Introduction To The Yoido Full Gospel Church

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[Music] the yo-yo Full Gospel Church serves our nation and the world the world's largest church with eight hundred thousand members is recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records considered as the holy land of the Holy Spirit movement and church growth by many world Christians established by one of the greatest evangelist in the world dr. Jung hee Cho [Music] the yo-yo Full Gospel Church did not have a grandiose beginning in 1958 pastor young GIJoe and his future mother-in-law che Joshua planted a worn-out tent church with only five members dr. Jung hee Cho personally experienced extreme poverty and despair resulting from the Korean Wars and encouraged oppressed people with a message of hope we can do it it is possible let us try when dr. Jung hee Cho prayed for sick people great miracles happen and paralyzed and crippled stood up and walked with his humble beginning the yo-yo Full Gospel Church has harvested a tremendous revival from five members to 800,000 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the secret of the rapid growth of the you IDO Full Gospel Church is the cell group system and prayer movement I do have an under Rosita wander on the cell group system of the yo-yo Full Gospel Church has become a role model for many churches in Korea and around the world the enthusiastic Full Gospel prayer Moomin has set the foundation for church growth at the Osan reach in Josh Hill Memorial fasting prayer mountain established in 1973 the fire of prayer has always been burning every year 1.5 million Christians visit Korea from around the world to experience the gifts of the Holy Spirit through fasting prayer the FG TV Department of the yo-yo Full Gospel Church broadcast domestically and worldwide dr. young he chose typical programs our invitation to happiness world mission today Bible lectures of dr. Cho and the English program Pastor David show they have been broadcast in Korea and throughout the world dr. Lee Jung Woon's program which are with the Holy Spirit and only Jesus have been broadcast around the world over satellite cable TV the internet and IPTV like Jesus the yo-yo Full Gospel Church has been serving and loving in various ways [Music] ah co-ordinate ah okay can't even tell the swastika we see the full gospel business man's mission Federation is an organization of 50,000 businessmen the Elam vocational training school provides professional training the Elam care center cares for the elderly who have no place to go full gospel hospice care cares for terminal patients free operations for children with heart disease has provided 4400 free operations during the past 28 years interdenominational support for pioneer churches in farming and fishing villages in Korea in addition to convey love to our North Korean brethren we're establishing the Pyongyang Cho Yong Jie Heart Hospital the young go for gospel church has not only contributed greatly to Korean Christianity with an explosive revival but it also concentrates on the establishment of a new Christian culture The Full Gospel family newspaper represents the you IDO Full Gospel Church whole gospel television is the representative for dr. Cho's domestic and world mission broadcasting the Cookman Ilbo national newspaper has United all Korean churches on say University is raising that global Christian leaders The Full Gospel Yongsan Theological Seminary and Yongsan camp for youth training dr. Jung GIGO cherished a great vision for World Missions in his early ministry has traveled around the world 115 times in the past 50 years he is preached in 370 cities in 72 countries the you know four gospel churches enthusiasm for World Missions has no end and it's a variation of mediation you decide [Music] DCAM was established to support dr. young he chose overseas ministry Bethesda Christian University has received approval from the US Department of Education Church Grove International is organized by 18,000 church leaders from 180 countries around the world NGO good people International Full Gospel missions sent 700 missionaries to 63 countries we are preaching the gospel and love to people around the world that have been gripped by disaster starvation disease and superstition the source [Music] the fast-growing yo Edo Full Gospel Church had a turning point in 2008 doctor Jung hee Cho transferred the torch of the holy spirit ministry from the past 50 years to dr. Lee Jung hoon [Music] the most democratic process of transferring church leadership in the world's largest Church became an exemplary model for other Korean churches dr. Leon hoon the second senior pastor of the yo IDO Full Gospel Church is a theologian and pastor who's organized full gospel theology systematically and is equipped with intellect and spirituality [Music] dr. lee jung-hyun is a CEO bastard overcome many difficulties and accomplished Church growth in his ministry in the US and Japan through serving in prayer dr. lee jung-hyun emphasizes the core the holy spirit movement prayer and evangelism according to his mentor dr. jung hee Cho his first step with a restoration of spiritual power The Full Gospel was the early morning prayer meetings of 12 baskets orderly 300,000 people attend the early morning prayer meetings of 12 baskets to begin a new morning in Korea she the fire of prayer his second step was the festival of happiness of new life during the festival of happiness of new life twelve thousand six hundred people accepted Christ during the last three years dr. Lee Jung hoon has concentrated on the restoration of spirituality and the basis of the Ministry of Hope serving and sharing as a result 19 thousand four hundred people have registered as new church members this is leading Archer it's become more fruitful and secure growth may the Lord be cheapest or will the sky Center only call centre movement or digits are significant Satya Mashable is reachable [Applause] you we need the weave of the hornies free the yo-yo Full Gospel Church representative of Korean churches has spread the Holy Spirit movement around the world dr. Lee jung-hyun the second senior pastor of the world's largest church will lead the growth and development of our church according to the faith and ministry of dr. Jung hee Cho the founder of the he Lido Full Gospel Church [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: mhenn707
Views: 613,701
Rating: 4.8271384 out of 5
Keywords: Board Members, Church Growth International, Church Growth Magazine, Prayer Mountain, Elim Welfare Town, Kukmin Ilbo Newspaper, Bethesda University, Seoul, Korea, Osanri, Phil Pringle, Min Sook Lee, Peggy Kannaday, Casey Treat, David Spencer, Kong Hee, Dag Heward-Mills, Larry Stockstill, Robert
Id: MMa-6AD5an8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2012
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