Scan and Store Barcodes in Sharepoint using PowerApps!

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[Music] hey guys what's up I'm back here with another video and today I'm gonna show you how to make a barcode scanner that logs into a SharePoint list now I covered this in a demonstration in one of my previous videos but I never showed you how to make it so I'm gonna go ahead and do that right now this is very simple in power apps and it's actually gonna be very helpful also because actually you can make your own barcodes for your own company and you can utilize them to make processes more efficient and I'm gonna show you how to utilize that today as well so let's go ahead and start so before we get started in powerup so we're gonna have to go to SharePoint and create a list so once you go into your SharePoint group here we're at the home page and to create a list it's really easy click on new right here you click on list you type in the name and you type in the description and after that you click create and then there you go you have a list now I already made a list before this is actually the list from my previous video as well but we're gonna have to do some configuration a little bit of the SharePoint list as well before we get started so come down here return to classic SharePoint now I don't know why the current version of SharePoint doesn't let you edit columns correctly so you're gonna have to go to classic SharePoint to edit your columns now you're not gonna have time who scanned an item as your first columns here you're probably going to have name or something like that now to go ahead and change these you're gonna go to list modify view click on modified view and that's gonna load up okay as you can see here we can select and deselect what we want to display in the list so go ahead and select what you want to display in the list and make sure to reorder them position from left so you click one two and three so I want the time to show up first who scanned second and the item third now if you want a column that doesn't appear here in column name I made these I made some I don't remember which one I made but if you want a column that doesn't appear here go over here to the settings you're gonna click on site settings and then go to site columns and create right there so once you're there you can create new columns and then you can reorder them in the modify view page as well it's very easy okay so we've set up our SharePoint site how we want how we want to set up and now I'm going to show you the final result and here we go we have our SharePoint site we have our time who scanned an item so this is our SharePoint list time who scanned an item now you're gonna have to remember those columns so go ahead and do that now pull up power-ups and here we are we have a blank power apps now to make the actual barcode scanner we already have 50% of the job done it's really easy you come over here to insert media barcode scanner and let's enlarge this button little bit to make you able to see it a little better let's put a 36 there's really big button okay so you can name this button whatever you want it's gonna be scanning along because what we're gonna do is we're gonna click on the button while we're in power apps when the app is running live when we click on the button it's gonna open up the scan page and then we're gonna scan a barcode and it's gonna automatically send you back to it's gonna it's gonna automatically send it back to SharePoint the SharePoint list that we have there so let's go to view and connect our SharePoint database that we've just created SharePoint I already have a connection there so I'm going to go ahead and do that okay and then our list appears right here automate scanned lists automate scandalous I'm going to go ahead and connect that okay so now it's connected and now the last part all we have to do is program our button a little bit so we click on our button come up to the left side here go to on scan and now we're gonna change it to tell it what to do once we click on the button and after we scan the and after we scan the barcode I'm sorry I clicked out of that on scan okay here's what we're going to type in we're going to type in a pad and this updates what we what we want to put into the list okay so patch automate scanned list and then we want to call it item and make sure these are the curly brackets right here so because we're doing we're dealing with records so power apps likes to see those pearly brackets when we're dealing with records so item is let's see what our item is it's called barcode scanner - so we're gonna type that in barcode scanner - got value and then that's that's the item so yeah we have the item right there we're gonna go to who scanned and to do that we're just going to put user dot full name so putting in user dot full name that actually grants um power-ups access to who is currently using the application so if you have multiple users in your organization whoever's using the application power apps is going to pull that and then they're gonna put it into the who scan field here so we're gonna have that as our second record and then we have our third record which is going to be time and for that we're just going to use now yeah that's it okay so we closed off our curly brackets close off our patch function here and then enter and you know what that should work that should work and once you click this button in your power app it should go ahead and work and once you scan something with a barcode there it's going to automatically throw that into this automate scan list as long as you have internet connection that's that's all that you need that's going to work if you have internet connection and you know what that's it that's all you have to do to make a barcode scanner that scans items automatically into a SharePoint list now this is it's really useful because look come here you go to barcode generator just type in literally barcode generator and Google let's go ahead and click the second link right here and guys look we can just type in whatever data we want and then a barcode is automatically generated we can save that image and we can put it all around our organization and whatever we need so let's say you want a barcode that says admin at intelecom which is by the way my email we're going to press enter refresh and guys look that's the barcode we take we save the image and then we print it out we do whatever we want with it and we can scan it anywhere in our organization this might be helpful if we're if we're logging things or logging times or anything like that this would be the move let me go ahead and show you guys how that works real quick so that we don't have any confusion I went ahead and already saved my file and then I'm gonna open that up in power apps on my phone here sorry I'm not gonna display my phone onto the screen but it would be very simple so here we have nothing in our list and then we have our application and if you look here I've got my application right there I'm just gonna click on that button it's gonna pull up the camera and I'm actually gonna go ahead and scan this barcode right here there we go and you know we should see this open that was really fast actually we should see this appear live right here so admin at intelecom we scan that and it put it right directly into our list so that's how it works guys thanks for watching the video today be sure to click that subscribe button like and comment if we found it really helpful hopefully was really useful to you now make sure you sign up for my form below to get access to from free advanced courses once my website comes out guys these are basic courses but in those courses that I'm gonna show you in my website they're going to be advanced and they're gonna really help you take your business to the next level so be sure to sign up for that below and guys happy building have a good day thanks bye [Music]
Channel: Henry Ouang
Views: 15,677
Rating: 4.8538814 out of 5
Keywords: powerapps, microsoft, tutorial, integration, crm, dynamics, 365, powerbi, flow, autofill, templates, autofill applications, auto-fill, powerapp templates, powerapps tutorial, powerapps efficient, build powerapps, microsoft integration, dynamics 365, make a powerapp, create powerapp, create powerapps, powerapps for business, best powerapps, powerapp tutorials, automation, what is powerapps, microsoft automation, make automations, automate my business
Id: RPPfIjG4iwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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