Installing The Correct Nozzle Correctly Rainbird 5000 Rotor Head

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welcome back everybody to the sprinkler channel today we're going to be talking about nozzles and specifically for the rain bird 5000 here is what we're looking at that comes with each sprinkler head that you buy so just remember when you buy a rain bird 5000 rotor head to grab the nozzle selections that come with it and then you'll be ready to go so let's get into it let's talk about nozzles so with this one this one's called the rain bird rain curtain you can see right here it says rain curtain so that's the model there because there's lots of different nozzles out there that you can use in the different heads so just remember that and then as you can see we have two types within here over here we have the low angle so what does that mean low angle versus just your standardized nozzles so we have eight of the standard nozzles and then we have four of the low angle ones now if you can see a little closer here in that in that nozzle where the port where the water is coming out it's angled more so instead of being flat these ones are just sitting flat like this so if the nozzles are like that the nozzles for the low angles is going to be slanted downwards so the water is going to not spray up and out so much but it's going to be coming either more straight so that way if you're in a windy area or something that if the water sprays up high and the wind just carries away all the water and it never gets to your lawn then that's when you want to consider doing the low angle sprinkler heads now they each have numbers on them and you'll see you know starting at uh 1.0 1.5 and even 3.0 and you might be thinking okay so that's how many gallons per hour it's going to put out but that's not always the case and you'll definitely want to refer to this chart that rain bird has that shows you the flow rates gallons per minute of how much water that specific head is going to be putting out to the lawn and there's a lot of factors that go into choosing which nozzle to put in here so for instance if you the one sprinkler heads covering 180 degrees of lawn versus another one that's in the corner only doing 90 degrees you're gonna have to take that into consideration because if if they're going to be having the same nozzle the one in the corner is going to be making twice as many passes because they're rotating at the same time so they're going to be it's going to get twice as much water unless you make those adjustments with the nozzles and that's what you want to take into consideration so for instance the standard nozzle let's see where it's at the 1.5 let's this one right here that says 1.5 on it it's a standard nozzle if you have 25 psi or pounds per square inch of pressure on your water then that's going to affect how much water is going to come out of the nozzle for instance right here 1.5 under 25 psi it's going to shoot out without without a changing the screw function of the sprinkler head 33 feet so that's the radius that it will spray 33 feet and then the flow gallons per minute is 1.12 gallons per minute and that equals when we're talking about precipitation rates because you want basically all your lawn to be getting the same precipitation rates as if you know if it was raining then you know they measure okay it rained you know and half an inch so precipitation right here for this 1.5 with 25 psi would be 0.20 inches an hour so if you left it on an hour it would get equivalent to 0.20 inches of precipitation um and so and that's also based on you know having your sprinkler heads in a in a square format if you had a more at a triangular format when you design them then of course that's going to increase the precipitation a little bit higher so just refer to these charts these are really important so let's go on the other extreme let's go all the way down to say hey we're going to put this 8.0 we're going to put this 8.0 as you can see it has a lot bigger gap in the opening right there and now let's read the stats on that one so say you have lots of pressures so this would be 65 psi pressure water pressure and then you put this 8.0 nozzle on your sprinkler head on the rain bird 5000. now um that's going to shoot for a distance of 48 feet radius and that's going to give you 9.63 gallons of water per minute 9.63 gallons per minute coming out of that one nozzle and that equals 0.84 inches of precipitation an hour so uh just think about that and that's the square format if we go to the triangular design you know we're all the way up to 0.97 inches an hour of precipitation so that's a lot of water coming out of one nozzle and it all depends on what's your pressure at the head and what nozzle are we going to be using in that head for you know taking consideration the design of that sprinkler sprinkler system and where the how much lawn is that head's gonna cover let's let's pick one right now we're gonna do say the 3.0 so if we want to do the 3.0 nozzle how we're going to do it is we're just going to break it off like this all right so you can see it we're just going to break it off like this and twist it around the burrs on it to try to deburr it so that way it doesn't impede it from sliding into the sprinkler nozzle okay and then this is how we're going to install the sprinkler nozzles so this one's the 3.0 which would give a spray radius of 36 if we had 25 psi and that's going to let 2.26 gallons per minute flow out of this nozzle so 2.26 gallons per minute will flow out of this nozzle at 25 psa all right so let's go ahead and use our sprinkler tool okay here we are now we're going to use that one spot that allows us to pull up the head make sure we get all the way down into there so as you can see you want to make sure you get all the way down there you're going to want to make sure that the screw is not down at all otherwise it's going to not allow you to get that uh sprinkler nozzle in so let's reverse that screw real quick so we can actually get our nozzle in there i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it like this just for video footage and trying to do it as quickly as possible but if it was in the ground then you have something that's gonna be pulling it down where i don't have that convenience right now so that's why i'm just to take it out of the sprinkler body and now we have that opening the screws all the way back up and now i'm going to insert that head just like that so you can see and then we'll just press it in so it might take some force you want to make sure that it's flush right there so now we have that nozzle inserted in just like that now if you don't do anything else and you leave it like that as soon as the water comes on it's going to push out that nozzle and the nozzle is going to be somewhere lost in your lawn so make sure before you turn on the water and after you install this whichever nozzle you decide is the one that you need then you need to go back up here to that screw and just this might take a little bit but just crank that screw down so you don't have to watch it and so we want to make sure that the screw is going to go down enough to hold that nozzle in there but right now we don't want it to block the spray until we can decide if our spray needs to be shortened you know so this was we said 36 feet but maybe uh we only need to spray 30 feet so then maybe we'd screw that screw down um we covered that how to adjust your sprinkler head in another video so check that one out but there's your install of your nozzle now when you turn on the water your head pops up the water pressure pops up the head your nozzle is not going to fly out because now we have the screw pushed down on there keeping it from falling out like it should be so make sure it's installed correctly make sure it's in between the sides and kind of that indention in the nozzle and just make sure that that nozzle doesn't get installed upside down or crooked or something like that so that's how it should look hope that helps hit the like button if it did leave a comment if you have any other questions about how to do this or something else that you run into and we'll try to get them answered or make another video to address them so thanks for watching we'll catch you in the next one
Channel: The Sprinkler Channel
Views: 114,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sprinkler head, sprinklers, sprinkling head, rotating head, rainbird, rainbird head, nozzle, nozzles, installing nozzle, which nozzle, rainbird 5000, sprinkle head, lawn sprinkler, nozzle not spraying correctly
Id: I6TQa22iPog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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