Why Pray If God Already Knows Everything? | Joseph Prince

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why pray if god is all-knowing why pray if god is all-knowing right and the thing is this this kind of reasoning this kind of wrong thinking wrong believing will cause you not to pray because you say god knows all my needs anyway in matthew 6 in the sermon on the mount jesus talked on prayer over here he says therefore do not be like the gentiles people do not know god for your father knows the things you have need of before you ask him so because of this reasoning people say look my father knows god knows all my needs before i ask him so why pray and yet the next verse says in this manner therefore pray because the father knows your needs in this manner therefore he didn't say in this manner therefore don't pray on the country he says because your father knows your needs before you ask him now ask in other words god says i have all these blessings right now i'm about to bring into your life favor wisdom amen um health wholeness amen but i need something from your side what is it you must consent you must agree for me to bless you i cannot bless you beyond your free will i cannot bless you beyond your violation do you want this blessing prayer is nothing more than an open heart open mind open life open hands remember this you bring nothing to god we are all empty god the source brings all his blessings and gifts into your life amen so prayer is just an expression of here is my open hand god cannot bless someone with how sincere the person is it has a close mind close heart close hands and saying things like if god want to bless me god bless me and that's why amen is an expression of so be it it's a prayer it's the shortest prayer i know amen which means if you hear the word of god being preached you say amen god says angel that one wants that lady wants it all right pour it on her another one say amen all right angel this one wants it pour it on him so the thing is that do you want it if you want it you got to show god that you want it open mouth open hands that's prayer the pastor how long do i keep on praying keep on praying now why keep on praying why keep on praying because there is an enemy like i said it is garden of eden and there's no enemy there's no need to keep on praying in fact you'll hardly have to pray you just think and and god answers but don't forget if we're in a fallen world we need to show god our open hands and that comes by prayer even when jesus was here as a man he would rise up early in the morning and he would pray if the son of god prays how much more you and i the bible says you have not because you ask not therefore you fight therefore you are jealous you are envy you lust and you cannot have james chapter four it says you lust you're covered because you cannot have and then you you assassinate people's character you say bad things and all that because you are jealous of what they have and then the bible says you have not because you ask not amen so when we have not we start you know a good case in mind was david the bible tells us that david in that day and age all right that the king has a number of wives okay yet he chose this one man's wife committed adultery with her y'all notice the name of that girl right what's her name sheba saw her thinking about all right and committed adultery of her had a son by her and had her husband murdered then god sent a prophet to david and the prophet says these words you can check it on your bible if god says i took you from the sheep full to shepherd my people israel i did this i gave you i bless you and then god says if that was not enough i would have given you more did you hear that jesus says on the sermon on the mount keep on asking original great keep on asking and you will receive keep on seeking and you are fine keep on knocking the door will open the year of the open door asking starts with a seeking starts with s knocking starts with a k ask
Channel: Joseph Prince
Views: 448,648
Rating: 4.9331193 out of 5
Keywords: joseph prince, Joseph prince full sermons, Joseph prince 2020, Pastor prince, Pastor joseph prince, Joseph prince live, Joseph prince sermons
Id: fIntzH8Ux3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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