Leak Proof Bag Easy DIY Science Experiment for kids!

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hey guys let me show you the trick with a pencil inside plastic bag with water and it goes through look at this don't forget to ask a grown-up for help and look the water didn't spill okay let's do it another pencil [Music] got another one here's pencil number three like that yeah alright guys pencil number four I'm ready okay pencil number five perfect your here's the fun part taking all the pencils whoa alright guys welcome to Ryan's world hi guys is he gonna work yeah it's not gonna make a mess all right Spock you flew whoa oh no way guys there's no water coming out like this how's it working on it whoa do more okay [Music] what about you try daddy hmm can I do it [Music] good idea [Music] [Applause] the shower it's a waterfall of water [Music] thank you for watching hi guys this is my fruit it's vegetable Laura Klock it helps me wake up and I'm gonna show you how to make one on your own let me show you how to make your own let's go hi so today we're going to be using ten different vegetables or fruits and we're gonna see if they can power there's a warm clock so we have Tainos apples avocados tomatoes mangoes lemons bananas strawberries grapes and water on the first we're gonna try the classic potato it was made for potato so I think it's gonna work three two one [Music] so if you notice here look at the alarm clock this is it working yet yeah we've got this kit online so it comes with a magnesium wire and a copper wire you have to connect this to hi-yah alright you tell me is the alarm clock working look it's working yeah that turns on those energy yeah so we have to manually set it but you know there it is cheer up potato box I'm gonna use your potato for my alarm clock time okay now next I'm gonna test out the Apple and do the opposite on the other one slide go moment of truth does it work it works yeah so what Apple can also power it on you know it's true because look what happened when I take out one okay if I take out one it's not working but I plug it back in full it works I'm really interested in who this one avocado guys let us know if you think Alvah kado can power on the alarm clock no oh I think it's gonna work you think so yeah you guys notice right now nothing's on right so it doesn't work right now so Ryan's gonna put it in can you use an avocado alarm clock tonight that's right yes let's be opposite uh-huh you need that to complete a circuit does it work now the most interesting one is one that's true that would be we're not sure to meet it well I think the male tomato a word okay let's see looks like tomatoes but I'm really messy go get to your bar like this does it work it works it does work Wow maybe we do need just fruits and vegetables at our box do you think fruits and vegetables can power on your iPad that's a fun experiment to do later hey I was trying manga bending the wire so you need the other part to make like a circle you know to complete the circuit that's why you need it actually the potato clock works by converting chemical energy into electrical energy did you know that the energy doesn't actually come from the potato but rather the energy comes from the middle dissolving inside the potato the energy made from the reaction moves to the copper strip down the wire and into the clock making the clock turn on spectacular which one you want to try next the banana ah interesting a video work you think so I think yes banana or try it like this okay so it's easier to do positive negative first here but anyway you like well join a different time but yeah what do you think Ryan and lemons gonna work yeah I think so oh yeah it's gonna work if it's hard to poke in Jamie has a smell see right now it it's not on you guys Bri what do you think it's gonna do work or not definitely work that's crazy so I guess you don't really need a lot of power so so far everything works so far which one you wanna try next these three I'm very interested yeah I'm gonna try this be strawberry swab Larry you barely have to put this in to poke it in I'm gonna see if we can do the same thing we did with the lemon oh good idea look we're gonna Wow very cool which one do you want yeah raise your watermelon the watermelon okay cuz grapes it's so small I know is it gonna work because it's not tiny you think watermelons gonna work but seeing okay it's so easy to poke in is it working haha guys I didn't even need to complete the circuit just powers on with - wow I didn't know what am I so Paulo but this makes a lot more powerful so it does work yay yah nice try the last one in the most wait how is this gonna work I don't know it's so small how we're gonna make it opposite and positive you have to stick them very gently hmm can you do it yeah you use a farce not working see grapes can power on a clock what about you guys just two grapes that's all we need don't need a whole potato you just need two grapes well what if you just try one of them yeah that's all of them it's working yeah you need is one fruit don't for look just what - we don't want to need to complete the circuit it's so powerful if you get this are the most powerful yeah I think all you need is one Ryan oh my goodness so Ryan's trying out different ones so one tomato and one lemon okay guys I'm gonna take my alarm clock to bed let's go bye guys I'm gonna go to bed now is that I make a fruit and vegetable o clock bye hi guys today we're gonna play on trolling and then we get low on water so this is very easy all you need are some markers a plate and some warm water here's one what you want on the plate well I'm gonna make stick stick here's a movable arms plus like this and then you make the legs so after you make it drawing well Peru what keep dancing you're gonna sue huh I feel like the arms or like it's gonna break oh it's moving now yeah now you can just walk doo doo doo doo doo doo this is easy way to make your stick figure floats don't throw up he broke this is so cool you can hold it okay guys for the next one under make a dog it should be like this like ears I feel like I'm making a cat I'm making a big dog okay I can't do it right unless I do like this I put an R hey then I'll make the legs I feel like I'm making like a super strong cat or something years okay so I'm coloring the pants he has jeans okay I'm gonna make the skin color purple hey I put it here and I'm gonna put this part green okay like this perfect okay guys let's see what okay that's good well we're missing one leg Oh No you're like broke off Oh give it away though what huh his arm no his face oh no my dog bro that's okay let me show you some cool ones that work roll the clip [Music] [Music] I hope you guys enjoyed watching us do drawing float by River or stay happy rise up by he said guide to
Channel: Ryan's World
Views: 30,310,502
Rating: 3.872772 out of 5
Keywords: Ryan's World, Ryan ToysReview, science, science diy, kids diy, easy diy science experiments, science experiments video, easy diy for kids, science experiments to do at home, learning, science video, educational, education, experiments to do at home, science experiments to do at home for kids
Id: xWYzFbCXouo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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