56 Important Phrasal Verbs for Eating and Drinking

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Vanessa: Hi, I'm Vanessa from  SpeakEnglishWithVanessa.com.   Do you like chocolate chip cookies?  I hope so. Let's talk about it.  Today, I'd like to invite you to join me on a  special baking adventure. My three-year-old son   Theo and I are going to be baking chocolate chip  cookies, mixing the ingredients, putting them in   the oven, eating them, dunking them in milk. It  will be a long journey. I hope you will enjoy it.   But along the way, I'm going to be using a lot of  phrasal verbs for daily conversation that we often   use for baking, cooking, eating, and drinking. So  you can use these phrasal verbs in the kitchen,   but also in a lot of other situations. I hope  that this natural setting will be a great way   for you to remember the phrasal verbs and also be  able to use them yourself. So make sure you check   out all the phrasal verbs that I put up here on  the screen and enjoy this wonderful baking time.  All right, we're going to make chocolate  chip cookies. Do you remember the first   thing we got to do? Theo: What?  Vanessa: We got to suit up. You got  to put your apron on. Can I help you?  Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Vanessa: All right. All right. Turn around.   I'm going to tie it on. There we go.  Make sure you don't trip on it. What   about me? Should I wear mine too? Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).  Vanessa: Okay. All right. The first thing  we got to do is check out our recipe.   What kind of things do you think we need  on here? Can you tell me what it says?  Theo: We need these, these, these Vanessa: Yeah? We need flour. We need   cornstarch. I forgot to get that. I'll have to  get it off the shelf. We need baking powder,   baking soda, salt, butter, eggs, brown sugar,  regular sugar, vanilla, and chocolate chips.  Theo: Whoa. Vanessa: That's a lot   of stuff. Isn't it? Now I already got out the  butter. We had to soften it up first, and I got   out all of the ingredients, except I forgot to  get the corn starch. Do you know where it is?  Theo: Where? Vanessa: I'm   going to have to take it off the shelf. All right.  Before we do anything, we got to look at the   first step. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees  and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.  Theo: The parchment paper. Vanessa: Where's the parchment paper?  Theo: Down here. Vanessa: All right. Well, why don't you   get that out while I heat up the oven? Theo: This one?  Vanessa: Yes, that's right. Can  you bring it up to the counter?  Theo: Is it this big? This big? Vanessa: Why don't we try to   measure it out? Can you set it up here please?  Theo: In these? Vanessa:   That's right. All right. Climb on up. Let's  measure it out. Is that a good length?  Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Vanessa: All right. I got to tear it off.   Okay. Theo: That's a really good length.  Vanessa: That's good. All right.  We're going to set that aside.  Theo: Then we're going to open the thing? Vanessa:   Now, we got to see what the next step  is. Sift together the flour, cornstarch,   baking powder, baking soda and salt. All  right. We're going to put that in here.   The first thing is the flour. That's a nice loud  sound. Isn't it? It says we need three cups.   Wow. These are going to be a lot of cookies.  Yep. Scoop it up. And you know we got to do?   Level it off. Okay. Dump it in. Good. You want  to pat it a little bit to make sure that you've   got it all out. Great work. Okay. Scoop it out.  Remember what the next thing is? Level it off.   That's right. How's that feel? Theo: Good.  Vanessa: Okay. Make another scoop. Theo: We got to do-  Vanessa: Make sure it's all full otherwise  it's not going to make good cookies.   There you go. Okay. Level it off. An important  part about leveling it off is that you don't want   to pat it down. You just want to push it. There  you go. Otherwise, you might get too much flour.   Okay. Dump it in. Okay. The next thing we need is  the corn starch. How much corn starch do we need?   Two tablespoons. All right.  Can you scoop this one? Oh,   we got lots of that. Let's put  a little extra bonus flour.   All right. This is very important that we don't  take too much. Do you remember what to do? Scoop   it and then try to level it off in there. Theo: Like the flour?  Vanessa: That's right. Okay. Dump it in. That's  one. This is going to help make them extra fluffy.   All right. Level it off. There you go. Theo: I leveled off when I scoop it.  Vanessa: That's right. Okay. Let's see what the  next thing says. Baking powder. We need one and a   half teaspoons. All right. This is one teaspoon,  and we're going to do baking powder first.   Now, do you know what this one has? It has  a little piece of metal here to help you   level it off. Why don't you get a good  scoop, then I'll show you how it works.   Almost. Let's get a bigger scoop so  that it's all full. There you go.  Theo: I think we almost taked all of it. Vanessa: You did it.   Yeah. You're right. There's not much left.  All right. Now, we need a half scoop.  Theo: Of this? Vanessa: Yeah. How can we get just a half?   Let's try to drop half of it back. Theo: There.  Vanessa: That's good. All right.  Level it off. How is that?  Theo: Good. Vanessa: Okay. Now we   have baking soda. We're going to only get half a  teaspoon. Can you do a half of one of those again?  Theo: Use this? Vanessa:   Yeah, the small ones, but this time... Oh, it  doesn't fit in there. You know what we can do?   We have another one that's thin.  So why don't you stick it in,   scoop and then you can level it off, but we only  need half. Oh, that's great. Great. Good work.  Theo: I’m flattening... Vanessa: All right. Now we need a little salt.  Theo: I'm flattening it out with this. Vanessa: We're going to do this the scientific way   and just do a couple twists. You want to help  me twist it? Squeeze and turn really hard.   There you go. One more time. There we go. Don't  want them to be too salty, huh? All right. Now   I have an important job for you. I need you to mix  it up. Stir it very gently and put your hands here   to hold it steady. There you go. Mix, mix, mix. Theo: When are we going to do the chocolate chips?   Is that the last thing? Vanessa:   Yep. The chocolate chips are the last thing.  All right. I'm going to clean off some of this.  Theo: Now we need this. Vanessa: Bonus. Okay. Next,   we're going to set this aside. Theo: And then we're going to do this bowl?  Vanessa: Yeah. Do you know what goes in this bowl? Theo: What?  Vanessa: The wet ingredients.  You know what was in that bowl?  Theo: Dry. Vanessa:   That's right. The dry ingredients.  So it says in a separate bowl-  Theo: We can put the eggs in here? Vanessa: Yeah. Do you want to help me crack them?  Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Vanessa: All right.  Theo: I'm going to get this one. Vanessa: But first we have to do the butter first.   Can you feel this butter? Does it feel hard? Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).  Vanessa: It's a little hard. We need to squish it  in our hands. You think you can do that? Because   it said it needed to soften up a little bit, but  I don't think I let it soften up enough. So let's   do this. Oh yes. Squeeze it. Theo: To make it melt.  Vanessa: That's right. To make it melt a little  bit so that it's not too hard. All right. That's   probably good. It's just going to be really  hard to mix it. This is a lot of butter.   Good for fattening you up. Theo:   Wow. Vanessa: Wow.  Theo: Let me take it [inaudible 00:08:16]. Vanessa: All right. You want to take it out?   Can you take off the wrapper?  Hold the wrapper and shake it in.   Flop it in. There you go. Theo: Next. The eggs.  Vanessa: Next, we have sugar. There's  two different types of sugar. We have   brown sugar, which is just regular sugar  with a little bit of molasses in it. Yum.   And the sugar. Which one should we do first? Theo: That.  Vanessa: The brown one? Okay. Let's see. It  says one third cup. Can you give me that big   cup over there? Theo: This one?  Vanessa: The big white one. Theo: This one?  Vanessa: No. Theo: This one?  Vanessa: That's right. Theo: Can I do that?  Vanessa: All right. I'm going to dump it in there,  and what I want you to do is to pack it down.  Theo: No, you pat it down.  I'm going to dump it in.  Vanessa: You want to dump it in while I hold this? Theo: No, I'm going to hold it.  Vanessa: You're going to hold it? Okay. Theo: And I'm going to dump it in too.  Vanessa: Really? Here, why  don't you help me with it?   There we go. Whoa. Okay. Now what I want you  to do is use your fingers and pack it down.   That's the thing about brown sugar. When it  says three fourths of a cup, it always means   packed down really hard. Push it really hard. This  is different than the flour. That's a good amount.   All right. Let's try to wipe it off your fingers. Theo: Dump it on the butter.  Vanessa: Dump it on the butter. That's right.  Hold on tight to this. I'm going to pour it   in. Are you ready? You got a little  bit of stuff on your face. Ready?   Okay. Dump it in. Theo: And then...  Vanessa: This one we don't need to  pack down. You can just dump it in.  Theo: And the sugar? Vanessa: That's right.  Theo: And the other sugar? Vanessa: Yep. I'm going to put this butter   in here. We're not professional chefs.  It's okay. I'm going to throw it in the   microwave for a couple of seconds and  then it will be nice and soft for us.  Theo: We're good chefs. Vanessa: We're what?  Theo: We're good chefs. Vanessa: We're good chefs. Wow. All right. Now our   butter is a little bit soft. Maybe a little too  soft. So they might not be super fluffy cookies,   but it's still going to be a little bit easier. Theo: Is it going to be really good still?  Vanessa: It is going to be really good still. And  when you're baking together, sometimes you just   have to make concessions. All right. I'm going to  pour this in and it can be your job to mix them   together. You think you can do it? Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).  Vanessa: Okay. Theo:   Maybe we should make banana cookies with it in it. Vanessa: Banana cookies. How do   you make banana cookies? Theo: You put bananas in it.  Vanessa: Well, of course. That makes  sense. I'm going to scrape out the   last little bits of butter. And now can you  use that spatula or the fork to mix it up?  Theo: I'm going to do this. Now- Vanessa: We're going to still mix that in.  Theo: Will you mix it a little bit? Vanessa: You want me to mix it a little bit?  Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Vanessa: Okay.   Do you want to put a hand on mine while I do it?  Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Vanessa: Okay. We'll do it really fast.   How is that? Theo: Good.  Vanessa: Do you know what that is? Theo: What?  Vanessa: The oven is ready. It's heated up enough,  but we have to finish making our cookie batter   first. All right. The next thing is we got to  put in our eggs. Crack the eggs. Can you help   me with it? All right. You want to put your  hand on mine? Three, two, one. Break. Whoa.   That was a pretty big crack. Wasn't it? Theo: I'll get the other egg.  Vanessa: Here. All right. Thank you. We're going  to do a big crack this time. Whoa. Watch out. I   got to do it first. Ready? Three, two, one. Oh,  you did it. Wow. That was a kind of good crack.   All right. Theo: Can I mix?  Vanessa: There's one other thing we have  to add and that's some vanilla. I never-  Theo: Quick, quick, quick. Vanessa: I never measure out   vanilla. I always just eyeball it. Theo: When are we ready?  Vanessa: Well, it's going to be ready in  just a moment because remember that other   bowl with the dry ingredients? We got to mix them  together. Now I'm going to scrape down the sides.   Everything looks mixed together really well.  Blend until smooth and fluffy. Does it look   smooth and fluffy to you? Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).  Vanessa: Good. Okay. The next thing is  to add the flour mixture to the butter   mixture. You think you can help with that? Theo: Oh, I’ll dump it right by myself!  Vanessa: See, it says a little at a time. You  think you can dump a little bit at a time?  Theo: I dump it. Vanessa: Okay. Well, the recipe says a little at   a time. That will probably help it to not be too  hard. Okay. Let's mix this in and then we'll do it   again. Thank you. Okay. You want to do it? Theo: No, you do it.  Vanessa: You want me to do it? Theo: My job is to scrape the batter off with   the fork. Vanessa: Okay. You can do it when   I have it on the spatula. All right. Theo:   We're good chefs. Vanessa: We are good chefs.   Thank you for scraping that off. Ready, mix. Theo: Really fast.  Vanessa: Well, I want to make sure that the  flour is incorporated before I go too fast.   So it doesn't fly away into the air. Theo: Fly away to North Carolina.  Vanessa: Yeah. I mean, we are in North Carolina,  but I know what you mean. All right. Let's pour   in the rest. Do you want to dump the rest in? Good  work. We bought two different kinds of chocolate   chips. So which one do you think we should use? Theo: First,   we're going to make two of them. We're going to  put two the of the kinds of chocolate chips in.  Vanessa: Oh, okay. Two different types of  chocolate chips in? Oh, that's one way to open it.   Let's see how many it says to put in. Two cups.  That's so many. What if we do one cup of this   kind and one cup of that kind? Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).  Vanessa: Okay. Can you put them in  this cup first so we can measure it?  Theo: First one I scoop it out. Vanessa: Okay. That's the exciting part.   You want to gobble up a couple? Theo: This many.  Vanessa: Whoa. Okay. That's going  to be your secret stash. Okay.  Theo: And yellow bag, this one too. Vanessa: Okay.  Theo: A little bit of each. Vanessa: You can eat a little   bit of each. All right. Let's try to measure  out one cup of that. I'll eat a couple too.   Let's pour them in. Theo: A little bit. Those are better.  Vanessa: Those are better? Which one do you  think is best? These ones or those ones?  Theo: Those ones. Vanessa: Those ones? They're both chocolate.  Theo: Now I have to get another one. Vanessa: Oh, because I took some   from your pile. That's fair. Theo: Now I need some water.  Vanessa: I agree. That was really a  lot. The recipe says that we can't   just mix the chocolate chips in here. We have  to fold them in. Do you know what that means?  Theo: What? Vanessa: Is it like folding your clothes?   We got to fold this like our clothes? Theo: No.  Vanessa: No, you're right. We're not going  to fold it like clothes, but we have to do   it gently. That's the idea. We have to mix it  gently kind of like you fold your clothes gently.   I'm going to fold this, scraping the outside, and  carefully, tenderly our precious little chocolate   chips. Are you okay in there? Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).  Vanessa: Isn't that what they said? They said yes. Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).  Vanessa: Wow. I didn't even know they could  talk. What else do chocolate chips say?  Theo: Eat the chocolate chips that are right here. Vanessa: Oh, they're telling us to eat more?   Oh my goodness. That's a silly chocolate  chip. All right. Now that we've added in   all the ingredients, next we got to use our  tray. We need to line them up on the tray  Theo: And what's that? Vanessa: And what?  Theo: And with that? Vanessa: Oh, they scoop them out with that. You   know what, I was just thinking we could use this. Theo: No.  Vanessa: Because this will make gigantic  cookies that might not cook very well.   They might be kind of raw on the inside.  So it's good to use one little spoon.  Theo: No, do this one. Vanessa: That giant... This one?  Theo: No, this one. Vanessa: That one. Okay.   That's a great idea. Why don't I put this a  little bit closer so you can get it over there.  Theo: Wow. Look at how big mine’s gonna be! Vanessa: Oh   no. It says to keep them two inches apart  because these are going to kind of fluff up.  Theo: I'm going to make that big one. Vanessa: That's going to be yours.  Theo: I am making lots of big ones. Vanessa: Are you going to eat that one too? I bet.  Theo: Wow. Vanessa: Wow. That might be a little big bud.  Theo: No. Vanessa: Let's tone it down just a bit.  Theo: Just smash it down with my thing. Vanessa: Well, I was thinking you could   break off a little piece. Theo: No, smash.  Vanessa: Just smash it down. Well, let's see  what happens. Usually the first batch is kind   of an experiment anyway. All right. Theo: I'm going to watch.  Vanessa: You going to watch? All  right. It's a good idea to stand   back like that because the oven's really  hot. Thank you for doing that. All right.   Okay. Now I got to turn on the timer. Theo: I need some more wrapping paper.  Vanessa: Wrapping paper? Oh,  you mean the parchment paper?  Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Vanessa: Okay. Let's do that.  Theo: Now I'm making little fingerprints  in there to make a fingerprint.  Vanessa: Fingerprint cookies. Wow. I don't want  you to smush down all of these because the more   you touch it, probably the flatter and the harder  and the crispier they're going to be, and these   are supposed to be fluffy and light cookies. Theo: Look at this. I'm poking a hole in that one.  Vanessa: Is that a volcano cookie? Theo: Mm-hmm   (affirmative). This is a volcano one too. Vanessa: All right. Well, something we need   to get ready so that when the cookies are done, we  can eat. We can drink some milk with the cookies.   That's kind of a classic combination is you get  your chocolate chip cookie and you dunk it in   the milk. Have you ever done that before? Theo: No. We can put some milk in a bowl.  Vanessa: In a bowl. Oh. Not a cup? Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).  Vanessa: Oh, we could do that too. All  right. I could put some in a bowl and   then we can share it together. Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).  Vanessa: Okay. Usually you put it  in a cup, but I'm up for a bowl.   Do you have a bowl on your shelf that we can use? Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). There's certainly lots   of bowls. You got those two bowls. Vanessa:   There are certainly lots of bowls. Theo: Look, there's two bowls.  Vanessa: Two bowls. Certainly lots  of bowls. What was I thinking?   You know what that is? Theo: Cookies.  Vanessa: Cookies. All right. I got to clean  out the drying rack or the cooling rack.   All right. I'm going to take them out of the oven.  You want to take a look and see if they're ready?   All right, Theo. You know what? I think these  are not done. They need to be brown and crispy   on the edges. So let's put them in for two more  minutes. All right. I heard the timer go off.   Let's check on our cookies. Theo: And put these ones in.  Vanessa: Yep. You know what? Our cookies are  kind of bigger than what they called for,   so let's just give it a try. I need you to step  back for a second. And can you pick up your book?   Because I'm going to put  these cookies on this tray.   I'm sure there are better ways to do this, but... Theo: But mine are really big.  Vanessa: Your cookies are ginormous. We're going  to get a bowl of milk. We're going to give them a   try. Are you trying them with your fork? Can  you go get a bowl from your shelf, please?  Theo: I'm going to use that fork and a spoon. Vanessa: Wow. Have you ever met a three-year-old   who eats chocolate chip cookies with a  fork and a spoon? I guess that's you.  Theo: And I just got it. Vanessa: Oh, I got the milk right here.  Theo: Why? Did you get it already? Vanessa: I got it ready.   All right. Usually you dunk them in a  cup of milk, but you want to use a bowl?  Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). For these. Vanessa: That's fine. We can   share it together. All right. Can you choose  one cookie? Choose which one you want?  Theo: This one. Vanessa:   That one? All right. I'm going to choose this one. Theo: It's really big.  Vanessa: It is big. Oh, it's melting.  Chocolate chips melting on my fingers.   All right. I've poured in the  milk. Now, it's time to dunk them.  Theo: But we can't eat them here. Vanessa: They are so fluffy.  Theo: Wow. Vanessa: Wow. So that's your last cookie?  Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Vanessa: Okay. All right.   I'm going to eat your little mini cookie.  Uh-oh. Whoa. It just jumped into the milk.  Theo: I can eat it. Vanessa:   Wow. How's it taste? Theo: Good.  Vanessa: I'm going to dip  this little mini cookie in.   That is great. Do you want to cheers our cookies? Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).  Vanessa: Cheers. Theo: Cookies and milk. That's the best.  Vanessa: Cookies and milk. That's the best.  That is right. Thank you so much for joining   us on this baking adventure, all of the  ups and downs of baking with a toddler.   And now I have a question for you. What kind of  cookies or desserts do you like? I hope you have   a chance to try out baking these cookies sometime  soon. It is extremely simple and fun and tasty.   Well, thank you so much for learning English with  me and I'll see you again next Friday for a new   lesson here on my YouTube channel. Bye. Theo: I'm just touching it with my fork.   This is really punching in with my fork. Vanessa:   Yeah, does that feel good? Theo: I'm trying to see   what the temperature is and see if it's done. Vanessa:   Wow. What's the temperature?  Theo: It's good. Vanessa: It's good? Okay.  The next step is to download my free ebook Five  Steps to Becoming a Confident English Speaker.   You'll learn what you need to do  to speak confidently and fluently.   Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel  for more free lessons. Thanks so much. Bye.
Channel: Speak English With Vanessa
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Keywords: learn english, english conversation, speak english, english pronunciation, speak english with vanessa, Speak English With Vanessa, english with vanessa, native english teacher, american english, phrasal verbs, fast english, how to speak english, real english conversation, daily life phrasal verbs, cooking vocabulary, english phrasal verbs, english phrasal verb lesson
Id: aXtwc5uejbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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