Leadership Series By The World Leader Bishop David Oyedepo

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once again I welcome you to this session the leadership session Matthew chapter 4 says Jesus speaking to his disciples I said follow me and I will make you follow me and I will make you this morning it's it's my privilege to introduce the servant of God who not only is a follower because a few years ago yes many years ago he taught us he said if we have seen any brighter it is because we stood on the shoulders of men not only is he an ardent follower himself but it's also a leader a leader indeed who has raised men over the years London please rise to your feet with me this morning and welcome to this glorious prophet Bishop David oriental give Jesus a big behind amen please be seated I like us to be extremely sensitive this morning as we go through these lectures on leadership you know people in churches who are used to preaching and they get so lost with shouting and clapping and yelling and that some of the times is substance of what is being taught is lost but are likely to be very sensitive this morning because I'd be taking us through a journey you may never find it in any book it's speaking there led to your destiny in order for you to maximize God's glorious plan and purpose for your life in all generations there are more workers and there are leaders why it's only potentials that guarantee you enjoy more sacrifice is what makes a leader schooling we'll get with Joe but is committed to continuous learning that makes a little certificate makes a walker but investment of time energy and resources makes a leader certificate makes a walker it is investment that makes a leader that is why there are always more workers than there are leaders in every generation nor certificate guarantees leadership no credential guarantees leadership and now what there is leadership it is taking the lead in your field taking the lead in your field there for us erroneously asserted in many quarters leadership is not about leading people as if are taking the lead in your field that make men refer to you taking the lead in your field that makes men refer to you therefore leadership is not occupying a position it is making outstanding contributions leadership is not occupying a position it is making our standing contributions I mean there are many companies and all the companies have president or in order president past president Microsoft has a president their cooperation as a president IBM as a president and every other company any other we're in the world as president but you know president past president email so it's not occupying a position it is making our standing contributions leadership is not occupying a city it is accomplishing the feat leadership is not occupying a seat it is accomplishing a feat fe80 that is accomplishing an outstanding task so we can go ahead and assert the leadership is taking the lead not talking the lead [Music] taking the lead not talking the lead that you hear from Gideon saying look on me and as I do do likewise George is 717 taking the lead look on me George is chapter 7 verse 17 and as I do - likewise so leadership is not about propounding principles is about showing the examples amen is not about teaching principles is about living by or setting examples setting examples setting examples certain examples it's not talking the lead is taking the lead leadership is taking the lead it is blazing the trail blazing the trail as he said you are the light of the world you are the salt of the earth and a city set on a hill that cannot the heat you said this is setting the pace and blazing the trail 20 temperature joined themselves keto Villa situation we will go with you that that commanding followership by outstanding performance now it's so important for us to know just like most people when you think of leadership what cost them is political leadership you know there is leadership in every field so you have a little musician a little lawyer a little engineer a little in a Content you know a little in academic our little minister I mean I agree with her so leadership is not limited to political leadership it is just an aspect of leadership you are professional leadership business leadership taking the lead in your field is what makes a leader and when you take the lead in your free people in the field refer to you and others um friends refer to you at the same time so you can be voted into leadership this is so crucial I'm very white and disapp cross misconceptions about leadership over the years they think is the ruling of our people as traditional leadership people refer to you because of your outstanding accomplishment in that field a little lawyer gets naturally afraid it would not be voted by any lawyer as a leader but by virtue of his little rule in later practice they refer to him and in their argument they make reference for reference on the cases he has handled to plead your case and the number of cases is wrong defiance is ready I love what comprar Winfrey said he said excellence is the greatest deterrent to racism and sexism nobody cares what are you a woman or a man does get you resolved don't you see some women stars in the Olympic Games say what we excellence excellence not a decoration is an accomplishment excellence means to excel it could it means to excel in your field to excel that's excellence to excel you excel in your field that's excellent you excel in your field past all become obeah praise God it means to excel and to excel is to accomplish so it's not somebody voting for you or somebody not voting for you we're in duet say in your field you imagine a leader in that field you imagine a leader in that field and I want us to please know that that is the crux of the matter now I'll be showing you very shortly now there are some other erroneous assertions on leadership for instance it is also commonly said that the ratio of course on three platforms they say some are born leaders nothing can be far from the truth and that orders of leaders is leadership trusted on them and that song achieve greatness you see some upon great assay orders of greatness trusted on them and then some others achieve greatness apart from that last one all orders a erroneous have you ever met a born doctor and then opens a clinic and Sammy born doctor have you ever flown in the aircraft of a Palm Pilot have you ever met Apollo Yahoo those party route girls and a week and he was of complications and reborn area because there are not rope or lawyers there cannot be a bomb leading lawyer because you are no born so there's no will can be calmly you can't become anything because you are no born there are no born lawyers so there cannot be born leading lawyers does that make some sense after a bus ever seen a born heavyweight boxing champion world heavyweight boxing champ champion because he's born no now the son of a heavyweight world heavyweight boxing champion is not a boxer medically herida belt if we cause to their name because what I was a heavyweight boxer they will finish him the first point you go down and all these parts will be scattered there are no power leaders is a fallacy because leadership is not an endowment is an accomplishment leadership is not an endowment is an accomplishment so there are no born leaders no-one has leadership trusted on them that's why I said it is not occupying this seat it is accomplishing everything so it can't be trusted on you and saw my chief greatness or attained to leadership that is a truth everyone in leadership a taste to it check on the world heavyweight wrestling champion and he will tell you how he came there he had to fall down several times on his own with his coach before he appears on the stage the boxer has to have his son bad I'm 2010 punch and then ten straight head boot so that when we hit him on the range is table so you never become a leader without paying the price I think that is the bottom line you never become a leader without paying the price for it there followed a ship is not in the titles you wear is in the values you are leadership is not in the tightest we wear is in the values we are it's not the compositions we occupy is understanding contributions we make it's not about leading people is about taking the lead in your given task blue-gray homage award leader today by being an outstanding leader a is filled when his wife passed on the whole wall sent delegations governments of all nations are a non Arab nations everywhere including my country everyone same representation to represent their government for the passing away of award leader by appending leader in this field never sworn into politics when presidents of nations are behind she would begin it goes to the CV that ehah ehah she will be gate by a pain Aelita in this field leadership has nothing to do with color or race it has to do with accomplishment you know you go to the field or sports nobody cares about your color when they say on your mark set go and you need to take first whether you are black or dark brown or grey whoever hits the tip first is number one nobody cares what nation who came from you may come from the list of all nations if you hit the tip fest you are one that's what it is in every field so no colors color deterrent your law accomplishment is what defines your low rating for instance now there is no total good an America to be on my CV there won't be any place for it why it's not the size of the church I pastor that's known in America not just a number but in content and quality I can't be adding to my CV that I went to so please who please write it on my CV no it's all about your accomplishment it has nothing to do with your color or your age just a compliment checked in you know National Basketball Association the NBA in America you see are many now from videos places Chinese African everybody who serve a completely Club gaseum because they want to win so they get to serve a hearty skill and that's all and what they try to note that every one of us has a leadership heritage in Christ every child of God has a leadership heritage in class and that can be defined from three perspectives one as a beneficiary of the brahimi covenant he said kings and nations shall come out of his loins Genesis submit inform filed and Jesus died to make you beneficiary of the brahimi covenant he was made a cause for us because it's written costs every man a hunger upon the tree that the blessings of Abraham might come to us who are Gentiles might obtain the promise of the Spirit through faith you see so you belong to the Abrahamic seed and so by heritage you are either a king or a nation when a man nation I mean an institution there are personalities or not and there are institutions you know either a clear leader or you are become loved grown beyond leadership to become a nun institution how much institution now then look at your redemption in Christ he has to Tim doesn't wear gold as priests and canes revelation 5:10 and we shall reign on the earth so by Redemption by Redemption you you have a leadership heritage in hope you have a leadership heritage and Jesus speaking to desire who say he are the salt of the earth that is someone to be sorted after salt is a requirement everywhere so deficiency could lead to a lot of health problems and health challenges so salt is needed everywhere so you are not a liability to the world one asset the world needs you that's what Jesus said you have a part to play that the world we always need and then he went on a say you are the light of the world he said Sarah Nikita cannot be healed so every disciple is a pacesetter the light of the world showing or does the way to go Matthew 5:13 215 I mean that clearly also shows your leadership Verity a Redemption and then we talk about your leadership a little in the prophetic in the last days it shall come to pass that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be exalted above the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills and all nations shall flow to it I say a - one two three now on board that flight that end time flight and whatever altitude the plane is going that's where everyone on board is going the plane can be under 2,000 feet above sea level and 10,000 feet so if the plane is oh you are on board then you are up so prophetically you belong to a royal family alidium family so you have these three channel route of leadership so you have it now let's now go ahead and look at what then will make that in reality and then we look at what I call of classified as the leadership covenant say with my leadership covenant that is not a mysterious about the word covenant a covenant is impact on we're defined terms to which the parties are equally obligated that's a covenant hello it's a fact [Music] based on where defined part where define terms on which both parties are equally obligated now let me quickly say this God is the author of leadership who is the author now when the first man was made in Genesis 1:26 he said to him have dominion do what be in charge take delete they read the affairs showed the wheel set the pace bless the tree you are in charge does the world mean you take the lead and then we're told and God planted a fire planted a garden and their place man whom he has made so God define his territory his field Genesis 280 and then in 15 Genesis - 15 or 16 said to him how to validate his leadership dress disguting and keep it and eat of every fruit of the tree of the garden except the one that's in the midst of it of the garden that means manage this field to validate your leadership commercial manager okay so man hard in leadership mandate and that mandate is to be validated by a management task so it is impossible to define leadership outside the context of management it is efficient management that culminates in leadership I hope I'm still speaking is someone catch what I'm talking about so your leadership heritage can only be validated by your efficient management now now let's now look at management in warfare first management of self management of task management of material and human resources management and if leadership is therefore defined in the context of management that already called skill development because management cannot be imparted it has to be learned skill cannot be imparted you don't lay hands on someone and say now be a pilot go on fly otherwise I would have done that many years you can be flying by myself it would be cheaper anyway and they know the puzzles around my jaws Leon so you know your pilot you're a pilot and now take mystery to Legos that was one time our pilots misbehaved and one of my sons and the Lord said let me go for training I said before you finish I will not finish my job because the follow-up qualified to be a captain you must have flown 3,000 hours so I can't wait for you that's why we have very low key leadership rating among many it is not it is not an endowment is an accomplishment it is not in the tide to where is in the values we carry an art in our field now so I have come to define management therefore as the product of efficient management of self of task of material and human resources efficient management of sir so leadership begins with efficient management of yourself efficient management of yourself and that corroborates Scriptures he said if a man does not know how to rule his house I shall rule the Church of God first Timothy 3:5 so because with you what does this come and tell management money by simply here enters knowing where you are going knowing what it takes to get there committing yourself to get in there and going the extra mile if it's so demands together let me come again management of severe connotes knowing where you are going knowing what it takes together committing yourself to get in there I'm going the extra mile if it's so demand together management observe it's not about drainage 31 when to play golf and to play lawn tennis that's what I'm talking about you know because until your field is defined your leadership potential can never have expression there are many operating in undefined field on define they are this now next week have jumped to that Jordao will move to this so the idea of all trees while rule does not lead to the market as a concept so we go through all the rules and when you are traveling more than one group a time you never get anywhere you go here small you come back you go here as Malcolm who has come back that's what management of serve and fast a discovery of your field which is a task on his own I mean I agree with that not was a discovery but a discovery and a commitment to a pie in your field you see I've been doing this stupid thing I'm doing 28 years MA and as only thing I've been 28 years nothing as I said M attraction to me a many people through their life without ever knowing where they are going they are just going every working money to another job and the following the another job another advert another job and the good job in and job in a job and arriving aware you are a creator of dignity you know he said I know my plans for uses go the plans of warfare are not of evil to give you a future and a hope so it's important to set it and discover your place in that master plan it's a great loss plan Jeremiah 29:11 it's a glorious plan say glorious plan to disco fight I am now Biden it takes a lot of discipline takes what a lot of discipline to discover it and abide in there takes a lot of discipline when I'm charged was to under fifty people I said one day in one of the meetings I said I will consider it a demotion if I were invited to present over at Republic of Nigeria I will consider it a demotion church was under fifty but I was so sure of my field that I will not sell off for anything my birthright is precious to me my future is in this plan not in my plan somebody hear what I'm talking about today I've had the privilege of presidents of nations knocking on my door for attention not for arrest I've had the privilege of resolving major issues between government and opposition's in my house on the I request are never been a party to later it's so important for each one of us to know who are not a creator of chance a creator of destiny there is something about your life that is awaiting your discovery you need to know where you belong and abide they're there knowing what it takes to get there is a greater task Commerce a greater task knowing what it takes to get there is a greater task many know where they are going but they don't know what it takes to get there so they are always and on the safe spot because they don't know what it takes together no matter how costly of a coup it can never generate motion without fuel information is the foil of every mission every vision that is fired of information will combinative frustrations knowing what it takes to get there is a greater task know where you are going is a great task knowing what it takes together is a greater task but nothing more forces in our way where you're going are not been able together and I think the bankruptcy of many destinies is rooted in the intellectual bankruptcy an ability to be able to appraise the facts relating to the tasks that are confronted with and then committing yourself together as wanting to know what it takes so nothing to be willing to pay the price ch now a man that is diligent in his business that is committed to his business that is fully engaged in his business he shall stand before kings he shall not stand before me man proverbs 22 verse 29 it is input that defines output in any field how much you put in will determine on what you can get out management of serve committing yourself to get in there and then going the extra mile if it's so demand together that it was sacrifice that it was what so in the concept of management of self we talked about vision where where you are going we talk about information knowing what it takes to get there we talked about diligence given what it takes to get there I will talk about sacrifice going the extra mile if we so demand like it will always demand together poor the grid say I am what I am by degrees of God yet no I he said what I live for more abundantly than them all yet not i but the grace of God I was with me I labored more abundantly than them all so it may live oh it is the quality of your label that defines the limits of your future the quality of your label is what defines the limits of your future and all that also care to go the extra mile command the Extra Ordinary resort there is nothing extra ordinary on its own by by man's extraordinary input because like baguettes like your extraordinary input a your feed qualifies you for extraordinary performance and it's your performance rating that defines your leadership rated so performance so leadership is not and have a responsibility leadership isn't taking responsibility a man is in taking responsibility if someone preaching a simple message as Billy Graham has been preaching for over 60 years could become a world class leader by a simple message that would tell you the extraordinary input the quality of his self-management somebody anonymously the quality of his self-discipline simple messy I don't think he's ever prayed for the sick in his crusade forever you need to be saved come on here now right now I've been doing these 50 years calm calm calm and then the ones who receive 94 TRC they are given testimonies you can make anything extraordinary out of the ordinary mandate you can make an extraordinary out of your own ordinary field you can make anything extraordinary out of your own ordinary calling you can make anything extraordinary doctor so therefore that the over emphasis on vision is great but it's not the whole truth if it is only vision I saw one for 18 hours I should go arrest 18 straight hours open a vision in order to sleep and then somebody spoke to you I was awake who was begin to each other if destiny has a vision why should we do mostly last person in the world God spoke to me and I spoke to him 18 hours ago tanco for visions i wish wish vision wow just what guarantees were arrived at your destination oh good we'll be there it's more than that that's what I said leadership is a product of a fish debt management of self then efficient management of tasks that we are skilled development comes e-commerce a skill efficient management of tasks there are people in businesses here who part of never ate any literature regarding their business in their life they are running it on common sense platform so they endured common results and in a common place and so the corium common man you know we were always fighting about the common man the common man there are many common men because it is a lot of course to get out of the common man level skill management of tasks is essentially a function of quality of ski at your disposal Kumasi skill don't be surprised that our people today and Minister Oommen able to define what is ministry talk less of how does Iran so people are building factories today without knowing next to nothing they just have money and then they fail the lesson to do is to build a factory infamous referred to he has no idea of any kind on how it is to be built and what is to be done and it was a wiki marketing particularly among our own part of the war our race there is no Genovia for skill we live to use two chances and then religiously I know go into it go we do what they do we are your clothes for who this money is a god I thank you and I just came back from the meeting last night and I love you so we are my clothes for me you walk down here naked this morning no substitute for skill every leadership and diva or vision will always demand skill I love the way David said it it said in Psalm 78 number 72 he said he led him with integrity of his heart and by the skillfulness of his arms skillfulness of his hands some 72 in Psalm 78 and verisimilitude skillfulness skill foolish skillfulness by the skillful management of task task task as soon as your task is defined then your responsibility is to build up the required skill in accomplishing it you know what I'm saying my son rule 8 requires vocal for require this morning he's a graduate of Coventry University and is doing his master's here as he went open our University's vision came great was a bright vision but there what was he ticked on it so I went after nine world-class universities to understudy the nitty-gritties of their funding and their program development and water sustain them over the years and after those may extensive explorative studies I propounded what I consider the philosophical foundation of Coventry University beautto is Tom's ready to fly and I proclaim this is the new generation Harvard and all it means today commoner University today has the number one engineering faculty all across Africa there are equipments there that you don't find anywhere else skill there is nose will be to a substitute for skill so it may know spiritual substitute you don't fly a plane by spirituality you speak in tongues and you enter the cockpit and then you start the engine the way we'll know we have to start the moment to mention your name and they ask you a question since you don't know how to answer they know that a suicide bomb buys there or the London police regarding one minute and then the firefighter everybody the air force because as a suicide bomber in the cockpit there is no spiritual substitute for skill that's why many charismatic are grounded there is no spiritual substitute for skill no ministry for instance we had grow the quality of his structure no no company has a future without an efficient of the national structure and there are many many businesses here that don't have no structure at all good to walk in the morning sail by Spain Spain when anything anyhow everything that you said to me spendable capitalist profit and after some time we don't even know what happened Satan I bind is it and will be love it say I didn't come there let's go to work you better find yourself on freezer there is no spiritual substitute for ski I like you to write it down please don't attend or not if you like but there is no spiritual substitute for skier there is no spiritual substitute for skill I will never approach any task in my life on common sense no when we are going to start what of a Bible Institute I went through eight Bible schools gather all their materials study order materials ask those are commit questions among them and then from their questions I knew where they were where they were so I would not repeat a problem there is no substitute for what skill so a Bible School began in 1986 and he's growing in tempo contine mostly one of my sons who graduated in the bible school 1885 has one of the largest churches in Nigeria today they are building a forty thousand seat auditorium right now and took me why here three months to build the curriculum there is no substitute for skill no spiritual substitute there is no player substitute there is no faster substitute our prayers and passivity require to a quality skill you can pray for God to help you learn fast how to drive welcome pray to take this journey now finished praying Lord I take this journey go with me say I will not go with you cause you need the skill otherwise we'll be killed efficient management of tasks efficient management of Scott asked then efficient management of material resources commercial material resources you believe in budgeting your resources time and energy and finance is good when I'm talking about I'm not talking about finance alone talking about your time there are many poor time managers you could never find a poor time manager we buy this a leader great leaders i efficient managers of time they don't only go to walk they actually walk most people own their own businesses they only go to all they don't work they have o to an O 3 that answers every second even when they are previa for Sauron and the answer is yes I'm praying and I'm a parent yeah I'm about to finish prayer efficient management of material resources which includes your time your energy and then your financial resources show me an incredibly des of Worf is a sensitive time manager sensitive time manager is a committed Energy Manager in all we are to invest his strength and it all he rolls his life on where define budgets is not a careless spender he has his priorities right he invests on things that add value to him and enhances the values he adds to others you can't be in all of those tears are not managed human resources at your disposal productively you will because it took build up to that that's why from Genesis 1:26 Genesis to 8 15 and 16 of kamma with our definition that leadership is the product of efficient management of self task material and human resources management of self is the best life for leadership heritage to have expression that's where it begins from when you fail at self management you never invite a leader in any field never much a leader in any fear I hope we are having a very good classroom experience are we you can see now that don't clap in this kind of better today this is no more simple equation he's graduated to complex equations and what you have only takes to grab it I wanted to live here Antos reprogram your life because there is more inside you you have a kind of magic it's just to prime it so it can move into motion you know that is a lot inside there's a lot inside you there's a lot inside you that are waiting you taking full responsibility to be made manifest there's a lot inside you let's therefore look at what of core leadership covenant Ecclesiastes chapter 10 and verse 5 to 18 they said as a nipple of sin under the Sun as an Erica proceeds from the king of sin fully set in high places and deletes it in low places have since sovereigns riding on horses and princes walking on food as someone what is responsible eat that remove at stones shall be endangered either Prickett and age is suffering shop I am NOT that's where the world covenant comes that means the situation arose because people have broken the age now that to know Lobby leadership a heritage for you not to lose your own place on your horseback let's find out the analysis of their situation vast tan says if the eye of the brother you don't shop for the a that you need to put him on strength but wisdom is profitable to direct now they lost their place one for loss of direction covers a loss of direction when your life lacks a bearing it becomes a body we are there is no vision the people perish so the number one team that came to light and that covenant is direction the loss of direction will lead to frustration we are there is no vision the people perish but it that keeps to his vision happy see so number one in the covenant of leadership is been able to define your vision having a direction for your life then he went on in verse 15 he said the lip of the foolish witness every one of them because he knows not how to go to the city number two is wisdom what is it wisdom they know how with Thomas the know how he's possessing a working knowledge of his subject matter in most not how to go to the city so the second time in the National Covenant is wisdom the first one is vision the second one is what wisdom now that goes on to explain that as I did earlier on and then in verse 16 is at war to do land when thy King is a child and their princes eat in the morning more blessed are down on land when the king is a son of the noble and I princes eat for strength and not for drunkenness yonezawa say that talks about discipline what is it say it loud say it loud God Washington once said discipline is the soul of an army it makes more numbers formidable it procured success to the weak and esteem to all discipline is the soul of anomie it makes more numbers formidable it procure success to the weak and esteem to all a steel is a product of discipline esteem and your field esteem your column is a product of what self-discipline high level self-discipline high level self-discipline high levels of discipline and then he went on in verse 18 of the symmetricity chapter 10 is a true slothfulness a beauty decays by I do nests of the hands the house drop it through that connotes diligence what I call it diligence so in the Covenant of leadership the component of leadership you have vision you have wisdom you are disciplined are you have diligence diligence diligence you'll never find a high flyer in any field who is not a hard worker check it out you never find a high flyer in any field who is not a hard worker you never find a high flyer in any field who is not a hard worker because God is not mocked was a very masseuse that's all so shall you reap it a saucepan Elisha also reap sparingly and it a supporter Felicia reap also bountifully you'll never find a high-flyer in any field who is not a hard worker this is so crucial and so vital there is a story of this young man by name James Owen it was a high school boy in the early 1900 and then he asked his coat mr. coach I would like to be his pasta and the coach looks at him as a good and let me show you the four steps on the ladder to become a star in sports he said one determination that was a determination he said to dedication he said three discipline for sacrifice determination dedication discipline and sacrifice this young chap picked it up and began to wrong with it now anyone who casts or wrong with the things I'm saying now does watch the events of your life in the next 3-5 years there'll be sporadic dramatic changes that will bring the very sooth in amazement this part we got to wrong with it by the Berlin Olympics of 1923 this boy became a three gold medalist his broad jump or what you call long jump record took 22 years to be broken by running with those facts I've brought two amazing humbling facts on leadership this model if you care to roll with it you'll be amazed at the events of your life you'll be amazed I perceive that was not the only point I had it because the court the court will have two orders one of you come to me this morning and said he wanted to be his pasta and I told him one two three four and one of them club yeah coach that's right but only that boy around with it only the boy ran with it and he became a ward renowned athlete because when you get to a gold medal in the Olympic Games a world-class Bosma he got three got three are to go it got three article there will always be more workers and there are leaders because the price of leadership is not cheap there will always be more workers than there are leaders because the price of leadership is real costly it is no cheap talk it is hard work work and cluster foremost on yourself and then working on your task managing the issues of your life with utmost efficiency with utmost efficiency that's how great leaders are born that's how great leaders aboard the good news is it's never leads to be right so it was never lead to be right it's never led to be right it's never late to be right every situation is changeable every position is all terrible it's never late to be right safe you here is work today harden not your heart because today is no lady today is not late today is not late Abraham came on the stage at 75 today is not late if you are willing to pay the price no one will deny you of the goods if you are willing to pay the price no one wiII deny you of the goods if you can't go to a motor garage to buy a vapor they say no one set well you are too short can I say that to you secondly we are some desire to say you want to buy count this price no go away no willing to pay the price we'd be so delighted to give you the car collect your money and with you bye-bye and thank you so very much for coming they are doing what the shortest man in the world I've ever seen and what your office my new dress to the award workshop to the install but you have the money so take the good so that's why your color your height your breath your appearance has no bearing what has it yelling is your stuff so it may stuff the stuff of which were made and the stuff is it asked to boot off into your system is a task let me show down in this segment by quickly showing us what I consider the principal raw material for the making of a leader the principal raw material for the making of a leader a lot of things have been said now let's wrap it up this way proverbs chapter 8 and verse 15 wisdom speaking said by me Kings reign and princes decree justice by meal princes rule yay all the judges of the earth proverbs 8 15 and 16 those like flour is the principle of materia for the making of cakes so is wisdom the principle of materia for the making of Kings and Kelsie amazed leaders the making of leaders you never have a piece of cake without flour there is no way sugar and Isaac can make a cake they are to decorate the cake the cake cake is what made of flour in the same way you never find any leader in any field who is not made of of wisdom stuff say with my wisdom and now I'd like you to please listen here because this would help us a lot wisdom stuff now what is wisdom and let's pick it from the mouth of wisdom himself Jesus Christ with the wisdom and the power of God the whole war was added by his wisdom what wisdom is not giving him the both the win and his Tom his voice and such mighty works are done by son Matthew 13:54 maxixe - so that confess him to be the wisdom of God in human flesh what is Jesus's definition of wisdom Matthew 7:24 - 28 he said who suffer here a distance of my and doing them I will lack him unto a wise man which is beauty's house upon a rock I will like him unto a wise man who is a wise man the one that hears and applies what he hears now what therefore is wisdom wisdom is not just the ability to think no otherwise everything will be wise or not or think as always what they offer us wisdom wisdom is not the engagement of common sense with Dhamma the engagement of a quiet sense commercial choir says who suffer here at the size of mine and doeth them I would like a month with wise man who has beauties house upon the rock and then came the wind and the storm on the beat vehemently Gaza has an akuna Falco's father ponder what their first wisdom wisdom can be defined therefore as the acquisition and intelligible application of knowledge wisdom is what the acquisition and the intelligible application of knowledge wisdom is not the ability to think wisdom is the ability to acquire and intelligibly and get the acquired knowledge so we ponder over the acquired knowledge to squeeze out what applies to what we are doing that's wisdom is thinking through the knowledge acquire in order to discover how it applies to what you are doing I wish you know how costly wisdom is Oh [Music] wisdom is the most costly virtue of all virtues in the kingdom you want me to show you our cause ladies let's read from top 28 and then you see the red tail of wisdom in terms of his cost in terms of his cost now talking about wisdom he said what we are shall wisdom be found vast 12 job 28 verse 12 and we are is the place of understanding man knoweth not the price they are off hello so it carries a price nowadays he found in the land of the living as a treasure you know you can dig out good you can dig out diamond but you can't dig out wisdom from the earth they banded the floor and I went on and say the Dipset it is not what made the city as it is not me it cannot be gotten for God Nita shall silver be weird for the pricier it cannot be valued with a good of offer and a precious onyx or the Sapphire the gold and Krista are not equal the exchanger which are not before pure gold no mention shall be made of Cora are appears for the price of wisdom is about rubies asked of the opposite is impose Kozlov at you because is is most valuable that's why it cannot be a tsunami mistaken for common sense Wyatt says is him as costly virtue that's why you pass by without being able to buy now maybe this example may help you I had a call to ministry with a background in architecture I would be stupid to go into ministry with an architect or mind I'll be point out that they are ward apart they don't have any bearing together so if I'm called to minister and I don't want to mess up then I must go for what I consider who helped me to measure up so I selected 39 biographies of great ministries to study how many is noyoke I mean 39 selected biographies of great ministries that are cool a my huzzah I went into them like someone researching for a purity program by Thomas telling The Futon militia was Tasmania's code Adama appears because of borrowed 1390 presences from 39 great minds to see we are the made mistakes I will not repeat where the mid remarks were to follow the steps and so that has the quality of my decision-making processes or to the work we've never bored in our ministry for anything those great minds could me into management of ministry affairs from the stories I found the secrets hello I never came and ominously with common sense I came in with a quiet sense and a commitment to apply them as they apply in the video stages of my assignment so we don't talk of wisdom without talking of bills to deals it is your Studios and gauge men that empowers you to work in wisdom because wisdom is not thinking of what to think is right but what is proven to be right Thomas you're proven you know the quality of academia paper is a function of the quality of your references isn't it nobody will agree by thinking except to tell us how others have thought in the same school so the quality of your life is essentially a quality of no references is a function of the quality of your references a bleb Assad with Billy Graham in my life it will be my great privilege to have such opportunity but I've never had it but I know much more about this man than those who are working for him unless I've read about for his biographers so I can tell his Tony his wife story and everything what is soil - tree how he made up are you came out of challenges how you handle them wisdom is not a cheap commodity somebody heard what I'm talking about now if ministry were only pretty I'll be the most lucky man in the world I'm relaxed yes but with plenty of responsibility that's why I have come to conclude by my opportun assets to the secrets of many good lives that every leader is a reader and every committed leader is a potential leader every leader is a leader because it's the engagement of the senses of others that makes him to make sense that's why I've also co-founded that every leader is Ilana and every committed Lana is a potential leader Abram Lincoln said I don't think much of a man who is not way Saturday than it was yesterday Henry Ford say when you stop learning you are all without 20 or 80 and when you keep learning you are young without 80 or 20 he said the best thing to do is to keep your man young and through the art of learning or a commitment to a lifelong learning I want into the office of connect again 1997 and then here it was reading a book of TL Osborn read it after I turn all those books in his life he was real mother also 1997 he wasn't written to post to us because he was clearly a source of blessings and resources but that was the book he was reading 1997 latin it's up today you can find a lot of Christian books without references there is no academic book of worth without cross references if it wasn't happy it was a good water so most of the things people who don't have they are no proven they are me hypothesis they're not proven so wisdom is not a cheap commodity always remind yourself of job 28 to have to it it's not a cheap comment is the costliest treasure in all the world because it demands your time it demands your energy demands resources I was a winner America sometimes and I bought books worth 9600 dollars at a time when I got home my wife said what did you bring us a come see better to my library and I opened the first box books down from the second one books as a word SSA does always and in a humorously say you see the content of these books can easily make me manufacture of the things I will have bought if I understand them hello that is sense of value your sense of value for knowledge is a great determinant of your leadership future I would never buy a piece of Ceuta my life net I was what led to with it I mean who is looking at me but if I buy books of 20,000 pounds I feel good absurd across nationals and Alba was meant to all three of those nations but you are either building a library or a beauty limitary without knowing comma now yeah either building a library although a beauty a much worried without knowing there are many more abuses today they do not there are people have graduated from college I've never had any single literature in their lives in the left they just go to work and come back from work and watch TV and go to work come back from work what TV a good leaders end up as pissant workers because they cannot pay the price of what makes a leader please not from here wisdom is not a cheap commodity is the costliest commodity but of greatest value the costliest commodity Arnab greatest value let me share with you the story of two great people that have inspired me a lot the one of them is Benjamin Franklin Megaman Franklin had only two years for my education how many years to year only two year for my education and this young man was an apprentice in a prison shop and so in those days they used to give them money for food this is your lunch money why eat it would save the money for lunch today lunch tomorrow until is enough to buy a book Eocene so you go first him for knowledge first in for what so it was doing without launch to buy books is that you suddenly the lion in him began to rise today Benjamin Franklin is a great name in American history Benjamin Franklin founded universe of Pennsylvania which is T rated number 15 university in the world as a 2008 written it was founded 1786 Benjamin Franklin developed himself to become a scientist he founded the tolda arrest on science engineering he invented it Honda was killing for free he sat and found a way of not paying that energy and eternity to affirm education you know many years have gone to screw your life now listen Benjamin Franklin founded a daily newspaper a tabloid Benjamin Franklin became one of the foremost American diplomats he single-handedly negotiated different government support for the revolution I hope I'm speaking well in London that was what empower the American forces to win today I say Benjamin Franklin day in America at all it is 365 four to six days in a year they can't read it one man who died about 300 years ago that is the treasure of wisdom it is not common sense is a costly sense Kumasi costly wisdom is not common sense is costly sense very costly cells very costly cells Benjamin Franklin read is way into greatness he read is way into leadership he wasn't waiting and wishing for it it was working arrayed how can someone with a two-year for medication found a university that is the relevant today from late May 1786 oh this is a very lazy generation we just live by and waiting for this to happen we are killed by pleasure killing my pleasure take off microphone ID I mean I've heard about my calf already now I'm talking about this fool because they are believers but they did not abuse your faith most of us are abusing the faith there's a girl come on cook for me thank you Jesus cook for me now God dragged me to walk I don't feel like driving today that's faith abuse Michael Faraday was a lab now let me tell you a story he also had a two-year formal education I noticed some of this in my book when in wisdom now is he Michael Faraday was also a printed apprentice was a booming business in the adage of the pool and how to be a printer so was there but every time scientists exhibited gas pyramid in those days they were worried about not watching film and videos movies like today it was in knowledge era Kumasi knowledge era scientists who come in and exhibit the experiment people pay to enter to watch Michael Faraday was praying to enter small boy what will he do with science now that was this great physicist in his time they call him on free Davis unreadable was a professor and then Michael Faraday went to one of those exhibitions and took note now for him to take note with only two years of education in Mostafa quipped himself to economist and professor he must have equipped himself I mean honest what I'm saying now Michael Faraday by netting notes and sent it to this professor just to satisfy his printing and then all that how much he enjoyed the lecture so one time a time came when the lab attendant of this professor left and this man needed a lab attendant any remember a boy give him a binded note of his later one time say this boy may be interested in vanilla bartender so you rode on his horse back to trace the address and apartment a Faraday would you might be my lover tonight or pleasure so Mac a Faraday was a lab attendant who grew to become a world-class physicist now listen to me in this lifetime of the debate began to be envious of the intellectual capacity of Michael Faraday in part is Bob Rafa said he was reasoning more logically than Humphry Davy's well to cut long story short you know the story if any science is how great a name make a Faraday made for himself in the field of science Macca Faraday was not only believed I was also a preacher but so down to an undying quest for knowledge and so on this place in history we don't talk of wisdom without knowledge now let me say this wisdom is the principle material for the making of leaders our knowledge is the plethora material for the making of wisdom so leaders are made of applied knowledge comedy applied knowledge knowledge is not doing what you think knowledge is doing what love discover to be right doing would have discovered to be right and that's a lot of tasks if anything can come out of Michael Faraday that is something inside you if anything can come out of Benjamin Franklin there is something inside you it's just to reorder your priorities you see students don't fail in school just because they are not intelligent most of the time you feel because you have wrong priorities so it may run priority when it should be in the class is in town when you build a library is in a party so the top him on intelligent not because he has no son internet but he has a wrong priority which as a row dad is capacity to learn so where you misplace no priority in your quest for leadership you fail to become one college is key my library has remained my most valuable asset on this earth to me today and when I'm sitting down here if I need a book I can tell them where to go check for it check for this year yes shall fall yes line to check here to find around 8:00 bring it for me I have been building there since 1974 I was 20 years old when I started building I literally - I did what was library because it was a love for reading using money to buy things that when you see the price on them - they wonder where that is - it because of how little they were selling for that time the first public lecture that was held at Covenant University the professor asked for poaching to visit my library the text is used for that lecture the main text used while from a library I'm not an academic it's so important for you not to buy books for decoration you know as a chlamydia Britannica and then you sit an entity by row then they take your picture and yeah there is nothing he has never opened it if you open the Buddhist if the books are stiff they have never been open since the day they were decorated that's not if you truly have a quest for spiritual growth then go for spiritual resources proper quest for breakthroughs and business go for material that will help to actualize it if were not a cometary reader you never imagine little you'll never you'll never emerge a leader I pray that somebody here this money has heart something somebody here this morning has had something I know you need to do is to use it I've told people time and again I'm not so crazy about where we are today I will not be surprised if we are not there because the price you can't be surprised if you go to a car go right to buy a car and you have Demonica will be surprised I think so too you can be surprised I cannot be surprised that we found I said where we are today I would love a surprise we are not there because I found wanted to take you there and I applied myself to those days and so getting there must not be surprised getting there must not be a surprise getting there must not be a surprise now for instance we are presently building a second University called landmark University with agriculture as his main and co and for the reason I had to send a team plus myself to Israel to go and check on maintain Agricultural Research settlements in Israel to buy into the UH knowledge with all the available documents and resource materials and building what is going to start next year October and then negotiated for consultancy with some of those ISA centers so we can have input from somewhere in Britain virtually anything you do with only common sense we are doing a commonplace now I'm going to be providing leadership on agricultural development program so I need to be educated so that nobody confuses me right so it's my job default to get some agriculturist all from India from here from there where they are making some present waves in Li and then try to find out what it is about similary past oh yes but I have that assignment and I have to provide leadership for you normal copilot seat or by having this and understanding why it works I told them a common Allah said in 10 years of his existence it will emerge a ward acclaimed University roughly 10 years the only seven years now nobody's talking why because the requirements have been met the results must follow hello hey somebody still here so you don't empower people by money gold silver diamond rubies will never be a substitute for wisdom the real treasure that guarantees a great future is wisdom it's acquired with the price of high-level self-discipline high-level self-discipline somebody has asked me how do you get time to read I'm gonna want to another question here okay good now my answer is how do you get time to eat because what eating is to you is what reading is to me as a butler travel with me everywhere I go is a bag of books the books of the hour they want to check out on why on this treif I read daily and I write daily and I'm a writer for also publishing booth I'm writing to draw lessons from what I read there is nothing wrong with prayer though that is not a substitute for this you can pray to acquire skill at a higher rate where it will not be equal to skill I'm happy that everybody is quiet these are very powerful vaccines it stronger anyone they use for swine flu this is to cure life flu as you take it you'll be happy you know everything that works works by knowledge everything that works everything you know while you have a lot of divorces people are so ignorant about marriage there are many many people here who have never read any book in their life for money I've never read one neither this heart in any money seminar in their life so was burned a while they messed something good by a good way I'm not been again I'm not in again they don't know nothing before we got married I read eight books of marriage how many when I was balanced we have been in it now for many years I don't have any experience of what you do when you fight we don't fight I was smarter than that if I was married there are people are going to have children they have never had anything on pregnancy or how to give birth so this latter side go it doesn't know nothing he's never read nothing there are people and they don't address it I was producing children they are just producing just producing they have never read nothing you see you can never be a leader in anything we're not willing to learn hello you cannot be a leader in anything you are not willing to name and fat it's your commitment to learning that brings out the leader in you in that field and I tried back home with a comment books for you to read you must read them and then you do seven before we are married so we come be free from all the crises so you can ask questions and they give you the answers and they tell you what what to do it you don't come to Morrissey okay I'm not satisfied you might be satisfied how many understand what leadership is now mm and I mean are willing to pay the price can you imagine if we can have in this place a thousand leaders in their videos fields what I would mean to unite economic what are we meant to the nation's we all have come from it will mean heaven on earth a mighty now we now have 2000 who are willing to buy this treasure and secure their future in the which works everywhere your kind therefore wish leadership you walk at leadership you can wish it you can wish it you walk at it the second segment I'll be speaking on the ultimate price of leadership thank you Jesus so on exactly this morning with your right hand to God I just thank him for anything you may have learned while you are young let's turn to our fear thank him for anything you may have learned in the course of this four segments I'll receive grace to appropriate ease into your lives and developing your business developing yourself in your career and making the most of the most valuable destiny your ministry organization everything about you thank you lord lord I pray that that man and that woman that would add color to the lives of many by virtue of his positive response to the demands of leadership who arise from this place this morning I pray that every man's life we step into the next phase let the hidden treasures in every one comes alive thank you lord from the stable of the Dominion publishing house comes over fifty books
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Length: 101min 41sec (6101 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2018
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