How to Residential Metallic Epoxy Floor Installation Start to Finish | Xtreme Polishing Systems

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crisis Kris Lavin from extreme policy systems and we are coming to you today from lovely Boca Raton Florida and we're here with Robert from the BP up then Robert is the legend of palms copy University he is our professor and he is the one that does all the training there I think I want to welcome you today we're here at a gentleman's house they called me on the telephone and he had a problem with his epoxy floor that somebody had come in and done and took him two months to do it it was supposed to be white was supposed to be marbleized but as in any epoxy or coated floor it's a continuous surface so you really don't want to be cutting off segments of it at rooms or an apartment to where you could only do for that thing because you're not going to give you a result okay you can't just patch a little piece of epoxy and expect it to blend in with the rest of the floor so that's why a lot of times I'm saying if you haven't done these types of floors before come down to our our class meeting up at a boxing boxing training center we're going to start in February over the next year 2017 and you'd be happy to have you down there yeah our first classes are there is three it's three days out of every month so you can get go to polished concrete University calm and you take over our schedule there if you'd like to come down we'd love to have you for a few days for the epoxy training or for the full week for the polished concrete salt Levellers micro toppings it's an awesome awesome state-of-the-art facility and you got some of the best in the industry trinka this Mediterranean and get you hands-on experience they would see would be doing a metallic or I clocked them off of the white floor because white is very it's very difficult to work with you have to do multiple coats still saying to get the Duff that people are looking for and besides besides of the multiple coats it's going to show dirt if you were in blacksmith here as if you're wearing black sold shoes it's gonna scuff the epoxy will scuff no matter what color you went down okay and the best way to go scuffs out over the world they have a white mr. clean and gets a little scrub pad that you use it takes it off right away anyways I'm going to turn though this this rest of the video over to Robert he's going to take you through what we're doing now we're gonna do a sulfur and charcoal metallic core here seventy five percent silver 25% to our home it's a whole house and as Chris said before it's all continuous so we're going to go from room to room through bathrooms around the kitchen so we want to have enough personnel on the site and we're going to be able to lay down the product and we're gonna have mixing people and to have somebody who's gonna bring us buckets so you want to be prepared when you're doing that's a big point for success yeah so we have right now three days of prepping in this floor correct that's all about what's going on here with the prep well as Chris said this was already an epoxy floor so really what we needed to do is create what we call mechanical bonds when we sanded the floor down we then went around and fix any of the imperfections that were here we did that with some patch material which is also a poxy base we went ahead and we've prepared our walls we've put up some tape and protection around the rest of the house and you just want to make sure that when you're putting down epoxy it splashes it's not going to come off it will not come off a lot of surfaces so we're taking a little extra time in the beginning to do your crep there's a really big important part a successful drug okay so what we'll do now we've got our guys who are premix several buckets of material out of our mixing station and we can show you that a little bit later so you got an idea what it takes we've got our assignments laid out for each of the workers here and we're get started this awesome let's go in here we're at our mixing station we've protected the floor this is the front walkway so of course you want their clients entrance to be kept clean we put down some plastic you see we went way past where we're actually working and put some cardboard on top because when you're stepping out with your spikes you don't want to puncture that plastic so that's a good little tip you want to also make sure that you get your threshold and we'll look at that in a little bit but what we have here in front of us we've pre-mixed our kits we're working with 100% clear epoxy 100% solids and we have two parts a one part b and into each one of those two parts we've put one of these containers and these are the color packs there are 16 ounces each we mix one to each container and we very pre-mixed those or we've set ourselves up so that we could work efficiently here now we've got our B port and as soon as we're actually it's physically ready to start we're just going to let the guy know and easy to start mixing the B and that's going to store our chemical reaction and the clock will start working for us so that's why you want to be organized here we've got two guys here from our crew we've got Howard Benbow and Thomas fan say hi guys all right and they're gonna be mixing so really critical these guys are good at what they're doing because we have to be critical when we're mixing all of the measurements are important so you definitely want to make sure you don't use the wrong chemical in the bucket you don't want three part a nothing's gonna happen you don't want a half of a bucket of because we're gonna have a problem that we're not going to know about until tomorrow when the floor doesn't dry and it's sticky so when you're mixing there's nothing visible that can tell you you've mixed it wrong it's only about being accurate and that's why we have these guys so we're gonna let them get started mixing and we're going to put our spikes on we're gonna get inside and start putting the floor make sure you straight up [Music] thirty seconds right now phone or on your wrist and make sure you get an accurate amount this is a 90 second stirrer hand stirring this okay keeping out the air you pull circles Mel Thomas really good now if you go [Music] [Music] all right this one's good let's start the next and we have 40 minutes for this era so please okay we're going to get ready to actually pour a product then you're working with silver metallic here and one of the things I believe a key to success when you're working with the metallic product is a good bill so you're not put it down thick or thick millage everything including today's on mil thickness so we're going to be working with about 40 square feet per gallon which is about 40 mils okay it's going to be a nice stick though and what that's going to do it's gonna level out nicely because this product is self leveling it's going to find its own level and it's going to take the metallics and they're going to separate down to the bottom and then the clear oh it's going to come to the top and we're going to have a beautiful finish when we're done so this floor is going to receive about 60 gallons of material which is a lot of material but to get a good job specifically with metallic product that's the way you want to do are you close there John yeah I've done started [Music] [Music] [Music] so what we're doing here we're applying the product we're using a knife squeegee the non-sweet has three sixteenths inch grooves in it that's going to help spread our material we've previously laid out the wounds so that we know where this bucket will will cover so we know that that buckets gonna cover again forty skirt we put down 120 square feet for tip so we've laid that and now we go with the Daruma sighs how far to fill this product so once we start putting this down wind is not sleepy you do see all of these marks in the floor but the beauty of the product subtitling it's going to fulfill in so we're going to have a nice seamless blast like more based on the volume and then we're going to have a beautiful design because we're going to have two columns we're going to sew in the tail so we have [Music] with those things [Applause] one of the things about working with epoxy when you mix it up it's a chemical reaction and the chemical reaction happens between the imparting RB but one of the things you need to know is that you got to get this material out of your bucket because we will start the set faster inside that bucket then actually laying down for about 40 minutes which is which is a good amount of time so it gives you some time to lay out to be leave about it it gives you some times to get this design in there but you have to be organized you have to be able to move along so don't be fooled by [Music] so actually they keep the gauge right so we're continuing putting our silver metallic but one of the things I want to dis note is that when you're mixing your poxy air is a problem okay so what happens is air bubbles get trapped in the epoxy mix and the later start to great afterwards okay so what you want to try and do is eliminate that by your your mixing method and what we're doing is we're using stir sticks we're not using the drill and introducing a lot of there but we are thoroughly mixing each component learners and then we're mixing them all together and we're doing this only with a stir stick that's not how to minimize air bubbles in the finish [Music] we've done this mixed up our charcoal and we're putting it on top of this server metallic I would just literally freeform or blending it in on top there's no right or wrong way to do this part it's really all about artistic effect based on the chemical so once this actually levels out again we're going to have a beautiful effect with a blended charcoal and absolutely metallic and if you look closely you'll see these lines from the Knox trout but they're already disappear was the product itself 11 so we're going to have a beautiful high gloss finished floor when we're done to there's lots of obstacles this is nothing just the square box so in this unique situation we have a set of open stairs that we have to navigate you're trying it under so again - a critical issue you can't spend a lot of time well you gotta prepare for things like this being able to get into this space and covering completely so you might have to be a little bit of a contortionist or you might have to have some smaller tools but you got to be prepared to get older there's nuts and crannies cover with the epoxy like so yeah go this way great up to the board continuing with our supplement our epoxy floor job and what I want you guys to know is that this is only one of the finishes you can accomplish with epoxy sorry for my back foot I'm gonna keep moving but what we're gonna do we're going to have a school designed specifically for learning how to apply epoxy we're going to be calling that the epoxy training center starting February 13th of 2017 and we're going to learn not only this technique of the metallic epoxy but we're going to talk about the slate system which a lot of people are really nervous or varieties get that front of the colonic times that are big-box stores there's another product which is great for around pool decks that's other courts also use it with the proxy system one of our favorites and signatures is the glitter epoxy and clear epoxy is absolutely stunning when you get lights on it and it's perfect for restaurants perfect for salons or nightclubs so we really can make your decor so these are just some of the things we learned over at UTC I'd love to see you there and [Music] [Music] a lot of factors to consider and temperature you should be somewhere between 50 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit if you're lower it's going to be a lot longer to cure details on your poxy and the temperature is a big one so if you do have air conditioning the area I'm going to make sure that you can regulate the area that you want it to cold so the only 72 degrees is about the right temperature I think you'll find that with pretty much any kind of a coating or pink tap-dancing in here of course we're working with spiked shoes these spiked shoes are great because they're easy on Easy Off but it's essential that when you're working with epoxy you have a good clean pair try not to cross them with the same spiked shoes you might use with the cement overlay because you start to drop off some of that you ruin your finish so you're running here is not squeegeeing on the floor and you're just dragging it around you're gonna be one look but if I start picking it up lines those lines could be effective if that's a little that you're trying to achieve and again since its self luckily you're going to kind of disappear meld into the into the boxes but it's different ways to create different finishes it's not just about it's about what your product but one of the things we would start putting ear bones into it and again air bubbles you're not friendly when we're working with metallics really none of the apostles so I just want to let you know that through manipulation of you're not sweeping your poles also chemicals you can create different effects with these attacks [Music] you got a second apart your spices our mixing station [Music] fine next is making sure nothing sticks to the sides of the pockets and then and a half a mix it's all hammocks for 50 seconds we got our man here zero and the triple the answers rather lovely here you can see how thickly for the floor guys before this hora de between thirty and forty little bit tangy sauce shoes for dado ready for tonight [Music]
Channel: Xtreme Polishing Systems
Views: 4,498,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Epoxy Floor, Concrete polishing, polished concrete, concrete grinder, concrete dye, concrete stain, concrete sealer, polishing concrete, concrete logo, concrete stencil, acid stain, epoxy, garage epoxies, custom flooring, concrete densifier, concrete molds, concrete forms, concrete design, contractor, floor, wax, construction, cleaning, design, interior design, repair, installation, slip, falls, slipfalls, friction, epoxy plus, epoxy tutorial, leggari products, renovation, remodel
Id: okcRE1AilCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2017
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