Learn PowerApps - Autofill Templates in Sharepoint Tutorial

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hey guys I'm back here today and I'm gonna show you how to make an auto-fill template power app where you can type in fields that you want you can program it so that you can type in whatever fields you want and then you can literally fill out hundreds of documents automatically this is so helpful because if you've got tons of documents that's got the same repetitive information on it and we can make it so it all fills in automatically with this application so to get started we're gonna need all the templates that you want that's the first step so we're gonna we're gonna get the templates we're gonna encode it so the power apps and Microsoft is able to read it so we can fill in the templates we're gonna code it and then we're gonna make the flow it's called Mike we're using Microsoft flow it's a programs you don't know more much about it go ahead and read up about a little bit but I'm gonna assume that you know how to use it it's not that difficult it's made to be user friendly so so we're gonna get the templates make the flow and then make the power up and after that we're going to test it out but hopefully it works I demonstrated how the end application works in my first power apps review so just go ahead and check that out if you haven't yet but today I'm here to just show you how to make it because that would be really I know a lot of you would find this really useful in your own businesses okay let's get started so today I'm just gonna make one template um because I don't have any templates for you guys to see but you guys can literally make hundreds of templates if you want also so here I have a very very simple message that I want my customers to get to receive once once I once they buy a product for me so I don't want to go in and you know type in the customers name and every single word document and I want to make this really easy for me so that's why I'm going to make it so it auto fills their name once I click about paid to do that we're gonna need to start off with word here we ready the Developer tab and to get that if you don't have already any go to file options and I'm using my Microsoft Surface pen here very fancy I know so if you see me going around here yeah so you go to options you end up in general and customized ribbon and come down here to developer make sure this check mark is checked press ok and then here Developer tab should up here once you're there go to design mode and then we're gonna click this button right here so the text tab we enter into here Microsoft is gonna be able to read it and then fill in fields that we want once we echo Dames power wraps so go to the field that you want so I want to fill in the field called name right here make sure there's a space right here so it doesn't so the formatting doesn't go all wrong I mean you can change it later too but it's best if you just do it first make sure there's a space there and then you click this button right there and that should so this is the field name we're good spacebar let's make another one for phone number so we're gonna have three fields here the name phone number and email I'm also going to fill in another place after the word let's do that and then dear we're just we want this name field and this ain't what was really lucky we want this name field and this name field to be exactly the same but to do that we're gonna have to do in our application so let's go ahead and just make a new field for this one but pull it the same thing called call it so once we call it the same thing it's gonna be able to be able to tell that they're the same thing and I mean we could just tell it all so I'll show you in our flow I'll show you okay and we apply to that product from us thank you okay this templates done and did everything I need to and now we gotta save it to a location that we know where it is and we're not gonna mess with these for hope wrong button save it to a location where you know they're not going to tamper with it I'm going to make I made a template file where all my templates are just sitting there so so nobody touches that file and it's all good okay so I have the template file right here it's a folder you just save it in there I'm sure I'll call it name doc talks why not save it okay there we go and document one should change to name names okay now we're all good tablet done next step is to make a flow for it now power making a power apps for it is the last step but so the second step is to make a flow and flow tells Microsoft what to do with a document once we get the information from power apps so kind working backwards here so we're gonna make we want to make an instant flow it's not too difficult you can just follow what I do and it should work nicely if you have it's not working for you let me know in the comments I'll try to help you out if I can yeah build an instant flow and let's name it I don't know what everyone's autofill purpose and we want to trigger it from power apps because that's where you are using to get the information so usually end up on the screen once you click on that button and we're just gonna make our flow first step is to retrieve the template so okay this powerup purple power-ups button means that we're gonna be retrieving information from power s so we're taking that in different power-ups and then we have the data what do we want to do with it next and that is populate a word template so we have word on line with the connector here click on populate on Microsoft Word template since we ready set up the template everything and beginning of the video it's gonna be really easy to read now all we just have all we have to do is find our document and Link it up to flow so I saved it in their documents automates template and in a superior remember named Docs there it is click on it wait a few seconds and that should appear okay so there are a four fields that we filled in if you remember our name phone number email and we have the name again so these two are the same fields so we're gonna assign the same variable to them but let's go ahead and start with name and I'll show you how to do that asked empowerhouse some name where are we getting the variable name we're asking in power-ups what the variable name is so we just click on asking power-ups and then there it is so this is making it so we're gonna ask where are what the variable is in power-ups so we can assign that variable inside of power-ups to whatever we want and yeah so next phone number we have to make a new variable we can't use the same one if we click this one it would be named again so if we click this one this is the same variable so whatever we pull from power-ups that same variable it's gonna sign it for name and phone number so that is not what we want we want we want a new variable power-ups and what's weird for Microsoft is they don't have to ask for power-ups button again here so we actually have to search for it I think it's not very smart of them Microsoft there's a lot of workers and they're just kind of organized but is a great company they have really great tools out there for businesses and it's really amazing what they're doing so we clicked Baskin power up so now we have a different variables so here we have two variables named our power populate by Microsoft Word template name that's the first variable know the same variable for a number as well different ones and then we will have our third variable email and of course we want a different one for that also so we know and click asking perhaps so here we go we have our three variables name phone number and email and for this one what should we put in that field well we want the name to be the same variable so we just click on the name we don't ask in powerups again because we read that variable already exists go ahead and click this one and so this name and this name variable is the same so we only have to assign that variable in power-ups once and it'll appear it's like oh main let's say my name Henry it'll pull that data from power-ups Henry and then assign Henry to name and then Henry to also name they're real we're done populating our Microsoft Word template next step is to go ahead and can you step on our next step is to create a file which you're going after we've populated the word couplet so even though we populate a road chaplet Microsoft still doesn't know what to do with it we're done with it we want to make a file so that we can actually you know have the actual file that Microsoft already populated and we're going to find that and SharePoint create file there it is create a viable okay so where do we want to make the file well we want to make the file in and here you just got to choose where is your not the same choices as me just put it wherever you want make sure it's it's where you want because it's going to be permanent so it's in my shared documents automates actually I just want to put it inside yeah I just want to put it inside this folder right here so I'm just click on that folder file name what we want the name of the file to be well we can't have it the same name every single time we want it to be different differentiated so we can actually use the dynamic content pull from power ups and then use that to name our files so we can use our name variable right there so what is their name so we take their name and we put it as the file name but we won't explain what the file is as well so what is this file it was the customer appreciation thanks for pushing your product so whenever we create a file it's gonna appear as if the name variable it was Henry my name it finally it's gonna end up being Henry thank you note or Henry of Wong thank you note so that's gonna be really useful because it changes for every single person that create a file for Google and the file content looks to the file B and that's just the populated Microsoft Word template that's all it is that's all we want we don't want anything else that's what we want the file to be so guys as I was creating on the flow I forgot to mention that we need to add the document type at the end of the Korea file or else Microsoft is not gonna know what kind of document it is so be sure to add do C X to your file name at the end of it so Microsoft knows what it is I forgot to mention that you'll see it later in the video but I'm screening here for good reference so it's easier for you to do your flow right and I think that's it okay so that's all we want first happened with the flow if you want to populate more than one template and more than like you more than likely you will want to all you have to do is copy these last two steps right here populate a Microsoft Word template create file populate Microsoft Word template create file that's all you have to do so we just made it for one set here we populated Microsoft where a template in a created file but you only have to do all you have to do is just go back to populate I can software template and click on that and then you choose your other templates that you want to populate as well so that's that's how you do multiple and you can literally do hundreds of them it's really useful but for now I'm just going to show you this one okay so our flow is complete there about that okay our flow is done now we got to move on to the last step which is creating the power album power X we want to make a new power out before our new automation process so let's do a canvas from blank you can choose tablet or foam I'm gonna go ahead and choose tablet for now because so I can open it on my computer nice and smoothly let's call it autofill template app you can call it everyone and you can also just make a dashboard for your company also but this ones would be specifically for the autofill template so I can show you how that works click on create this is canvas tablet power app and I'm gonna make it super simple it's not gonna be too difficult at all you can customize it however you want but you know it's just really your preference I'm just showing you the functionality and if you guys ever need some help with pop your power ups just let me know in the comments or shoot me an email at admin and all the comments in the description I can help you with whatever you need alright so now that we have our new app let's give it some color and then really I just want to show you the functionality of it so I'm not going to do too much decorated but you guys can decorate it however you want so it's a nice color here well it's not nice but maybe I'll throw in a logo just to make it look look alright alright argh uploaded my logo on there but you guys can upload whatever you want there so I'm gonna be too difficult okay let's go so this is our welcome screen welcome screen I don't have to type in with my mouse here because my keyboard is no longer connected let's mean that logo you don't have to rename these but it's nice just to be a little bit a little bit more organized I'm gonna add a button on here and this button is going to navigate us to the next screen which is going to be the generate screen so all this is this is the home screen it's really bad home screen but this is our thing that's called generate we haven't done anything to it yet so it doesn't do anything until thank you for getting my keyboard effective okay so this button here let's code it to say once we selected we want to navigate oh man we want to navigate there we go to the next screen let's call it we haven't made the screen yet but let's call it g4 generate make your life simple so it doesn't exist yet that's why it's giving us this error but let's go ahead and make it duplicate screen and then let's name it G there's your personality there so now once we click this button it should I want to click this button it should take us over to this screen which is generate so now let's make the actual button I'm gonna go ahead and copy this button over here and name it submit it still takes us to the G screen which doesn't work out yet but first before we recode that so that it calls to our Microsoft flow let's add some labels over here to go ahead and give some fields where users can input information so that the templates are automatically generated okay so we have name so go ahead copy that paste it's gonna be phone number and I mean you guys you definitely should make this look way better I yes and I can go that faster on this video and so that it's not too longer phone okay so these are just labels they're not gonna do anything I inserted text box over here as a label but the labels they don't do anything they just indicates the user where we should put stuff in but what's important is text input and also these labels over here you should rename them also but just for times sake I'm not gonna put anything default let's put it as name there's no default actually no you don't want any default value in there so we're just going to completely remove default and as a hint text as in what should we put in there let's put in a name so we're talking the users oh you screw your main in there let's go ahead and copy that do it for the phone number and then a new play email - I recommend you group your text inputs and labels so that they're together but we're trying to take yet again I'm not gonna do that okay so how many actually oh we go ahead rename this phone as the hint text so to actually link our button here to actually work with flow yeah we're gonna use the button to link it it's called button 2 over underscore one we want to actually make the names better but just so I'll show you how to do it I'm not gonna do that so what we want to do is click on the button we want to go over to action and then flows right here you want to connect our data to autofill tablets the flow that we made in the in the last section it's called autofill templates this is my other one ignore that it's not gonna appear for you auto fills up that so click on that and then it's adding the flow it's gonna take a little bit here not too long but okay so there it's in and it automatically connected it connected our power-ups to our flow and then now we also have to tell it where to get the information okay so in our button we need to go here so here we have the name phone number and email that we called in flow let's call our trusted put 1 1 1 and 1 2 so 2 the poem here is name it's this one right here and then I'm going to grab the text inside that there we go we took a comma and then we go for our next one text input - I don't know pets input 1 1 sorry and that's the phone number and it matches up with the phone number right there and then our final one which is email 1 2 ok so you can see now that our text input 1 it matches up of the name matches up the name phone number phone number phone number email email email and now our applicable so when we go ahead and go into power-ups it should work as expected once we type in those values in so let's go ahead and save it our app and this is basic functionality I really recommend you guys add some more stuff make it look better but just for the functionality we're going to test out the app now save ok let's check it out power house so I'm gonna power apps into our computer so here we have theoretically if everything works we should enter I got it into power apps here and then our document should auto generate with the information inside already without us touching it and us only touching the information inside of power-ups so let's do that we call to our autofill template now download that this is my first time using it not too big of an app let's open it up okay so we want to go or true or generate screen just as we made okay that works fine didn't make any mistakes there so my name is Henry let's go ahead Henry oh my phone number is five one two three four five six seven okay submit hopeful that all works okay so we didn't we didn't make a confirmation screen or anything but theoretically if everything is good it should appear right here and there it is oh okay here's one thing we didn't do now let's test out our app just for differentiation okay let's see if it works now Henry oh thank you look okay there it is really fast Henry you won't think you know let's click on it everything works make sure it's all good make sure it all filled in so we've never touch this we're talking it but everything else is built in already which is just great I think it's so useful there we go name Henry Wong phone number phone number email email and my name again everything works and that's how you make a power app for automatic automatically filling in your templates with your business documents or whatever document you want I mean you can even do invoices invoices thank you no contracts anything you need it's so helpful yeah so if this video was helpful to you just give me a tow be of a comment if you want to say thank you or or just just want to ask me a question or something email me if you want subscribe I'd love anything left your feedback let me know what you want me to do next I'll I'll think about it and hopefully I'll see you next time in our next video thanks bye [Music]
Channel: Henry Ouang
Views: 34,852
Rating: 4.9095654 out of 5
Keywords: powerapps, microsoft, tutorial, integration, crm, dynamics, 365, powerbi, flow, autofill, templates, autofill applications, auto-fill, powerapp templates, powerapps tutorial, powerapps efficient, build powerapps, microsoft integration, dynamics 365, make a powerapp, create powerapp, create powerapps, powerapps for business, best powerapps, powerapp tutorials, automation, what is powerapps, microsoft automation, make automations, automate my business, learn powerapps, powerapps sharepoint
Id: sToM68hQoTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 31 2019
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