel is all about learning new skills as quickly as possible and document in the entire progress I am constantly taking suggestions in the comments or on Twitter and this one has popped up a couple of times people have suggested that I learn how to spend a book on my finger and I looked into this this is a thing people do this this is a skill that is doable so I'm gonna give it a go this is day one hour zero so I want to learn how to spend one of these books and the finger tips for 30 seconds in a short time as possible I want to see how quickly I can do this I can spend a basketball my finger I learned how to do that in one of the videos earlier on this channel if you've not seen it you should definitely go check out I think that that skill will translate well to spend in the book so this one should be easy let's give this a go some thinking relatively thick books with a little bit of give so the book kind of sags and I'm a finger faster there's a nice and Zeppelin song book I'm not gonna ruin that thin and hard [Music] [Music] [Music] definitely getting better at spinning the book but with the book you cannot have to spin it by moving your hand around right I don't get it [Music] spinning our basketball is not the same as spinning a book for a star the basketball is round which means itself bounces and I can hit it and add energy make it spin faster keep it balanced for longer with the book I can't do that I need to make it spin faster without touching it with my other hand and I need to figure out how to do that check this guy out this guy is insane as spending a book oh my God look at the speed of that by the way this is the world record he spun this book for 46 minutes he's been spent in this book for so long everyone's so bored look into the camera see how he's adding energy to the book that he's increasing the speed of the spin so he's wiggling his finger round and round off center and that is what increases the spin off the book let her fast is good that's what I need to learn how to do [Music] this books too soft this books to light this book cuts me that's pretty good but again too soft so here's I'm going to switch to the 2019 Book of Guinness World Records that's what seeing people use in videos this must weigh like two or three pounds that's a lot away on one finger seems to have a nice action to it yeah I think I can work with this longest paperclip chain two kilometers most swords swallowed simultaneously [Music] twenty-eight people are weird [Music] that's definitely progress all right again pretty good at this now but remember the challenge is 30 continuous seconds of spinning let's see if we can set that to D about two seconds come on in like 15 seconds this is good 20 seconds I'm getting closer come on ah the noise when the book drops it's killing me it's killing me these are really expensive and I am destroying piles and piles of them I have lost all feeling and the tip of my finger and that's a good thing still haven't actually done a continuous 30 seconds but I think I'm gonna crack that today 5 4 3 2 1 it's all about staying calm just getting a nice continuous motion this is good come on come on this is really good [Music] this is gone yet this is gotta be 30 seconds why useless Scout I don't even know if look at the brook anymore suddenly got really really good at this let's roll them on time [Music] this is a completely useless skill but you know what's not useless knowing how to play guitar I've been playing guitar now for more than 15 years I am so happy I learned so here's what I've done to impart my knowledge to you I've created a course this course is designed for the ultra beginner or someone who's never played the guitar before and it's designed to get you playing in a short time as possible the course will teach you five cards from scratch and two songs and this will provide a really solid foundation for learning guitar farther and start you on your guitar journey it's hosted on Skillshare which is an online learning community with over 20,000 classes in whatever you like want to know how to use a camera there's a class on that how about illustrator they've got that covered how about improving your presentation skills Skillshare has a class on that as well since Scotia are sponsors of this show they are offering my viewers two months of Scotia premium for free that's two months of unlimited access to over 20,000 classes delivered by the professionals that's easily enough time to learn my guitar course and loads more so check out the link is in the description and thank you very much for watching is it party time one in the luffy wanna do my one feel and i'vei've me so well me and you now let me stop
Channel: Mike Boyd
Views: 3,711,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spin, book, finger, mike boyd, learn quick, guy learns, folder, basketball
Id: 7FmdTeh81L8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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