Unfair funfair | Horrid Henry | Cartoons for Children

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[Music] bingo [Music] number 42 yes mission accomplished boys you'll have to keep an eye on each other your father and I are helping with the games huh oh what we do first get L worm I have to buy my ticket before anyone else gets my number I'll just keep an eye on myself then where's the pirate prize Booth other side of this tent I think want a bite yeah thanks O Come Back B stop [Music] him now who wants to be the next to play ah Henry you're an eager volunteer no I can't I I have to get to don't be shy now just do your best come back [Music] Henry Sorry Miss got to [Music] go hello hello I want to buy a ticket hello we're not open yet Henry come back later there he is get him got to [Music] go huh who's next sit properly there tickets can now be purchased for the pirate prize competition take a chance win a prize gangway coming through [Music] wow oh no one of them is bound to choose number 42 before I can okay calm down think what would rapper Zappa do this is where ordinary Mortals would give up but I will fight my enemies one by one and I will Triumph okay who's first rude Ralph Easy I'm going to mash you to pieces calm down I'll make it up to you I'll tell you what the winning number is really sure and I'll tell you for only 50 pck deal it's number [Music] 95 hi Andrew uh you do know that the first prize is a bungee jump don't you what and the second prize is two bungee jumps don't try and Buton don't need to I know the winning number want to buy it which number is going to win number 42 it is honestly number 42 is the winner you owe me 50p you really think I'm falling for that one Henry I'm picking 31 Yes Putty in my hands oh no Bey bird jumped the Que [Music] ah 42's gone beefy Bird's Got My Ticket BD I'll give you 50p for that ticket I don't know and my new football I don't know okay okay 50p my new football and a Killer Boy Rats poster uh I don't know look Henry I bought a treasure map ticket and a rule ticket go away worm I'm busy do we have a deal great I'll bring your stuff to 75 I don't want this number somebody's got my ticket Peter Peter's Got My Ticket Peter Peter come back [Music] here it's so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry [Music] sorry you can't come in we've got a clown already thanks yeah and he's standing right in front of me out of my way I'm missing my favorite TV show for this party there better be [Music] jelly wow look at that hey it's it's beautiful it's mine W no cake until after the clown oh where's the jelly Henry have you got Peter's birthday present uh yeah it's upstairs yippe woo pop it thank you Gordon oh look mom I got a a torch for reading fairy books at night a pair of hand knitted ear warmers an encyclopedia of flowers and a box of Disappearing chocolates from Margaret disappearing chocolates yeah they've all disappeared wait till Peter gets a load of [Music] this [Music] here's your present [Music] Peter yeah it's a stin bom Henry how could you be so horrid now inside everyone the clown is about to start goody goody goody yipp one more trick like that and there'll be no cake for either of you no cake no cake now come inside with the others let's get this over [Music] with hey K I'm calling the cloud Now where's the birthday [Music] boy what's that uh it's a lion get it out of this room I don't do lions why not let's just say I had a bad circus experience right well now for some [Music] magic very good now for some [Music] cake to hurry this up I want my cake my next trick is the amazing disappearing milk the milk is gone oh it's okay look I found it for you don't be hurried Henry but I didn't do anything for my next trick we have the amazing Vanishing banana wow now I shall make the banana vanish does anyone know where it went yeah it's here now can we have cake not until the show is over how clever you are Henry how would you like to be my assistant what for the box of bewilderment I shall now attempt to make this clever little boy disappear bravo bravo oh lovely step inside oh all right I'll do anything for cake Al Kazam nice Henry hey oops silly me that shouldn't happen should it let's try again Abra [Music] cadabra One Last Time Big Bang bigly [Music] Boo don't be it's so easy being me I'm hard Henry Henry it's dark in here Henry what are you doing those are dabs it's too dark to play golf follow me [Music] worm let us out let us out mom mom help help I told you she wouldn't hear us fine but they haven't built the prison that could hold me give me a leg up what about me oh they'll find you one of these days now give me a leg up no you might leave me [Music] here bunny give me a leg [Music] up can you see bunny oh shut up about that stupid [Music] [Applause] Bud Henry are you all [Music] right do you didn't get bunny so this is all your fault anyway my fault but you were chasing me you made me and of course this is your fault everything's been your fault since the day you were born but but but I was a cute baby you were awful and I did my best to get rid of you I tried everything but every time I came up with a great plan I got into trouble thanks to you but but I had nothing to do with any of that of course you did you were born that wasn't my fault why am I even talking to you I'm getting out of here no Henry you can't leave me here alone yes I [Music] can I'm tunneling my way out oh stupid spoon right that's [Music] enough this has got to work Henry you can't leave you're really mean no I'm not I don't like you very much that's all that's not true because you saved me saved you when when I was [Music] little go away dog I said go [Music] away don't be Horrid Henry look you've made Peter cry again I warned you no mommy look what [Music] doggy you saved me you're my hero I never saved you got rid of the dog cuz cuz cuz he was going to get Mr Kill I shouted at it to save Mr Kill not you that's not true you you saved me uhuh I wouldn't have cared if that dog had eaten both your legs and your nose I wouldn't have cared [Music] ify no it's so easy being me I'm har [Music] Henry yes chocolate mousse my favorite Henry don't touch that oh no Henry do I have to clean the floor yes and the walls as well I want this place spotless for the mossies and Henry it's a grown-up's only evening you'll be in bed when they arrive in bed but I'm staying up to play the jello that's not [Music] fair Dad please can I stay up for dinner after last time no [Music] way no that was ages ago I was younger [Music] then ah dinner is [Music] served oh no I'm more grown up now I promise to behave you're going to bed early tonight Henry it's not fun it's not fair it's not fair still not fair what are you cooking tonight dear salmon with lime and ginger and uh chocolate mousse for dessert Mom I'm really looking forward to meeting the mossies tonight nice try Henry but it's not fair Peter gets to stay up and you're having chocolate mousse I love chocolate mousse Mr Mossy wants to hear Peter Play The Cello and then it's off to bed for him as well I'm rather looking forward to an early night I understand that grown-ups need to be by themselves [Music] [Applause] sometimes don't be worried Henry stop it go to your room I won't I want to stay up I want chocolate mousse I want upstairs now and don't come out until I tell you the dinner guest are here oh no the Moose I'll have to make another one good evening hello delighted to meet you Mr and Mrs Mossy I'm Peter what a journey put Hercules down [Music] dear look fluffy a nice big tasty Mouse hul help oh my [Music] B this should help Peter's cello sound better poor Hercules Mommy will protect you they really ought to keep that wild beast locked up it's just not fair I'm stuck here while they're all having [Music] fun chocolate chocolate mousse well if they won't invite me to dinner I'm inviting me to [Music] dinner perfect [Music] dinner is [Music] served uh-oh Peter doesn't play that [Music] well someone has tampered with your music [Music] Peter not bad come on boy boy sorry but it's the last one yikes and it's such a lovely neighborhood for the kids to grow up in and oh um Hercules bad dog [Music] EAS this goes here and [Music] here okay where's my Mutant cyborg [Music] spiders I can't get up without them for the last time Henry time to [Music] get morning [Music] Dad wait a minute where's Mr Mr Kill where's Mr Kill who's going Mr [Music] Kill torch scissors notepad and Pen check boot polish lucky rotten duck egg and fake dog poo check I'm going to get you back Mr Kill and then I'll get whoever took [Music] you detective Henry always gets his man this smells like an inside job dodgy dad but why Henry Henry [Music] T Henry you really are Horrid Henry yeah Dad you can run but you can't hide 4:35 p.m. suspect cooking healthy food in kitchen no don't cook Mr Kill what you took Mr kill while I was at school now you want us to eat him don't be Horrid Henry look it's a chicken oh and I was at work when you were at school oh suspect has Alibi maybe Mr Kill left home you're always throwing him around and stamping on him Mr Kill would never leave me well well then look in your fort maybe you left him there no I didn't leave him he was stolen Mr Kill where are you I'm in charge because it's my garden but you're always in charge in my garden too well somebody has to be in charge around here oh yeah now there's someone who has a mo Moody Margaret she's always wanted to get me back is she going to be all right she'll pull through what are you doing to my Dy you'll pay for this Henry revenge and Ransom two perfect motives Moody see Margaret kidnapped Mr Kill well what's wrong with being second in command it's not first in command is it oh yes but it's better than being third in command believe me oh no they're burying Mr Kill we could both be first in command that's a stupid idea that's it I'm going home that's why you'll never be in command they'll pay for this Mr Kill what are you doing to my time capsu it's so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry I want a galactic goo shooter more than anything oh and a boom boom Basher too well um here this is for you Santa oh thank you young man that is most kind and what do you want for Christmas um I would like a dictionary some seeds a geometry kit and stamps please no toys I've got plenty already thanks what about me what about my presents well we'll see about that great when grown-ups say we'll see that always means yes [Music] Henry come and help tidy up aren't Ruby and cousin Steve will be here any minute why did they have to come for Christmas a ruby only ever gives me socks I know maybe you could try being nicer to Steve I hate cousin Steve you want to know why I hate cousin Steve this is my house this is Steve's house this is my pad ping pool this is Steve's paddling pool I think you get the picture Henry help your mother [Music] please wo what Henry watch out oh no it's Ruby the door was open there we thought we' left ourselves in what a dump sh remember what I told you about being rude to poor people now put their presents under the tree and these are for you sweetie I'm getting a galactic goo shooter really I'm getting one too and a boom boom Basher me too and that's just from mother Santa's bringing the rest if he has any room after all mine boys why don't you go outside and uh see who can build the biggest snowman what look mine's bigger than yours already [Applause] so that's how you want to [Music] play fin that's not a snowman yes snowmen don't have [Music] wings now it looks more like a Snowman hey he's my brother oh thanks Henry so I get to break [Music] [Music] it mine's the biggest mine's the biggest mine's the biggest [Music] I'm trapped I'm more trapped than you are no I'm more [Music] trapped there oh Peter that is pretty I knitted it myself I had to have mine specially made h mom we' forgotten the men's pie and milk for Santa uh coming right up I wish tomorrow would come now why so you can watch me open all the presents you wish you had Christmas is about giving not receiving silence worm if you're nice I might possibly let you have a go with my Galactic goo shooter no thank you I'll have my own well we'll soon find out won't we it's so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry this flower is ruining my [Music] hair one two three good afternoon class good afternoon time for a dress rehearsal take up your positions [Music] everyone Linda I said everyone oh thank you now clouds over there flowers over there thunder cloud over there and raindrops over [Music] here and begin like the Su children like the [Music] sule Henry is pushing lift and play come on Margaret sink [Music] Thunder Miss Henry's kicking heal to heal to turn to the left and [Music] pl this Henry's barging and pette [Music] SOS that was a disgrace I'm sorry madam tutu I tried my best maybe I shouldn't be in the concert listen to me hry there are no failures in my class they're all no everyone has talent if they work hard and you will be be up on that stage with everyone else don't you worry [Music] oh what am I going to do Ralph I haven't got much time left maybe the concert will be so bad no one will notice you you that's it well we need to borrow your karate costume thanks what did I say I don't know [Music] oo my tummy feels funny I can see my mom we are clouds We Are CL we will be the best CLS we can be come on everyone time to get into your costumes [Music] time to get into my costume oh I hope Peter isn't too nervous I hope Henry behaves himself blesses everyone quickly where is Henry and now I'm delighted to present to you Madame tutu's elementary ballet class who will perform for us a new piece entitled I hear [Music] [Applause] thunder oh doesn't Peter look sweet I still can't see Henry [Music] dance dance The Show Must Go [Music] On what are you doing there's no thunder without lightning it's so easy being me I'm hard [Music] Henry so today's the day Polly is my most favoritest cousin who'd want to marry Pretty Polly I wouldn't even if you paid me a million pound EK M get him away from [Music] me [Music] oh look that's mine worm don't be horri Henry Henry go and get dressed this minute I'm not going and that's final Henry it's not [Music] fair we're going to be late we're going to be late we want to be longate good [Music] oh [Music] oh watch out out for the puddle [Music] boys I'm all messy Henry it was an accident come on we've got to go inside don't worry Peter you'll be fine look at you you're FY don't you dare touch me all right listen here brat this is the best day of Polly's life and if you muck it up I will be very very very angry so what are we going to be very very very [Music] [Applause] good best day of my life best day of my life best day of my [Music] life dearly beloved we are gathered here today to witness the joining of Polly Penelope and Paul perigrine perigrine shut it br [Music] I love you yes I love you I love you I love you but I love you yes I love you I love you cuz I love you uhoh the ring Henry what the other ring breakf face where is it he's got it no I haven't okay uh here you can borrow mine thank you Henry [Music] it's so easy being me I'm hard Henry [Music] I want money I want gold I want wealth before I'm old I want coins that I can hold I want Bank notes I can fold too many Rhymes write that out 300 times next [Music] and now read us your PO poem [Music] Henry this will really gross him out this poem is called better out than in Pirates puke on stormy seas Giants spew on top of trees kings are sick in Golden L dogs throw up on Daddy's [Music] Shoes babies love to make a mess down the front of mom's best dress thank you boy I think you've made your point oh but I haven't got to the good bit yet obviously you still have bathing upchucking gagging wretching and regurgitating to go now sit down I threw up in a boat once I threw up in the car I threw up on my teddy silence you will all stay for detention after school is finished now it's time for the next lesson music follow me looks like I'm going to have to turn things up or not can anyone tell me what music is an expression of music is an expression of who we are that's right Brian now I want each of you to pick up the instrument in front of you silence double Det ition after school has finished one at a time Susan you first what is it boy there's something wrong with my tuba sir it is not letting me express myself properly H maybe you're not blowing hard enough I think it's blocked I can't see anything you're right sir I wasn't blowing hard enough you HED boy I was just expressing myself sir head mistress's office now keep playing do something Henry [Music] Peter hello Henry I'm the school messenger today I've got to deliver all the post to all the teachers here's the tray of post Peter now do you know what you need to do oh yes Miss [Music] Lovely oh Peter congratulations being School messenger is an important job I'm sure you'll do it splendidly this is for Mr neran thank you Miss opo Miss Lovely may I have a moment of your time a Henry why am I not surprised to see you I'll deal with you in a moment Peter you may return to class so when do you have to deliver everything in that tray um just before lunch oo I'm going to be the best school messenger [Music] ever just before lunch eh perfect a triple detention is that all no discipline in this school that's the problem sit down over there [Music] oh wow Henry move over there it's so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry this is a dog nonsense this is perfect where's the TV no TV here thank goodness where's the pool no pool we'll swim in the lake where are the toilets no toilets only joking it's over there that's the toilet this is real camping oh yes Dad the bonjour trees bonjour bird bonjour oh oh um bonjour monly um I I think that means welcome hand me that pole please [Music] Henry why can't we stay at Camp fun comfy beds and hot showers that's not real camping Bono camping we're staying here Henry so you might as well stop making a fuss and enjoy yourself can it get any worse last one in a cowardy [Music] custard come on you too it's lovely much better than a swimming pool a Peter much better come on Henry no way it's filthy and the snakes will get me snakes don't be such a baby you're coming in no come on a bit of mud never hurt anyone hate [Music] nature [Music] what was that I don't know probably a werewolf no it's not you're just trying to scare me oh that was you Henry no it wasn't see it wasn't [Music] me I think it was an owl or a werewolf protect pretending to be an owl werewolves are very clever well good night then oh Henry I need the toilet go then it's dark out there what if I meet you know the [Music] werewolf go ahead I'll keep guard with the torch Where will don't like light there now he's safe from the werewolf it's really dark in here and smelly H Henry [Applause] [Music] Henry oops sorry wrong t Henry what's going on where's Peter Peter um asleep Henry took my torch and left me in the toilet Henry I know I'm horrid send me home please oh no you don't your father wants to be close to Nature and that's what we're doing why could we camp in our back Garden that's close to Nature and proper toilets too nonsense this is our holiday come on Peter I thought holidays were supposed to be fun for everybody nature you freak up that's it they want to be close to Nature then they're going to be close to [Music] Nature [Music] morning [Music] D no no no come on shoot shoot shoot oh oh it's so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry Henry do you know where bunny is no well not exactly Henry if you want any pocket money ever again then you'd better get bunny back fast oops better get digging [Music] no this will take forever unless I can get somebody to help [Music] me so who told you there was treasure buried here everyone knows that don't they but I don't know we're going to be rich I'm going to buy every chocolate bar in the world I want me own [Music] Jim hey B found anything I you know Henry there's something down here I'm going to buy a yacht too it's one of these time capsules huh there's nothing in it no treasure no nothing come on let's keep [Music] digging I bet there never was any treasure how come these are all empty I don't know I'm going home thanks for nothing Henry they were all empty I want my buddy where can he be maybe he's been kidnapped by aliens I want buddy back Henry you have got to find bunny or else I've got to find out what happened to those time capsules you R that's it yes I Henry have a plan this is a disgrace if any of you know anything about the identity of these holigans please come forward I bet they were boys Miss Henry no Miss we mustn't give in to these Hooligans Henry no quite we should bury another capsule to show that we won't be beaten excellent idea Henry come on [Music] children what's your game Henry have a good star oh thank you maybe the children of the future would like it how unusually unselfish Henry well done right let's get this capsule buried yes Al you're good at digging sh I mean you probably are now we [Music] wait hands up this is the police you're under arrest boy come [Music] back who are you m old B Henry you're the Time capsual Thief no well yes o this is a bit embarrassing um I uh I like to keep a souvenir of all the children who passed through my school did you dig up all the other boxes as well yes everything's in my attic at home it's my way of remembering you all couldn't you just take a photo of us look Henry if anyone were to find out about this it might um well might be a bit awkward Henry do your parents know you're out this late so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry did you get anyway listen up [Music] everyone my birthday party the social event of the year your parties are never fun yeah they're never fun I never have a nice time so thanks but we're not coming but that means no presents wait this year's going to be different there'll be a brilliant tea sounds good and and the prizes will be fantastic game prizes I'm in and me if it's not too scary this will be the best party you've ever been to all right I'll come just to see This brilliant party of yours yeah me too and me come on and then the ants painstakingly burrow their way down through the soil to build their nest Henry [Music] Henry's best party ever item one food crisps burgers and loads of chips carrot sticks M yummy peanut butter sandwiches and plenty of apple juice item two the trip to lasers up we'll go in a fleet of stretched lios [Music] no no limos much too [Music] expensive one bus is much greener than lots of limos don't know why you're bothered you're not coming Henry Peter's your brother of course he's coming but he'll ruin everything run don't be Horrid Henry no Peter no party all right but you better keep out of my way [Music] worm yes the birthday boy's name is [Music] Henry Henry when you went to lasers app for Ralph's birthday party did you break all the lasers no and put slime in everybody's space suits no what about the goo in the moon boots oh yeah that was great I mean I wasn't me well laser zap have banned you that means the party will have to be here no I want to go to laser zap I promised everyone a great time don't worry I know lots of good games [Music] yeah happy birthday Hello you can come in if you brought a present don't be Horrid Henry [Music] where's Ralph he's supposed to be here Ralph's at the dentist his mom's going to drop him off when he's finished you'll have to start without him okay go this is from I know it's a pack of felt pens do you like it Henry M I've already got some hey Henry what do you say thank you very much next it's a tapestry kit I chose it myself why o oh I'll have it if you don't want it Henry brilliant you've got some animal soap a CD of fairy tales oh wow cook your own healthy nutritious food f
Channel: Horrid Henry
Views: 45,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoon horrid henry, cartoon of horrid henry, full episodes of horrid henry, horrid henry, horrid henry audiobook, horrid henry birthday, horrid henry cartoon, horrid henry english, horrid henry full episodes, horrid henry in english, horrid henry intro, horrid henry movies, horrid henry new episode, horrid henry noooo, horrid henry season 1, horrid henry song, horrid henry the movie, horrid henry theme, horrid henry theme song, new episode of horrid henry
Id: ePN0RhMV4Y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 24sec (3564 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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