Lawyer Becomes The Most Brutal Assassin After His Family Gets Killed By A Street Gang

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the movie opens with Max driving rashly as if  he is searching for someone Ellis and his gang   members are walking on a street late at night  one of the gang members rishy notices the tire   of his motorbike is punctured he gets upset about  seeing it but Ellis asks him not to worry then   Ellis orders another gang member Pete to get  his SUV with trailer and pick up rishy and his   motorbike Pete gets offended but Ellis strictly  asks him to follow his orders and not argue with   him Tommy doesn't like Ellis's attitude toward  Pete and criticizes him Ellis gets angry and   tells rishy to come with them asking Tommy to  wait for Pete to return He further urges Pete   to drive carefully and park his SUV back at his  house when they have gone Tommy is seen standing   near a pole suddenly a sharp knife gets into his  hand and he screams in pain Max comes closer and   asks him about his missing daughter Tommy tells  him he doesn't know anything about her Max gets   offended and cuts off one of his hands mercilessly  ly then in a flashback we see detective Santiago   with his colleague Vasquez listening to the news  in a car Santiago reaches an apartment and knocks   on the door an old lady Wendy Osborne comes out  and Santiago asks her about her missing son a   few years ago according to the lady her son was  missing when she returned from the grocery store   one day during their discussion a man comes to  deliver an LED to her home he delivers it and goes   when he is gone another old lady reaches there and  Wendy starts to abuse her telling Santiago she had   called the police about her missing son both the  ladies abuse each other for some time and Santiago   feels helpless and doesn't interfere the next  scene shows Max with her boss Claire going to   have lunch in a restaurant when they are about to  enter Max's wife Susan calls and reminds him about   their daughter Ari whom he forgot to pick her up  she apologizes to Ary who asks whether he will   attend her cheerleading practice Max tells her it  is impossible for him because he is very busy with   work in the same restaurant Ellis and his gang are  taking their lunch too Max's brother Jerry and his   friend Big John come to join them Jerry is an FBI  undercover agent working against Ellis but no one   knows they tell them Ellis sent them and Roxy asks  them to sit later Ellis joins them and asks Jerry   why he wants to join their gang Jerry tells him  he wants to help them one of the gang members Kiko   shows his concerns about Jerry but he tells them  they will be happy with his work Ellis clarifies   that this job is not easy but Jerry tells him he  is ready to do it Max joins CLA after ending his   call with Sue when he is having coffee he hears  Jerry's laugh he goes to him and asks what he is   doing here as they haven't seen each other for  months Jerry doesn't show a welcoming response   and tells him it is not a good time to visit he  asks Max to go as he will call him later but Max   doesn't doesn't go and Jerry strictly asks him  to leave Max doesn't like his attitude but leaves   eventually when he leaves Jerry tells Ellis that  Max is his lawyer but Ellis seems doubtful about   this then he whispers something in roxxy's ear and  she goes to Max she asks for his business card and   Max gives her the card she asks him to take up  his brother's criminal case but CLA tells her   they are not criminal lawyers she pretends to be  disappointed but leaves with his card when she is   gone CLA asks Max about her but he says he has  no idea at all he has just seen her sitting at   a table where Jerry was present too later we see  Santiago with his two sons in his car his sons are   arguing with each other and Santiago is getting  disturbed because of this his Elder son Kai seeks   permission from Santiago to go to Japan as he has  money to do so he asks Santiago to get the plane   tickets and will pay for the rest Santiago tells  him he will talk to their Grandma as she may do   it for for them when his younger son Ry listens to  it he insists on going there too but the Elder one   tells him he can't go he gets angry with him and  starts to abuse him Santiago is annoyed at this   and stops them from arguing Max receives Jerry's  call at night but before he can talk to him the   call gets disconnected he feels something is  wrong with Jerry and calls him back but he   doesn't respond later Sue calls Max who tells her  he is still busy with his presentation that will   be held the next day at 9 Su a.m. then he suddenly  experiences a brain zap and Sue asks him whether   he has taken his pills or not he tells her he has  not taken the medicine Sue gets offended and Max   apologizes and Promises to take it when he returns  home after the call Susan finds Jerry at her door   which is unusual for her she asks him to get in  when he reaches Sue is shocked to see him as he   is badly injured then a hand appears and shoots  him in his head the the following day Santiago   reaches Max who is busy giving his presentation  Santiago takes him out and tells him about Jerry   and Susan's murder he is also informed about  Ari's kidnapping Max is shocked and in trauma   after knowing all that during the investigation  Vasquez considers it a crime of passion where Max   might have killed Susan and Jerry finding them  intimate with each other but Santiago considers   Max innocent telling someone else murdered his  family he asks his co-workers to release Max   but Vasquez disagrees with him then their Chief  Captain Daniels asks Santiago to go and talk to   Max he goes to Max and discusses his past when he  was dishonorably discharged from the Navy he asks   him about Jerry who called him the last night  then he asks about the people he saw with Jerry   at the restaurant but Max is too upset to answer  his questions properly he asks Santiago about her   missing daughter Ari and Santiago tells him they  are searching for her everywhere he ensures Max   he will do everything to find her daughter as he  can understand the pain he is feeling Max asks him   about his sons and he tells him they are typical  teenagers he also tells him about the problems   with his wife Hannah Max asks him what he would  do if someone killed his whole family Santiago   tells him he would kill them mercilessly so that  they would not get a second chance then Daniels   comes and sends Santiago outside he sits with  Max who seeks permission to go to his home but   Daniels asks him not to go there because his house  is a crime scene he asks Max to stay in the police   station but he doesn't agree to abide and leaves  for his home he finds everything out of place with   blood stains when he reaches there he picks up  AR's drawing and starts to cry suddenly big JN   reaches there and attacks him but he responds  in time knocking him down big JN tells him he   is Jerry's friend and throws his bag at him Max  opens the bag and takes out a hand grenade he   doesn't understand all that and asks for it he  then throws a bunch of keys to Max and tells him   they were given to him by Jerry who asked him to  give them to Max if anything happened to him he   then tells Max about Jerry's connection with Ellis  who got suspicious when Max came to the restaurant   to see Jerry he reveals that Jerry's plan failed  because Max exposed him to Ellis and his people   here Max realizes that Ellis killed Jerry and  Susan Vasquez is outside his home and waiting   for him to return when he doesn't come back after  half an hour she moves to go into his home Big   John tells Max about Ellis's dirty business of  human trafficking and selling kids organs like   Parts later Vasquez reaches there and Max asks  Big Jon to tell her everything as she is a cop   but he tells him she is also one of Ellis's gang  Max is surprised and Big John asks him to leave   immediately Max goes from the back door before  Vasquez enters when she arrives big JN tells him   about Max who is gone then he tells her he came  here to look for the cash to bring it to Ellis but   she shoots him on the spot she then picks up his  bag and searches for money but finds nothing in   it she asks for the money but big JN explodes the  hand grenade killing both of them Max sees it from   outside and goes away immediately he then goes to  Jerry's place and finds some documents on a table   when he is about to turn on his computer he gets  another brain zap and blacks out at the police   station Dan tells Santiago about the $50,000 they  found in vasquez's apartment he suspects Santiago   as she was her partner at this Santiago gives  him his apartment keys and asks him to check   everything in it Daniels shows him Max's file  containing his military record head trauma and   pstd he tells him Max also spent a few years at  a Massachusetts Recovery Center he sees his file   and verifies the findings Daniels asks him to look  for his missing daughter Ari Santiago agrees and   leaves the office before leaving Daniels tells  him he will shoot him if he is found involved   in any dirty business the next scene shows Ellis  sitting with an elderly lady and her assistant   Kevin at a restaurant the lady calls herself Mr  tank and asks Ellis what he has done with Jerry   and the missing money Ellis tells her he has been  working on it the lady gets angry with him for his   wrong judgment and asks him to be careful in the  future Ellis feels apologetic and leaves then we   see Max returning to his senses and finding a bag  hidden under a table he opens it and sees a lot   of money in it he finds some official documents  and learns about Jerry as an FBI agent he then   makes a knife and practices aiming at the Target  on the other side Santiago is seen with his sons   in his car where Ray tells him about Hannah who  got a new boyfriend but Santiago doesn't reply to   him he drops them off to Hannah who thanks him  for bringing them she tells him the emergency   room was a combat zone today she then tells him  about the bills she is supposed to pay he asks   her to wait till Thursday when he gets paid he  then discusses the possibility of Separation but   she tells him their sons need a father she gets  a little upset and leaves at night Ellis and his   gang are enjoying music at a bar when ofan comes  and sees Ellis he is unhappy with him and wants   to end his business with him Ellis tells him about  the missing money that ofan delivered to Jerry he   then asks ofan to deposit the total amount again  to finalize the deal but he disagrees with him   considering it his fault he leaves asking Ellis  not to contact him again Ellis is upset and goes   to the bathroom slamming its door Roxy hears his  yelling and gets to him and finds him killing a   man there at the police station Santiago shows  Daniels all the kidnapping records of the last   8 months he tells Daniels all the missing ones  belong to neighborhoods of the city he notices   that most of the reports were filed by people with  priors Tweakers SSI welfare and foster parents the   records of all the children on the waiting organ  list all over the state show 5% of them dropped   from the list later they are children of wealthy  parents or the ones who acquired large debts or   retirement funds Santiago suspects they sold  their children for parts Ellis is listening to   music at his apartment when the doorbell rings he  goes to see and finds his gang members there he   asks them to get in quickly and forbids them to  return to his house Pete tells him about Tommy's   murder and the Box they got from Ellis his car  Ellis looks upset at this asking them not to   touch anything there and leaves when he goes they  abuse him for his behavior a few moments later he   returns and cleans the table Roxy opens the box  and finds Tommy's hand there Ellis thinks the firm   murdered Tommy as a message to them so that they  may return it to them Pete tells Ellis he will   talk to the firm to get things straight for them  Ellis gets furious at this and asks Roxy to kill   him Roxy gets closer to Pete and stabs him in his  throat blood gushes out of his mouth and falls on   the floor other members take his body outside and  Ellis cleans the table Daniels and Santiago call   offstein to the police station to interrogate  him Santiago asks him about his son Michael   who was on the wait list for a kidney but suddenly  dropped from the list offstein tells them his son   got a transplant and is fine now Daniels asks him  where he got a kidney for his son offstein tells   them they got it from hhan hospital in China then  Santiago shows him one of his photographs with a   box containing the kidney he got from the black  market to save his son he then transported it   to China to get the transplant he saved his son  but took away a child's life whose kidney he got   listening to this ofan starts to cry and admits  he has done it just to save his son Daniels asks   him about the person who contacted him for this  purpose and offine tells him it was Ellis Max is   now chasing KO in his car he stops his car ahead  of him and blocks his way KO yells at him but   he doesn't move it he then turns his car back  and gets closer to KO who abuses him loudly he   suddenly throws a sharp knife that gets straight  into Ko's getting him badly injured he gets out   of his car and tries to shoot Max who responds  In Time by throwing another knife into his chest   killing him finally he then gets Kiko's phone  takes his picture and leaves Ellis returns to his   home and finds Kevin in there with a gun he asks  about the money and Ellis tells him he is working   on that he gives him one week to return the money  and leaves Santiago tries to get more information   about Max in his past he finds Max killed two  Afghan men for rapping a young girl during his   service in the Navy meanwhile Roxy calls Ellis  and tells him about Ko's murder he is shocked and   thinks about the one who is killing his men Max  is busy making more hand grenades at Jerry's place   when Ko's phone rings he sees a message from Ellis  who wants him to see him at the given location Max   reaches the location with his gun and finds Ellis  with rishy there he asks Ellis about his daughter   Ary and he tells him he killed his wife and  kidnapped Ary just because of Jerry who deceived   him then Roxy comes from behind and knocks him  down when he wakes up he finds himself tied on   a stretcher then Junior comes and puts fire on  a wire he then Burns one of Max's fingers and he   screams in pain he tells Max he killed his wife  and he will kill him too if he doesn't obey them   he then takes out two of his nails mercilessly  Ellis reaches there removes the wire from his   nails and gives them to Junior Max again asks him  about his daughter and he tells him she is fine he   asks Max to tell him about his money and gets his  daughter back Ellis agrees to do so later Ellis   asks Roxy to kill Junior because he conned him  Santiago reaches Junior and asks him about Ellis   he then finds Max who is still tied there he asks  Junior to unchain Max he unchains him and tries to   run away but Santiago puts his gun on him and ties  his hands Max attacks Santiago and knocks him down   he then attacks Junior too Roxy and Rishi go to  Jerry's place to get the money where Roxy takes   all the secret documents and moves them to Ellis  to give them to him Rishi finds the money and   shows it to Roxy who is delighted to see it when  Rishi tries to get the bag out of the box he finds   it is connected to a bomb that explodes later  killing both of them Ellis sees the explosion   from outside and gets disappointed when Santiago  wakes up he finds himself in his car he has no   idea who he reached there he comes out of the  car and tries to remember what happened to him   he finds his gun is missing too Ellis returns to  his place only to find Junior brutally killed by   Max he then receives a call and tells the caller  he will be there right in time he then leaves his   place and reaches the restaurant where tank  and Kevin are waiting for him he gives them a   briefcase and asks them to conclude the business  Kevin opens the bag and finds very little money   in it he gets furious with Ellis who shoots them  on the spot Santiago calls Daniels and tells him   Ellis is not at his home Daniels asks him to  stay there and keep his open he forbids him to   enter Ellis's home until he gets the warrants but  Santiago is already inside his home and enjoys his   cigarette later Ellis reaches his house and finds  Max rotating his car there he throws a jar of es   from his car and drives away Ellis chases him in  his car while Santiago is watching all that he   also starts to follow Ellis and Max following Max  Ellis reaches a factory where Max asks about his   daughter Santiago also reaches there and forbids  Max to shoot Ellis but Max Fires at Ellis's hand   getting it injured Santiago keeps asking not to  shoot anymore because other parents want Justice   too just like him at this Max puts his gun down  and surrenders ERS Santiago ties Ellis's hands   and Max asks him about his daughter here Ellis  Reveals His Daughter is dead now and her organs   are sold he also threatens Santiago about his  son Rey whom he wants to kidnap for the organ   business listening to this he unchains Ellis and  leaves when Santiago goes Ellis and Max take out   their knives and start to fight Max stabs Ellis  getting him badly injured he then brings a bat   and beats Ellis to death at the police station  Santiago receives a call from Hannah and tells   her he is ready to do anything she likes later  Daniel's calls him to his office and shows him   the news where he learns about Ellis's murder  after watching the news he goes to see his son and   wife who are delighted to see him too he spends a  good time with his family and Promises to be with   them now in the last scene we see Max going to  Wendy's house and killing her with the same bat   he killed Ellis Wendy seems to be part of the  evil business Ellis and his people were running   here the movie ends remember to subscribe and turn  on notifications so you can watch more movies like [Music] this
Channel: General Recap
Views: 124,590
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Keywords: recaps, movie recaps, movie recapped, mystery recapped, General Recap, movie explained, revenge movie recap, Crime movie, story recapped, story recapped movie review, story recapped explained, story recap channel, movie recaps channel, Lawyer Becomes The Most Brutal Assassin After His Family Gets Killed By A Street Gang, Lawyer Becomes The Most Brutal Assassin, After His Family Gets Killed By A Street Gang, His Family Gets Killed By A Street Gang, The Most Brutal Assassin, Gang
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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