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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey what's up dudes it's pat and welcome back to bad wars and today I am actually joined by Lizzy you who I'm over here I'm actually so nervous because honestly after being on X life and just seeing how good you build and everything I just feel like you're the ultimate minecraft player and you embarrass me in my own game I will say PvP is my one weakness I hope so I really do oh man I feel like I feel confident but I feel like you're good at everything and I'm scared I think you're gonna be really lucky I think that's my problem I am a really unlucky person so I'm probably just gonna get the blocks that kill me even though lucky lucky blocks are gonna kill me somehow um I hope that they do I'm just I'm nervous after everything I even remember that time that when we went to London I like I played you in like miniature golf and I remember losing at everything I haven't wanted anything [Music] alright so basically guys check out Lizzy's channel it will be down below but we're playing lucky block bed Wars the way it works is if we died and our bed is gone we lose so we must defend this at all costs I've showed Lizzy all the trades with special items in the middle over here there's lucky blocks in January they have on Lizzy's face is one of the nice pieces of armour and my pants are in that chest right over there I'm the Admiral generator is over there and in the middle there is of course your favorite Lizzy the Joel saber is waiting for us I need that weapon it's so powerful and of course very related to me I need it like I feel like it'll feel so good if I can get you with it oh no I don't want to die at the hands of the Joel saber oh oh that would be absolutely amazing so we got some trades over here guys um we have the three different people we got Kiley with useful items Lizzy has memorized every single one isn't that right exactly yes we got the block strategist one of the important ones to keep in mind is the pickaxe we can buy here Lizzy so you might need that if I have a good defense break the blocks around your bed yeah cuz I'm gonna have like the best defense you've ever seen a bunch of wonderful things over here as well with Chuck Norris and we have the regular rules no building to other players obsidian area you may bring any blocks and use your enchantment table and oh so what do we have in this chest Lizzie oh alright beautiful lucky blocks here oh this chest okay there's another chest pad and stuff in it ignore that one ignore that one we need we need these beautiful lucky blocks it's the only way you're gonna win today well I don't know I think I could win without the lucky books maybe I don't need the lucky blocks don't use them that I'm gonna use them anyway because I'm a chaotic person and I like the chaos alright I'm excited I can't wait so no way they were gonna sign this would grab all your blocks and then stand on the bed that is the starting point for this okay do I have to grab the unlucky ones because I don't want to touch them you do not have to grab them you really don't oh and guys if you're here to my channel definitely smash the subscribe button and the like button and ring the bell it protects you from coronavirus because you'll be at home watching my videos alright here we go alright guys we had an issue with the emerald lucky blocks somehow they were invisible for Lizzie I don't know what was happening don't judge me I can't see emerald lucky blocks so we right here we have these beautiful yellow ones are you ready I was probably win that round if I lose this one I have an excuse here we go oh and don't worry alright here we go three two one and let's go good luck to you thank you I'm gonna go straight for the iron fist alright I'm going to do different things boom alright this start it's coming along it's coming along pretty well just so you know I already have some beautiful diamond armor on whoa oh yeah I'm going quick oh my god this luck like the thing is you have to realize I'm a very lucky person yeah we are doing three rounds anyways so Oh God tnc just went everywhere I mean lost very little durability since I'm wearing diamonds oh yeah alright let's defend this bad that's like the most important thing got to make sure your bet is nicely defended I don't want you to look at mine and see what I've done with mine because it's just embarrassing oh I see wood over there you didn't even like turn it into planks either alright you have four times as much for this why did I not think of that oh thank you for the idea I'm gonna do it now alright that'll waste some time picking that off in the chase in it there oh my god that's so funny oh god I'm just dying alright now it's night time that's nice okay I think my bed is sufficiently protected for now so if I start dying please don't laugh at me I mean honestly I'm a little bit nervous I'm happy for you when I say that I'm actually like also when I said good luck I was lying - bad luck there's so many mobs I'm just ice alright I got given a nether star I can trade that I need a special saber is what I need I need Joel's help to win this one well you're going to the middle I may go there you know it's a dream of mine I also have dreams to visit the middle yeah I know it's a beautiful dream hope I can get there someday there's like a million zombies in my feet also some of my villagers may have a glitch down on me which is fine I don't need them right now I have a plan feel villagers all right what's your plan tell me it's a secret you'll have to see okay oh man alright so I have some armor though do you have armor see you like I feel like that I'd go alright okay good see I'm pretty sure I could beat you in PvP if you have no armor on yes specially cuz I don't even have a sword so I'm not even going to engage in right now all right yeah just run from me if you see me okay please don't do my base all right I will never come to your base I would never do such a thing are you on your way right now okay away anywhere okay I'm just trying to enjoy life you know and enjoy my lucky blocks my gosh I see I see you're trying to go to the middle all right the thing is I don't have a lot of blocks in my villagers I may have up like down slightly so okay I mean you get to the middle and not fall down because there's some jumps over here I don't want to mess them up it's gonna be embarrassing huh I also hope you don't die because then you'll be back at your base where I currently am wait are you on my basically really my base right now do you never fall yeah I'm scared oh god you're freaking me out are you really in my face maybe oh my god because you are that I really have to be careful on these jumps over here oh god I don't even like to make long parkour jumps if I hear in my base bout my base well oh you don't have to come and see did you get any pros because you didn't there's no connection yeah weird like how would I get there right I know you're freaking me I don't know if you're doing mind games or something and I don't like it right now oh man I'm scared yeah here I hit the zombie that you were talking about hair in your face oh god I see you in my face right here it wouldn't take much for me to break it oh man I don't know what to do you stay away from me I run out of hunger so I'm very that was intense oh was so good oh my god you beat me at my homie and luckily this three rounds oh my god you potion I didn't destroy the bed yet I destroyed the face didn't oh my gosh I thought that the boss I am I should have maybe destroyed the bed before I yeah oh I got I thought it was over completely where are you now here in your base I'm in my face yeah oh okay that was not exactly what I expected I thought the round was over I was like man she played really well and then nope not quite but I'm coming for you don't worry okay I need some good know what you're doing over there I'm mostly just defending my stuff and hoping that I could win this still okay I may have just gotten some nice enchanted boots over here oh no oh all right you're gonna be injured when I get over there that's of another key to my victory here stairs I'm really running out of blocks here hey what are you doing all of those are quite dangerous okay I know I have a couple useful items okay what are we gonna do we're gonna build up to each other and then you're gonna try to knock me off is that what's happening that is the plan yes that would be the strategy all right because I have a bomb I just don't see any way this is gonna work well I have to try okay okay okay I'm - I can't I'm not close enough to reach you man that was small Oh all right guys we're back for round two and I'm so nervous because Lizzie played that so skilled last round oh man what can I say I might not be great at PvP but I've got the mind games I got mind powers yeah I thought you were messing with me before you said you're in my page - all right are you ready for this we're doing 3 2 1 countdown I'm ready 3 2 1 go and it is on okay come on pack oh no what is this line castle I almost destroyed my bed so funny scary because then I couldn't have open any more lucky books in case I died I no see that's the worst thing we can happen is blowing up your own bed Lizzie's opening I'm right there you're so risky where are you opening them me I was opening in the Obsidian area oh you know hit safe yeah I thought you know the speed would be important and I have a skeleton riding a horse and I'd like to send him over to you how do I do that I'll just have him like you know build a bridge towards me and just have him follow you over it might be possible oh my god can you see what I've just fallen into oh you're in the lava trap that waste so much time alright that's perfect I can't even get out oh man this is great okay I have to make sure that I like tried very hard because if I lose another round okay you know I kind of lost like the whole thing you know what I mean this is your game you should not be losing at your own game I know don't throw it in my face like that okay I got a bunch of lucky potions oh no I accidentally did them all at once all right well good oops but that's fine you're not in my Basin by the way I have obsidian around mine oh I forgot to protect my bed I really like more than anything in this game all I want is to get the Joel thing to kill you oh okay I see hey maybe I should go to the middle so that that can't happen um probably a good idea because I'm gonna be going for that in a weird situation right now but that's fine um you don't even know where I am you know me and me are you oh no I'm not near you I would never do such thing okay I got a little bit wood which is nice Miller you know I'm not in the middle I'm trying to get to the middle but I just can't seem to get to it no matter what I do I just want to get that weapon because if I tell you what that weapon I'll feel like it's it's like more valuable to me okay I see now I want to kill you with that weapon I know you should I mean now to be perfect it's like you enjoy working together to kill me alright so how are things going over there I don't know if you're gonna be honest but acting my bed that's my main priority because I don't have a lot of confidence that I'm able to survive the onslaught alright you have an onslaught that is going to be coming to you quite soon probably I'm hungry that's one of my issues these some of these baked potatoes okay at least I have a couple things I think I'm doing better than I was doing last round honestly I was unlucky blocks no wonder I was falling in lava oh that makes sense [Music] oh yeah you're doing good over there you know see the thing is I'm just so nervous like I'm so stressed and all these games make me so stressed by the way your beds gone oh oh yeah you lost I came over so I got enderpearls right away so I went to the middle and got the soft and earth rolled over here got your bed oh you went all the way to the middle I didn't even notice because you there were no bridges I know the end of rows are a huge advantage honestly yeah do you have my slime castle though I do like it you could have destroyed your bed with this so easily you know imagine you replace your bed or the slime castle like on the first block baby so sad alright guys so it looks like round two goes to me and you know this is exciting because the final round is the that's what you have to do on other people's faces Oh the final round is actually going to decide who the winner is so we're gonna reset this and see you guys for round three okay guys we're on to round 3 the tiebreaker round I'm so nervous right now I need to bring this back I cannot lose okay okay okay here we go I feel like I need a different strategy now I need to come up with something brand new something fresh something unexpected okay I'm ready here we go three to go and here it is okay I'm nervous I'm immediately gonna open my lucky books because you can get super lucky I know I know I know give me ender pearls please whoa what did you get why make that noise why are you making that noise I wonder Oh God get away from my bed you miss you miss Lizzie I'm protecting my man at all costs right now get away from my bed get away from it Oh Oh God I'll spare you your life if you let me take the bed No get off oh god no no no no oh my god oh my god Oh me I'm gonna cry I'm getting away from you that's one thing I'm doing I need to make sure that I have better stuff than you it's the only way that I'm gonna survive this now oh the stress okay there's a weapon she's not gonna kill me now yeah she probably won't be able to okay you're like so superior you talk about yourself in third person now get away from me Lizzie I think you might enjoy oh that was not how this was meant to go all right I have some quite nice things I need much nicer things now okay what do i do how can I get over to Lizzie I'm so nervous because I just realized that I haven't protected my bed yet all right well I'm coming for your bed right now then it's my only choice my bed though I have to make sure I don't get knocked off the edge that's really like the one thing that'll get me so I need to be a little careful you think you're scared I feel feel sick I don't even know where to go do you feel trapped in content and vulnerable yeah I feel like my hands are shaking a little bit too and it's like worse oh no this is just so bad I mean I have nothing to defend now so it's literally like nothing for me to protect but you still the bed once you lose that bed which you will lose that bad to me I hope I'm trying to protect it I don't know how you good bless if you get obsidian around it or something I feel like I'm gonna have no chance at all yeah because you unless you have a really good pickaxe I know I need again definitely like a diamond one I just got the best the best thing that gave me was a good stuff oh no no I'm not because I'm scared I'm too afraid to go over to you that's what the whole issue right now all right I mean I need more blocks honestly I do have a couple like strategy ideas that may possibly work let me see what do I have yeah I can possibly do this okay I'm so hungry though to let me eat a Fulton Apple I've tons of golden apples by the way so don't even try to kill me okay freak it out I don't even have a broken bed and I'm freaking out I'm really freaking out honestly okay where's Liz yeah I thought of Cydia okay do you really have obsidian right now I just put some obsidian down oh no oh no no this is bad news for me I hope you have a good pickaxe um I don't even own a pickaxe that's probably one of my main issues right now that would be a problem yeah I'm gonna cover my bed so much you're not even gonna know where to start digging that's awful I have completely uh latch the area at this point because I'm so afraid of Lizzie oh where are you I'm gone I'm gone you'll never find me I'll just look playing hide and seek it out oh that's true because all I need to do is kill you hmm shame I don't have anything to kill you with okay I'm surprised that you don't alright what I need to do is I need get some lucky blocks I need to get some I'm afraid if I open lucky blocks they'll kill me and that's how I'm gonna die oh yeah cuz you could kill yourself and it would all be over for you yeah and I maybe I should just wait here and let you do that the funny thing is I'm probably happen within five minutes if you just wait there like I feel like I'm shaking and I'm freaking out over here this is my tactic people are expecting a lot from me here this is my game hmmm I don't have enough to pay these villages for the things that they want alright good they won't they will not give you a discount the map don't use this opportunity I'm trying to okay there's no I'm nowhere near you so doesn't even matter anyways okay just checking okay this is your way have you got the Joel Sabre is that what you're doing I was considering heading in that direction I do not have it but I would like it because I feel like it would be quite helpful to me because then at least I could show you if we have to fight hmm what you don't have it right you probably could have gotten it during all this time honestly I think maybe I'll try wait you're over there I'm not going over that how do you know I can see you with my eyeballs Oh Oh your eyes are blind I'm not over there I'm not overcome that over here freaking okay super lucky box will not kill me I'm sure of that right like what's the chance that seems like that would be low Oh God well I'm not even gonna touch it you and I can't even do that I know is that why you're trying to do right now are you trying to get near me I am and I keep falling a dying good it's the only chance yes okay I got some good things I grabbed all this stuff and want you to have any of it oh it is oh my god I freaked out for a second I saw a bunny and I thought it was you because like I'm like seeing things at this point and should I shoot at you it you could try but I will dodge everything oh my or exploited in there I do that oh yeah it's kind of um it's kind of a cool bow alright so I'm trying to figure out even where you are I've moved so much during this I don't even know where the star areas are anymore and you lost I actually got lost on the map this has never happened to me before and you tried to escape and you've gotten lost what's happened I really really want an ender pro but I'm just too afraid to open these blocks like I'm afraid something terrible will happen to me but it's like my only way to get an ender pearl okay okay okay so yeah you could use it to get over to me but would it be the right decision I'm thinking it might be because I think you need killing all right my hungers getting low we have some rabbits too I'm making my way across very slowly but I'm getting mad don't just last for three minutes okay all right Lizzie I'll find you and I will take you down if you come over here I hope your arm is you're hiding out on the main island is that what you're telling me I mean I it's possible I could be over in this vicinity I see your name yeah cuz I am over here hi I know you have that annoying power to so I'm a little worried about it yeah I don't know what's gonna do it's random every time it was just an arrow yes sometimes it's just a normal arrow I don't have any arrows but I do have the same bonus you hmm all right you put a bunch of webs that's gonna be so annoying how do I get over to you is the real question without dying do you even want to I want to get to your base is what I want to do you just the review is thawed come here I'm like I'll just hide behind you for the rest of my life if I have to and that would work because I have some nothing to kill you with all right I'm trying to see can I make some crazy leap to you that would actually be very funny where are you oh thanks again oh my god that explosion I had so much good stuff - it didn't matter what I had because that power just blew me up Oh Lizzie you won oh you're so good at this thank you I don't think I'll ever do it again so that I can claim I'm a hundred percent victorious yeah that would be the way to do it look I have so many good things I had um three enchanted golden apples you see these these beautiful golden apples well yeah why didn't you eat one of those I probably could have saved your life I don't know well I didn't expect to blow up in my face I was saving it for if we have to like to hand-to-hand combat together oh I see I had nothing to fight you it I have a pickaxe oh you would have been in hand-to-hand combat anyway I know I know I know I mean I had this of course I wanted to fight you I just want to go like that Wow okay that's all I wanted Oh oh man I just needed to get past you so I escaped to the other bases before and this is a very beautiful defense you have made here it's so well protected I'd love to see how you try and get in here I had a strategy I could do it in like three seconds oh oh well that'd work probably right this is history and I came up with get back it didn't even work oh it's fully protected in the city in Israel yeah okay I had no chance this round let's be honest I mean the only other thing that I could have done and you would have to just not even be here is if I took my unlucky ones and just kind of hope that they deleted yours I didn't work that didn't work you're gonna made a slime castle oh that worked I have lost so I bow down victory victory Lizzy I bow down thank you thank you I'm the queen of bed walls this you'd never even got to use the weapon I didn't even get to hold this I know look at it look oh it looks perfect but uh yeah it is today Lizzy beat me in bed wars I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did definitely subscribe and drop a like on the video and bring the belt and check out Lizzy's channel down below thank you so much for playing with me today thank you for letting me destroy you oh oh yeah you're welcome have an amazing day guys and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 1,136,694
Rating: 4.9172931 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, popularmmos, challenge, game, games, mod, mods, mini game, funny, gaming, comedy, trolling, family friendly, new, building, survival, bedwars, ldshadowlady, lucky, block
Id: P-Rexh18iSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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