Lucky Block Mod Staircase Challenge

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going on I heard loads of oh he's fine hello chief [Music] hey guys what's up ldshadowlady here today I'm joined by yummy Brin Oh a pixel sticks or joysticks aka smallish beans and today we're playing the lucky bucks staircase challenge map thingamabob buddy that Bodil thought he made up and we stole so the aim of the game is to make your way up the staircase you have your own staircase by the way and we're making your way up someone else's staircase and breaking all the lucky blocks on the way and they might be lucky or unlucky if you never played with the little key what's my before you're in for a surprise you're very surprised amazing so you had to break them all there's no missing any lucky blocks and whoever makes it to the top first is the winner does everyone understand yeah does you have any questions no no now okay I guess we can go let's do the same time they're still at the same time still right I can't breathe Vanya max all paintings how you spoke is just okay we have to kill this guy's anyone have a son no I just got all the mobs that was not me yeah there's a giant there are some serious issues mostly stemming from this magma cube yeah yeah Easter is definitely the worst also got it quite bad I just bought yourself God this has been disastrous I thought we need anyway poison now so I can let grief you guys you said that right this is messy it's like a magma cube and a giant zombie some of the bedrock keep moving hello chief oh my god another magma cube just bond [Music] I don't like magma cubes I just got really lucky loads in a row get some help before I progress I have to climb up like 20 blocks of water this is ridiculous way down there by the blaze if anyone can pick it up great there's like a whole bunch like diamond tokens Bellomo might think if anyone you know some blocks lucky fellows to burn the leader back too far guys we know okay seeing through speeding through oh nice okay no further me now you reckon I'm going right at the bottom at the moment so I'm gonna try my way back out I'm okay thanks good nose up to me I'm gonna just smash through the wall oh these creepers it you've spawned in I can't see anything wait there's a giant can you jump on a fencepost oh okay got me out of it myself each time yeah I'm gonna just like make a staircase which I can actually follow this time keep screwing things up try not this is that giant zombie ah get off there yeah see you later mate can they spawn in gay just fall through the air yeah because I thought I just read like full things guys really high up no it's gonna power throws gonna power through I don't care who's wanting that ultimate creepers at you y'know blocks well then before they're like right Meg around only ultimate evil Oh supercharge whatever day yeah play in distress whispers to you listen to me joysticks you're in grave danger you need to run now take this mushroom mushroom it's your only hope sure it's called only hope I wasn't expecting that oh it's so uh good to get up once your path gets blocked but I've got full armor that's good that will come in handy I've got two blocks now spilling play up with a jukebox now yes I got it which came true if you like potatoes what this is ridiculous what is going on I've got I don't know you talking about I'm all the way on my side I just placed the gas where is it it's not Oh God I like jump up there just place it and like so he might be after me to be honest no it's like really far up your part now I get to practice my bishop oh god no he knows I'm good we're good I got it yeah oh the Wishing Well is so annoying [Music] I'm gonna get that yeah there we go we're all quite close to the top now I think the trick is to just speed through and just take them as they come yeah and then not hope but no massive stack of that was I think it wasn't no well please drive me nuts to make sure you don't leave any lucky books behind by the way especially if they were spawned and by another lucky block Oh guys oh no no okay I think I'm there oh boy Bob Bob oh well is it well really annoying if you land in it or does it not harm you in any way different finding it but you have to wait well you can know everything's on fire who did this oh cool that's awesome what did you get potatoes Oh get away from me Pat Oh Kristen please knows that there's a cat I'm not kicking anyone I'm up Joel to kelp to my we did this water that wasn't even me like a slip and slide oh no no I said I'm gonna move out of the way because yours gonna blow up with something could you tell me where Yami is so I can there are cats everywhere wait what's happening does it count fire I've got to get an unlucky one soon but you're gonna knock me off you need some inspirational music oh yeah please I got cat next one's the winner yes green and then I'm second cuz that's don't religious well does everyone in this video their links will be in the description if you wanna go check out their channels as well don't forget to leave a like if you enjoyed this video as much as we clearly have this and we'll see you next time oh my god it's a - aw did you see that so huge so dear okay I'm gonna just kill the cow there's one this is only one
Channel: LDShadowLady
Views: 4,712,977
Rating: 4.918509 out of 5
Keywords: ldshadowlady, minecraft, mini game, girl gamer, pink hair, funny, walkthrough, lucky block mod, lucky block, lucky blocks, lucky block parkour, lucky block map, lucky block multiplayer, lucky block stairs, lucky block staircase
Id: hXh2J1K9yvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 05 2014
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