Stocking Pond with Bluegill and Bass

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morning so we're out here at the farm project and today we are going to have fish delivered we're going to have fish stocking today so I'll talk a little bit about that we'll talk a little bit about pricing and I've done it this is the second way I've done it so I'll give you my opinion about the best way to actually do this process too uh a few months ago the whole Pond stocking thing is kind of new to us so I've been doing research on it and research on it and there are companies out there that drive around the U.S and they have certain stops like they'll stop at a True Value Hardware here and they'll be here from 10 a.m to 12 or 1 p.m and you place your order ahead of time for your fish and then uh you go pick them up they put them in bags with oxygen then you transport them put them here I was not that impressed with that service number one the fish were really tiny I mean the fish were like tiny tiny number two we had probably about a 20 kill rate even though we did the right procedure we we acclimated them and everything else um we had about 20 of them die off that we could see almost right away so that wasn't that good and price price was not that great so what um I guess what I'm saying now is the best way to do this Pond stocking is to find a pond Stocker that's as close to you as possible probably is what's going to work out best I called a couple of their companies all around the U.S and they'll come out and they'll deliver but they have like a two thousand dollar minimum then they have a six hundred dollar trip charge uh travel charge and it's like dude I don't I'm not spending three grand to stock stock my Pawn so I found edges aquatic Services now they're local to Georgia and they service the Georgia area and they think they have uh free there's free as long as you order a thousand dollars worth of fish the delivery is free and so that worked out perfect so I'm getting a little bit larger I'm getting bluegill and a few Bass so I think we'll get probably close to 700 bluegill and maybe one or two hundred Bass the bass aren't cheap you know you got three to four inch bass they're more expensive and then a little bit larger two to three inch bluegills so we're going to have this stock now why am I stocking when we first got the property the place was loaded with fish but then I went away for two months and duckweed moved in this entire Pond was Green and we had a fish kill Ryan came down here he said dude I got some bad news and he took some pictures and we had a whole bunch of dead bluegill all around floating all around so we're going to restock and usually fall and spring is the time you do that that's the time of year to do it unfortunately for us we're in the middle of a drought we haven't had a significant rainfall this is going on almost eight weeks so the pond is way down fortunately I have a big pond I have a three acre Pond here so it shouldn't be a problem but it's just man we need some rain so they're going to show up today they're going to bring the fish they'll deliver it again free delivery it was probably the best value I could find for about a thousand bucks we're getting this stock I think it's I would just want to say it's about seven or eight hundred bluegill and one or two hundred bass I can't remember the exact number so that's actually a good deal fishies are here so basically you have a tank you have oxygen running to it let's see how we're gonna do this he doesn't have a tube today it's actually pretty cool though this is uh here's your oxygen flow right here and that goes into your tanks aerators here comes the fishies look real quick foreign [Music] foreign pretty last time it was it was pretty bad last time that fish were so tiny and we had to transport them we dumped them in here and I'd say a good 20 percent die immediately yeah five minutes these they were so Lively I mean and they're gone dude I mean you put them in the water they're gone and these were five times the size of the ones we got last time yeah in a good way so here's my invoice and we got a 900 bluegill for a 720 30 bass the bass are expensive because these are four to six inch Bass and uh that was two about 200 bucks so you get a thousand dollar order free delivery and now we're stocked up we might do another stocking probably in the spring maybe just bluegill is probably what we'll do yeah I mean the convenience of that was worth it though versus driving out having to worry about transferring them keeping them in the bags yeah it was it was a pain in the butt to be honest we had to schedule it we had to be over there and then they had to call in the credit card while we're waiting this was easy this was yeah this was great hey guys so that was my fish stocking day uh you know I want to give a shout out to a company if they do a good job and they did a great job edges aquatic Services now they service the Georgia area um the driver gave me a call said I'll be I'm on my way I'll be there in 45 minutes they showed up the fish were phenomenal they were healthy well taken care of lively as soon as you put them in the water they're gone we watched for quite a while we didn't see any dead fish so I'm thrilled with them again my recommendation is is try and find someone local that can bring them out deliver them and be reasonable for a thousand bucks free delivery I'm very satisfied talk to you later doc [Music]
Channel: How To with Doc
Views: 6,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pond stocking, stocking pond with bluegill, stocking bluegill in farm ponds, stocking a pond with fish, stocking a pond with bass, stocking a pond with bluegill, farm pond, pond management, stocking pond, stocking pond with fish, stocking pond with bass
Id: eqq8QzNooS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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