LAUGHS WITH FINN AND JAKE COMPILATION | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

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hold on a sec man that tickles I'm the Ice King and I'll never find the bride because I'm such a tool all right let me try I'm Princess Bubblegum and I'm Ador because I like science I've also got a really annoying voice that b thinks is attractive that's hey what' you say oh my gosh leave me alone all I was your ugly watch just troll somebody help me some help man I am not in the mood for saving Lumpy Space Princess hey business dudes what do you guys think just one monster we do right we'll just save our strength for the Big Adventures then ah nice call dude imagine how awesome the adventure is going to be when it's time for us to go out there I'm too tired to imagine stuff but I bet you're right to being great [Music] adventures oh gosh Jake did you hear that yeah let the businessman handle it I heard it again businessman [Music] dude wo Jake we messed up the businessmen have gone back crazy dude and just let the businessman can handle it the businessmen are the problem you lazy plug hole huh guys guys stop it stop it guys stop what boss you're jacking up those fuzzy friends but we're being Heroes like you boss we're protecting them collecting them in our care sa so they canot be hurt it's the most efficient way to save people but you're making them unhappy irrelevant these people are in our care sack their happiness is not priority I am your boss and you guys are all [Applause] fired no all right guys now I got to take you down Finn style I'm kicking your care sack dudes Finn crud I'm coming buddy I'm so fat dude I don't know what to do that's it Jake demoralize them what why do it man I have a legit plan okay all right hey you guys are horrible at business huh they're sucking me up dude now eat that ice cream some more to become fatter while also using your stretchy powers to grow [Applause] huge this sucks yeah dude keep growing you're breaking apart their robot oh no I'm going to kill you not boss wait man wait I want to rehire you guys rehire really really yeah [Music] mans happy pancakes so wait what' you hire them to do I hired them to stuff themselves in that Iceberg and get out of here I'm going to miss him and I'm going to miss this gut I'm going to miss my gut too huh a [Music] what are you thinking Finn I've almost devised a plan I'm going to let him drum while I finalize the details in my mind [Music] sweet oh that was fun it was fun hey you should go get some more fun stuff you're right good idea Finn good idea indeed I hope they think I'm fun all right I've got a plan for how to get out of here first everyone needs to be dancing and laughing and saying fun things like whoe okay when the Ice King comes back everyone played up like we wanted to come inside the jail and party with us and then when he steps inside wh I'm going to beat the tar atem with these well you all take care of Jake everyone AR bored with this sweet nice plan dude I think if everyone's saying whippy the plan won't work cuz they'll know we're Faking It uh good point LSP I'm going to say something fun like oh yeah I'm having a fun time oh my gosh probably the best time I've ever had my entire life make way for the fun tray W what's happening probably the best time I've ever had my entire life so fun in the world so good what is this we're having fun because I left the room because they like it here because they like you because you're a really fun guy I don't get this stop buying it dance hard come on out here and party want to dance those Ice King come on really you want to dance with me oh yeah wow okay yes yes wait no don't leave I'll kill why are you doing this everyone was finally warming up to me no that is not the case you're nuts man and I don't know how to help you probably cuz I'm just a simple dude but maybe you should talk to someone with more life experience like J whoa whoa whoa Finn what are you doing don't dump the Ice King on me but you've got to get it in your head man putting princesses in jail is wrong Finn you just ruined my chances with five or six potential wives that you will oh oh oh my beard uh why do people not like me is it because I'm a magic user or is my beard too shagy I try so hard to be a good husband for girls what's wrong with me you're a sociopath oh you I know know you're probably a a Big Nerd and and why don't you try being cool like me who face dust is so tickly is [Music] she what happened princesses [Applause] oh thank you for saving us Finn you're welcome Slime Princess and remember when you said you vow to marry us to the thing of our choosing yes well I'd like to marry you oo oh yeah well help that Jake help me oh uh Slime Princess you shouldn't marry Finn he peeves his pants constantly all the time oh gross put me down put me down I'm sorry Jake where's your hot fin well it's right there inside you while I'm sitting right here beside you with your lucky stars that guide you from [Music] above yeah I guess I'd rather be out here wrapped in your ear than be in some awesome house all by my SAU I'd rather be dancing with some babes shut up dude gross this place looks gross and Abandoned and abandon and abandon waa bro want to just live in here yes so they cleaned to the cave and built a house inside the cave so what do you think man we did pretty good for ourselves yeah we did so uh what should we do first with our new digs let's trash it and throw a [Music] party ah this is it feeling good feeling I'm feeling like we did it I'm feeling like completely satisfied nothing else could go wrong you know Jake yeah man oh yeah I know too hey F she's back wow pretty awesome party you got here what do you want Marceline oh I just want to show you something this cave belongs to me what thanks for fixing the place up for me you you can't take our home twice tce yes I can yeah it's vampire fighting Tarts no Vampires will kill you remember but she's taking her home again we're home as long as we're together blah blah B BL ploop remember oh yeah okay Marceline I'm going to let you keep this cave but only because Jake is my home and he's way better than all your homes combined you know you're right I guess I'll take him too what I'll bite him a little a maybe turn him into a zombie no let go him Shake make me you okay p no one makes me let go of Jake I'm not scared of you you're pathetic little boy you're pathetic get ready for an uppercut you don't make [Music] me BL BL I got to help my buddy your blood is [Music] mine uhoh ow that actually hurt Finn h [Applause] a why didn't you just kill me cuz that was fun I haven't fought like that in years thanks Finn Finn aren't you dead nah before she bit me I used my powers to shrink all my guts and blood over my thumb see you two are pretty hardcore I can appreciate that so so does that mean we can have our old house back yeah keep it as a gift from [Laughter] me yeah huh did you guys get on the bed I told you you're not allowed oh hey guys huh come here friends hug me oh yeah hug me what about your eye patch collection a man they're in mint condition okay all right coming M M M M Mama one more patch finished he looks terrible Finn I know you don't want to hear this but I think we should cut our losses and bring this fella back to where we found him we can't just abandon him look at him Jake he needs us now more than ever we just need to take better care of you from now on right little guy jigler oh fin okay our pet exploded maybe we can scrape him up and holy moly don't worry Jiggler we'll fix you let's gather him up Jake he's all over the place even between the floorboards and the cupboards and the gashes no wonder where's his hiny found it C you hey come on let's put him back together okay squeeze real hard he's slipping got him well at least he's all in one piece sheesh you think he's dead no way I won't let you die guy not this [Music] time B stop it man what are you doing I'm kissing him what do you think it's all I can think to do just put him down he's kissing colors with his dying breath I think he's trying to tell us something Finn this looks like it could be his mom we took this child away from his mama Jake we're kidnappers and murderers I just wanted to have fun and jiggle look chill out okay we can fix this check it out his mom looks like she's out by Stanley's house where we found the Jiggler if we get him back to her she'll be able to fix him up then there's no time to spare shh just hold on a little longer buddy did you hear that whistling perpendicular it's the mama [Music] look the little guy wants to go home well this is it buddy be [Music] well hey stop that I don't understand that crazy mama almost killed him he feels cold what are we supposed to do now man we can't bring him home or he'll for he dang it why doesn't she love him I love him you love him it's not fair wait Mama's supposed to love baby she's supposed to love babies huh oh man it's yours idiot don't you recognize your own baby I figured it out dude it's the juice the Jiggler needs to smell like its Mama's juice that's how wild animals know what's going on and this guy right here is all drained out we got to toss it in the soup brother all right okay I loved you baby I hope you know that word to your [Applause] [Music] mother a I'll never kidnap again it produces a pungent gas obnoxygen to W wolves it is a deadly poison but since you've removed the jerk Donnie we will devour the houses and our population will rapidly swell until we are in turn devoured by the cosmic owl such is the course of nature but it'll be a pretty sweet ride up until that point tonight we Feast on the blood of the Innocence oh no I have to get Donnie back Donnie you have to go right now and stop the wbl ah Master Finn has returned what's it going thanks to you I shall never be jerky again oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no this is all wrong we need jerk Donnie to make the obnoxygen and steady on Finn perhaps you are dehydrated it's says Jake taught me 8 O8 glasses 8 days a week I'll fetch you some top water are you wearing jeans now surely got to get pants go get your pants button fly I wrote that one myself but but but but but yeah Donnie you're looking good in those jeans what did you do miraculous isn't it I just kept teaching him my musical rules and now he's perfect no we messed up Jake the house people are doomed if Donnie doesn't go back to being Town jerk I've have no intention of being a a jerk again but the housies will be wiped out if you don't it sounds tragic but I'm turning over a new Leaf Donnie you got to go Finn no means no I'm sure you'll respect my wishes no stop no now go be a jerk to those W wolves no I'll use my musical messages to stop them let's see I've got one on the ethics of laundry C cross walker o here's a good one man the town is getting creamed by not being a jerk you're being a real jerk Donnie comb your hair right it's a good time sticky sticky Pomade short back and sides why isn't anyone paying attention to my words he sure is sensitive about his songs it's cuz they think your songs are dumb what what are you saying if we don't encourage his talent he might revert back to jerk do oh oh hey Donnie everyone says your songs are super balls they all think you're a real jerk but but I've changed why would they say that empathy empathy put your mind inide you are so pathetic so [Laughter] comical think I'm a jerk do they I'm feeling obnoxious just you wolves are cool just kidding I'm noxygen Cloud ER the town is sa get off of me nerds you did it Donnie you're a full-blown jerk again what you're the jerk housies ready to hear my new song it's about how Finn will betray you just to save lives I'm sorry Donnie I'll never forgive you fin come on we can go stare wistfully at the lake I'd I'd like that very [Music] much hey I love being a jerk thanks Finn Finn Finn you loser I'll never forget you why are you sucking up to us my best friend needs an antidote for lumpiness yeah lumpiness sucks hey Monty times up some gear hog my turn so the antidote is in that orb you were sitting on this orb is the antidote bro can my friend borrow it yeah sure as long as you give it right back Hammer cow thanks fellas what's taking so long do those smooth heads give you the or already or what wait is this another friend of yours what are you car just give him the antidote already and stop being such a buzzer sorry kid we changed our minds why did you have to say all those rude things to them what I was helping you thanks a lot they were right about to hand over the antidote you're welcome a lot you insulted them and they got mad and now Jake's going to be lumpy forever this is all your fault wow now I know how you really feel I was just trying to help but whatever no no not whatever I know I mess things up sometimes but I'm really trying and you're supposed to be my friend not like like the fake ones I have here so do what you want I'm going to prom coming are you coming or not ly Jake no because no matter how messed up and lumpy I get this guy never turns his back on me oh yeah right behind you just got to turn my back on this guy Jake it's almost Sunset Jake didn't save him I I'll kill you ly spin jabad huh I thought you guys left we were drawn back by your plate of whale we dig your directionless Fury um thanks respect here take it win your girl back yeah there's no girl but there is still time to save Jake do you guys know where promcoming is promcoming takes place way down on that land lump awesome do any of y'all have wheels no we're all ditched here just like you well you think I can make it to that land lump if I jumped off this Cliff you kidding a smoothie like you a plummet right into the Eternal void what if I was lumpy could I float over no no it's too dangerous I'd say there's a 50/50 chance of you making it that's good enough for me now bite me are you czy yes I can feel the multiple pipes accelerating the lumpification process I'm starting to float don't jump guy I have to for my buddy wow he's insane made it and there he is yeah prom coming yeah cool Jake I'm mostly lumpy now and I totally think you should sit on the spere sit on it please Jake you're my best friend just sit on the sphere sh I remember you you're just a smoothly want to be lumpy poser sit on it before I turn completely lumpy no oh no I can feel the lumpiness about to consume me oh yeah being lumpy is the B hey stop talking to yourself dumb guy take your ball and get out of here bye I don't want you to have it anyway so I can't have it now eh that's right it's mine give me that ball no you can't have it give it a me no I want it give it a me you're that bad go get it then I'm not lumpy anymore oh no Finn buddy you got to sit on this no you can't make me smooth Finn B hey buddy finin huh hey dude we made it man there's something cold under my butt oh the antidote just in time too LSP I'm sorry I blew up at you before I didn't mean it I was just really stressed out you know it's fine you and Jake can make it up to me by dancing this last dance with me sounds good to me what do you say Jake that sounds totally L I'm just kidding Let's Dance it's time for step forward what I thought you said it was a three-step plan man I'm not that good at Counting come on let's go kick your fear of the ocean where the sun don't shine in the sea [Music] cucumber check it dude 100% awesome itude yeah it's pretty math you psychopath you know it looks way more math if you open up your eyes wao see man the ocean is beautiful there's no reason to be afraid of things that are beautiful hey this isn't that bad I'm actually glad hey look a black abyss let's go check it out sourkraut no Jake turn around turn around same turn around twice doesn't count as a rhyme dude hey you swore my red and butter no dude don't don't worry dude everything's cool this is the perfect segue into level five here put this on just make sure you don't pull the emergency tab no dude I said don't Jake Jake Jake pathetic you can't even overcome your fear now that your friend is about to die your unheroic body will never let you save Jake you're right really you think I'm right well that's that's great if my body won't let me rescue my best friend then there's only one thing left to do no wait [Music] [Music] no Jake Jake wake up you okay dude yeah man wait Finn you did it you conquered your fear what you're at the bottom of the ocean maybe we should celebrate on land I'm proud of you man you did it thanks dude youve nothing to be proud of boy you will never get over your fear of the ocean whoa dude what's with your belly button what the flip man I just swam to the bottom no you didn't cheater you just sank to the bottom you will never be a great hero he's right I'll never be a hero Finn you are wrong the mark of a Great Hero is his flaw you know nothing wise men silence fear feaster we know a lot wait why why did you wait so long to tell me because the limo driver's flaw is being late sorry farewell Finn you truly are the greatest hero of oo it's time for you to go away fear feaster what am I supposed to live in your tummy for the rest of my life everybody has a flaw and it looks like yours is smelling like my nasty guts wonderful I always end up eating all the Royal pudding Supply whenever I go to the castle so that's why Princess Bubblegum hates you yes but I didn't turn Princess Bubblegum green and bald I would never do such a thing of course you wouldn't you're too nice a guy I'm the one who threw that bottle I was going to tell her but then she started talking all crazy she said she'd never forgive me and I I didn't know hey it's okay people make mistakes it's all part of growing up and you never really stopped growing now you're making me feel even worse by being so nice about it maybe I should just confess the crime and end all this wait I think I might have an idea that will save everyone's [Music] reputations H then did you find the Duke yet not yet but you are in grave danger princess there is an assassin in these very Woods dead set on stopping you from reaching the grand meeting in fact it's that rustling in the bush russle r Russell Russell I'm an ambush halt what's going on oh did I come out too early what are you here to do stranger I've come for the princess I'm an assassin um guys stand back I will stop him yeah yeah I'll kill you and raise your children as my own yeah remember it's just acting Jake sorry dude now to kill you up but wait surely this cannot be the Fair Princess Bubblegum where are her pink flush cheeks the long gooey hair clearly the princess travels elsewhere later bubblegum get out there man I don't know if I can do this go go go go and that's how I the Duke of nuts by disfiguring you beyond all recognition humbly saved your life yeah all right yeah what was the point of this little play again and why isn't the Duke clapped in irons she's right innocent or not I should accept what's coming to me Peppermint Butler oh no nothing's going my way today no fin the Duke didn't throw that bottle princess I have something sucky to confess I'm the one who threw the bottle I'm sorry but I knew if I told you you'd hate me forever well I could never stay mad at you forever and you seem genuinely penitent I don't even know what that means but thank you yeah but that doesn't douse my hatred for the Duke yeah what's up with that hate that jerk always empties out my pudding Pantry a Shucks he just can't control himself around pudding he goes Coco nuts for it because he has a pudding deficiency it's true your majesty I'm I'm sorry for my medical condition oh my you poor man of course you're forgiven yeah I don't believe a word from him I'm really sorry about making you temporarily ugly princess especially before the grand meeting of L royalty I wish there was some way to make it up to you maybe there is Finn maybe there is hey h what you said maybe call to art Quest Centennial Grand meeting of oo royalty I now call upon the delegate from The Candy Kingdom princess bubblegums AEM it would be presumptuous indeed to present myself against the distinguished princess to whom you have listened buy a lady a drink the of nuts yes but I didn't come alone remember me Jake no you and me cut together forever solving crimes and making up Rhymes no way this proves he's a super villain more powerful than lesser villains like the Ice King your gut says he's evil my gut says he's good why not put our guts together and end this funky Feud then it's settled we're going to confront ricardio face to face and prove he's evil or [Music] good so what are you doing ricardio are you evil or nice with an evil face that's none of your business the safety of Princess Bubblegum is my business yeah we just want to know if you're evil or not oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yes you stay away from Princess Bubblegum with all that stuff now that my plan is nearly complete there is no way you can stop me I could stop you if I wanted oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah what's going on here princess ricardio yes I'm all right princess then why' you do it he was going to hurt you with those ropes and bottles these were for our balbaflonic laser it's not all his fault princess I might have looked a little threatening Finn you shouldn't punch brainiacs you know how fragile they are you got to stop this jealous business but come on ricardio I'll Pat you up and give you candy she hat hates me now I was totally wrong about ricardio no Finn you are not wrong he is evil Ice King what do you know about this tell me or I'll do something hold up Finn the Ice King looks sort of damaged I don't care I only care about ricardio but my inovated condition has everything to do with him I was trying to cast a spell that would give me total control of Princess Bubblegum's heart but I messed it all up [Applause] and lost control of mine he plan to rip out Princess Bubblegum's heart to make it his bride without my heart I grew weak but I made my way to the Candy Kingdom to look for him in an Alleyway I begged him to return to me and leave the princess alone but then he threw me in the dumpster and left me for dead stop ricardio come on Jake got to save the princess princess bublegum [Laughter] why don't you marry someone your own size like my foot and my fist stop stop it that's my heart you pie of Ice [Music] King should we let let him take his heart back he is villainous I don't want to watch an old man die on Princess Bubblegum's carpet man oh yeah come to Daddy yeah there you go you like that huh see you guys later I feel wonderful and now that I've saved the princess she'll marry me and live in my dungeon every day no she won't yeah no I won't yes you will well maybe not today or tomorrow but another day another thanks again for saving me again don't mention it now that ricardio's gone you don't have to be jealous of anyone anymore I never get jealous kiss me Finn I mean kiss me Finn am I doing it right Jake no tree trunks I'm all jacked up because of you look at my jacked up face are you mad at me no I'm not mad at you you're too super cute for me to be mad at you and you're a top-notch venturer now let's go find and eat the heck out of that crystal gem Apple together dang it you go fight I'll keep tree trunks out of trouble awesome Jake I think Finn's getting jacked up again yeah Finn can handle it he's 12 I think I know a way to help him out uh you should stay here tree trunks huh what are you doing here tree trunks even brain Beast get lonely F Jake you were supposed to watch her she got past me man I tried to stop her but she overpowered me get her out of here be H uh-oh fin kill it I can't find its Magic Gem weak spot oh there it is y I did it I helped tree trunks you're not an adventurer you nearly got yourself killed again do you want to die tree trunks is that what you think adventurers do die and make all the friends feel terrible cuz they couldn't save you wa man I'm going home now tree trunks tree trunks don't follow me oh then you shouldn't yell at cuties they just want to help you oh man I feel horrible I was only yelling because I care about her safety that's what happens when you care too much dude oh Tre Tre trunks fin I found the crystal gem Apple woohoo you're the man tree trunks tree trunks I'm a huge butt guy for getting mad at you I'm a huge fart I was only upset because I love you and I don't want to see you get hurt that's precious F huh a crystal Guardian Tree Trunks stay out of the monster battle this time I don't want you getting hurt all right I promise I will radical back off you back off you stop copying me stop copying me [Music] fin oh he's copying everything we do hey it's my butterfly friend that's [Music] precious woo shake it tree trunks wo take it tree trunks jam clam let's beat it up while it's copying tree trunks prud this is barf [Music] dude we got to fight this one tree trunk style I'll get the [Music] makeup hey Crystal Guardian are you okay with tree drunks taking a bite of that Apple I'm okay with it I'm okay with it and I'm stupid I'm stupid you heard the guardian tit bite that thing okay woo how's it taste Tre TR yeah how is [Music] [Music] it whoa all right this time I'm going to destroy you Rainicorn okay let's sounds nice oh I got the sword hey lady do you want to go play music together or something oh oh uh I I would but I'm in the middle of this game oh hey Finn after this next game you want to go adventuring with me lady and I are going to a party in the cloud Kingdom tonight you should go to that with us [Music] Jake stop sign you're messing up my game Jake what's going on with you nothing a dang it man lady you're too good at this hey it's time to party with clouds Jake you coming no dude I thought you wanted to spend more time with me and Lady together I do then come on no you go ahead and you have fun with my girlfriend uh we're going to head to the party but you should meet us there and stop acting [Music] weird they should be back by now hello Cloud Kingdom uh yes hello um I'm looking for Finn the human and Lady Rainicorn hello can you hear me hello yeah they left a while ago a while ago what the Yeah now make that orange and make that purple wow lady hanging out with you is the best I like you too Finn [Music] no my girlfriend in the arms of my best pal well too can play at that game sweet cheek let's see Doug Todd Jerry Dennis Reggie Peter George Larry Luke David Benton Mike R Mike H Mike a Gareth Jennings Mr International Mr outrageous Captain Majesty the flying lettuce Brothers Pete the punk Tiffany perfect man I wish Jake was here having fun with us Hey where's that music coming from yeah yeah [Music] louder [Music] ja what are you doing oh hey guys I'm just sharing a tender moment with my beautiful friend Tiffany stop you're making lady jealous well I'm trying to make you both jealous why would I be jealous of Tiffany because Tiffany's a boy Jake's my best friend now forever home wrecker Jake what's going on with you I guess I'm jealous of how much you and Finn like each other I'm hanging out with Finn because you wanted us to get to know each other better I know get out of my life Tiffany and never come back no Jak will be mine I'm sorry I'm an idiot baby forgive me oh sweet potato I love you because you're an idiot you make me feel like a genius you make me feel like I'm hugging an old man it's time to get rid of this piece of crush oh you get Thea yeah way better Beat It Tiffany go on get you'll never defeat me I will be Jak's best friend I'm sorry I was an idiot you forgive me shut up man I don't want to hear that stuff let me get in there let's never be stupid again wait let's always be stupid Forever [Applause] what is this game you are playing at now it's blocko the game of barricades come on let's block all the entrances and windows all right this is not a permanent solution huh think Finn how can you keep everyone from finding out I not about what Finn manfrey the talking pinata your convenient appearance gives me a great idea everybody grab a stick new game we're going to smash some piatas what except for you manf freed oh thank goodness now everybody Dawn these blindfolds thanks Daffy girl all right everybody get together I'm hanging the piñatas they're all around you m up [Music] pinatas yeah you guys are on fire wo oh he just SLI the SE we did it my probable plan worked 7 Minutes up yet what the nuts happened here oh we killed all the zombies at Princess Bubblegum and I raised from the dead really huh Jake what's going on what huh Finn did you break your Royal promise yeah but I mean all the zombies are dead the candy people won't freak out what's the big deal this is really really bad Finn you can't break Royal promises never ever never no matter what forever the Guardians of the royal promise are coming for us B the human you have broken a royal promise for which the penalty is trial by fire that's stupid wait he's my friend isn't there another option yes because you care for the promise breaker we will give him a less hot trial you must now answer math questions mathematical Finn you're terrible at math now solve this oh wait wait I thought of a better one yes 2 + 2 solve it or die uh four right oh correct what's happening princess you defeated the broken Royal promise the gumball Guardians are [Music] resetting Slammer cow that was tops who's not good at math I was all four four four four four that's it the answer was so simple I was too smart to see it you're welcome four is the last figure I need to perfect my decorpsinator [Music] serum [Music] goalie wooo yeah this is messed up but sweet that all Uncle chewy Grandma Rel starchy morning man you broke a royal promise you're nuts alls you had to say was that it was a royal secret I know what's up I hope you grasp the full consequences of breaking promises heck yeah if I break a royal promise I get to fight zombies throw slumber parties awake Gumball Guardians and and all right all right and reverse death it's oh you are adorable but keep your promises okay I will princess starchy you're not a zombie I can't help it flesh is delicious you're delicious hey don't squeeze me out part okay that's yeah that's fine they look kind of rashy hey fin hey man uh as you can see the petting got sort of out of hand oh stop that we are done with that we're going back to rough housing no wait fellas the mountain doesn't like rough housing well we don't like not rough housing you see the problem here well what if what if we rotate the entire Mountain 180° around so the Mountain's facing the the other direction that way you guys can keep rough housing and the mountain doesn't have to watch it sounds fine with me what do you say Mountain that's okay only if you guys promise to stay healthy and not rough house after you rotate me that mountain can talk just promise him anything he's out of his gourd uh yeah we'll stay healthy oh thank goodness all right kids spin me the math around now I just need to set up some sort of poly system no over here don't do him around if you do they'll miss looking at his beautiful back it's gorgees huh what really what uh but okay um maybe what we can do is excuse me we need your help there's no music playing and we desperately want to dance oh uh hold on just a second you guys I'll uh I'll help you out in 1 minute okay hey pipe down over there I want some peace and quiet uh let me just uh and I need to be pollinated huh pollinated all over to make my babies everybody please one problem at is hot my butt's itchy but I can't scratch it this water's too cold momy please keep the fls away from our mommy that guy stole a triangle they swipe my Plum we want a r I'm naked what's happening ah everybody wants different things and some of them want stuff that's exactly the thing the others don't want whoo dude hold on so this guy wants this and that guy wants that but man what do you want what do you want what do you want baby why are you crying Margaret this baby won't tell me what's wrong with it and it's stuck to a leaf and it stinks give it here Joshua this baby just needs some love and kisses to be happy Mah Mah there see now it's happy you just kissed a boom boom baby so don't expect any more sugar from me sweetheart until we wash your dirty dirty face Jake what I want is to help anyone in need so everyone is happy wow that's pretty corny man but let's do it dude woohoo ready over there mushroom gang ready ready Dragon yes sir ready mountain man I'm ready go the are [Music] leing can't hear a thing yeahoo [Applause] yeah hen here they come yeah W not naked hey I can't see anything is anyone rough housing no radical and I can still see this gorgeous back thank you Finn you really helped everybody stop I've got a problem what's the matter this dolphin fell in love with me that's the opposite of a problem Adventure die finish him off my semi loyal pet an innocent bystander Neer no no oh yeah that's what we wanted to happen nether is fully functional yay ner yeah crush him crush him like you crushed me creator Neer the pies pies all right come on what was in those pies just boys and berries and also poison nepar is acting different quick F jump you guys got me something about that robot I tried to kill fills me with deep longing thanks guys Your Blood Oath is fulfilled to the mesosphere finally we can die I'm troubled Creator troubled by a sudden urge to collect princesses Neer that's a heavy unsettling thing to say but pull yourself together we're about to prank Jake uhhuh Sure one 2 three run oh oh man I've come come to take my son your son come to Poppy's son I won't attack you unless provoked he's not your son if anything he's my son it was my power that activated his full potential ooh when you were struck with my lightning you also became infused with my private particles he wants to be with me Finn no way neptor wants to help me prank Jake I am torn I am processing a love for both princesses and pranking don't worry son I'll show you the life you deserve no NEP yes now that we've entered my imagination Zone allow me to tantalize you with this princesses as my son you will carry on the tradition of capturing ladies tell me more poppy no neeter I want a son who can do better than I one who can succeed where I I have failed you can mate with robot princesses can I still prank with Finn after no I'll show you what will happen if you hang out with Finn yeah put on NE to the max yeah I love Finn's pranks no I'm through playing around son who do you choose come on nepar choose me buddy choose pranks I uh I choose Ice King what you've got to be flipping kidding me he made his choice get over it crybaby I'm not finished I choose Ice King to prank hardcore what my face I birthed you and I can unbirth you never sleep well poppy in your imagination Zone full of beautiful princesses you want to prank Jake it's why I was created okay let's [Applause] go Jake wake up [Music] hey Sun is going down shall we capture princesses now poppy no let's just stay here a little longer son I love you forever poy here we go Jake stop screwing around you're going to make me give into depression what are you going to do about it probably nothing right if you're depressed you'll do nothing I maybe I will do nothing maybe I'll just lay down here lay down and rot like the rest of you yeah stay up foot stay up foot stay up foot is this really my life is this some a story and being in this body seems like a battle that I cannot win maybe I should lay my head down slow and sleep until it's all over is this the end of the hero boy named fin he no don't no this is now I go I'm going to kill it I'm going to kick last but and Win It to Win It get up gorg huh why I'm not going to let you lie here and waste a way you better get up G or I'll kick you up today th day whoa okay man just be cool and I'm not going to be cool cuz I'm piping H get upy get upim I'm not going to let you Ro hey Finn jck stop telling me to enjoy being a foot and get out of that trash I can't take you seriously when you're singing man get all of you make me sick fix you with my kicks going to reconstruct your s worth Brick by motional brick wait Finn please stop it man we don't like touching each other huh please man wait a second Kim get underneath Trudy okay okay yeah do it Kim yes now for me look at us who we're like a big normal guy we're perfect together oh thank you word now let's go wreck up that magic man let me get in on this I'll form the pants food food for a bed y'all got any food we've got a little orange juice left over from wait a second that's right it is I the magic man come on Apple grease what are you going to do yeah we're not afraid are you sure about that give us our bodies back why should I you still act like a hero only so you can get what you want oh you were trying to teach us to be kind without expecting anything in return I should have given you that sugar cube without even thinking about a reward wrong jeez you've gifted us nothing but heartache magic man what's the life lesson in that yes my children you are so close to the answer answer this I wish I'd never been nice to you cuz you're just a big jerk oh yes that's it you finally learned your lesson and now I have off to spread my teachings come more do gooders you're welcome man I hate that guy but at least now we can all go back to our regular lives well actually we like yeah we're strong together oh okay bye guys see you later wait so what was the lesson we just learned maybe it was don't give your sugar to jerks speaking of jerks what the blubbing man why wouldn't you help me turn back into a boy well because I kind of always want to be a fo what I said I kind of always wanted to be a foot myself you could be a foot right now I saw you changing to a foot twice yesterday it's complicated man okay I'll take that pledge are you sure perhaps you are not sufficiently familiar with I'm ready well there may be ramifications that you cannot just let me take that pledge man my word I've never met someone so irresponsibly responsible very well then you must grasp my hand that's it easy huh my big star yes wo yeah wait where am I direct your attention to the scale model or huh is that an asteroid heading for this very Temple yes it's been heading for this Temple for 847 years only the magic of the ultimate Wizards keeps it from getting any closer quickly add your power to that of the orb oh okay wa I got it now what now I release the Elder Jeremy from his pledge razam a Fu it's about time and you take his place for the rest of of your natural life awesome wait what this is what you signed up for when you took the pledge of ultimate responsibility this is what all the wizard training was about you tricked me young wizard the asteroid approaches oh yeah sorry I tricked you of course but would anyone ever volunteer to do this I'm out oh man this sucks old people there's got to be a better way nope this is how the ancient ones wanted it yeah I got a younger idea you fool your new fangle thinking will get us all killed youth culture forever wa hey have you gone crazy get back in the bouncy harness sweet you are ultimate Wizardry activate uh hm maybe my footage off there you go I cast Dragon Eyes Tiger Claw vpal hand blazing feet beautious wings and finally every other power I didn't mention by name with all my Magics combined I'm powerful enough to move the entire Village out of the asteroid's [Music] path [Music] I need some help Jake awaken reflect hey I'm alive what's that up there oh no my stupid young idea will be responsible for hundreds of deaths it's your will huh old Wizards you dished your responsibilities to help me what no we left so we wouldn't be killed by that asteroid oh okay um since you're here already can you let me a hand huh wooo nice job thanks to us the village is saved and we reclaimed a few of your Twilight years don't forget to thank me for this was my plan for all of these 847 years no way your plan was to dup a succession of Rubes into keeping the asteroid at Bay perhaps you're right no more giving out free hours I hereby renounce all [Laughter] magic my life is over chill man you don't have to quit your job I don't nah just don't take credit for ideas that aren't yours oh okay good idea glad I thought of it hey naked kid you want some free demon Heart full circle great now I got to climb [Music] down the King of Thieves sorry to trespass I just uh hello the chest it's in his chest thanks you see if you have too much ear wax you won't be able to hear anymore I got it guys the test give me that huh wo wo wo easy kid what is your basket under all that gold of course it's not I set you up to steal this chest of gold I couldn't get past the barrier cuz I'm a thief but you're just a cute little girl and I'm a thief well if this isn't yours I'm going to return it right now huh why can't I you stole something in the city now you're a thief no no what have I done what have I become you become a thief stupid my hands they're all dirty covered in the dust of a criminal act I'm a thief oh what did I tell you boy this city was get you no matter how pure you think you are I was right hey that's enough from you hag Finn don't touch me I'm impure man unfit to be a hero unfit to be your friend come on Finn keep it together no Jake this is a one-way path down a jacked up Road and I got to walk it alone I'm not going to leave you alone in this city you're my buddy besides I stole these boots these super babe style boots so I'm just as dirty as you are Finn we got to walk this filthy path together then we shall embrace the darkness of this wicked City and use the methods of the criminal to seek Vengeance on Penny cow Bunga cow Bunga indeed [Music] yeah M yes yeah what is someone there Penny huh it's me Penny the hero whose Purity you stole and I'm here to enact my revenge upon you hi Penny Finn please don't punch my lights out I'm just a poor homeless baby girl I trusted you penny you made me steal and you took my Purity you ruined me you may have soiled my Purity but I think you can still come out clean come on Jake no no nice work dude she's purified I Feel clean like all the filth of the city and wrongdoings are gone thank you FJ I haven't felt like this since I was young you're welcome waa dude the soap got on us too we're clean yes this good de we did has purified us once again Finn thank you for the second chance to live a pure life and you know what that means Penny no more stealing never again well I think it's time for us to get the math out of here I'm going to miss you Finn I'll miss you too goodbye whoa dude why are you naked [Music] Penny give it back give me back back my friend but I killed him already fine I'll give you your dollar here's your dollar you're okay stomachs are [Music] weird dude you just flew us all the way to the top wait a minute I can smell the book right through this door you're under arrest for stealing my dollar just a minute Jake you know what that was that was righteous Thanks Jake now sniff out that book for me you got it wao cool congratul ulations Finn the Human you must be truly righteous to have made it this far thank you now enter my brain world and I will show you some aspect of yourself that you're not entirely aware of where am I for your final trial slay the Beast why is it an evil Beast yes it's completely evil will you slay it shoot yeah I'll slay anything that's evil that's my deal yes you've done well hero thank you now as one last last trial slay this ant is it evil no but it's not good either it's neutral will you slay it no if you want the heroes and kyian then slay this unaligned ant never never never congratulations Finn the Human now you have truly reached the end oh no Mr keeper I'm sorry what why are you wearing that little devil costume these are my pajamas I was getting ready for bed Finn Jake you made it are you another trial trial oh no I'm Manish man the Minotaur the manly Minotaur from Princess Bubblegum story so can I check out the anky ridian can I can I can I yeah come on let's go check it out woohoo we've been watching you guys on our magical viewing Globe take a seat eat guys hands some juice there's grape and apple and the gatekeeper made spaghetti and all right Finn are you ready for this the enyan you deserve it Finn really yeah Finn you're the goodest of heart and most righteous hero I've seen here tenderness Ingenuity bravery nard kicking ability and when you took that giant ogre's dollar oh man the keeper nearly faded it's true hey crack open that book and read something for fun sake all right oh yeah W how to kiss princesses waa what' you just read yeah what does it say Finn Manish man won't tell me hey don't tell her Finn it doesn't say anything princess Manish man a yeah adventuring is too much hard work for a bro without his powers but you are an adventurer nah from now on I'm just your regular old dog ironic given my current man baby body behold the beautiful mermaid of the [Music] river I'll scare her off Finn how do we beat power like that Finn I've got an idea what is it buddy rub my belly yeah I'm one of those kind of dogs Finn Finn come on Finn you got to save yourself I'm just a dog oh man oh jeez okay then I'm back on the team yeah I'll save you Jake don't worry hey f can you help me to get up there hungry hry oh if only I had my powers back the only way I'll give back your powers is I know I know I have to apologize to that witch oh you're doing so well and I hate you so much hey witch I need my powers back so I'm sorry I'm so sorry I ate your donut RMA Fu uh oh so do I get my power back M apology denied what why because you took too long now you have to apologize while doing a variety of humiliating things no way Jose come on dude it's the only way to save Finn who is that he's my subconscious then he has to do it too I Jake the dog while slow dancing with my subconscious with flowers in my underwear do humbly apologize wait wait start over you're recording this it's for my newsletter no way I have my dignity then guess what C guy you can forget about getting your powers back ever oh no dude what do we do now I'm dying Jake what he says he's dying let that be a lesson to all you cupcakes why are you dying bro because I'm the subconscious of your old magical self goodbye Jake no no so I've finally broken you yeah if only I were a humbler guy my subconscious would be alive and my best bu wouldn't be trapped in a merb's des yes Glo Glo GL all right I think you've learned your lesson I forgive you my Powers how can I ever than got you Kane but didn't you learn your lesson nope hungry hungry remember to save the brain for dessert honey I'm back how about a big kiss you guys are so cute I could just Maul you to death Jake I never should have doubted you well I'm glad you learned your lesson that in a crunch there's nothing I wouldn't do for you ah so is that how you got your powers back you apologized to the witch um no way I um I must have found the right mud puddle yeah I don't remember even though the Ice King is a wad I'm pretty happy for him uh uh-huh this wedding looks lame man be prepared to be bored out of your mind Finn Jake you made it come on up here I'm almost finished tying up my bride weird and your bride is into that this is a traditional wedding ritual for good luck in the ice kingdom you see she'll be hoisted up and then lowered down and when she touches my beard from above she will be my queen well cool man I'm glad y'all are happy being crazy together thank you excuse me as we finished preparing for the nuptials 2 4 8 16 20 uh 32 yes 32 64 huh her eyes are huge I'm going to go check them out stop scratching your ear man it's gross it wasn't me it was my foot dude whoa you've got ridiculously large eyes princess are you allergic to something no finnn I was just born like this why are you crying I'm not crying Finn my tear sack is broken help me what I didn't say anything the Ice King cursed me you've got to set me free I would rather die than marry the Ice King he tricked me and I was happy for that son of a toot look at her ring she fell in love with me the moment I slipped on her engagement ring that's what cursed her don't worry princess I'll remove this ring and save your life no she's my love B no man you cursed her she hates you okay that's your opinion wait a minute so you knew she was cursed all along which means you knew she wasn't trying to steal your demonic eye junk or whatever and you knew you had total control of her yeah yes that's right so then why did you make us go through all that junk about why marriage is worth stuff oh I don't know I'm complicated and spontaneous that's prob probably why she wants to marry me she wants to marry you because you brainwashed her Sil wait oh man it's time for the lowering ceremony ho her up commence the lowering yes nothing can stop me now what is wrong with you man strangling the groom's nose at a winning what's wrong with you you're the one that there's something wrong with huh gotcha thanks man no problem I think you dropped something okay whoa Jake what Jake oh hey hey you got the ring off her finger huh oh oh yeah now she's not hypnotized but we're still frozen I got a plan oh good now let's try that again Lower her you lousy butt face Pig I hate you here she comes yes touch my beard Deary yes that's right almost there now oh I'm married right Snowman yes it's official it's official you done married a dog dude what what's that supposed to oh no wait what the what am I laughing about and now everything's back to normal well I wouldn't say everything come on guys help me celebrate my un marriage
Channel: Adventure Time
Views: 160,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adventure time, fin and jack, adventure time cartoon, new adventure time, adventure time new episode, adventure time last episode, avenger time, adventure time new episodes, finn and jake, ice king, fin and jake, Jake, Ice King, Marceline, adventure time episode, adventure time full, the adventure time, The Snow Golem's New Friend, adventure, time, cartoon network, cartoon network adventure time, cartoon, adventure time finale, adventure time distant lands
Id: W1O4ffj29PY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 49sec (4789 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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