Girls vs Boys | Minecraft Bingo!

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hey guys what's up ldshadowlady here and I'm here with yummy Joel and Olli and we're playing some minecraft bingo and it's boys versus the girls so let's go oh you're a tease yes it is they'll smell [Music] we're gonna go blue team cuz this is the more feminine color so you could smell the red team blues my color that we just clicks tongue oh yeah Oh cards exciting I will explain bingo for you that are not seasoned bingo professionals so basically you can see the card that you have which is a map cleverly designed basically you have to get bingo which is a full line either horizontal vertical or diagonal you have to just collect each of the items it automatically updates when you have one so that's how you know and whoever wins is the winner can we can we and no you spawn whoa that's intimidating this is gone really far away from each other so we probably won't even see each other which is sad but it's probably for the best because you guys look oh no I'm not sure what some of these items are on the list really well there's some sort of lover Anik Bowl let's start the game okay start oh look inside of yummy I'm very zoomed in yeah it just takes a while for the effect to wear off and then you begin apparently I can only jump direction yeah it's hot to victory okay so Ally which one you want to go at first let us plan our tactics now does that go that's really weird yeah okay okay so let's go for the easiest ones I think let's go we gotta go for the ones that aren't like you know to build I think they're gonna get like apples and carrots and [ __ ] apple says go for apples first we could trees oh they're random those they're random yes oh they have a probability probability sorry guys this about Elliot yeah so that tree gave us no apples probably need wood for something let me correct a minor need a red flower at all no I will not so I'll just leave that hey like to possibly share some what job for everyone question all the mushrooms no you do not that's so oh there's never Polly I've got mushroom down here we need a red mushroom then we got mushroom stew you kind of have to play like normal to you know you have to make a sod to defend yourself take to go mining listen I'll forget about that bingo I mean it's it's pretty similar yeah alright this is gonna be very tricky the mushroom soup is nowhere near the Apple so that was kind of pointless collecting both which one you want to do okay a completely last break event are we exploring passion trees these apples are rarer than ashes of a large all sorry I've got last I'll get an apple as well right Ally I found a cane he's three mobile to get some iron whereabouts you who are you doing yeah because we could like meinster one of them is diamond I think I can see you over there in the distance give me give me a 12 color tree six o'clock yes alright good we're like armyman armyman can't say give me a like a time I twelve O'Clock and I just spin round I wasn't very good at clocks all right there's a cave here behind this tree with caves we have terrible look I can't find any games there's a cake there's some coal up here at least then we can get that photographer no why is there no Apple I know what the heck yeah I gave up on punching trees yeah I think I'm gonna have to give up right now over the mountain to see the big room no oh wait I know I can find something I do I see pumpkins I'll go the opposite way I I did a full circle only we need to get two bits of iron with me Cheers do you see any gravel no not near me see I'm speaking in there slightly off yeah was basically pig latin yeah we need gravel cuz we need Flint yeah I see and guess what's here guess what's here oh yeah oh yeah I can see another cave in the distance let's go I don't know you right oh yeah oh yeah oh yes this is what this is probably splitting the groups have been slightly better which item have you got Flynn oh yeah I can see lava as well where you come back up into the out the cave and - I'm out I'm gonna go up the hill again sniffing seed from above I'm by the entrance of the cave with the mountain far away where are you I can see it's no bomb in front of me I can see coal your name I see her name it's cool you might as well take the coal if you can yeah if we go into a cave good idea yeah I can't share my idea with you without them knowing but fished out a carrot and compass yeah it's a possibility you know depends what happens we'll see we'll see how the game tree Stojko yeah I agree okay I make you some stone tools did you see the case I went into this that's quite and sound here but maybe I'll see you I am why the coal was which you probably do communications with each other it's fine we can they can cook them all ground resistance they snow biome yeah if I can see you we didn't get a single bone that's bull bad why do you see an ice biome by the way oh wait I see you wait oh yeah I see you am i this is quite lucky absolutely okay where I'm going now this is where the cave is in a straight line from where I'm going zombies and skeletons and bad things how is that you've been oh no guys gonna just say MLG oh we got four items Olli what items were they cuz I can't really see the matter yeah it's very on the floor Oh how do I get back it brings you back yeah oh they any in a particular line so it's okay we still got to into potential lines we just need to get a melon and I and a fish that is quite easy them there oh we got string as well we could catch fish oh my god okay I need coal over here okay I'm calling a shortage I still think the best way to do this is to find a village yeah cuz you need a carrot found like ten blocks of iron down here you do some mining I'm gonna go village I'm a furnace we could split up it's doesn't matter splits trap okay Oh do we lose all the things if you die do you lose it yeah me Izzy if you die do you still keep but you'll lose like fools and stuff oh here's less yellow yellow this stuff and then I could go out and get weight and I've got a saddle oh yeah I'm gonna get myself a horse what you gonna find a name tag - and name it I've got this as well you've got time to dilly-dally totally need some sugarcane on cows I'm gonna get the pig I need you to come help get the phone okay please do it for the vine I think I've ER I saw some vines earlier which you can go collects and we will try and find them is it have you got the brown mushrooms there's someone do your feet where you were with the tree right I knew that vines also Ally do you read wider yeah oh yes I'll bring this yeah hey guys Hey oh yeah crafting bench one gotta combine and make the Megazord am i right whoa yeah it's updating my bingo map what Oh finger Bongo that's all that this heck is the K this way I've lost the sacred cave okay Oh a new biome yeah I got to you you need a couple so that we can eat them good idea oh no it's getting dark oh my god I've just realized I got no food I'm gonna because some eye insides there's loads of sheep and cows and stuff I just didn't kill anyone I didn't have enough red mushrooms why did we did we get the gravel in the end cuz ya know we didn't we could get our tent on quite easily well they did they got mushroom soup yeah we did got it you alright you got Flynn all right I'm gonna go look for a creeper and I'm gonna go look for a skeleton I need food first okay Oh Joel have found a crevasse I need need you to come come down the crevasse with me one second Ollie I'm just getting this another one no I think I'll wait we've actually we need to kill an Enderman and get cookie I guess we could do that way what you need you need to do what all right I see both separate do you see we see now oh yeah well his bones are list yeah well I can probably Lindemann cuz I'm pretty pro so something real I made it I found a lots of iron but she made that's a waste of her things to make no but we can drive trades Vik Bali I get it because you like train yes I've actually found an Enderman but I don't look at it I got potato if only he dropped a carrot killed him I did it he did not but he died and that is one thing hmm I found a witch if I could kill her maybe she dropped with glass file I cannot confirm that they do that she have a cauldron in her house well see oh she dropped redstone make some balls I see a lot of zombie villages maybe that means there's a village nearby I don't know no I doesn't that could mean that I'll stop location you should go that way nice try I'm gonna kill all the creatures and I hope that they give me something that I want I do you guys actually have a base yeah we have a face we have a cave it's a rudimentary base if you found them we could like totally ransacked their base yeah yeah you can try quite a big map but we could totally do that did you pick up that string from that spider by the way that we killed we should kill spiders so can go fishing and also the spider aye that's kind of important as well I hope you do know snows Amba no I'm gonna make this herb some glass bottles yeah Oh creepers you're going to get gunpowder I mean I really need to come back to the safety of the cave because I've run out of run and there are things that want to kill me around ska believe me best idea yeah [ __ ] oh my god there's three creepers but I've also got no weapons now I need one more piece of iron but I don't have a the Zambian creeper fighting each other sis did you know how to make glass bottles I think it's just trying to kill element we need an Enderman and we've won that's why we need to ender pearl no but we can go diagonally like we were saddles didn't expect that did you made some turns out Joel can actually craft things in Minecraft oh so all we need well I might be all set provide that with my pro monster hunting skills before I can't actually find any Enderman yeah there's some where I was but I'd been farming pigs oh god no spot no skeleton no I'm trying to I'm just trying to do a thing I want HP and I'm outside now so this is not great I'm just running backwards and swinging my sword no the whole team's gonna die that's pretty funny wait okay I fell on that back these guys ain't playing yeah there was some in the forest where I was versus good yeah I know I died I think I'm not sure at all how would we find a saddle unless we happen upon a dungeon which was really lucky of all wait - do you think luck is involved I've actually found another dungeon right there oh my god I can well I can see a musty brick and I think that least of them yeah let's just have a cheeky little dig down dig dr. Doug that's what they say I hope he dies in that dungeon me too actually quite offensive my mother my mother died in the dungeon once Oh No I might die I might die I'm eight okay it's not gonna happen I may die too because skeletons are evil it's really annoying me I didn't it's all good this is just think I don't think I dug in the right place what was it a book hardest things to find in this game right it's it really I mean I'm pretty sure it is yeah I've seen things I haven't come across an emerald before yeah that's why I need to find a village because they just they just give them away they're like well you want emerald Sun yeah you give them emeralds no there's the trees as well around god damn it perhaps you're a pro minecraft sir you would nosey an Enderman they're trying to get anybody to make a wooden you saw it first right why don't you find lapis and a fish then we can do this okay well you get the lapis I'll get the fish okay I'm gonna need food though Olli I'm struggling Enderman over here but I can't kill them because I've got no weapons right there's no Enderman here all day on intamin like at your side oh my god creepers yeah face we are house of Enderman okay I'm gonna go through break I'm quickly making a wooden sword must be break but there's nothing around the mossy brick so it's like I expected a lot more from this city I'm like running in circles dodging zombies are trying to build a bloomin sword I hope oh wait I'm under I'm underneath the thing wait site loads are mostly brick here oh it's a Joan Joan get in it oh wait no didn't like a cross formation it's so strange do you need assistance I don't know I I don't think this is more see brick area dungeon it's like I came you know only there's loads of Enderman at spawn does this just naturally spy on it and ask my friend this is so weird Nazi Kabul doesn't usually spawn in snapshot I don't know oh no you're wrong you're so wrong I'm sorry no but there's no there's nothing there it doesn't got some gunpowder but we already have gunpowder there's nothing in this in this this cave thing how do I even oh wait wait behind them now Joey to kill the Enderman yeah no I can't just we've got for you they've got fire oh oh wait no we haven't got four in a row were you talking about that makes the Enderman bah they had they've got more than us overall we've got loads you disappeared buddy go mmm dude please friend oh wow found on my original stuff I found all the original stuff wait you knew me I'm getting one now alone at this face I mean where we came from and I'd no idea where that is Enderman just despawn in front of me that's just mean today yeah don't need your mind science yeah me Oh what else can we get in the daytime then let's go let's go wait let's try and find the place that the village place village people village village people win the win the game I think I hate those characters in the shapeless Alec object meanwhile I must quite intrigued sorry Enderman then anyone did he just went I think yeah the life is in the fish he flew across the map that was strange you know I'm so bad at fishing this is not working out for me Oh II fishing mm-hmm do you know I really don't know Fisher was at all but this biome just has a mossy cobble all over the surface yeah doesn't make any shame I just fish in hate me so much why does it I don't think fishing is a concept but I think fishing is capable of hate yes okay okay I have lost the I've lost the bass hey what's the game nore just give up we won't mind I think I think here we could get lapis and you can get a finished and we can win this it's gonna take a while to get laughs as though I haven't seen how do you nor anything but this Loza lapis wait what I've seen pick up many up because I just wanna know if the worst teammate ever that I am mate for things and one go you guys yeah that's pretty impressive to be fast stop guys to stop embarrassing Bob I mean no it doesn't down just it makes a noise oh yeah I'm currently on the search for lapis I'm on the search for Enderman I'm also on that search as well but oh my god I found a witch your creeper you don't even need a witch I know but there's a creeper there well why'd you nice to fight him Joe it was right next to me a good man knows when to bow out Joe what neither fish go into the fishing rod yes leather since when was a fish lover oh you dig you can fish up some really stupid stuff it's really make sure oh yeah maybe if you got a carrot we could make a clay brick get lapis there's another British Oh Raisa even on that bother to do all that course is never press yeah never break in my life you speak good minecraft me and Lizzie about minecraft yeah what are we just pretend that really good I need more iron hey why don't you die fishing is the worst thing in Minecraft ever yep great yelled Warcraft it's terrible by the way I found some fish I hate fishing in real life why would I go fishing in a game that just defeats the purpose of having fun hey I found something is it at first but but is it and good fishing because it's hard someone update my map you got melon so you know you need a spider's eye and a fish and you could get that line well you can fish literally all you guys need is an ender pearl yeah Joel I found us some red mushrooms so we can make some mushroom stew if we need it right I'm off to find a ravine we're going to get wait I need a pickaxe I'm off to find ourselves there's some gray ones near I'll see the wizard by the way I found some great ones only I'm not afraid of witches hurt well I've found some great one it's cool I think they live in swamps but not sure well there was a witch somewhere by camera boy she was I forgotten it slipped my mind I have coca beans how'd you make it cookie you could find a village sugar canes I've got I've got no bones I've got sugar cane oh really look - laughing so far away from life can you explain why you are okay how'd you get oh oh nice you know just I'm working I'm working on talking I don't I think I found a ravine to have lockers to go down the ravine that I found and now himself no in there so do we have a village do yeah I've been looking for a lot of Ages I'm trying I appreciate the trying some flowers a lot of iron stuff down there I could maybe do that you really use this some wheat right now Alice you know we'll be at the village if you ever find the village yeah so I'm looking for runoff I've been looking for a village - it's not what it's out really what am i doing I've lost the ability to Minecraft today Oh Mike no I'm so bad at this trying to make myself a pickaxe and I put maps on it right I'm just gonna go into the ravine wish me luck a little bad luck oh I never very good or bad luck to be honest yeah I asked for that one this is lapis free zone yeah my that is those lapis free zones that you guys aren't winning you should do you have very bad people usually my teammate see we play mind games we don't win by force we win by mind craft they play mind craft thank you make a rail we already made one you already got rails I made one got rales nerds Holly we should have made salt and waited from nyam and killed Enderman but instead I'll do that now quickly you gonna need like at least an iron sod to kill an Enderman now I killed it with a wooden one yeah yeah that's unfortunate you could have won then but you did it no I know I know it plagues me to this day I mean it I'm deep in a cave this is we could both kill ourselves go back to spawn and then just wait till night I'd be really good there's a feather right there so that might spawn I'm just gonna keep wondering though if it gets tonight I'll take you back am i TP I mean suicide I'm gonna go there now make a sword can we share swords hey you know I'll make stone one for you but I don't have the iron so I can't make anything better than that I'm gonna get back up and attempt to find myself a village huh I may die I may die everybody's dead I die wheels to keep on turning just keep something instead I'm gonna go find Billy Channel because because why not okay how did you lose I hope you lose guys oh you snooze hurt their feelings good one good good good one yeah me that was my intention okay stones being made village now I'm quietly joke's on you we spent 2200 488 seconds doing this do you know how long that is in minutes I cannot come into minutes right that is yes that's very good master thank you that's quite impressive actually a genius you just don't know it I've been hiding that really well how about Jesus oh my god yes I just found his net we need a fish we did a fish okay easier to you know I lost my great oh yeah I'm getting scared yeah native fish you know I know I need water intimidates there's any other way for us to win like can we go down we need a spy designer fish also yeah we don't need your negative enforcement they see a thing we look for caves head down to the caves fine denim and kill Enderman oh yeah me just get she doesn't even have the right equipment you trace their teammates making jokes about my flaccid your flaccid okay want me to get back up to the surface real oak oh no I need to fish though I think I found another dungeon there's nothing in here we need are you serious we've got a lot of some music discs okay I'm on the surface now all I need to do is fish everywhere so I see there's no a sablefish yes way I'm in a nice the area maybe we're close and you don't break the ice um yeah but I think I'll just find your eyes in a minute I'll do my fishing Island today it's really damaging my feet it's one of those days it's my time of the month you know what time in the moat what does that mean I don't know what a mommy and a daddy Bloods okay now please give me your meats I mean it's okay Kyle please I thought you cow hey Joel did you make me a sucks my way back yeah I don't know where spawners it's alright I'm home this is the most intense fishing I've ever done in my life oh wait I'm near it does it anyone just spawned in yeah guess why I just fished up a fricken fishing rod right I'm near a desert I think this is the big desert so where are you I've run out of food so I'm on my way back all those witches over there there's a witch being killed I saw the witches I got my creeper though just died how are you not dead yet I wanted to see if she dropped anything but she's not dying she is not dying I came back home now where are you I'm I was running to try and find some sort of Enderman but I can't find it is it your victory yes that was a clothesline that intact fishing at the end especially so that's it for minecraft bingo I hope you enjoyed it if you did don't forget to leave a like go check out everyone else's channels I'll leave the links in the description as well as the link to the map if you want to download it and play this have you enjoyed this video and I'll see you in the next one okay so I think the house is my favorite thing so far and lastly we have the villager oh that one's a girl
Channel: LDShadowLady
Views: 6,808,538
Rating: 4.896656 out of 5
Keywords: ldshadowlady, minecraft, mini game, horror, girl, gamer, pink, hair, funny, bingo, minecraftbingo, smallishbeans, yammyxox, theorionsound, girls vs boys
Id: q_cNF4rzCY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 11sec (2111 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 11 2014
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