All Phrases You Need for Daily Conversations in Norwegian

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wanna speak real Norwegian from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at Norwegian glass top 10 priceless your parents always say so let's get started provide for 60 odd 40 60 be careful Val 460 be careful this is something you've probably heard from your parents quite a lot vash Delilah that Stila be quiet Vashti Lila be quiet yeah so this is probably a phrase that not only your parents but also your teacher would say if you're making tips during class are you paying attention Oh fer die o die behave Oh Verdi behave well yeah it's important to behave this is probably a phrase you wouldn't hear too often because it's a bit strict but if you're dealing with really annoying kids then this is probably what you would say to them to make them behave you're at least novena good lesson d-nut do your homework your legs novena do your homework I was usually a good child so my parents didn't have to say this to me too often but you know kids it's mmm it's not that fun to do homework so you might want to use this phrase from time to time go tell thanks go T sings go to bed go till sings go to bed and we all know that it's more fun to stay up with the adults and have fun than to go to bed so yeah this is something I heard more than once in my childhood Yakima Toyota left Eretria yay camara to10 till here I'm gonna count to three yay combat a lot I'll let him tear I'm gonna count to three well you know you've probably done something not too good if your parents is this race with you so be careful stop stop stop stop so me and my brother would sometimes get into fights and I would have to tell him to stop all again which means stop pulling my hair the solder the solder what did you say the solder what did you say well this is a very versatile phrase I mean you can use it every time somebody says something and you couldn't hear it properly it's like la solder but then again a lot of Norwegians just say ha guy to Lydia yeah Terry lady you yeah I'm not kidding yeah I - lady yeah I'm not kidding turi leader are you kidding yeah I to me yeah I'm not kidding throw our Tevon or slow arms Tarin no turn the TV off now slow after them no turn off the TV now well I'm sure this is a phrase all of us have heard some point in life it's so tempting just to sit in and watch Netflix or whatever yeah it's not always - attempting to turn the TV off and go out many travel phrases you should know so let's get started jin-ae I thought it cut could I get a map Kanani I fought at cut could I get a map well these days you know if you have a smartphone you might not really need a map like a physical map you can just check your smartphone unless you're at a museum or something maybe they have a map of the floors it's not Gdansk do you speak English it's not get it do a nest do you speak English nowadays there's quite a lot of Norwegians who speak English very well so in general I think you wouldn't have a problem if you don't speak that much Norwegian but of course the locals will be very happy if you try to learn some phrases and show your interest in the language Gordon this photography plus until bu is there a bus from the airport to the city Gorda embassy are free plus on TBN is there a train running from the airport to the city both Oslo and Bergen have trains going all the way to the city centre so perhaps this might also be a convenient alternative there is also usually a specially dedicated bus going to the city from the airport which we call free Busan Phoebus um literally means the airplane bus or the fly bus I Wi-Fi um get out this is the Wi-Fi free - get off this is the Wi-Fi free I love to travel and one of the first thing I would ask for reaching a new destination would probably be it's the Wi-Fi free you can't get around anywhere without Wi-Fi these days the password Attila Wi-Fi own what is the password to the Wi-Fi very useful I did then I'm gonna let them eat well do you have any vacancies tonight's hard dead no only their room equal do you have any vacancies tonight well recently a lot of travelers prefer to book private apartments as well so I guess if you're traveling to Norway you might want to check out your options in advance before traveling there fortunately Norway is a relatively safe country so if you're forced to sleep outside then of course I wouldn't recommend it but in the summer like it might not be too bad to sleep outside to calm me I filter Tillett armed rule could I move to a different room come the i50 let armed to do could I move to a different room Bob well I mean that I'd better get that my neighbors are noisy yahar in the reservoir Sean I have a reservation yeah I heard em deserve a shul I have a reservation harder Desa washroom do you have a reservation come to mind havin a bit can you give me your name kid never thought many young marshal snail could we have the menu please - Navi foot many young marshals name could we have the menu please the phrase Val sauce name actually means be so kind so could it be some kind hard there alone I'm baffling it do you have any recommendations hard there they're gone Amba falling it do you have any recommendations Yama followed what I said till annoyed again II might I recommend traveling to Norway in May during the summer season there are a lot of tourists visiting Norway from all over Europe and America and Asia as well if you want to beat the crowds you should travel to Norway in May and particularly the 17th of May is the Norwegian National Day and this is where you can experience the most fun like parades and people dressing out in their national costumes so well if you travel to Norway then this should be the season to go come the i-4 dynein could I have the check come me I for Ryan Ingham could I have the check if you forget this phrase you might be better off just asking in English rather than to make a big fuss and like trying to get their attention and stuff yeah I a line disc mods pls did I'm allergic to peanuts yeah I'd unlike disk boots Piana did I'm allergic to peanuts so in Norway as well we have a lot of different types of allergies you can have pollen allergy pollen allergy or you can have pet allergy d yeah a lot key or maybe you're allergic to shellfish skull did a lot Ikki if you're allergic to something make sure to check out the correct words before going to Norway some artisanal water please Vaughn artisanal water please do snip means are you kind so could you be so kind to bring me water in Norway we taste a lot of pride in our clean fresh water so even in most restaurants you wouldn't have to pay for water you get it straight off tap water but it's delicious and as a Norwegian I have to say that it's the best tap water in the world no ski bum and a best of a many Valentin Norwegian water is the best water in the world if you want to know how much Norwegians value their water you should check out the brand Voss water which is also named after a Norwegian city void Mia our data how much is this void mia adapter how much is this norwegian prices always include the tax and the tip so at least you don't have to worry about any extra searching charges being made that you're not aware of Fitness there at Bellator all tied at not tip are there any cheaper options Norway can be quite expensive so maybe you can ask the IV Liana hot tea of this I'd like ten of these yeah IV Liana ha T of that I'd like ten of these come to e my em robots can you give me a discount come to e my an area but can you give me a discount it is not really common to give discounts in Norway so you shouldn't be a bit careful about asking for discounts you might be sort of as rude yeah I thought that I'd like this yeah I thought better I'd like this depending on the gender of the word you might have to use them man instead of death for instance you can say that there being that this picture but you would say then begin this book yeah I then a Buchan or Y I thought that Billy death a credit coach do you take credit card Todd dad did it Scott do you take credit card actually it's quite rare to find a place that don't take credit cards so usually you should be fine would our towards typhoon where's the train station void odd towards - where's the train station or where are the station where's the bus station or every our stop where's the bus stop until my VAR b let's please excuse me what is the fare until my VAR b let please excuse me what is the fare the Norwegian government is trying to make more people use public transport so they are doing their fair share of works to subsidize the fares of like local buses and trains but transportation is still not cheap in Norway compared to other countries come to God is listening at all it's Billy that of my could you take a picture of me please come to that their source name author it's Billy death of my or maybe you could just use your selfie stick or if you're traveling with your friend you can say come divider so snail or thought Billy that of us so the us meaning us wanna speak real Norwegian from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at Norwegian glass top 10 words that you do want to hear so let's get started December to die you look great today do sector to die you look great today yeah if you want to impress some Norwegian girls then you should definitely use this phrase do you Witter and fantastic job you did a great job doing it and some pasta Scoob you did a great job of course you do a fantastic job every single day perfect Davila I am bonus is shiftin Arman madam there'll be a bonus at the end of the month devil vada and bonus is written of Mortain there will be a bonus at the end of the month yay now I'm gonna go traveling again do a Dan it make it cook you're an excellent cook do add an ultimate get cook you're an excellent cook in Norway the working hours are usually quite short so a lot of people like to cook in their spare time I'm pretty sure your Norwegian friends will be very happy if you use this sentence with him time poza high tide Daniel am i dying take a break I'll do the cleaning today time posa hi today I'm loading ended I take a break I'll do the cleaning today yeah recently I bought one of those robots that do the cleaning of the flower so now I don't have to clean my floors anymore or do they need and you win or do win it and you win yeah I believe in a lot oh I want to win the lottery but I never buy any lottery tickets so I'm probably not gonna win anything do huh bit it you were right do hope that apps you were right I'm right all the time maybe not all the time but almost or maybe not that either yeah I took Manos special to lie I brought you something special yeah I took me aa special to lie I brought you something special what could that be I brought you some Norwegian fish cakes Fisk akaki the chapter I beginning Sept the budget is unlimited we checked our Vega and set the budget is unlimited so let's go for a trip around the world and of course stop by Norway to visit Tyrell tuna so it truly flings direct how very well you have done so it's a relief link direct how very well you have done yeah I'm pretty sure all of our listeners are working really hard with our Norwegians I'm proud of you guys keep it up Upton prices you'll need for a dates so let's get started hard do lists Telugu eat or speech semi Doug man my hard do list Hill or go eat or space me Doug ma'am I would you like to go out to dinner with me harder list I'll go it'll be some it ma'am I would you like to go out to dinner with me in Norway it's quite common to eat dinner at home so you might instead get invited to go home to somebody for dinner so don't get surprised if somebody asks you're home for dinner a delay update hey Liam I do lady II help Kim are you free this weekend I'd really de hey Liam are you free this weekend Norwegians usually have quite a lot of spare time so they'd like to ask not that specifically it's not like I are free on Saturday it's like are you free this weekend then it gives the person more time to think about like when they would be available to hang out so this can be used with both friends or for dates as well hardly still hanging mmm i hard do list tear or hang yeah ma'am I would you like to hang out with me harder list still hanging mm I would you like to hang out with me this again you can use with friends or somebody you're more interested in and in Norway we don't have a very clear point in time where people stop being friends and begin being in a relationship so these kind of vague phrases is very common do i sauce it do I saw cert you're so cute do I thought it you are so cute this is maybe a phrase that guys would say to girls rather than the other way around but on the other hand it's not that common to call girls cute in Norway maybe you would go for something else like cool tune or p.m. pretty do ID Pam you are pretty do ID cute you are cool do sit but I'll it do sit but our route you look great do said but I'll it's you look great yeah this is a very useful phrase now you can use it both with friends or your special one and this can be used both to your female friends and your male friends there Weiden flocked tray there void and float Kelly that was a great evening very wide and float today that was a great evening this is also a phrase you can use very easily with friends or yeah anybody you had a good time with yeah eating your die yeah attain it die I'll call you yeah eating your diet I'll call you well in some cases if it hadn't been such a great evening this might be an excuse to never talk again so just be aware of that if the night's was successful I think most people would probably ask when they would be able to meet again like oh this has been a really nice evening do you want to hang out again next week or something but I'll call you maybe he wants yeah I come sure that I am yay come sure died Yemm I'll Drive you home yeah I concur that I am I'll Drive you home in Norway taxis are quite expensive so if you found somebody who is willing to drive you home then you're lucky if it's a good person of course Norris Cole amatis amant noid skull femur this e what time shall we meet tomorrow Norris calve amatis amant what time shall we meet tomorrow as you might know Norway has very short work hours so even during the weekdays it is easy to meet up after work and since it's during the summer it's usually light outside until very late so you might want to go out in the nature maybe do some barbecue or something anything is possible convey me this Yin come yah this Yin can I see you again come with this Yin can I see you again well if somebody asks you this question then you've probably made a good impressions good job and phrases to amaze a native speaker let's get started touch manouschka fact ischium it much more thank you but Norwegian is actually not my native tongue tuck men Anushka this idiom it mu Shmuel thank you but Norwegian is actually not my native tongue in recent years there's actually a lot of people who have different ethnical backgrounds but who has been adopted so even though people don't look norwegian they might actually be a native level talking about language so never judge a book by its cover they took my body at ofr ibly fitnah it took me only one year to become fluent they took my body at all oblah fitnah it took me only one year to become fluent especially if you know English or German or any other Western European language then you're gonna find norwegian quite easy to learn hi vis na kanojo monoid man in tre or I want to speak Norwegian like a native in three years Yamazaki Nashik summon the demon in today or I want to speak Norwegian like a native in three years you can do it you can practice your Norwegian with us here at Norwegian class yaja Lucknow 80-odd I've been learning Norwegian for ten years hi Holocaust eighty what I've been learning Norwegian for ten years well yeah if you study Norwegian for ten years I can guarantee you you're gonna be very good guy comes an Oscar female eaten in the texted I can watch Norwegian movies without subtitles yeah I can say Anushka film made eaten in the text I can watch Norwegian movies without subtitles as you know Norway is a very small country so we don't produce that many movies but there are some good ones out there like contigo for instance was nominated for Oscar a couple of years ago and recent days you have the Norwegian drama scum which is very popular which I really recommend you guys to check out the icon has KarenT Fantini Anushka will own dogging I can memorize around 15 new Norwegian words a day the icon has Garant Fantini Anushka would own dogging I can memorize around 15 new Norwegian words a day well 50 words is quite impressive if you can memorize 50 words a day you're gonna be at native level in no time go for it push set Falcon Anushka cameo sauce not yet no one under spoke apart from knowing Norwegian I can speak a few other languages as well but Jets Falcon Anushka yo so smacking on the rocks apart from knowing Norwich I can speak a few other languages as well did you know that Norwegian and Swedish and Danish are really really similar so just by learning Norwegian you can actually learn three languages at once that's pretty cool rights high force two alt deucey I completely understood everything you said hi first do alt deucey I completely understood everything you said great that means your Norwegian is improving rights keep it up yeah lesser of the motion literate ood I often read Norwegian fiction yay lesser of the motion literature I often read Norwegian fiction in the Scandinavian countries we have a genre called kidding which is about kind of detective mystery novels that are really really popular but you can check out for instance very give am he's a detective from my hometown you can also check out young NASPA who's a very famous Norwegian writer and his book the snowman snowman is gonna be made into a movie actually so yeah you should definitely check that one out Yasu Darrin or polymer sheet after I study Norwegian at the university yeah I stayed Aronofsky Poonam Ishita I study Norwegian at the University in Norway we don't really judge people based on which university they study at we judged based on which major people choose so you can actually get into for instance University you slew the university and also without having good grades if you choose an unpopular major ten questions you should know in Norwegian so let's get started the hair Tudor what's your name the have to do what's your name yeah I have did on it there my name is Annette Verdun Gord Emma die how are you food and Gordon Medina how are you yeah harder better I'm good void Rd Farrell where are you from vojta Oh Farrah where are you from Yaya faranoush law I'm from Oslo Nora Bush dog and then when is your birthday Nora a brush tagging them when is your birthday first our men are Mourad my birthday is the 20th of January actually my birthday is in December so the same big budda budda where do you live good border where do you live Yuri but again I live in Bergen Bergen is a nice city if you live there you're lucky video bidder where do you work Maria border where do you work yael Burakumin I work at the municipality the our telephone omitted it's what's your phone number the our telephone omitted it what's your phone number MIT's telephone moment our mr. Furth FM for deaf empty my telephone number is nineteen forty five forty fifty now of course I'm just kidding I'm not gonna give up my number Oh woody lack didn't ask where did he learn Norwegian wouldn't lock didn't ask where did you learn Norwegian yeah I liked in Oceania man let's see there I learned Norwegian through a website Norwegian class 101 dot-com please didn't wash mouths do you like Norwegian food Lika dunno squats do you like Norwegian food yaaay any skid ma schmutz yes I love Norwegian food especially Salman Salman is delicious hard about a nerdy girl have you been to Norway how do you work tonight again have you been to Norway yah yah yah but United yet today I got here I have been to Norway three times [Music]
Channel: Learn Norwegian with
Views: 53,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: long, listening skills, lessons, beginner, compilation, Norwegian podcasts, longplay, Norwegian language, native speakers, beginners, yt:cc=on, Norwegianclass101, how to, teacher, listening practice, Norwegianpod101, audio, quick, long play, school, podcast, native speaker, fast, practice, Norwegian, easy, learn Norwegian, norwegian speaker, effective speaker, listening comprehension, Norwegian audio, Norwegian listening comprehension, Norwegian practice, daily conversations
Id: lx_l8NsJjVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 21sec (2001 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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