Lazy Town was the weirdest show...

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That guy hates everything

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/darkness_shadowx 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
you ever have those shows that you've never actually seen but you feel like you have like i've never actually sat down and watched the office for example but thanks to the rest of the entire internet never shut up about it i feel like i've seen every episode of the office now the same way i've never seen lazytown but i feel like i've seen the entire show with all the memes about this guy and like 10 years ago or so bunch of dudes on the internet were really obsessed with this girl for no doubt very wholesome reasons i'm sure now just recently i discovered that pretty much every episode of lazytown is up officially on youtube in hd so i figured hey why not check it out so let's take a walk but before that really quick this video is brought to you by surfsharkvpn somehow it's 2021. pretty much everyone knows what a vpn is it protects you when you're on the internet it stops your ip address from being hacked and your personal data getting exposed i mean everybody needs one but 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back to the show now the very first thing about lazytown that we all need to understand is that the residents of this town are the most horrifying soulless puppets i've ever seen i mean look at these kids look at these eyes what's this five nights at freddy's looking thing over here i mean this just looks like all my 4am sleeper houses demons all just like sitting in the teachers lives before they decide which one gets to pay me a visit this time i swear i've woken up in the middle of the night and seen this exact kid on the foot of my bed you know your friends aren't really your friends they only hang out with you because they feel sorry for you hey come on man shut up anyway so these kids have a major problem that's ruining their lives okay let's see if we can figure out what it is so what do we do now same thing we always do huh play it again that's right everybody would you believe that this group of 10 year old kids they like to play video games also i love how the show came out in like 2004. now in 2004 okay we had amazing games like dragon quest eight paper mario on the gamecube halle berry's catwoman okay forget that one so like why are these kids sitting over here playing dig dug although to be fair the show was made in iceland so like i don't know maybe they had just gotten the atari 2600 back in 2004 who could say anyway then we cut to one of our main main characters of the show this guy who i've seen at least three trillion memes of and still have no idea who he is but whatever here we go well let's take a peek [Music] oh perfect lazy town is the laziest town on the planet and i'm gonna keep it that way huh you're not sure he's lucky that someone called this place lazytown and then everyone suddenly became super lazy i mean look at these kids playing video games their free time and adults are just like sitting at their desks working this says a lot about society now on this day the mayor's knee stephanie is coming to town for what reason i have no idea but i assume it's probably just so everyone can feast on her soul anyway so she shows up but robbie rotten over here is nothing too excited about someone coming into town shaking up those status quo you know what i'm saying [Music] hello stephanie okay hold on a second didn't he just throw that cake across the room a second ago and now he's got another giant piece of cake i mean seriously how much cake is one man allowed to have over here stephanie oh there you are hi uncle miller this could mean trouble [Music] yes i'm so happy you've come to visit wow uncle this is a nice place it's so much nicer than the coal mine they had me working at the last five years what's that smell oh well you see i actually bought the extra fiber raisin brain so you know it's been kind of a rough day anyway so stephanie goes out to find the other kids in town to play with and she runs into ziggy who tells her that no one plays outside in this town and all the kids do all day is uh play video games and eat candy hence why his mouth looks like one of those sad 50 cent hot dog things you get at ikea i'm stephanie i like your costume i'm ziggy and i like candy so he invites her over to hang out with the other kids [Applause] [Music] hi i'm stephanie uh what's that you're holding a soccer ball do you guys want to play yeah i thought he was like what look at that cute girl with pink hair i like sports ah crap but yeah i know exactly how you feel okay same thing used to happen to me i'd meet some new girl and to be like well hey there i'm alex tell me about yourself hi i'm amanda i think video games are stupid and men who play them are just babies people who watch japanese cartoons are all creepy weirdos want to see my amethyst collection [Music] anyway so stephanie goes outside and sings a song about like playing with balls was fun and everyone's like yeah it's a weird thing to say dude but you better believe robbie rotten over here is really not having any of this no sir because robbie rotten is an all cake no balls kind of guy you know what i'm saying [Music] oh it's robbie rotten who's that just the laziest grumpiest no do anything in all of lazy town why thank you okay i'm sorry hold on a second here wait you're telling me this guy is the laziest dude in town this man right here you see this outfit he's wearing a full-on spandex bodysuit his pants pulled up to his nipples this man is a trooper you know how hard it probably is for this dude to go to the bathroom with this thing not to mention how he only eats cake so like goodness knows how many times he has to do that every day so what is a ball we were playing [Music] so long story short robbie rotten convinces all the kids that they should just go back inside and play some video games and just like that stephanie's ball time is over hey you didn't stand a chance now why don't you sit quietly and do nothing like a good little girl so she goes to talk to her uncle about like what she can do with the whole kids not playing outside thing and he tells her that there's a superhero guy that lives above the town at an airship because i mean why wouldn't he and so stephanie writes him a letter to ask him to come on down here and do something [Music] i've got men i need help no one to play with unleashing [Music] help is on the way [Music] oh boy it's just definitely one of those guys who puts entrepreneur in his social media profile you know and every post he makes is like hashtag rise and cry brethren every morning i start my day by doing 35 000 backflips in my studio apartment hashtag i have no personality can you tell anyway so this guy's name is sporticus because he likes sports you get against [Music] are you a superhero uh let's just say i'm a slightly above average hero also fun fact this guy is played by the actual director and creator of the whole show so do with that information what you will but all the same sporticus goes around trying to get kids to play outside and solving like random problems around town i guess and as usual robbie rotten is just getting more and more rotten by the second they're not going to ruin lazytown i'll see to that you know i don't really get what robbie over here has to be upset about all the time cause like he's got the chattiest chin you've ever seen he's dragging a wagon like a thumb thumb from spy kids this man's living the dream and now it's time to put an end to sparta cook once and for all again laziest man in town are you kidding me this guy's digging straight through pure asphalt right now anyway robbie sets this trap for stephanie hoping she'll fall down this two and a half foot drop and die but wouldn't you know the mayor's secretary falls in instead and spartacus and stephanie saved the day and now all the kids in lazy town want to play outside for some reason until of course when we get to every other freaking episode of the show where no one wants to do anything then stephanie sporticus are like but it'll be fun and everyone's like well shoot when you put it that way i've got great news uh you found a big mountain made out of chocolate no it's sports day my favorite day of the year let's get going [Music] hey guys aren't you coming so lazy town originally aired from 2004 to 2007 and then there was a rebooted version with a different stephanie from 2013 2013-2014 and the new rebooted version is where we get the we are number one song which really just hit like peak meme status back in like the mid-2010s but sadly the guy who played robbie rotten stephen stephenson passed away in 2018 he was only 43 at the time so as utterly bizarre as this show was he did a great job of making people happy and at the end of the day i guess that's what really matters you know i don't know what it was back in the early aughts but like there was just something in the water i guess because like so many girls had pink hair back then you know i mean you had stephanie from lazytown you had a lava girl from you know sharkboy love a girl it's like there's just there was just something like like everyone's childhood was the girls with pink hair you know and then like now that's just like what every girl on the internet is i guess i'll just came around full circle you know what else is coming back mullets low-rise jeans apparently coming back just the early arts and also the 80s i guess at the same time whatever you know i have someone who grew up in the 90s comparing like my childhood stuff to a lot of people who watch my channel who you know again we're kind of kids in the early aughts ish give or take it's hard to tell which one was more bizarre because you know certainly back in in the early odds you had like spy kids and then you had lazy town and shark boy lava all these like really just bizarre nonsense movies but you go back to when i was a kid man and it's like like no wonder so many millennials are so messed up because like stuff from the 90s was just so like i don't even know how to describe it i mean you encourage a cowardly dog at red and stimpy you know you had your are you afraid of the dark so you had your round the twists and all that just just the most absurd like it's not even nonsense it's just like like i don't know how anyone thought this up and how it got greenlit and how it got the budgets that it did because like some of these shows were just so it's just weird and like lazytown like everything about the show was is just bizarre you know it's got these like weird soulless puppets just on the hunt for like the souls of children or something stephanie's like i like sports and everyone's like oh this is cool i guess and the show went on for years how many times can stephanie be like hey let's play sports and everyone's like no and then she's like how about i sing a song and everyone's like alright changed my mind you know but man they got like 80 episodes out of that thing anyway i hope you enjoyed the video if you did don't forget to subscribe don't forget to ring that bell so you don't miss any videos from me send me an email at alexmeyerscontact let me know what shows or movies or whatever i should do next i have a podcast i do with my girlfriend called the kelsey and alex show there's also some like uh like a dating romance section of it called do the devil's tango so you want to check that out you know feel free to do so and above all everybody have a great day and i'll see you all next time
Channel: Alex Meyers
Views: 1,261,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex meyers, alex myers, alex mayers, lazy town, alex meyers lazy town, lazy town robbie rotten
Id: EFXHNcE3ia8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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