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thank you Lord for your great blessing in Jesus name Amen all right turn with me to the a mile and are you there nine minutes after 4:00 and they're going to read from with seven little stands Lee for the reading of the scripture and best seven together but it came to pass that when Sunderland and subbaiah and Arabian the ammonites and the ISIS I'd head of the walls of Jerusalem were made up that the breaches began to be stopped then they were very rough and conspire all of them together to come and fight against Jerusalem and to hinder eight amen all right verse nine nevertheless and set a watch against them day and night because of them is that also and Judah said and our dress reset they shall not know neither shall they see to become the best and cause the West to see stay tuned therefore that I in the lower plate award I said the people after their families with their source is fed and their bows and I look and rose up and said unto the nobles the rulers into the rest of the people be not afraid of them remember the Lord which is great and terrible and fight for your brethren the sons and your daughters the wife in your house and it came to pass when I enemies headed that it was known unto us and God for their counsels not but we returned ever world everyone unto his own from that time forth at the half of my seventh work in the work and the other half then he'll put the spear and shield and the bows and the Hobbit junk and the rulers were behind all the house of Judah they were still over the wall and they were those that related everyone wrote the word and with the other hand held a weapon let's read that bet again and be that resume and who's related everyone wrote in the way and the other hand held a weapon for the builders everyone having sought gated by his side and so builded and he that sounded the trumpet was by me Amen let's pray father we thank you for the great opportunity once again to be in your presence thank you Jesus for your blessing tonight in Jesus name Amen you may be seated our reverse 90 degrees and I set onto the nobles into the rulers into the rest of the people the work is great and lunch we are separated upon the wall one time from another in what they sell here the term of the trumpet resort Lisa and to us and our God shall fight for us amen so we live it in the work and a half of them held the spiritual the rising of the morning to the stars appear likewise at the same time I said unto the people let everyone with his seven Lords within Jerusalem in the nineteen media Gardens was in labor of the day so neither I nor my brethren nor my seven nor the men of a God which followed me none of us could have our clothes saving that everyone put them off for washing amen well this little story here is the story of Nehemiah building but it illustrates one of the great confusing context from which builders must come you see that my message if you like the short message tonight you can call it building and fighting you'll find out that most builders or if you are building in the house of the Lord you sometimes wonder whether you are building or fighting you know are you listening to me because this weapons in one hand I don't know what it says they build it they will put on the wall with their burdens and every one with one of these hands rot in the work and with the other hand held a weapon so sometimes you don't know whether the peasants building or is fighting and you see that two are quite different people who fight usually don't build things are you listening to me remember their ego so David you know you have fought and fought so much blood on my hands whistle you know that the man of peace should come and build is an established if you look at Africa you see our conflict and our war are not allowing us to develop and to build is that also we go to Sierra Leone Liberia since they had a war I don't really have life now to build an electric station to generate electricity it's a problem you know you need peace yeah because we need an American company or Japanese company to kind of build down if they are building the diamond you shoot them or you know rebels come and take their things or rip them or kill them or whatever no company would like to do that and then also we need peace after the war so that they can pay back the loan that they took so that we can pay back the loan and then you know that make the company would be happy but if after that they finish building rebels come and sit on the walls in anybody to use it merging you find out that set in the whole building becomes a dis preach the understand so building it's usually done in the context of pizza 65 but when it comes to the work of God there is going to be fighting and building because our enemy is no other than Satan himself the enemy of enemies the especially in order to call somebody Satan is like you ask yes you are saying that he is like Satan but enemy is not like Satan he's taken that's right himself that's right and so to build anything in the chest work the work of God the goal is a combination of building widget and fighting all the time one hand will be building the other hand will be fighting through it sometimes when you see a pastor coming under the preacher you don't know the context from which is coming right not coming from the context of peace yes often you understand what I'm saying I mean if you see the block that has been put there it will still that all these people they came and because architects will be measured and they got to have the way to sleep in the morning the contractors came and the workers came they came and the hell they are bloated so you don't know that in every block that has been made I was live and in an environment of sorts a special lots of blood and in a context of more young original and we're a fragrance nothing was billion worth of God questions using and fighting constantly and you see today I don't know how many stories I can tell you that it depends on one talking to straight the understand but the work of God is a wet which involves adding on building increasing what already exists adding something to it but in the midst of the environment of conflict jesus said don't think I have come to bring people I don't think you know sometimes when I'm going to preach it something that ok - Mira Mia saw where would I have to you know one day somebody's wife as a husband you are told you have to well that is around the where was Abby you know tranquility there's no issue there's no country there's no tension please just peacefully plus the west region is a it so powerful it's official administrator we must make much father we might live in a castle of people with girls in paradise and become social paradise and we ministers the lava the joy the peace also be paradise where it will burn by so - as also is the constant patient tale battle there for your review thought and does anything I can certainly give all that if anything comes up those of yours this side of the wall must come them around so that you come there to help you so as you are building this tension from today never be worried now your life doesn't look peaceful I like you alone Sabrina why is your life like Rama Rama is why you love mama you know your things together you don't think that I came to bring that don't thing that I can't think how I don't think that I came to brief you because the building is going to be side by side with Phi Sigma all the way there if you know my life and you know my things know that I never can stand here having come from paradise or from the Garden of Eden [Music] sometimes you see the salsa on your letter remember when you can speak abroad I was a little busy to pick one drawer well we have the solution when astonishes total olives when you click across and put it on top level you get such an opportunity you at all total you are things go smoothly for me when we step through Philip followed by superior fans as normal as normal [Music] there are Sandra these 12 subs and El Dorado I already say that I won't pick the blocks that are a lot alike which is because of the countries and the issues that I'm dealing with from this to that to that that the most richest develop a second sopressata another filling that will be lying down this is always [Music] you get what I'm saying by already son peacefully the colors add a block to another block that is already there by only I don't believe me because you are far too I mean in the ministry you will know that the building side by side reciting yeah come today don't worry my life has always been recognized why you always have lose the visit something and you if you are the type who is using the piece as a measure of God's presence and God's approval then you have to return we have elevated tonight you should take your mind after the expletive like that could be peace the other hand then there's me the time that God is with you it doesn't give them power for the past tended minimize Matthew chapter 10 verse 34 now God is going to shock you today with his way but if it's something that we don't often talk about if you as you get deeper into God into his way what will happen and more sketches will become meaningful it is really read a lot a lot of scriptures are not meaningful but you are not deep into God that's why a lot of it doesn't have any meaning but the more you get into it more things will suddenly have mean I with me notice things not that I am come to send peace on earth don't think don't have that force I came not to send peace but I thought easy this is this is this is the paddle or Christian is a place of these lines or bringing peace or if these things that peace that passes understanding your heart and with my studies honest I will go with you understanding you never think it has to be zero [Applause] if you're thinking that we neutralize a central piece allegedly it started under the other person so you're thinking must not be a first line of peace peacefulness team everything's okay everything's okay everything's okay now it's not going to be like that and we are building and working for God any political zone they don't build in peace they have to position all the time every separately somebody sing at each the ability that is nothing is available unity and the church is similar in that exchange the real thing we built in the midst of conflict all the time notice I have turned to bring a sword on also Who I am Tom he set a man at variance against his father and the daughter against her mother and the daughter in law against her mother-in-law and among favorite Saudis day of his own household wow I did it and we see how we keep an eye or father honor your mother this is our and all these days you get it but it's another time another side you see I look at my life if I'm in the ministry I'm in the ministry my father was not somebody who is too way my father did not want me to do what I'm doing we understand but I have to find a way of pleasing him you feel funny then at a point I'm on my own one at a point you are aware o as well your honor the normal pace is 14 years loser my little boy to go what is your voice oh no come here this catches forty years old and some people don't want to read it that we are moving into another kind of power it is not a spiritual good spiritual power so I I have first done what my father wanted me to do at a point because these are bidding comes to give just everything to be normally what we have these long-long money I don't believe anybody with this is like he didn't know mom there's no normal is it normal to me do good job favor any whatever I'm coming and less than what you were any before there's no normal I send somebody to a certain country all his relatives came to the house crying a person who is good look at her because he looked after all of them and then in addition to that this sister's husband somebody died so another bed in case all that came to cry how you go yeah yeah you at all what is the moment it is the fact that they so much peace in your life you are not correct I said for the stranger that I be that work never had normal but this senator de puta ministry I've never had raw mati I can tell you easy I remember one day I would climb this pulpit and I know that I've been in the ministry for time I think for ten years when I said I felt like a word that bTW he do be seen by the rain beaten by storm beeping by schools being like all kinds of things Adams I don't have a feeling of peace I had a peace that passes understanding that's not other kind of people I'm telling you ministries a wonderful thing especially if you want to build and you see the devil is planning every kind of thing to pain problems difficulties one day I was reading a book by enjoyment either the families of the call and in the book he met an eagle and he asked the easel might have to be and the eagle was it was especially a prophet and the either have been moving to the earth there were as I believe I am asking nothing trying to find what the enemy is planning what is planning against you the sec up here will use planning if analyzing are very intelligently that was very clever he does not fight us with power he fight us with possession and he analyzes everybody carefully to see which area we can take you up what will work in your case that has a lot on I see people who are going to get night already there's a lot of profit and you are now going to marry accomplished and the present are working life is missus police bingo and she's the one dies of grief or in addition to your problem then planning with others because five will go to them and we will fight them I will break whatever they ability don't think and Youkilis a father and his son a mother and her daughter a mother who degrees are the closer link the closest wish you can have a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law and they look one brings it out even more succinctly look 12 that's 49 I am come to send fire on the air and walk the line if it is already kindled but I have a pathogen to be bad time and how am i treating tail if we accomplish the 51 so forgive that I am come to bring peace on earth then I tell you me but this one but rather position I think when you bringing this vision decision cousin transport the shall be five in one house divided three against two and two against [Applause] merci listen I will run reading the words of Jesus directly read three against two and two against three in one house this is a prince of peace at work God is the author Greek the mystery of godliness is mysterious if you think you know everything about God it is not true that is why I try lucky pass judgment on setting dishes because they are probably compacted you don't know who don't the shortlist shall be divided until the Sun and the Sun against the father and the mother gives the daughter and the taught against the mother and the mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law conflict pain she Apache do you have peace on UTC campus not at all no not at all you generate occasional the actual exam with hatred before dislike you changes before Haiti and then what happens that people are divided in the opinion about me visually people are divided equally who are in the opinions against unlikely from Haiti describe three against two and two against something comes mean a good way and something is just rubbish three against two and two against three was wonderful from the time that I started in Christ I decided are you listening that I'm going a certain way I became different for my family because all my family was going in one direction and I was now exchange special in my family different life everybody is going swimming I am NOT going swimming everybody is going to this I'm not going everybody's going to this party I'm not going completely people have different opinion I stayed with my uncle and it's like what is wrong with you why don't you go out be normal och I don't enjoy this moment what are people you apart I don't even drink have something what is wrong I say I don't want it I am a mess out of obedience I was forced to go to a pub that you are going in order pub is like a drinking spot England that's what they call it pub I had said he is going and work was going great you're good yes daddy and I went like a lamp when I go to the drinking and BA we sat down and then I think my cousin or that whatever I was about to cook went to do for the cooker you didn't find it my cook I was there I acted like a laugh is it for God I will finish all right I smile a lot you guys going to July according to saliva then they were having a party a battery pack and they are supposed to have the best party in a vehicle and as I don't go to the school oh you will give my different session here you at all well we will be normal I said I will go to the school and they took me exactly as the host a little school effects but espada everybody between the parties is because the boy ones who have a third party in the distance he so like a lamb I thought when the ultimate drink Coca Cola that's my space and last opportunity in the disco I looked up with lights were flashing who I started quietly unless you will see the result that everybody likes you even opera la no forever there's nothing wrong you yeah everybody likes everybody likes what you are doing there's something pretty I'm sure of that there was actually boost at initech it's generating something why Oh everything and hatred but we keep on because we are because kill not to bring peace that is so he is a very mysteriously because at the same time you're supposed to have a peaceful whole full life and live in peace and quietness and restraint I see that so robotic fantasy that there's some peace that would be taken away when you decide to follow the Lord they decide to have the conflict if God is even do some work acceptance and fight them look at us in kalibo not look far what have we been through what have you said I one day I was talking to a man of God and he was talking about compacted he said there are some self-proclaimed never cook self-declared him he said but when the Prince of Ghana fishes dance on few times they will get on the beach when the Prince of cannot disappear then he said to me said people don't know what you are Biswanath Colligan oh please I was quiet listening to the mainstream pop conflicts and me you can never the higher you are going going the more you stay up things you'll be surprised which search has come to build a toilet I don't like doing it what if the toilet here we are what have you stand up three against in Caligula two against three exactly may your life step up the conflict that is supposed to stand anywhere amazing that piece that is supposed to be under in the name of Jesus knowledge other in the normal effect life leads to death on every side I want to be at peace with everybody not if you are really going to stand when I one one day we may say I want to marry this person say why it is that you want to marry can also bring a we want because you want to marry because you don't want to fornicate something true yeah you don't want to fornicate so I want to marry no no no ha ha dishonest is this purely through this what is that I was watching a visual manner that I will pretend to the minister at the age of 18 understand you are testing 14 you are almost ready to give that is alone yeah I guess I do 18 years old 19 20 years month 25 years or 30 citizen you should in mind why oh why Superfly marry then you say pregnancy fest another senior it can exist octane all kinds of things are paired up as you work for the Lord preach preach and I want to encourage you tonight we should thank you don't be afraid of the things that is peds your life is that controversy oh you like tearing up don't worry I am the most controversial man that I've ever seen and I'm so moving on that hasn't even let me all this mystery that is what a wife one of them goes to died a break and come Alton I see Albert [Music] one day we went to the beach I check it our assessment will be somebody drowned at those it's not us from years ago Mizuki post here car and our dispute that I think that cat went to do detention intelligent down and then brother threatened people link everything with the church as one of them is always preferred the Beadle would connected to the page size a skater go to download it I can attest [Laughter] how would a government a government without and come and fight a church in college in this case when one does not know there are people imitated the will except do not move this place is here it will filter vegetable again this model you can see a lot of people with the egg I don't see this before I'm coming and yet a whole government from as I just different motto and tell me ask to be my chicken and now that me reporter for NBC and then series you would come in fact that is bubble as I when I see all of them but dies we do ask you one before is or fourth anybody agrees when you think that they will come against you that if they want to arrest in car they would find something so don't worry that's also a lot is dangerous tonight don't worry if your whole life in to be generating by didn't ready for the right coffee felicity Cheston has a way of confusing the foolishness causes problem and then you say God using midnight to well I'm not talking about foolishly I'm talking about working for the Lord having Jesus going all the way building something for God yes it was Tara thing it is why-why-why disrespect you have two boyfriends that your friends will be one of about when you go to church and cover the evening you see why so having an affair why you would like you to go on a diet but when you find okay why are you fasting sighs oh good when you follow what are you doing don't be worried as you get deposited when you are far from the battle I read I read was in musical West Africa management is a when the war was coming to like they was in library of coming tomorrow here just outside 20 kilometres 20 mile is that the Disco's everything was working normally Muruga who are they were just 20 miles away see as you are fed up on the battle your life looks very normal but if you come this is what I'm saying just apparent magic it was as you accept services do not a war-torn country they have very peaceful section yeah logic nobility so you never know that they like Angela for 20 years another walk as the country goes on on eating me I to and another in angular 1 D Allah Allah Palau second a beautiful hotels by the dis Angela yes do the rest I have landed that during the war I saw the quickest and the could tell us a wow this is a waters area no emotionally yes we are far from the real solid technically the hotel is at work but you are very far from the reward work this is Roma the Advocate deeper and higher you get more intensely involved that would be same at the engine - thank you you fight view people's perception I don't want to go into the battle I always going to over this I don't want to go into pain tonight I don't feel like it if I was going to be messy other battling when you see blood and look this shows that you watch it they are not like real war the real war people have died think the nearest amar think that is over the words no can step in solid line this is the mirror force and fear when you see the people dying really to the skin it as you can do it comfortable but I want to welcome you see when you get to heaven one day the rewards will be determined by us car as I really challenge for our holy war he started to say the bad things he has been stabbed in DC has one at least this to do and the evidence of who he s in victaulic was one over he began eagerly also means hello in the in the saloon to be our special in that it keeps the elided client when we are covered with gold this is a sign of honor in the kingdom convention where I own what are we being to doesn't join the prosperity messages I see with the cattlemen come and let's fight after cover let's fight let's fight with the enemy let's build something as we fight with the enemy and as we build we will one day have our ninja to this lemon is happening life to this your names are being recorded when you is get involved if you read Mahima we wonder hi everybody's name was written because every single person every small thing that you do God will reward you for it and God remembers everything that you do so walking you're calling notice for each look for God if we're looking for God a conflict no problem - salmon having that what about the having done all to stand stand you know where the princess son who for transfer God understand to God come to Christ don't say what you believe see John the Baptist was in prison sleeping and they came okay he was at the center of the battle so we need your head you have come to cut off your head you see Jesus Christ you see how he is a his ministry and then they say we are coming to kill you bubbly they try to crucify him they tried to kill me run away try to kill infer that the data be copied to crucifying hatred that does that I've seen attracting people and I can see that disabling if they get me it will not be needed for me oh yeah you can see the head and seal the hater how do you call a lot of you are so far you are miles from the war itself my goodness fight with the enemy come on let's fight and let's build our Abbasi come and let's build for God by building for what built for God very soon although you are building with ten into smoke everything on this a tactical but not from the Lord to tell you to smoke come and join join drawing because there's a muscle going on oh yes it doesn't sound like that the battle going on your life because you are so far come here come look you don't have to know you are near the fort to do the two you get it after all the time you share the Sun that the parties that you are feeling some tension tension from tension festival many times I've come to stand here as I go out which I don't even know how to pitch the swords around my legs in this pier in my stomach and I'm supposed to lift it blocks and be building because every time I pick you up anything sometimes I just I just I guess laughs some are not comfortable I love to myself that just laugh I laugh I just laugh at myself and I just love i13 it's funny hoping it's funny to me so now that those are you very peaceful those are you peacefully my knife white shed or whatever collected platform and so compose everything works this no problem well we have message everything's normal beautiful paradise no financial problem and if you see me driving my car oh this one day the money from paradise and in the inner part of travel the enjoy one and then it's always necessary you don't have an idea you don't have an idea the bleeding sometimes you'll be bleeding we have to leave the blocks the word when if things are there's conflict he says in the household household difficult enemy sticky sticky from the leg I got four foul just in the last hour walking a people cannot see this straight you are blood that is spoon the only one you have this is because you are far but I want to welcome you to a higher job the difference in them if you go to the doctor and the doctor tells you you are dying all my proceed all the creatures have a right to sudden thing no to feel the sickness they believe what I'm saying come here you are so fast that by going here is done when I talk about war in the churches and the stamina and I don't blame you and that's why we've inside to explain seven because the weapons of the enemy are complicated little PEZ Ambrose che milada complete available sophisticated our enemy is planning that we conspired preserve a supply for you without you don't know mother plan that's why we need to pray for grace for Lexi and for your eyes to be open because you will notice at last some of the plans are long-term shorter it's a long-range plan one day I saw that the buffer tends to get offended hey when you get her she doesn't talk but it's so good enough for the enemy keep him let him happy to get her she didn't fall like that till one day the enemy got him on a mission where he get hurt and you would not talk and that was the kind of issue that it was before I realized he has been born out of the battle you saw me that every that all you see is Caucasian he doesn't go slowly with everything either so one day we do something and pick you out keep spamming your commander is looking at you closely the enemy select noodles look at anything over this guy that is why the flow safety is by being close to his aleinu all of a sudden we click little as you all of us have a week please you may not know that I had a compelling career Allen Iverson week everybody has a weak spot I feel even if you don't think you have a weak spot Jesus said the Spirit is willing flesh exploited by the source of the weaknesses in the flesh defending a man's flesh in a woman's flesh the women your things are different in group of things that come to minute and then a month like different things another group but is there it is that door and are you sorry that you not all take you on now you are too strong all I give you 10 years 50 years when you're 50 years old are taking or not finishing let's kill you with nothing that is like God is always dealing with us about our character our flesh as good because that is the dog the dog some of the depression killing fresh thinking if you don't treat white you have one day in a day to finish some now one of the wild tricks of the devil is when he uses your strengths as a weakness Oh what it will do is that what you are strong about it's usually what you'll be weakened up usually what you get is a given example many people have been faced strong a very good lighthouses and we are so blessed with ally ministry it's a very good thing without the labels realize how shinobi lighthouse but the rail industry can help with our weakness and the failure to move out of explains we need to move that will become your end same thing maybe a very strict about sing about this about that and the same stickler to just become price and judgment that you have a piece of the same morality and part of I becomes pride and judgment and you just repeat yourself across tally the papacy check what I did because when you start a thing then you are appeals of absence equation as I better to just allow mercy like I said we are not married because I wanted people God that has been very good to that same strength not to simple work very well as a homosexual heart [Music] so when their enemies tassel you must look a lot you are stroller like you say my strength is prayer suddenly can catch you up on the stage and so that now the father you break so much a so much is not your business because now the good time for that realization of the way that artists are for practice now your weaknesses what shall we do first are we to which are sick losing the Lord that's asking that yes Lord I just want to be by just want to be near you our voice in this chest as our strengths have become a weakness I've seen some today we are stronger that is the very thing that tells it where we claim because you are so if you are so traditionally khuda that that you hold on to it when you shouldn't hold on to it I don't know whether you know one other thing I don't like this so one day somebody came up for something I set out P and that's something the tough strange thing I don't like the standard gives me because when we say we stayed for one year and a sloppy page after a few months that familiar with it was bankrupt and went off that was on as well as the logic avicii yunyoung along and I go like that don't know anybody with such thing as 10 against you I can witness because even though in good there are times that it is not good none of the page or in a partnership it's wonderful are you listening to me tell is a complete buckle flat very very very very complex matter of very very complex and need you need the grace and the wisdom to stay in this battle with the household with the are there I'm gonna go to widows you have two against Rodriguez Khalid can restart lives abroad I don't want to do it with the pasta on the body Paula if there is it in a platter a legacy that I got to jump from oil then you want we have to try the Raisa let's find whoever the devil employed against you and still live asparagus a local keeping the upper hand when I wasn't a bishop Lagarde and I do not anticipate for me you know the best preoccupation I really enjoy his press because the first sentence is a lot will end up being a crisis that he does not have the upper hand so the fenced-in backyard now they'll never be exciting I just don't have the hahaha he's used to fighting through the press and the person has cancer I think that people here for people that work for me the person may there never be a crisis that she does not have the type led by our people requalified prayer and warrior listen but when they are putting that up you know the IRS depart companies basically become the Wendy's come back again and I said I said after that for the atmosphere is from the jet really and he said congratulations after that four five times [Music] mr. damages what have you been to photographer as a reader than a very nice gesture doesn't need to screw difficulty to screw sable cookies my daddy say like if they say budget everything who I want but he studied the environment from which really develop honest Culture Minister may not know the problems at the equator before they come to me but wonder what others came to Ghana was preaching you know afterwards you know realize that he was he was in some conflict in this country issues and they were only human realize the awkward intervals as we were so very happy so the issues at the front lines are deriving total people people the front line one day I want to be somewhere at pretty beautifully the people will blame after finished preaching some people came to see the product some political cases as a sunset away for the relatively people collectors good sensational bosom so that church was neither very clear this is I know so good at doing bicycle they when I came the next day to preach deserve a greater than I thought today the smell is not by burns and bountiful I propose this is a survival even though the very big church so Sudan parts Adama northern and somebody came in another position they only want to talk to you about something I said yeah yesterday be dressing down the contest down according prick somewhat they dressed me down any because you said this I should you say this how you say that this what it means we should know that this and that and therefore this under under then the brother's wife also contains activity whose physical I thank you for kissing displeasing everyone opposes they were still threatening I've never - so when I went to preacher give me my people who allotted validity if you know what I gotten cooler I just thought that he who's not a blank like I'm talking cause he doesn't listen mr. Rock that day I saw somebody the stomach was like eight months pregnant in the service too much money the advice woman is virus the one kill and kill - Mrs America miracles happen I preached you know have any other when I when will go to relieve internal essa nobody knows the context from which were coming to do the Welcome bra if Isis Boko Haram that's conflict zone it will frequently one hand this you know for a fact inability good marvelous welcome I welcome to a happy when the Prince of Ghana visiting society you know run away from the body that you think is so agreeable to the bus thank you Jesus for great opportunity but a big one there is a presence we would not have you don't wanna read it to you we would not have you ignorant of our trouble which case was in Asia listen he said we were pressed out of leather a very instant much as we despaired even of life so we have the sentence of death in ourselves that we should not trust in ourselves but in God which we did the day Elizabeth I will not have the signal of our trouble which came the press out of leather I picked up my paper right a suppressor patient even spell Jesus if the matter we didn't wanted I have had past as morally demise of wanting to die you just want to life is that end the skittles and ideal for that is better than I order with Vicente understood by really in religions some of your small Shepherd Mundi specific and I know one day when we get to heaven our boobs Scott from friction all those things would wake up our group or that our lighter flicks are working for us and we came out with a group I want to welcome you to join the builders you see them even in politics they expression we are building a road back to community for then you you have to fight election and produce not a small thing yeah may we don't catch it when those things are not simple financially you fight you wonder American ecology sanada-san yahoo.com we come to chattering one away I don't have money wealthy a nicer precious father remember your children in the last battle fabulous their mind in depression and the pressings of the energy and the readings and all the things that are pressurizing the children remember I receive and deliver health what because we want to save you loss of avatar being caught by the enemy we are charged it's not even that we cry that you help receive the help of a lawyer and it seriously thank you the great thing is best warrior [Music] don't be discouraged there's a spirit of the law no no no no you cannot run away because of a little pressure it's not time to be key it's time to learn can define for you have said no one knows what I'm going to other state the more I know what you are going through what you have I know that you have not come out of peace but out of the dishes another wall but I will keep fighting keep fighting keep fighting it's worth it it's weapon it's worth it as worth it it's worth it keep fighting for my nails clip building for my Nexus for great blessing is intended entry challenge is you haven't for my title and for my children I will never leave you I will never abandon you my or great lesson lieutenant thank you Jesus for your blessing Lord as we find and as we build remember the little one handsome Lord so our wounds foreign Lord trusted our soul Lord give us blood transmission no I seek God giving blood transmission to all tired records and can't do this yes I know you have financial difficulties but I have lost strength indeed it is not a very warm that you can find in such an environment father thank you for your great blessing and your healing value of this stood upon us in Jesus name [Music]
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 3,096
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 2003, Dag Heward-Mills, Lighthouse, Lighthouse Chapel International, LCI, Korle gonno, Bishop Dag, Dag, Dag Heward, Dag Heward Mills, Christian, Teaching, Anointing, Preaching, Work of Ministry, The Leaders' Services
Id: zRY8UIYcA7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 23sec (4223 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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