LAWYER: What NOT to Say When You Get Pulled Over

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do you know why i pulled you over do you know how to answer that question what about you don't mind if i search the card do you today we're going to cover all that and more protect yourself by knowing the bad answers to police questions and what to say instead i'm attorney andrew flusche and this channel is all about defending your rights subscribe for a new video every other tuesday how do you answer police questions you don't end a video just kidding today we're going to talk about why you don't answer police questions and why the standard answers are really bad for you i'm off strandy is there any reason for your speed i was just going with the flow this is not a defense to speeding and by answering with something like this you're sort of agreeing that you were going fast the best answer to this question is no the one exception is if you were truly in the middle of some kind of emergency if your pregnant wife is in the back seat and about to give birth to your new baby you should tell the officer that if your arm is cut and you're gushing with blood tell the officer if you think you're having a heart attack tell the officer if there's some kind of actual emergency like that especially a medical emergency you should let the officer know they will probably offer to call an ambulance for you but short of needing an ambulance the answer to this question is no i'm gonna need to see your license and registration please here's my military id i practice law smack dab in between richmond and washington dc we have every kind of military service member you can imagine around here i even saw a space force guardian in court the other day while many officers respect our military and even serve themselves they don't want you flashing your military id trying to get a break on the side of the road be sure to let your attorney know about your military service and the judge might be willing to give you some consideration for that the corollary to this issue is when people try to name drop their friend or family member who's an officer or even worse in this area a lot of people try to pull out those new york state pba cards and the virginia state troopers hate those do you know why i pulled you over i know i screwed up by starting with open-ended questions like this the officers are frankly trying to get you to talk they're trying to get you to open up and admit to things that frankly they may not even know about law enforcement officers a lot of times specifically do not tell you what they're investigating because they want you to admit to things that they may not know this is an investigation technique that they use routinely open-ended questions are a trap for you quite literally by agreeing that you did anything wrong you've essentially just confessed to whatever the officer has in his head that he thinks you did wrong the better answer to this question is simply no where are you coming from today buffalo wild wings i was just watching the game well now you've just admitted that you're coming from a sports bar how's that going to help you in this situation the better answer here is to simply tell the officer that your lawyer friend advised you to remain silent because if you tell the officer that you're coming from a bar or a sports bar you're leading yourself right into the next question ah how much have you had to drink today i only had two beers that's literally what almost every dui client says it's a running joke among police officers that every dui arrest only had two beers i guess people think that it's not plausible that they home they didn't have any alcohol or just had one drink and they don't want to really say how much they actually had because people are smart enough to not directly confess to an offense but by admitting that you've had any alcohol you've just given the officer one more piece of evidence to justify a possible arrest and eventual prosecution for dwi the correct answer to this question is simply fifth amendment or if you've already told the officer that you intend to remain silent just keep your mouth shut the officer might ask you several questions in a row you don't have to respond especially once you've said i intend to remain silent or said fifth amendment or anything like that keep your mouth shut it's really as simple as that for future questions you don't have any guns or bombs in here do you you don't mind if i search just to make sure right sure you can search officer false never give permission to search your vehicle your home or your person while the officer knows you're most likely not transporting a bomb they're really fishing for permission to search for other contraband in some states where marijuana is still illegal for example they're looking to search for marijuana or some other drugs you may have in your car or who knows what you have in there that you don't even remembers there or that some friend accidentally left there there is simply zero benefit to you by agreeing to a search if the officer has reason to believe there's some contraband in the car he's going to be able to search your car anyway even if you know that your car is 100 clean and contains nothing at all that could incriminate you or someone else you should still flex your fourth amendment right exercise that right simply by saying no sir you may not search for more on why you should not talk to the police check out my next video on lies they use to manipulate you i'll see you over there
Channel: Andrew Flusche Attorney at Law
Views: 1,092,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 4min 51sec (291 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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