Grown Up | Horrid Henry | Cartoons for Kids | WildBrain Bananas

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foreign [Music] right [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey you're almost watching that not anymore you're not just look at this mess there's just a few crumbs right that's it no more TV for the whole weekend well now it's the wacky and wild clean up weekend instead foreign [Music] [Music] which I very much doubt then you can go up and tie to your bedroom oh hang on a minute where are you going to tidy my bathroom oh it's just not fair what a grown-ups always boss us kids around [Music] yum vegetable stew come on Henry eat your vegetables why because it's not fair you grown-ups got to eat whatever you like but we don't I like vegetable stew who asked you worm don't be Horrid Henry see what I mean hello and welcome to the big dig today loliro will be taking you down under oh please internal fall I'm going up the wooden Hill to bedfordshire now come on Henry it's your bedtime too I shouldn't be going to bed at the same time as the worm says who says me that's who op I suppose what I say doesn't matter cause I'm just a kid [Music] thank you luckily Mom and Dad don't know about gross class zero catch up it's not for realized he's never gonna get away unless you swap lives [Music] wake up wake up now [Music] off on my work shoes and my tingly toothbrush annual reports gone missing too what cause you're supposed to know where they are and I spilled tickle treats all over the floor in the kitchen why don't you clear them up then not my job you're the grown-up I am what do I do now you're supposed to be getting me my breakfast oh [Music] mess do I have to go to work today yes of course you have to go to work today otherwise how will you have enough money to buy me things oh what lost maybe the worm can work out what's going on morning Dad [Music] about the wrong side as usual I see [Music] that's Henry have you noticed anything uh different about today no oh yes mum's not up yet and she needs to leave a walk-in precisely three minutes what I better tell her good luck with that Henry time to get up [Music] Mom it's time to get up oh I don't believe I'm going to have to do this [Music] so you found your shoes then yes they were in the bin typical can you help me tie my tie and I've got to get myself oh come on it won't take you long and you know I can't do it and anyway if you don't do it I'll throw a tantrum and scream and scream and all right all right until have her go [Music] it's your breakfast Henry huh thank you any breakfast I know but thank you anyway finished oh thanks Henry better tidy up your things dad otherwise you'll fall over again don't want to won't oh then I'll do it for you hey where are you going to school of course go without me oh you'll be age is getting these two off to work I can't be late for school you know that bye thanks worm right think I'm ready to go to work now are you sure Dad yeah well I don't really want to go of course because bossy Bob's always picking on me and I never get first in the queue for donuts and tea break and those toothbrushes could be really rough on your hands I know that's really horrible isn't it now off you go see you this evening oh I'm hungry mum you're going to be really late for work don't care I'm hungry oh then let's get you some breakfast eggs [Music] toast what's this green thing it's goody goody green stuff of course oh yeah do you want some of that then no you love goody goody green stuff you eat it all the time not anymore I don't now I eat crisps you can't just eat crisps for breakfast why not because because don't be crisp for breakfast watch me oh that's where she hides the Christmas [Music] at the last come on then [Music] wait don't you want your coat don't need it [Music] will you wear a coat I don't care I am not wearing a smelly coat what about these nope not wearing those smelly things neither [Music] got my stuff [Music] hold on pause glass Zero Comics no they're not [Music] don't do that [Music] oh don't do that either lost [Music] foreign -ups today they're so rude I was going to seem quite normal after all that [Music] give me that back it's not fair it's mine I had it first you took it did not hey stop that mine no mine I don't think I could take much more of this and so silent snuffle and Barbara conk bogey will store to their rightful bodies and all was well with the world again [Music] Henry just what do you think you're doing I stayed up all night watching gross glass zero catch up on the computer what are you mad with me mad doesn't even begin to describe it get upstairs right now you know I like things just the way they are kids roll okay [Music] it's so easy being me [Music] all right then let's try that again shall we I'm going to turn around right now and leave this classroom and then I'm going to come back in and you would better all be in your places or else [Music] [Applause] [Music] Henry yeah oops oops indeed Henry [Music] oh enter I need a world with you Cynthia of course what can I do for you those children I think I might be losing my glimp sit down boudica I'm sure we can work something out and then the cat sat on the mat oh miss battle ax I thought I was taking reading time for you today you are thank you Miss Lovely I've just come to tell my class something I am going away and I may be away for some time and going on holiday the holidays yes William [Music] thank you William however I can assure you that I won't miss you yes Henry does that mean we get a holiday too Miss no it certainly does not your temporary teacher will be with you first thing tomorrow I see well thank you very much anyhow yes tiddles I know it's time to go home but I've still got to find a temporary teacher to cover miss battle ax's class hmm Mr nerdin I wonder if he'd consider coming back just for a little while [Music] ah Mr nerdin it's Miss oddbod here from Ashton primary I wonder [Music] I'll take that as a no then hmm might have to try a trainee instead let's see who we've got oh let's try this one fingers crossed a tiddles [Music] well miss rancid thank you so much for coming in it's such short notice oh yes let me show you to your class it's all right I know the way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hello Rebecca I don't believe you've met Archie my pet spider I don't believe I have no butts Henry sit down anyone else thinking of misbehaving no no no no what no miss her Miss no Miss Francis [Music] I'm glad you think you're going you go you go you you and you grow go what are you doing down there Henry I'm cleaning the floor what does it look like worm let me help you Henry maybe you'll get a good as gold watch from your new cheat shot watch what you think smelly nappy baby well if you don't want my help then I'll carry on with what I was doing [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] so Henry what you're going to do about it the bogey babysitter the bogey teacher more like me that's got to do something because because why because it's all your fault that miss battle ax has gone away on holiday and left us alone with that monster yeah well it's not my fault that Rebecca's not frightened of spiders anymore I thought Archie would scare away well it didn't did it so you better figure out how to get rid of her or else or else what or else it will be even more your fault oh why is it always my fault because it always is um please please [Music] Miss are you going to teach us anything no or a creep and I don't like creeps because this if you're not going to teach us anything I'd like the excuse to go to the library please You're All Creeps now go scary creeps [Music] oh you get you get on with that bunch of snotty news kitty all right they can be pretty scary sometimes Connie don't frighten me nothing frightens me really really [Music] only joking come in shells and brushing the story carpet U you are most certainly my goodest gold boy today [Music] you're right I am now doing that away snap slime we've got a plan what do you mean a planned a plan to scare the terrible teacher away [Music] [Music] [Music] said whatever do you think you're doing [Music] Miss run said I'm afraid I simply can't permit Behavior like this in my school you will have to leave now [Music] [Applause] [Music] and you can all sit back down at your desks and wait for Mr suggington who will be with you shortly [Music] [Applause] oh
Channel: WildBrain Bananas
Views: 655,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoon horrid henry, cartoon of horrid henry, full episodes of horrid henry, horrid henry, horrid henry audiobook, horrid henry birthday, horrid henry cartoon, horrid henry english, horrid henry full episodes, horrid henry in english, horrid henry intro, horrid henry movies, horrid henry new episode, horrid henry noooo, horrid henry season 1, horrid henry song, horrid henry the movie, horrid henry theme, horrid henry theme song, new episode of horrid henry
Id: LZgGZx2fmLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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