Lawn Sprinkler Head Replace Rotor

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all right so let me ask you a strange question have you ever had something that was working but it was just kind of old and you said you know what i'm going to replace it with just a newer version and update it and you're like holy cow man that works so much better well that's all i'm talking about today uh i'm gonna show you my sort of quick method five minutes how to replace these rotors these sprinkler heads but also one thing i notice is on these sprinkler heads if they're getting if you have ones that are several years old there's something just happens to them the performance of them maybe it's the newer version of the sprinkler heads i don't know but man if you have older rotors and sprinkler heads try replacing them and you're going to be shocked i'm telling you that just the difference in the performance from five six seven years ago to today is amazing so that's what i'll do today i'll show you how to replace them also hit subscribe because we're getting ready to do an aerate a full aerate on our lawn we're going to apply the dirt booster organic material we're going to apply some human char we're going to be reseeding the green we're going to be reseeding the fairway project i got 25 videos coming out don't want to miss them so let's go replace these heads okay so before we begin real quick let me just talk about the heads you can use a rain bird or you can use hunter either one the debate goes on but this is a three-quarter inch receiver it's a threaded three-quarter inch receiver some of your heads especially your pop-up heads have half-inch it just depends really on your system and how they installed it so that's the only thing you need to make sure the majority of these larger heads like this are going to have a three-quarter inch hole at the bottom next there's a little intake it's a little l usually down here and there's a threaded part that goes into what they call funny pipe or flex pipe so all this does is this screws on top today what i'm talking about is i'm talking about a method especially if you have clay soils that you can just compress the soil down to about here and just turn this and pull it out through the soil versus and if you can't do that then you have to dig all the way around this piece to expose the pipe and uh that's just a that's just a note so i'm doing it the quick way the other note is if you have sprinkler heads that are in high zones and then sprinkler heads that are down in low zones if you go to your lowest zone sprinkler head and you unscrew this you're probably going to get some water come up just to let you know so you may have to do a deeper dig but i have done this where i've had water come up and just gone back and screwed it on now let's talk real quick about the top so the majority of these on the top have an arrow setting right here so this arrow setting there's an arrow pointed somewhere and that's where the spray comes out now they all rotate of course these things all rotate now on a rain bird as you go counterclockwise your click go counterclockwise to the left side so that's going to be your fixed position so the fixed position is going to be here you cannot adjust that the only way to adjust that is to turn the rotor on the right side that little hole here the plus and minus that's what's going to stick your tool in there and that's what adjusts the right side adjustment on the hunter it's opposite this little hole on all your sprinkler heads is the little bolt that screws down and instead of having a solid stream makes it more misty that's my turn so the more you screw that down the shorter the path and the more mist you're gonna get so you control the distance so that's basically the explanation of the sprinkler heads again when i go to tighten this when i put it i don't know why but if this is my fixed position so i take the sprinkler head go to the right click go back to the left side when i put it in the ground i don't know why i found that if i just put it just sort of line it up put it in and turn it it kind of ends up there when it starts to get kind of tight but then you have to adjust this whole part on the left side on the fixed position and then you can adjust the right if you have to adjust a head that's buried you can just dig it up a little bit and you can sort of turn it hopefully if you don't turn it then you have to take this top off pull the rotor out find the fixed position and drop it in the fixed position um what else i think that's about it but i just want to make sure you understand that today i'm doing this quick method which is really easy it's super simple now i dude on the video i do talk about too the position of up and down and since it's a flex pipe if you ever want to change the position this way of your head just dig all the way around your sprinkler head expose some of that pipe and then lift so the pipe is connected that plastic funny pipe so if your head is like this dig it all up and then so bring your pipe and the head up like this and then you can actually the up and down part of it um how it's going to shoot i need to do that on one of my heads out front so uh i'll just go and show you what it did yesterday and i'm just going to open the hole up just a little bit not too deep i don't want to puncture my line don't want my butt in the camera shot either so how deep do you dig well most of your full-size rotors are that deep so you know i took my shovel down that deep because there's a little there's a little um plug that screws in here with a plastic line so let me get my little trowel and it always helps to do this before you run your sprinklers because now i'll probably have a muddy mess so i'm just going to take my sawed out i'm going to put it aside and then i'm just going to dig down and then figure out your arrow is where it's spraying fixed so here's my arrow and my arrow's pointing this way and i want my fixed edge to go here so i need it to end up pointing that way so i understand that so all i'm going to do is i'm just going to unscrew this now i can get the whole body to unscrew make sure it's a three-quarter inch now i can feel it starting to get tight so once i feel it's starting to get tight i'm going to line up this edge that's my fixed position right there so now i'm all set so now just put this back in pretty simple huh so on the rain bird the left side when you go and you go counterclockwise your left edge is going to be fixed and then your right edge is adjustable on the hunter it's the opposite the right edge is fixed and the left edge is adjustable so i'm actually going to leave that it's a little bit of a depression because i took some dirt out and i'm okay with that no big deal now i'm gonna fire it up and i'm gonna adjust it um this system is ratchet oh actually and it's actually the backyard this is zone number four next i'll put it for eight minutes run there we go so now all i'm going to do is i'm just going to use my little tool here and adjust it my left edge is fixed so i know it's right if i needed to adjust the left edge i would just turn the whole rotor base a little bit back and forth when it comes to my right edge i need to adjust it with the tool and wouldn't you know i don't need to adjust it so these things can only these things can basically go 360. um but when you want less there's a little plus and minus sign on the top of it you just stick it in and plus or minus the turn now i don't want this this is a windy day but i don't want it shooting that far because i have more sprinklers down further so instead of shooting in a fine line i'm going to drive that screw down and make it more misty so you can see on the very front there's a screw and it it breaks up that water spray and it doesn't shoot as far and it becomes more of a misting pattern because i only want this head to go about two-thirds of the way down because i have more heads down over there matter of fact i could probably even go a little less but i may just leave it so here's a funny note i was so impressed with this new head compared to the old head i'm gonna replace this one as well this is such an important area back here for my yard that i want to make sure that i got a good head on there that's an old head fancy way again here here i have pulled out my sod and all i'm going to do now is i'm going to make i'm going to clay sculpt and make sure there's no loose dirt once i do that this one's stuck i couldn't grab it so i just took the top off and make sure there's no little pieces around the edge okay so she's ready to come off nice and slow left is fixed and that's where i want to end up right about there is good that's close so now i can just get my tool all right so on the rain bird the left edge is fixed arrow's pointing this way come back around and it's going to go right here but i want to come over more so i'm going to go all the way back to my left and i'm going to turn this to the plus side about half a turn and now it's definitely maybe just a little bit less a tiny bit less that should be perfect and then i know for a fact on new ones you gotta wind this thing way down shhh beautiful absolutely beautiful [Music] it's not bad now if i want to adjust my thick side i left a little flea way and i just turn the whole unit that's where i want that to be back just a little bit perfect absolutely so it really pays off i'm telling you if you have had sprinkler heads out here for several years and they may be working it really pays off to replace them you'll be shocked at the quality of water difference just from age from buildup calcification just um and the newer heads they perform so much better that just looks fantastic so the past um the past week once a day i'll go out and i'll run a sprinklers a zone and i'll look at it and i'll really sort of measure it and make sure that i'm getting good overlap that's something that i do you should do once a year at least make sure that your heads are set right and working right now let's say you want to shut off a sprinkler head i've got an ugly area way back here in the corner and we actually have a couple heads back here and we actually had too many heads so i wanted to shut off two of the heads well all you need to do is buy a couple of these now this is a three-quarter this is a three-quarter threaded female pvc cap or like what 30 cents a piece all you have to do is dig down expose that that funny pipe that's down there and then you can close it off and let me see if i can find one that's closed off so this area had a head in it and you can see i just have a three-quarter i still have to bury it but that has a closed off that just has one of these on top of it so that's up against the fence back in this woods area and it actually shoots towards the green and we had like five heads all around here and it was number one it was too many heads for the amount of uh gph and pressure so i took one of the heads off and then i moved one around so if you ever want to shut off a head you can just get these caps dig it up screw that on and then shuts it off i hope this video helped you guys again hunter versus rain bird they're both about the same quality wise these days um but check your heads again i think time wears down on these heads you start to get a lot of dirt you start to get a lot of calcification or that build up on the pipes it's just the new heads perform so much nicer hit subscribe talk to you later
Channel: How To with Doc
Views: 49,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sprinkler head replacement, sprinkler head, lawn sprinkler, sprinkler head repair, spray head, sprinkler head adjustment, how to replace a sprinkler, how to replace a sprinkler head, how to fix a sprinkler head, sprinkler system, sprinkerler heads, lawn irrigation
Id: zvicapKdnZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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