OK, I've got a "Police Stop Ahead" No illumination. How's it going? (Rider) What's up? Put your helmet down real quick? - Sure. You had anything to drink today? -I don't want to answer any questions. You had anything to drink or no? Um, you had anything to drink today sir? I can detain you for an hour. Just answer yes or no. - No questions. Want to pull over here for me?
- Are you ordering me?
Yeah. - Where to?
There. - Where?
Right up there. He tell you to come on in here? ...Just asking if you had anything to drink today, that's all--- - I heard you. OK. So have you had anything to drink today?
- I told you: no questions. Will you do me a favor and open your visor for me?
- I'm not going to do any favors. Would you open your visor now, please?
- Are you ordering me? I am now. ...problem? - I told you: no questions.
Why is that? - Let me know when I'm free to go. (NHP Trooper) ...have you been drinking at all?
- Let me know when I'm free to go. - I'd like to go now. You got any I.D.? - I told you: no questions. Are you demanding I.D.? Yes. - I've got to get it out of my pocket here. Please. Alright. No alcohol today? That's all we're asking.
- I told you: no questions. Here you go. You're free to leave. - Can I have an incident report number please? We don't have an incident report right now.
- You can get one for me.
You want my card? - Sure. And yours. You're the one who stopped me. (Police officer) [inaudible] - You can write it on his. (NHP Trooper) ...give you all the information you need to know. Alright?
- Sergeant. Alright? Sorry to inconvenience you. We're just running a checkpoint. Making sure to keep our roads safe. Alright?
(Rider to police officer) Why'd you pull me over? I didn't pull you over ... next one in line ... ... random check ... guy in front of you - Why'd you pull me over here? [inaudible]
- I see.
[inaudible] - I'm free to go, right?
Yes, you're free to leave. - Forgot my key.
Double fatality.
I don't think this can be called a flawless victory. In too many of these videos I see people refusing to go to secondary checkpoints or refusing to ID themselves only to cave once the officer asks again. Asking "are you ordering me?" is unsatisfactory. You need to KNOW when they can't legally detain you or legally force you to ID yourself so you can stand up for yourself.
There was no reason for this man to be detained, and I doubt there will be any consequences for it because it went so smoothly and was so minor. The way to force change is to make things a big deal. Be polite, be respectful, but stand firm in your liberty and force the police to escalate things through non-compliance with illegal orders.
He did a pretty good job with the "No questions" response. Stuck to it. Didn't cave. Not sure he had to pull over to secondary though. He probably could have stayed where he was and asked if he was being detained until they just gave up and let him go.
I always get a chuckle out of the looks on their faces when someone refuses to answer. They really just don't know what to do next.
This old video is still a great example of how it's done! I only hope I have the courage to behave as he does, during my next (second) warrantless checkpoint seizure!
I think this person handled it quite well. He wasn't a dick and didn't cause a scene. He was just pretty much like "leave me alone, this is bullshit and you know it".