Latex Paint Upholstery Painting Tips YES you Can Paint Fabric W/O Chalk Paint Latex Paint Hack

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today we're going to use latex paint and some primer on upholstery and see what happens there have been a lot of videos out of chalk paint being used on upholstery so we're going to see if it can be done with latex paint which is what chalk paint is made from so here we go so first you want to wet your upholstery down you can either brush it on or spray it on you want it so it's not soaking wet but you want it to be damp I'm gonna do this later because there's a stain and I will show you how to do that so I sprayed this it is damp if you run your hand across it but it is not sopping wet to where you can see water if you push down on it I'm gonna use latex satin paint I mixed it three parts paint to one part water and I'm going to paint over my wet fabric you can use a regular paintbrush if you have a chalk brush chuck paint brush and you want to use that that's fine too I use a paintbrush for everything even chalk paint so you want to work it across up down every which way you can you don't want a heavy coat of paint on here but you want enough to just cover it if there's any excess paint it will end up being it will end up being thick and it just won't look good so I'm putting on a fairly light coat this is how watery my pain is when it's three parts paint in one part water so it's fairly watered-down the reason I'm doing this is because I've had a few people ask me if upholstery could be painted with a regular latex paint and chuck paint is pretty expensive what cheaper if you do it on your own but the reason I wanted to try the satin paint is because when you paint with chalk paint if you seal it with wax on furniture it gives it a leather like appearance but my feeling has always been if you sit on something with a warm body and it has wax that it will eventually warm up and possibly come off I don't know if that's true or not but certainly seems plausible so the reason I'm using the satin paint is because satin paint has a water and stain resistance so that it won't just absorb every stain that gets on it when you use chalk paint you have to seal it because it is a porous paint just like flat latex paint is so we just don't want this to be susceptible to stains chalk paint is made from latex paint it things has things added to it that make a chalk paint you make your own chalk paint you would normally add plaster of Paris or calcium carbonate so if you're not gonna paint your the rest of your chair that is not upholstery probably good idea to tape it off or paint very carefully easiest really to tape it off so I'm not gonna treat the stain like I did the rest of the chair because water makes the stain run so I'm gonna use Hills primer and I'm just going to put it straight onto the fabric doing that I'm gonna put it on really light because I don't want this to be a stiff place in this chair kills is not a really thick paint to begin with so I'm just gonna cover the stain with it I'm gonna let this dry for 48 hours before I come back because I want this paint to set up really well and we're gonna see what happens when you treat a chair like it's a 48 hours since I put paint on this chair and we're gonna see how it looks and feels now it looks like fabric it does not look like paint this is a textured fabric so you can still see the texture you will always see the texture no matter what you do to a chair it feels like it feels a little bit stiff but not tremendously stiff if you sat on this chair you would probably not know it had paint on it you would just think it was a regular chair so unless you're touching your chair you wouldn't know that it has paint on it the coverage is really really good but I think it's showing through a little bit the other color of the fabric so I'm gonna put a very light second coat I'm gonna use water again but not quite as much as the last time I do want to wet down what's there this is an important thing I did not do on the first coat when you are painting a chair with chuck paint paint dye whatever you're using you want to put a piece of paper down in the corners like this so that when you paint down here you don't paint this and then come back and take this and paint this part down here because you'll have twice the paint in the corners as the rest of the piece and it will show so when you do each part like this put a piece of paper or cardboard you had some if you had some thin plastic that would work really well but this will keep a buildup of paint from happening you can see up here where I put the primer up here on the edge and down here I'm gonna wet all this down before I paint it what I think is gonna happen is that this part where the primer is will be a slightly different color than this because it will have a different color background and colors do shine through even the pale colors like this will show through and I think that this section down here will probably look more heavily painted than this one so we're going to see what happens I wet this section a little bit more than this one because this is the first coat on at least some of this all right so the bottom has two coats and the top has one coat plus primer now we're going to wait another 48 hours for this to dry and we're gonna come back and see how durable it is it's actually been about a week since I put paint on this chair so everything is going to be good and dry you can see a big difference this is the primer and one coat of paint and this is one coat of paint what I think is gonna happen when I put a second coat here I still don't think it will be this color because when you put white primer on something and you put a color over top of it you see more of the true color of the color that you used so it's also a good way to get your colors to pop no matter what you're doing if you're painting furniture upholstery whatever someone go ahead and wet this down to keep it consistent I really think that when this dries you're gonna be able to tell a difference in between the primer making a mess already then you're gonna be able to tell where the primer was but we will find out if it was a wall I think you would be able to tell so I'm gonna let this dry overnight it looks really uniform right now but that does not mean that's how it look when it dries so check back and see what we have all right it's time to take a look at what latex paint looks like on upholstery I see a lot of splotches in here I can see the color of the fabric coming through and I believe that is because latex paint does not have a primer in it although you can buy some that is supposed to have primer in it but the reason the chalk paint works is because it is basically has a primer in it interestingly enough this is the back of the chair the lower part is the part that had a primer first so and the top part is has two coats of paint so you can see the splotchy stuff on the top but where the primer is on the bottom it looks great so I would say if you want to use latex paint because it's a lot cheaper than commercial chalk paint you can but I would use a primer first so let's look at how stiff this is and what the stain resistance is like this chair feels stiff not entirely stiff but if you run your hand across it you can tell when you sit down in it you really can't tell too much but you can hear the paint I've done some chairs and short paint in it is the same thing so I think it's just you put paint on a chair it's going to have that kind of thing so we ruined what I just did and rub some dirt in this chair and some ketchup on this chair and see if we can clean this up this definitely has the stain resistance I thought it would you really can spill something on here and wipe it right off I would say if you want to use latex paint on your upholstery you certainly can but I would definitely use a primer first you can see how this is solid and this looks nice it will have this kind of stain resistance because it is a satin paint I would not do semi-gloss because it will be shiny and it will definitely look like paint if you use semi-gloss I did go ahead and paint primer and another coat of paint on this you're not really supposed to paint more than two coats of paint but I wanted to see what the paint and the primer would look like and it looks really good it's got no more swatches of course you can hear it but it's not crunchy what you hear is the stuffing inside so I would say if you want to go with paint and primer you can definitely do that you will probably get the same end results as chalk paint except you will have something that repels stains because the chalk paint by itself won't repel stains and Annie Sloan recommends not using the clear wax on fabric so that leaves your paint unsealed with just regular chalk paint so that's it for today you can definitely paint upholstery with primer and latex paint you could even have your primer tinted the color of your paint and get bad coverage and probably do more of a color change if you wanted to so please don't forget to Like and subscribe and check back often I put up new videos all the time thank you
Channel: Miss Fix This
Views: 32,496
Rating: 4.8870349 out of 5
Keywords: upholstery painting, how to use latex paint on upholstery, how paint upholstery, chalkpaint upholstery, chalk paint fabric, latex paint upholstery, fabric painting tips, couch painting tips, paint primer sofa, paint primer upholstery, chalk paint tests, latex on upholstery test, Latex Paint Upholstery Painting Tips, how to paint your couch, how to paint your sofa, how to dye upholstery, how to dye furniture, latex paint hack, chalkpaint hack, chalk paint hack
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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