Replace a Rainbird Sprinkler FAST and adjust it

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hey everybody thanks for checking out my channel the handy dandy andy channel today we're going to be talking about sprinkler replacement we're replacing the rain bird 5000 with the rain bird 42 sa plus the reason why we're replacing it because i have a couple of sprinklers that are just stuck on the on position and they don't rotate like they're supposed to often this means you're gonna have to do a full sprinkler replacement you can't just make an adjustment on the head well let's get going [Music] make sure to stay to the end of the video because i'm going to be showing you how to make the adjustments it's one thing to install the sprinkler it's another thing to make sure it's adjusted for your lawn so stay tuned you're only going to need a few tools for this sprinkler replacement you're going to need a shovel to get down into the ground to get to the sprinkler and a flathead screwdriver to make the adjustments in the head after the sprinkler is installed this is what the rain bird 5000 looks like one thing you want to keep in mind is the bottom are they the same size because if they're not if you're coming from a different old sprinkler then you're going to need an adapter or something to change since i know i'm coming from the same size thread i'm just going to twist this one off put this one on first thing i want to do is cut a ring around the sprinkler here so i can keep the grass intact for the first layer you don't want to go a full shovel head down because you don't want to puncture the sprinkler pipe that delivers the water so you're just gonna lightly go down once you can pull off the piece of the sod you know that's only four inches thick let's say ideally you get it off in one piece okay so now you can see the sprinkler here but the sprinkler you know is gonna be this tall so they're still we're still gonna have to dig down a little bit again we wanna be careful that we don't puncture the the funny tube the funny piping that is connected to this [Music] some people like to put some cardboard down or a tarp or something this is only going to take a minute so i'm just going to stack it next to the hole here [Music] okay you're not gonna need to get all the way down to the bottom because you're gonna be able to grab this you're gonna pull it up and that'll tell you which direction the funny pipe is connected to so since i can pull here i know it's coming this way into the lawn when you pull up you'll you should be able to see the hole where the sprinkler sat we're going to use that same hole we're just going to start twisting this it's not twisting the top we're twisting the entire sprinkler head we want to be careful when we twist this off lefty loosey we're going to immediately replace it back on without getting any dirt in the threads without any getting any dirt dirt on the male end of the pipe so i'm going to twist this off carefully [Music] let me adjust the camera so you can see [Music] okay so you can see that used to be connected on these threads we're going to very carefully we're going to very carefully connect on the same threads without putting any dirt in the pipe once you get it started you're good now some people might be saying oh you don't put any silicone tape on it or anything you don't need to if it doesn't you know if it leaks a little bit that's fine this isn't a water main there's only water coming here for a few few minutes every couple of days okay so often sprinklers are buried too deep and you might want to lift it up a little bit this one's pretty good i usually want it about level with the grass you don't want it sticking up at all it'd be better to have it lower than higher if it sticks up too much then your lawn mower is going to hit and you're going to break ahead and be replacing the sprinkler again you also don't want it leaning too far forward so you have to push it back and then start loading it up again so now we're going to take the dirt that we had we pulled out we want to put it right around it actually our sprinkler is looking good check it yet seems secure all right now we have our main piece here to put back in clean it up dress it up i like to stomp on it a little bit just make sure that's set in there and then here's a pro tip i like to just cut that line [Music] and that allows the roots and everything to to grow together a little bit better so there's our sprinkler now we'll turn it on and we'll test it and we will set the angle and adjust the head let's go over how we're going to adjust the sprinkler the water is going to spray out this end right here so if you want to adjust the distance if you don't want to if you don't want it to spray as far you're going to twist clockwise and that'll push down a screw into the nozzle that's spraying out water reducing how far it'll go and it'll fan it out more so the this one closest to this blue head this has a three level three in it which is how much water is coming out you wanna don't want it to shoot as far twist right if you want it to go farther you twist left that'll bring the screw up the other adjustment that we're going to make is this bottom one here there's a plus on the left and a minus on the right this is talking about how far it's going to spin left and right how much of a circle how big of a pie are you gonna make with this so uh this this sprinkler is gonna have a fixed left position so right now we can twist it to the right and the left position is right there that's the fixed left position so it's right here we twist it to the right okay so we can see it's at a 180 it's doing half of a circle if we wanted to adjust it and have it go more than half a circle then we'd go to this the positive when we get back to the starting spot we'd add positive we put a flat head screwdriver in there and you'll find it'll just seat in into the right spot you'll see it in and then you'll twist it to the positive side i used to you know half turn and now you'll see instead of stopping right here it's going to go a little farther so typically i adjust this with the sprinkler all the way up or with the sprinkler on that way you can see exactly how much water is going and where but i wanted to show this to you first up close so you know what i'm doing when i'm adjusting it okay so now we're going to see that this sprinkler is spraying too far to the left i want it to stop about right there but it keeps going to the left so we're just going to grab the top inch or so of the head and we're going to twist it to the right until it matches how far on the left we want to go so let me show you [Music] we're going to twist it all the way to the right and then we're going to twist it a little bit more and then just it'll slowly twist to the left and the match okay does that look good [Music] maybe we need to go a little bit more and now you'll see when it goes its way back it'll stop a little early like oh i went too far to the right i wanted to come a little farther left so i'll grab it twist it left just a little bit it'll rotate and now let's see this is all i want i want it just a little farther to the right one click to the right yep that looks good now the next thing i want to adjust is how much water how the water's coming out of this i want to adjust this down which will do this to the stream so it won't shoot as far so we're going to go down which is right already tidy and that's probably too far but i wanted to show you what that's going to look like yeah i'm going to come up just a little bit so i'm going to twist it left now to come up okay that looks good now the camera's in the way so i can't set the right but the way to adjust the right is with the plus positive and negative the plus and minus here on the back i want to go towards the plus to make it go more towards the right where the camera is so i'll show you that adjustment once you get it in there and have it set you'll just turn it to the right a little bit and now it'll go farther right [Music] i don't want to hit the camera but that's how you adjust the sprinkler head all right you can see that the sprinkler is not perfectly straight up and down that's all right it's not perfect it doesn't need to be perfect although you can adjust it and re-bury it so it is perfect okay now i'm on the other angle so i can adjust this let's see where it currently goes and i want it to go out this way let's say it's not quite far enough i want it to go farther to the right so i'm going to go towards the plus i want to twist it until i'm almost to the end of it but not quite that way it can by itself adjust to the end and i can see all right is that where i want it to go or not i like how that's adjusted
Channel: Handy Dandy Andy
Views: 22,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eEJzZGl0e80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2022
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