What Are My Rights With Police? (When I Get Pulled Over)

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in this video we will answer the question what are you rights with the police when you get pulled over in your car the answer to that question is coming right up I'm Steve Gus Titus and this is my channel gasps Titus law here at guess Titus law we discuss issues regarding the criminal justice system defending criminal charges and handling contacts and encounters with the police we provide hope to people by imparting knowledge to them about these important issues if you enjoy the content that you find here it gets Titus Law please consider subscribing by hitting the red subscribe button in the description below this is our first video in a new series a series about what your rights are when you come into contact with the police in this video our focus today is what are your rights when you get pulled over in your car links to other videos in the series can be found in the description below as well we all understand the importance of good law enforcement but we must also understand the importance of understanding what our rights are when we come into contact and have encounters with the police now when you get stopped in your car the police typically have witnessed a traffic violation or they have witnessed other driving behavior that suggests to them that a crime has occurred or is about to occur in less common circumstances you may be the target of a criminal investigation which results in the traffic stop the most important right that you have when you come into contact with the police during a traffic stop is your right to remain silent now most states have laws that require the driver of an automobile to produce a valid driver's license and valid proof of insurance upon being contacted by the police during a traffic stop however there is no law that requires you to answer any other police officer question except to I identify yourself by name by date of birth and by your accurate and correct address in today's law-enforcement climate every contact with the police and the citizen is being recorded either by a dash cam recording system or a body cam remember that everything that you say and everything that you do at the traffic stop can be used against you in court and is being recorded so please don't make any statements to the police officer about the incident for which you're being stopped for goodness sake do not consent to any searches of your person or consent to any searches of your vehicle the law does not require that you consent to a search in fact if you refuse consent the police cannot use that information against you in court nor can they arrest you for failing to consent to a search there are limited circumstances in which the police can search your vehicle without a warrant and without your consent but generally you should not consent to any searches that the police officer wants to make if you're given a ticket by the police officer just sign the ticket you could always fight the charges later in court remain calm stay in control remember never touch a police officer and never try to run the best thing to do is just cooperate sign the ticket and hire a defense lawyer to help you later in court if you are arrested don't resist in most states it's against the law to resist even an illegal arrest so again remain calm remember you could always fight these charges later in court don't argue with the police don't tell them that they're wrong don't badmouth the police officer because that can give them an excuse to send you to jail if you do get arrested ask for a lawyer immediately and remember as always to remain silent if you enjoyed the content in this video please consider giving it a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe if you'd like to ask some questions in the comment section below I'd be happy to answer them I thank you for visiting and I look forward to our next video you
Channel: Gustitis Law
Views: 284,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bryan, College Station, gustitislaw, what are my rights with police, right to remain silent, right to remain silent traffic stop, right to remain silent police, consent to search, criminal defense lawyer, consent to search vehicle, what are my rights when i get pulled over, what are my rights in a traffic stop, no consent to search vehicle, criminal defense attorneys, what are your rights when pulled over, what are your rights when dealing with police, brazos, know your rights
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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