Road to Nowhere - Great Escape | Horrid Henry DOUBLE Full Episodes

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[Music] mom I'm home sweetie how was your day oh it was wonderful everyone made such a fuss of me and Miss Lovely said I was the loveliest birthday boy ever oh Henry good day not really good good now hurry up Peter's got a lot of presents to open and then everyone sang It's your birthday today to me twice twice or was it three times chear up Henry it may never happen it does every day there's one from great aunt Greta and this one's from Ruby there's even one from Steve and this one's from us oh thank you this is so exciting yeah isn't it there is a little something for you too too Henry really only if you're a happy birthday brother yes I'm a happy birthday brother happy unbirthday brother you mean what does that even mean don't be Horrid Henry aren't you going to open your present sweetie booba sweee [Music] booa it's not it isn't it can't be it's a telescope in case you didn't know that I knew that Henry just being helpful maybe I'll discover something a galaxy far far away the poopy Peta Planet don't be Horrid Henry maybe I will discover a planet go on Henry open your unbirthday [Music] present The Ultimate Guide a little finger knitting no [Music] a I've always wanted to learn a little finger knit so have I now what could this be a jumper don't be Horrid Henry great aun Greta's jumpers are lovely no they're not they're anything but lovely that one makes you look like a girl they all make me look like a girl well that will be because she thinks you are a girl yeah a girl that likes wearing crazy jumpers that's not a good thing well it could be worse she could think you're a teenager how can that possibly be worse last year she gave you driving lessons for your birthday well let's see what she's got got you this year Peter the [Music] teenager it's a satna but that's fantastic oh it's interactive however did she know we need a new one possibly because we were 3 hours late last time we went to visit her yes because you wouldn't stop and ask anyone which way to Summer pudding Grove well what kind of a name is that for a street there's something else in here look it's a jumper oh great now she thinks I'm a very tiny girl who likes wearing crazy jumpers this isn't for you Henry it's for the satnav thank you great aunt Greta I'm so nice and cozy in my jumper now unfortunately yes we are related come on everyone Get your coats what why we're going for a drive in the car woo goody what a lovely idea I'll get some sandwiches anyone seen my mobile [Music] phone ah just the day for a [Music] drive I'll see you fluffy top of the morning to you Mrs um little old lady oh Mrs little old lady and the dog that you know you know what you know the dog that um the dog that we yes thank you Henry you okay yes I'm more than okay I'm feeling good this morning satnav show me the way identify yourself oh uh well I'm dad and this is Mom hello and behind me are Henry Peter fluffy and Fang how do you like your little jumper we thought it was rather elegant satnavs have no concept of Elegance well are we going anywhere you must say satnav get me out of here oh right then sat get me out of [Music] here yea here we go HED [Music] family woo I think that was a white Puffin huh what don't think so don't be Horrid [Music] Henry who anyone hungry oh yes please Mom oh look another white [Music] Puffin fluffy I was hungry good job I've got some emergency supplies what I only put it there a few weeks ago I've been saving it for a special occasion toasted cheese sandwich Peter it looks a bit green is it past itself cell by date oh no they just make it green so it looks more healthy okay thank you Henry aren't you having some uh no I had a big breakfast M it's [Music] [Music] [Music] delicious no oh no what is it bunny bundle a long and Winding Road oh dear it's okay I've got this covered satnav get me out of here terminating terminating terminated look Peter the long and winding road has disappeared pH that was [Music] close yes let's have a sing song Oh no let's not that's a lovely idea Peter there's a friend in fimble Valley that R our way to see no please rolly rly rolly Mo he's the riest moly ever know and his name is rly Mo what does that even mean the riest mole you'll ever know we don't know any moles he the you know I just get me out of here terminate terminate terminated rly rly r r the you hang on I've seen that road [Applause] before it's great aunt Greta hello hello yes great a Greta it's [Music] me no Peter's not driving dad's driving yes yes henrietta's here too oh yes she loved the jumper you knitted for her yeah yeah sorry great old I've got to [Music] go satav get us out of here terminating terminating terminated it's all over our [Music] shoes H where home we're home thank goodness we're home worried [Music] family what don't can't believe it my mean horrible parents are so mean and horrible they couldn't even write me a note to say I'm busy this weekend yeah that really is bad luck Henry I couldn't believe it when old battl read out my name and now I have to go away for the whole weekend to be in the brain box of the Year competition yeah hard to imagine isn't it don't you think we can do it then well yeah I'm sure you can do it yeah I'm sure we can do it too but I still wish I could swap places with someone coming round to mine tonight to watch a movie I can't mom says I've got to stay in and do extra CHS to pay her back for the broken bin liid broken bin liid yeah the one that came off when actually don't tell me Henry oh yeah it is a bit of a long story they always are Henry yeah I know will there ever be a day when you don't get into trouble Henry will there ever be a day when you aren't rude Ralph One Note One measly note that's all I asked for one note to say I'm busy this weekend what are you doing this weekend oh no Henry I really am busy this weekend there's the Ashton fashion festival and then all right all right I know are you really busy this weekend well no unless you count all the chores I have to do yeah I know it's not a good enough excuse but I'm not going to that boring old brain box competition and that's [Music] that all set just got to find my mobile phone I've got it ready for our Great Escape yes yes I think so they should be on their way by now don't worry Peter's going to have a lovely weekend being a teenager with great aunt [Music] Greta and Henry's going to have a great time at the brain box of the Year competition no I just can't help worrying it's the first time we've been away just the two of us for well ages everyone will be fine and we're going to have a lovely weekend come on we'll miss the traffic if we go [Music] now [Music] oh I was so sure we were going to miss the traffic what's that your mobile oh yes who was it no idea probably someone trying to sell me something maybe a new satna enough very [Music] funny I can't believe it there's just too many people in this country all trying to go to the same place at the same time who is that no idea but I'm not going to let them disturb our weekend away look maybe I should drive maybe [Music] not I can't believe everyone thinks that pressing their horn is somehow going to magically make the traffic disappear why don't you call me groovy Greta um because that's not your name great Arun Greta of course it's not but I've always wanted to be called groovy Greta and they say it's never too late to dream your dreams don't they yes I suppose they [Music] do what Good's that going to do I don't know but if everyone else is going to do it then I'm Jolly well going to do it too [Music] yes groovy Greta that's who I really am oh right great aunt I mean groovy Greta what have you always wanted to be called Peter oh I'm quite happy with my name really yes my name is Peter Perfect Peter and it always will be [Music] oh yeah that's Eric the uncredible and that's rert the ridiculous and this is Alan the alarming selfie [Music] y unbelievable he's so stupid that he doesn't even realize that taking a self he means you take it yourself why bother to take it yourself when you have someone else to take it for you for you two someone else's to be precise he's still stupid yeah too right no too right you're up here in the Attic you do remember the attic don't you Henry someone please stop [Music] I don't know you'll sleep up here what all of us oh no mamama said you can sleep in her room seeing as you're the only girl and where's her room I'm guessing it's not in the Attic oh yeah I mean no it's not it's a very large room on the ground floor oh that's just great that is you make me walk all the way up here just so I can walk all the way down again well yeah looks like it yeah like it give it a rest can't you you're worse than Susan and that's saying [Music] something [Music] now why is our set M always broken because we never get it mended very funny which way now turn left no turn right no go straight on well at least there's no [Music] [Music] traffic [Music] yeah yeah [Music] yeah wake up the traffic Jam's gone huh huh all right all right keep your hair [Music] on I don't believe it we're home oh thank goodness we're [Music] home [Music] did you have a lovely weekend away you've been away well uh yes sort of how was your weekend pretty good actually really Henry yeah we won the cup you won the cup how did that happen it's a long story Dad I'll tell you later why didn't you call and tell us I did try calling you no one answered oh and how was your weekend honey kins mine was pretty good too let's do this again [Music] okay no
Channel: Horrid Henry
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Keywords: horrid henry, horrid henry full episodes, full episodes of horrid henry, horrid henry movies, horrid henry the movie, horrid henry in english, horrid henry cartoon, cartoon horrid henry, horrid henry english, cartoon of horrid henry, horrid henry song, horrid henry theme song, horrid henry audiobook, horrid henry season 1, horrid henry theme, horrid henry noooo, horrid henry new episode, new episode of horrid henry, horrid henry intro, horrid henry birthday
Id: MeazotHQT6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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