Learn to Paint your rifle / AR15 from Chinese [Bob Ross]

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This is the content I needed. Ty

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Dcollins85 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

How can I paint mine invisible?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/notthatconcerned 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

I like that abandoned chopper - we could play A-Team in that - I’ll be Murdoch

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/halifaxboy067 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] hi and welcome back to nine hole reviews we're starting a brand new series called the art of tactical painting my name is Chinese Bob Ross and welcome to the show so today we're gonna talk about how to paint your ar-15 rifle ar-15s are a little bit different from other rifles in a sense that it is a closed system which in some ways makes it easier to paint in some ways it's a little bit more different because of the small pieces and we'll talk about that I'm getting ahead of myself to start your project these are my recommendations spray paint I would highly recommend using flat spray paint don't go ultra flat we'll talk about that in a bit so for this particular build if you look at it there's a base color and a surface color I deliberately chose to use OD green on top of fde you'll see that the dark color coats on top of the fde without it bleeding through a lot easier than if you use OD green as a base color and a light color on top you would also potentially want air craft remover this is what I call an insurance policy again we'll go over that in a bit you could also use masking tape this is a highly recommended item now we're not in Rhodesia so the brushes we won't need it today one last thing that I would highly recommend you get is some type of paper the larger the better newspaper works just fine as well this is packing paper we'll be using that now it depends on what you want out of your rifle do you want it to just blend in or do you want it to look badass personally I just wanted it to look badass and blend in well now we start the rifle off by decreasing it that's again what I do you don't have to if you are at a time crunch or if you're in a war zone and you don't have the necessities of course skip the degrease part but for me it makes me happy so ID grease the rifle and I laid it all out so I let the degreaser dry the next thing is I disassembled everything and when I say everything I mean everything all the small parts were taken off and all the big parts relate aside as you're using masking tape I would highly recommend using a pair of scissors with it I taped over the holes that had critical mating surfaces that means all of the pivot holes and all the little small pins that go into the receiver and I did this deliberately so I wouldn't impede the functionality of the rifle now if you don't have the time to do that that's okay too you can paint over that but for me I didn't like that I don't like handling sticky nubs and I don't like handling sticky selectors so of course I wouldn't paint them if that's something that you would like to do or if you don't have time that's alright you can just spray all over that and use it as intended your pistol grip your stock - there's a lot of forgiveness there that's not so much of a worry so we've masked our item and we're getting ready to spray first of all I take it and I put a base spray on it now the base paint that I'm using initially was the Krylon ultra flight this did not work very well not that it didn't go on but once it went on the Krylon ultra flat had a tendency of flaking you really don't want this as a final result so after I sprayed it on I took it back and I unleashed a whole series of curse words on my workbench and I came back and got some of this aircraft remover and you'll see how well it works aircraft and the ridges straight pulls the paint off of whatever surface it's on sometimes polymer is okay not all polymer is okay with it some of them will melt rubbers one of those that does not react well with it however anodized aluminium perfectly fine we're talking about hang guys that will be painted anyways and you're not worried about the finish go ahead and use aircraft remover if you need it I like it because it's a nice insurance policy knowing that the first spray paint that I use doesn't have to be permanent and so I have the confidence of moving on if I need to now after I stripped the old color off I went back and I got rest oleum and i sprayed it on Risto Liam was much nicer it's much more pleasant to the eyes and to the feel the most important thing was I could layer it without the flakiness of the previous color on the ultra flat now after you spray your base color I highly recommend you take a moment don't assemble it just quite yet let it dry for 24 hours yes this is a timed process unfortunately once it dries for a little bit to where you can touch it and move it about I peel off the internal masking and put the rifle somewhat together not entirely together the critical parts are still out so once I put the base coat rifle together I start spraying the OD green on top now I don't just Tigra stripe it some guys like to tiger stripe it I don't what I do I take the paper and I rip it into a pattern to where I can use that as a mask it is always easier to control a mask than it is a tiger stripe and now as I masked it sometimes I would back it off a little bit and then give a lighter brush that way it gives it an easier transition it depends on how you would like your pattern to look and I'll leave that up to you for me I was happy with how it turned out now once I put the OD layer on I let the rifle sit for about half an hour before moving it to a drying location given another 24 hours for it to dry after the last coat and it's ready to assemble now if you want the paint to last a little bit longer it's okay to just leave it in the safe for another week but if you wanted to take it to the range you can - just know that if you take it to the range within the first week it's going to peel off a lot faster now some guys like their rifles to look battle-worn and they purposely wear it down it's entirely up to you me I wouldn't recommend it I think training is the best way of getting a battle war and look just understand that your rifle is a tool thank you again for tuning into nine-hole reviews and again this is a brand new installment of the art of tactical painting we'll see you on the range [Music] masterpiece [Applause]
Channel: 9-Hole Reviews
Views: 117,371
Rating: 4.9489889 out of 5
Keywords: paint, rifle, trex, arms, grand thumb, black hawk down, rustoleum, krylon, akou, ak operators union, sniper, mrgunsngear, vigilance elite, primary arms, stencil, camoflauge, camo, duracoat, cerakote, bake, oven, iv8888, iraqveteran8888, kotaboy32, trexarms, lucas, botkin, garand thumb, gordon carbine, ar15, ak47
Id: YDgD4d-552o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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