Laws of the kingdom | Horrid Henry | Cartoons for Children

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Henry let us down right now silence or it'll be nothing but bread and water for you that's more than we're getting now silence worm and bow down before the king oh no you [Music] can't so ex Queen Margaret are you now ready to admit that you're the bossiest person ever never you're always be busier than me he always horrid what's that word that begins with in inside insolence thank you I mean silence worm I'm fed up with this that's have a bit of uh what's it called Jo sting yeah that and you will be taking p I'll get the [Applause] H subjects Welcome to our Jolly joust on my left the Fearsome man undefeated Black Knight facing the Black Knight on my right Ming Margaret um your majesty are you sure about this she's a girl I heard that do you dare to question the king no of course not it's just that good let the just [Music] [Applause] begin you down everything you're Bish to the swamps in fact you're all Bish to the swamps forever good right I feel like some chips what's going on where are the king's chips um you sent everyone to the swamp there's no one to cook the chips gr and the greedy you like food I hereby appoint you Chief chef of the royal kitchens wow thanks Henry I mean thanks your kingship now go and cook my chips oh right away s and be [Music] quick your chip sire thought you knew about food um eating it mostly whose idea was it to make him Chief Chef mine oh well uh it was a very good idea right you could go to the swabs but you think I'm a good King uh I don't know right the swamp's for you as well Henry Gods take them away we are the gods then take yourselves away off you [Music] go it's magnificent wow this will make you invincible Henry oh no um um as I was saying myia I'm not sure it's actually going to work as you intended maybe we should listen to what he's got to say Henry you too right you're going to the Dungeons and you are banished to the swamps what Henry you're a traitor now off you go not exactly I've come to set you free and then we have to find Margaret do you know know where she is right here what do you want we all know Henry's gone a bit Bonkers we're going to have to do something like what like well I'm sure you'll think of something ow King Henry they're coming and they don't sound very happy Henry horrible horrible stret us [Applause] and now get him you'll never defeat me victory is mine take this oh K the king the it's so easy being me I'm hard [Music] Henry oh hello Margaret give me one of your biscuits Henry H let me see shall I give you one of my biscuits one of my very valuable biscuits that everyone else is prepared to pay a fortune for no I don't think so I'll pay oh well then how much a limited use of your crims and cuts till the end of term deal and the pirate had to go with it deal and all the chocolate biscuits in your secret Club tin I'm the tin too deal now give I wonder what's going on over there someone said Henry's selling biscuits Henry selling biscuits well we'll see about that I said give hry H how could you mom made those biscuits for you with love and and and and and now you're just giving them away well not giving them away I had to pay a high enough price go away worm no I won't do as you're told wormy worm yeah do as you're told come on Peter better do what you're told now would be good Henry I'll get you you for this Henry oh there you are Peter just making some more biscuits for Henry he's asked for them every day this week I just don't know how he can eat them all but at least they're good for him uh mom what is it sweety puppet could I have the recipe for the biscuits do you think well oh I don't see why not though it did belong to great aunt Greta and she did swear me to secrecy not to tell anyone else uh Miss Lovely asked me if she could have it oh well if it's for that lovely Miss Lovely then I'm sure she can keep a secret too oh thanks [Music] Mom it's okay I had my fingers crossed all the time I didn't really tell a lie I'm sure miss lovely would love to have the recipe if she knew about it oh you it doesn't count if your fingers are crossed I'm sure I read that [Music] somewhere huh do I hear 50 PS hey I come on now ladies and gentlemen what have I been for this incredibly rare and secret recipe secret recipe um £15 come on you're r a laugh this recipe is worth far more than that to some people here don't be shy speak up £20 thank you lovely lady in the corner 20 I bid 20 for this secret recipe no only to Peter and and Peter's mom and Peter's great aunt gritter so I'm told what a wor he going to ruin my business Peter Peter Henry are you in the bidding no yes £25 pound is over Peter £0 come on Peter do as you're told £50 give it to me Peter £75 I'll get it to you Henry because I always do what I'm told going going [Music] 100b good sold um uh sold to Henry for £00 £ 100 yes Henry you just paid £00 for Mom's secret recipe £00 for this oh well at least it's mine and no one else's what's that did you think I would be so stupid as to not take a copy of it yes but and shall I tell you what the secret ingredient is oh yeah carrots carrots you mean I've been eating carrots all this time that's right Henry rabbit food it's so easy being me I'm hard [Music] Henry uh-oh better dump the wheels [Music] Ralph oh no it's the briak house boys stop McKing about Ralph they're gaining on us incredible I don't believe it come on boys the keep it up thanks sir thirsty work I never knew they edited [Music] him we need to get to that bus stop now if we're going to have any chance of winning we'll never make it on foot wait [Music] here oh no you don't ready Ralph ready for what that dog KN weed on my leg don't you know it's lucky to have a dog weed on your [Music] leg suppose that's meant to be lucky too yeah who's a good dog then lucky lucky lucky you cry you just in time stop stop touch the school Gates please what do you mean you haven't got enough money Henry it's not my fault blame my horrid parents who never give me any pocket [Music] money what are we going to do now you wer that's it perfect oh we have got a really big trolley for a pound oh stop moaning and push with you turn left there it is we should have enough to get a bus from [Music] there Master Ralph we've got to get this one come on Ralph we need to get on this BS school [Music] please but I haven't got any money well how am I going to get back I don't [Music] know Supermarket here I [Music] come [Music] uhoh what are you doing on the bus same as you I'm guessing uh good at guessing are you oh that's my stop see you later out of my way shift see you at the Finishing Line loser no it's the wrong stop I want to cheat sorted at last my bus Fair wait wait some Shortcut are you looking at [Music] me oops it's so easy being me I'm hor [Music] Henry [Music] yeah it starts in 5 minutes don't worry Peter we've got plenty of time little Happy Hippos fan next place for uh polyps I was thinking yes poly Wy how about you go and see Happy Hippos seeing as she like them so much and Henry and I go and see uh something else but we agree poly wly we're all going to see Happy Hippos I know polyps but and you know polyps likes Happy Hippos so do I yes but and little ver so wants to see Happy Hippos with her daddy you little [Music] D Happy Hippos hooray oh I'm so excited hold on rly Mo have you two boys been to the toilet yes I went before we left home how about you Henry I don't need to go oh don't be a silly Billy you'll only want to go in the middle of the film off you go [Music] Oh Henry hi guys whoa we just seen the scariest film ever not guzzle Monsters from Mars uh I don't know it's well scary you don't want to see it does he B uh I don't know yes I do but my toy brother wants to see Happy Hippos Happy Hippos that's a baby film you're going to see Happy [Music] Hippos I didn't say I'm going to see [Music] it hurry up Henry we'll miss the film I want some popcorn there's a big queue come on it's starting I'm starving you've had lunch Henry that was hours ago mom always buys us popcorn I'd like some popcorn too you've got to share Henry come on Henry share with your brother here you go worm [Music] py come on it's starting it's starting give me a ticket what Henry wa is your ticket in [Music] there oh Henry you silly boy oh I don't believe this H it must be somewhere here you have this Peter hey oh thanks oh Polly we're missing the film I'll go and um get him another ticket you two go in all right p F long happy and where the [Music] happy coming [Music] yes excuse me sorry sorry sorry oh puppet better now where happy Andy where the [Music] happy it's so easy being me I'm hard Henry are you going to play a game boys oh yes what a super idea what shall we play sardines of course how lovely shall I take your plant up to your room Peter yes please Mom Sam and I will count Gordon you hide oh goody [Music] one 10 coming ready on [Music] not I wonder if they're in here hey some of us are napping have you seen Gordon or Sam anywhere no I was asleep fungus head all I've seen was the inside of my eyelids I was asleep but [Music] out aha I bet they're in here nope not in here and don't worry I haven't forgotten about you my little friend it must be nearly feeding [Music] time [Music] let's go [Music] up get off my [Music] sh Am I [Music] Dreaming you atte Moody Margaret yes yes Margaret's CL food no more [Music] Margaret oh no no no no you don't want to eat me there's lots of other delicious people to eat first like Miss batx and Soggy Sid and that old lady who always lets a dog wheel on my leg and uh and P P plant I command you eat Perfect Pizza oh there you are Henry uh yes who are you talking to your plant it's eating Margaret and now it's going to eat you my plants you are funny Henry plants don't eat people I must be dreaming oh feeding time I'm off to watch TV there you are little planty wanty lovely nutritious [Music] food what A Silly Billy eating people I blame the television programs he watches but you've just been fed w eat radioactive fist Miss crant taste the full force of my radioactive bile monster yeah get him youx last fou but I have one final surprise for you you plotted your last plot Dr foul get ready for my burp of Doom but what's this lurking behind mutant Max what Dreadful horror has Dr foul cooked up this time mutant Max primes his gauntlets of Goo unsuspecting as the evil horror creeps up behind him closer and closer and closer look behind you mutant Max behind you could this be the end of mutant Max oh that's stupid there's no way Max wouldn't have seen that Ma you never that's not my stomach what are you doing you you don't want to eat me I'm your friend I played you cool music remember the comics as a GP that was me you don't want to eat me I'll taste horrible and don't got smelly socks it's so easy being me I'm hard [Music] Henry I'm calling from make me a mega star we're in your area next week and we think Peter really well Mr make me a me star let me tell you what perfect piz's really like that fee is acceptable what did you say what fee the fee we pay if he gets into the final £500 F five we can go high higher higher £750 if you insist £750 all right then £1,000 but that's our final offer all right Henry deal it's a deal we'll be in touch got to go now one of my artists needs me who was that on the phone just a wrong number are you coming to join the party Henry oh no thanks early night for me are you feeling all right Henry oh yes thanks Mom I know the value of sleep now I'm really worried about you Henry watch and learn Mom watch and learn more Peter uh yes thank you Henry well I must say it's a pleasure to see you down so early for breakfast [Music] Henry oranum what do you want bogey brain I've come to claim what's mine what do you mean Peter I've come to make him a mega star now where is he how do you know about that yeah I heard it on the Grapevine now Bunch W's not here at the moment he's gone for a walk well when he gets back tell him that I need to see him and quickly there's no time to lose if we're going to get him through to the final we do bye for now come on Peter we've got work to do have you yes pach is going to help me count my pocket money am I move it Worm but what if I don't want to be a mega star oh you do believe me you do who's going to make me come on you what's that stay there I'll deal with this oh this is my moment I have not lived next door to those revolting boys for my whole life for nothing you know finally Margaret finally Margaret Henry you lied to me he's in there isn't he yes he is then let me at him he's my wormy little brother not yours so I'm going to make him a mega star not you ha that's what you [Music] think as I was saying Peter it's you or her not much choice is there then I Choose You Wise Choice Peter wise choice now about your image Peter welcome to the auditions for make me a mega star when you're ready Peter where Shaka Shaka where are you where are you bed time is for baby go for it my S get now get H now thank you you're through to the final come on worm we've got to get home mom thinks we' be for a walk in the park well I didn't even get to say thank you tough you can say thank you when you win the [Music] final ah Peter I knew you'd come to me eventually come inside and we'll talk [Music] tactics thank you Dearing di very interesting use of a banana there if you've just joined us you're watching the final finale of make me a mega star and next up we've got a rather unlikely but extremely talented contestant Peter perfect make me a mega star Jack my brother don't you dare he's my act now what have you done I've done what you could never do I've made him a star it's so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry now listen the posters will be taken out of the safe tomorrow night at the fancy dress party so that they can choose a winner that's when we'll strike and we're going to need some [Music] help [Music] [Music] [Applause] how long does this party [Music] last [Music] Co get Henry you're late Peter had to change costume five times everyone's in position such a nice turnout don't you think Bert's on alert and Ralph is [Music] ready quick are you very hot in that costume uh I don't know come on Lovely costume Margaret thank you Miss [Music] odbo [Music] easy [Music] peasy let's do [Music] it [Music] great party punch is delicious scram lious oh balloons go away Twinkle Toes they're [Music] [Applause] [Music] mine okay that should be enough Miss abber quickly William say someone's inside the science store room impossible that room is always locked yeah well that's what he said in oh look oh my goodness whatever is going on there's the signal go [Music] Miss odbd I think someone's in there hello this is Miss oddbod speaking is anybody in there I heard a shout and then a crash I'm sure it came from in there fine Miss blex tell her to get the key from my office yes Miss do you want me to take the posters for you no I'll put them in the CL room the H all right [Music] then H strange the key should be here look a key could that be [Music] it aha [Music] when they go into the store room we could to sneak out not yet there's something else we need what's going on what's that Henry's poster the plant worked we got it back now I'm supposed to destroy it supposed to destroy it that's what I said [Music] but if heny thinks I'm going to do what he tells me to do he's got another thing coming yeah you are the noise you heard must have come from the party William Sorry Miss hbot so easy being me I'm [Music] hen no one really cares about my thought except me I'll do anything to keep it anything well yeah pretty much then listen to [Music] me anything yet no no I don't know oh well there must be something in there keep looking there's no time to lose Henry's mom's already ordered the motivator I've got it sh F it's in here if a piece of land is under dispute and if that piece of land shall be shown to demonstrate that there was an aforementioned established establishment on that piece of land prior to the piece of land coming under dispute comma then the dispute shall be non disputational he what does that mean it means we can save Henry's Fort come on sh another biscuit Henry no thanks Ralph I'm right off my food with all this business I wonder if Margaret and her team will come up with anything she better mind you I did agree a no wi no fee claws with her he what does that mean apparently it means if she doesn't win the case she doesn't get her fee and what's her fee leader of the purple H gang for a whole month and all the chocolate biscuits she can eat oh exactly excuse me for asking but am I speaking with the producer of the big dick hey this is me speaking it is oh well then have I got a dig for you you have oh yes you see there's this Old Fort Old Fort you see yes it's really really old nearly falling down and it belongs to a friend of mine Henry well well he's not exactly a friend but we'll let that pass for the time being nearly falling down you see oh yes and is under threat oh under threat a really really serious threat amazing major threat and we believe that this fort is actually on the site of a major Arch archaological yeah that's it Discovery what we mean is that it's got to be protected right now thank you ha a job well done now for Part B of plan [Music] a are you Henry's dad uh yes what's he done now uh he's alerted us to a major archal archal archaeological uh Discovery uh I see oh uh you'll need to sign this what is it it it's a contract to say that you won't take down any thoughts without prior permission here's a pen oh uh I [Music] see purple handang here I come oo and spica's popularist looks really yummy too oo whatever is going on and of course we'll reinstate your fort exactly the way that you want it we just need to excavate the Ary the bits and pieces that are already down there cool [Music] what shame they didn't find anything other than that old teapot of mine H yes wonder why why they thought there was anything there in the first place who knows but anyway at least Henry will get a nice new Fort to go with my nice new barbecue come on it's time to unveil the new Fort I declare this fort well and truly open but it's exactly like it was before cuz that's exactly how I I wanted it thank you Mr Producer my pleasure Henry so was it worth it what do you mean well Margaret her fee oh oh yes I don't have to worry about enemy invasions anymore with her around it's so easy being me I'm Henry we need ice [Music] cream Hey where's all the ice cream gone it it's always been right here where's my ice cream gone be hurried [Music] Henry and I had to buy all those damaged tins of carrots look at them it was not my fault they took away all the ice cream well you can just help me put them away collect six tokens and win a tour of the Frosty Freeze Ice Cream Factory and write a slogan well yeah I guess I can do that what's for tea mom uh carrots great what here listen to this Frosty Freeze is really cool if you don't eat it you're a fool if that doesn't win my name is a rude Ralph thanks Ralph you really are a [Music] pow wow what do you know I want yes go Henry go Henry Henry got to [Music] go hi and welcome to Frosty Freeze ice cream where everyone gets a really cool reception my name's Frosty Steve follow me to Frosty Freeze will we get free samples Henry of course you will yes meet the uh snowbots they're very cool workers and this is where we mix in all our lovely [Music] ingredients wow so much ice cream oh I can't wait I'm hungry already here Mom packed you a snack just in case great oh more carrots do you want to hear a joke I found what you get if if you cross a snowman with a [Music] crocodile what is answer oh uh [Music] frostbite Henry keep up got to [Music] go it's three arle time [Music] yes oh what this it's s whatever it is it's delicious that is good can't quite work out the flavor try some [Music] Henry it's carrot carrot [Music] carrot uh yeah you see Mom pack carrots for my snack and they accidentally fell into the vat now got any more bright ideas for new [Music] flavors [Music] fry free is really cool if you don't eat it you're a [Music] fool now what can I get you Henry an extra large scoop of my special flavor please what's that ketchup ice cream after all ketchup's made from a vegetable too it's so easy being me I'm hard [Music] Henry hi uh I uh need something out of the Loft out of the Loft the only thing up there is Margaret's old stuffed toys yes that's what I need stuffed toys lots of them now okay Henry okay which ones did you want um all of them oh um there's the door I'd best come down it's okay I'll get the door oops well what about the ladder Henry oh don't worry I'll put it back in a minute yes who is it you know who it is Henry now get me my mom and dad but I'm afraid they're busy right now why don't you come back next week I'm going to get you for this Henry maybe but I'm going to win the cash prize first that's one you of max comic I want it now coming right up Henry here it is Henry and I've got you the new Killer Boy Rat CD as well do you have the new super mega SOA yet Henry um I'm not sure maybe there one dungeon drinks kit for you Margaret just like you asked for and um here are the tickets for the football that's better and I want shepherd's pie for tea not that cabbage again yes [Music] Margaret oh I can't find anything in here and everything in here is Pink don't be Moody Margaret not Margaret I'm Henry wait a [Music] minute I'm turning into Moody Margaret it's just not worth it I want to go home please nonsense Henry we can't send you home we like having you here it's nonsense what do you want bogey brain I want to go home oh so you don't like my house anymore no I don't well too bad Henry you're going to have to lump it you w that's it if I can't get Moody Margaret to help me I'll have to help myself H let's see how much they like [Music] this Henry I've just played the drums very loudly marvelous nothing beats a good bit of drumming hey Henry but I'm making loads of noise oh yes just like Margaret we love it when Margaret plays the drums oh well that [Music] worked oh Henry what are you doing just a spot of decorating you go right on and decorate Henry it reminds me of when Margaret was little she used to decorate all the time oh so now I'm like Margaret when she was little I give up you're sitting down so in my chair you have to go Henry now we only have one rule and you've broken it yes well well that's Henry gone let's see how the other two are getting on are you happy with us here William yes I am well we like having you here too night night sleep tight I wanted apple pie for dessert and then I wanted to watch the star Factor on TV not the other way F it's no good I can't take it anymore I want William back yeah uh me too Margaret you can uh leave at once huh and good R weirdos it's so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry it's alive it's [Music] alive uh Dad where are the brakes don't worry you won't need brakes oh uh okay Dad a job well done it's really heavy you need less traction and more left get lost worm don't be horri Henry any ideas Peter yes you need wings wings yes like a fairy no what it's here it's here [Music] h I'm definitely going to win now of course you are my little pumpkin pop you B up from a short B treating no it isn't you're just jealous my go-kart has its own engine power steering electric windows glove compartment heated seats huh shall I go on you don't need to you're cheating H cheating's for losers and I am a winner what was that you said about wings M says dinner's ready tell her we're not coming in until it's finished on your box good luck Henry good luck Henry 3 2 1 go I'm not moving release the handbrake I don't know how to oh I knew you should have read the instruction manual come down three to go I'm winning I'm winning now um where did I put the turbo booster hyperdrive [Music] [Applause] lever no another one [Music] down ha at last I'm back in the race [Music] woohoo o there me [Music] hearty [Music] no oh no no breaks wo W this RAC Bo come on [Music] Henry e dust Henry you're cheating just as I thought too much weight Henry's CT needs something to make it lighter Fair dust I don't think the fairy wings are going to do it Peter no but this will fairy D what's [Music] that that's good fairy dust Peter works every time we won we won you cheated no I didn't I Won With a Little Help for my friends it's so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry yummy I love stew I hate stew where are the chips we don't have chips where are the Burgers we don't have Burgers what do you have stup but I want chips I want chips I want chips I [Music] want stew [Music] please sh get dress quickly we're SC escaping but I don't want to escape what I like it here I don't want to escape okay I'll leave you behind then all by yourself thanks Henry I'm going to get my junior tracker budge you're coming aren't you out sorry Henry they said we're going for a 20 km run tomorrow you want to escape don't you uh I don't know [Music] sh you start digging and I'll keep [Music] [Applause] [Music] watch uh but is that you I don't know [Music] boo I don't know but it's been [Music] said 10 more days till we get bed 10 more till we [Applause] get I don't know what it's been said we did it we escaped you're okay but I don't know well we can't just sit here let's go before they come back uh which way is home uh I don't [Music] know we're lost what if we can't get out of here or what if they never find us what if we get eat by Wolves uh I don't [Music] know but if you had to choose your favorite I don't know pizza or chips I don't know or Burger pizza or chips or burger if you had to choose um yes I don't [Music] [Music] know wait they came this way how do you know tracks freshly chew G and and the biggest FLW of all Henry's [Music] skateboard at last Oh I thought I'd lost you forever oh me too not you worm Mr Kill if it wasn't for your brother's tracking skills we might not have found you shall we wake your friend I don't know and so we come to my favorite part of the summer the Camp Sunshine Awards and the hunter tracker and scouter award goes to Peter congratulations Peter oh goody I've got a batch well done Peter next is our survival skills award and this year one recruit stood out from all the rest Henry well done Henry and every year our two top recruits share a prize of a 3 weeks holiday great where right here at Camp Sunshine
Channel: Horrid Henry
Views: 38,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horrid henry, horrid henry full episodes, full episodes of horrid henry, horrid henry movies, horrid henry the movie, horrid henry in english, horrid henry cartoon, cartoon horrid henry, horrid henry english, cartoon of horrid henry, horrid henry song, horrid henry theme song, horrid henry audiobook, horrid henry season 1, horrid henry theme, horrid henry noooo, horrid henry new episode, new episode of horrid henry, horrid henry intro, horrid henry birthday
Id: zR6J77bpQ6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 20sec (3680 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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