SCTV - The Happy Wanderers

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live from sctv Studios in Melville hello I'm Yosh minge and I'm Stan's mangie and really happy wondrous good evening and welcome to another exciting half hour of the happy Wanderers we got a great show lined up for you this evening oh there's going to be excitement and prizes for you oh and let's not forget our special guest a former member of the happy Wanderers who left the band to seek his own fame and fortune the band those who were talking about the he is of course the one and only lynch minion let's go and remember don't forget each week the show is brought to you by schminke travel and record company and remember when the name is mangey you know you got something and stand and special hello to our guests this evening uh abeyance out here they are from the Bethel chapter of the lutonium American Society and of course our special thanks to mrs. vivace for once again providing the cabbage rolls and the coffee when they good Oh always always and now let's dance the universal language I saw will be right back after this hi I'm Josh minge and I'm Stan's minion here it's mega travel we want to save you money that's right Stan it's that time of year again in latonia the annual rights has Spring Fest and what a wonderful time of year it is to Yosh it seems everyone wants to be late on in during the Rites of Spring Festival and you can't grandstand the rights of spring Parade is worth the price of the trip alone isn't that beautiful and also it's fun not only for mom and dad before the children too they have so much good time and defense and if you both through smegger travel you'll be met at the airport by the Latonia Chamber of Commerce where limousine provided by mutual concerns will be waiting to whisk you directly to divulge eqp well you'll be giving their one gun salute and longer now you may think a trip like this could set you back 10 or 11 thousand dollars but this week it's mega travelled you pay only five hundred and nine thousand dollars for ninety five hundred ninety five hundred dollars gets you a round-trip charter to the rites of spring festival in Bellevue Latonia where do you get such a deal at travels mangey Oh a - Andi travel yes a trendy travel will rip our clothes to get you a good deal you got to be a slinky to make an offer like that welcome back you know I sure wouldn't be as successful as it is if it wasn't for the lovely people who come down and participate in the taping of the show and which you will eventually see and then are now witness it's also technical why don't we talk to some of the lovely people hello folks how are the cabbage rolls good good and the coffee wonderful stem I know what you mean Yosh mrs. Yawkey really outdid herself tonight with her delicious homemade cabbage rolls and coffee can be big your folks having a good time all right I just asked him their question but the con answer cuz his mouth was food mrs. judge peas cabbage rose ha ha ha that's live television for you maybe he should wash it down with some coffee ha ha ha ha well how old are you dear 82 eyes and that nice you know Lou Tony has put us on fine stars yes and myself and our next guest of course what can be said about lives maniac that hasn't already been said Ready's and gentleman with Tony's on means maniac thank you all so much it is a pleasure to be back here at the happy wonders where I got my start a special hello to Yash and Stan you know I've been on the road for so long and I get a lot of requests in the different restaurants I play for this song which I first played right here on the happy wonders well you know that means at times for another commercial break so we'll be right back convinced if you could fly us out please so it's so good don't worry further there is something Clarke's there don't you cancel their tour but hello I'm your shrinky and I'm staunch minge doesn't this old car bring back memories sure best friend for memories of the past and now the past is brought back just for you on one sensational help you they have the longest looking back it's on schminke record it's to record set and here we are looking back looking back like the title and on the other side here and on the back they are looking down the Ray by the way now you're here such favorites as Nantz of men pants and remember just a shrinky wall after college and about this old favorite there's rhythm in my lederhosen okay forget it what about mama cook the cabbage roll I love that song so much and of course they wonder suppose our favorite now you can't buy this record at Nana's store that's for sure now think of it you'll get this once-in-a-lifetime record deal on television only offer so act fast you're very unhappy wanders out and I'll send for yours today hey let's dance in suspenders when that's all the time we got for the happy Wanderers I hope you had as much fun as we did all right son and the special thanks of course to Lou Tony is very own son Lynch Ming needs me here and let's not forget mrs. view V yacht ski with her lovely cabbage Oh something stained and the coffee was nothing to sneeze at Oh coffee yes until next week I'm your slinky and Einstein schminke than a happy one Lynne's mini appear through the courtesy of the AL Sahara restaurant melon Ville for the finest in Middle Eastern cuisine I'm Belle not speaks speaking never mind dad you ever blow up in a movie before yeah did you Kevin's and I would like to very much
Channel: SCTV
Views: 418,045
Rating: 4.9031835 out of 5
Keywords: SCTV The Second City Second City Television Network 90 Classic Sketch Comedy John Candy, Joe Flaherty, Eugene Levy, Andrea Martin, Catherine O'Hara, Harold Ramis, and Dave Thomas, The Happy Wanderer (Composition), Polka (Musical Genre), Second City Television (TV Program), Shmenge Brothers, John Candy (Film Actor), Rick Moranis (TV Writer), sctv polka brothers, Parody (TV Genre), Sketch Comedy (TV Genre), musical comedy, funny polka
Id: JrnE6kaPeuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2015
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