Can I Still Do This Stuff? 3 Years of Learning

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from the past two years in December I have released a recap video a video where I revisit many of the skills I've learned over the last couple of years normally it's a very glossy video with like big sections where I just do stuff in one cup but trust me when I say that although it's one cup is not one take [Music] [Music] where's my sword so that's December I'm going to do something different I'm going to do a recap video again but instead of doing a glossy nice edit we're gonna show you the real scale retention and see if I still really have the stamp so no fancy edits we're gonna show you what really happens the first time I try and pick one of these skills up again after an extended period of time let's get started all right so I thought I'd give myself an easy start and start with something that I've just recently learned when was this like two months ago pretty sure I still got the stone Luke's been in absolutely no problem I mean better at this than I was been in a book completely pointless skill but extremely fun okay this is not this is not a problem at all but this is like six weeks Skol attention so then really expect any issues here alright so we're gonna jump around a little bit with times here but keep with the spinning theme back to spinning basketball how long ago was this yeah absolutely no problem buddy right back to the third video added juggling just don't have juggling down the most likely absolutely no problem what's that three years that's pretty good alright car spring this was not long ago let's see if I still got the car spring now I can already tell I have not done it for a while that this one's gonna be a little bit rusty hmm not fantastic not bad not as good as I used to be this is something that you cannot have to do all the time that was pretty good used to be able to do these big giant ones like that there were a lot wider but still Cana got it okay now this is quite I tried this quite long how long ago like a couple years ago got at like first time but after trying a couple of different times we know that that's Congo wrong and it's just done so one two perfect still got all right on to the next one splitting an apple with your bare hands this isn't really a skill this is just a thing that I know is possible so I shouldn't I've lost the ability to do this one to see god I look like an idiot right now the Apple streusel a bit I love how perfectly it goes down the metal I always make sure we stock all this yes my apples as well alright next skill the Rubik's Cube Tim are you mixing this up for me all right let's cool [Music] dice stacking I think this is my most popular video as isn't it so if I don't have this down and I'm a complete fraud right alright so second up easy hmm okay third time's the charm let's get this done oh that's a lovely noise still got it to prove that is about as close as you can get without them falling off [Music] [Music] dotted lines on the chalkboard treasures talked about this time that hey Mike from the future here currently editing this video I've always thought I understood how the chalkboard trick works but I've never really seen it in slow motion or close-up check this footage out you can really see the mechanics of how this is working I've never seen this before I think this is so cool [Music] so can I still do this I'm a little bit worried about my voice because it's been a year since well kind of a year it's been a long time since I've done this so I'm wondering if I still got the volume and if I've still got the accurate pitch [Music] seems to be going [Music] yes I suppose I still got it I used to be able to just pack up glasses and do it within a second like but now I need a lot more time to do it right we've got to do it twice all right wheelies absolutely no problem at all still got my balance point [Music] on to the backwards brain bike in case you're unfamiliar you steer left the wheel goes right you still write the wheel goes left this messes with your head this thing is absolutely deadly to those who are untrained but well over practice you container load the unicycle [Music] there we go there we go look at that I can totally write a unicycle keep you up it [Music] there we go all right axe to it [Music] there we go Oh No wait oh yes still got it [Music] the slingshot just left what hello oh yes fire can i still make fire [Music] but look at our smoke yes that's good [Music] y'all away from there [Music] this problem [Music] alright time for the backup bliss what happened okay pick it up put it in okay that's good do something sauce on top Katzie [Music] yes okay I've lost both my shoelaces but I've got fire ah that's son something about that sound suits me that was easier all right here we go a last skill opening the champagne with the champagne glass let's see if I still got this down so you're probably going to attend a couple of parties this holiday season well I'll try that trick that you saw on YouTube this can go one of two ways you can be the hero that does this first time or you can be the app that breaks the wineglass and the champagne and gets glass and everyone's drink don't be that person the trick to avoid it not is with a flick you just flick the rim off the glass here along the seam of the ball and it should just come off pretty flawlessly here we go first easy as so good happy new year everyone I hope you have a really great 2090 if you enjoyed what you just watched and want to get a jump on 2019 learn something you improve yourself then consider checking out my guitar fundamentals class or my Rubik's Cube class where I teach you to solve the cube the most intuitive way using the least number of algorithms I've posted those classes on Skillshare and because they sponsor this show they're giving my viewers two months of premium access for free ESCO share is an online learning community specifically designed to help you learn from the best Scott share now has over 25,000 professional concise to the point classes so this year you can pick up something like DSLR fundamentals master illustrator learn presentation essentials and even take a social media strategy class for your business from Gary Vaynerchuk use the link below to get your two months for free and help support the channel and don't worry if it's not for you there's no commitment to carry on there's nothing to lose thank you to Scotia for supporting the channel this year and of course thank you to all you lovely people for watching this has been a great year I've learned a lot I hope if anything this video inspires you to learn that thing that you've always been meaning to get run to in 2019 let me know what the thing is down in the comments and I'll see you on the next episode peace [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Mike Boyd
Views: 14,520,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mike boyd, rewind, 2018, new year, skills, learn, learned, learnt, year, guy learns, dice, glass, fire
Id: X41fa6JtWPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 27 2018
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