Last To Stop Eating Hot Wings Wins $10,000!

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i don't what's up guys and welcome back to my channel so i'm with jeremy right now we're on a track we're about to do a race but we're not really dressed appropriately this is a terrible idea but me and jeremy are about to do a race in our flippers starting here ending there are you ready let's go for it bro on your marks get set go and they're all oh my god oh that is so much harder than it looks oh my god i am never trying that again actually i say we keep these on all day why let's go you know like i say it wouldn't be a bend video without getting hurt in the first minute so thanks jeremy yeah you're welcome man all right so lexi and i are about to scare the crap out of our friends pretty much we're gonna prank them into thinking that she cut my head off put it in a jar then left it in her fridge um uh so uh let's get to it okay chill chill okay so lexie's not actually cutting my head off oh darn okay so what we're gonna do is we have this jar right here we have this fake hair and this um horrifying photo of me pretty much when i put this photo in this jar it'll look like my head is in the jar looks like infected water you mix it around yo oh my god slide it in doesn't it look so good already this is so weird yo i think that looks pretty legit oh my gosh all right now it's time to leave it in the fridge and then get everyone's reaction to uh my head being cut off in a jar let's do it let's go all right so we got the head right here oh my god put it in the fridge you guys yo that is so scary looking lexie would do this though she would take my head no i'm not crazy you would do this i think that looks good let's close it up wait for our friends and uh film their reactions oh my god all right i'm in position and uh i probably shouldn't be holding this you ready i'm ready let's go let's do it are you eating while he's like no yes you are okay can i help you no wait what what what is that wait close the door you weren't supposed to see that lexi stop it ben you in there he's fine i'm right here grant didn't really fall for it come on he looked at me like this wait bro did you both did you fall for it oh yeah yeah i hoped it was real what why was brent happy though that is crazy can you get me a water fridge yeah thank you what oh my god oh shoot you weren't supposed to see that what is that nothing it's okay i'm sorry surprise i'm not dead oh my god i thought it was gonna fade for a second pearson can you grab me a water from the fridge sure sorry i'm busy you're so busy oh shoot wait pearson what is i can't tell anyone i'm not kidding you can't tell anyone you weren't supposed to see that like see is that benefit no if pearson is like you really can't say anything i'm gonna call the police no please don't please wait no no all right well um prank's successful right oh my god did i get you pearson oh my god i'm still in shock back for my favorite part of the week subscriber of the week this week we have victoria bianca genevieve jordan and price i love you guys so so much if you want a chance to be subscriber of the week next week all you have to do is like this video subscribe to my channel comment down below done and i'll pick five people to be on the wall at my warehouse next week okay so we're about to play last to stop eating the hot wings challenge we have 25 of the hottest wings we could find in our city it is not it like sizzles your nose it's so spicy oh my god so how is it going to go is we have 25 wings on each side there's two teams team one is me and peter the winning team and them oh please daddy anyways guys we have five minutes to finish these wings but the thing is only one person can go at a time every 30 seconds we're switching off teammates whoever can eat the most hot wings in five minutes or even just finish them wins oh god forgot to mention what the winner gets ten thousand dollars all right so while we're eating the wings paris over here is gonna spin the wheel for one of us randomly what's on that wheel uh we got water milk and more hot sauce oh what that's terrible are you guys ready i am my toilet isn't it all right five minutes on the clock three two one go here we go here we go come on andrew oh my god oh my god come on you're killing it you're killing it one second come on one switch switch spin right here all right and the competition continues back on it come on ben let's go let's go come on ben we're tied right now you got to pick it up you go pick it up my mouth is burning right now switch here we go guys i don't know if i can do this any longer it is getting so spicy i hate this so [Music] oh my god this is my dreams are going oh my god we've eaten six wings so far and they have eaten seven wings so they're in the lead three two one switch can i have more milk is that an option no more milk no no this spin is for ben right here please we want milk hot sauce let's go [Applause] open up them don't even you don't even think oh don't even think about it don't think about it don't think about it oh my god oh my god don't think about it i'm going to start crying i'm like sweating i feel like my stomach is upset come on back okay switch drop your wings don't know why i'm doing this it's so bad like it hurts so bad here we go we're gonna go that's cute and we're switching switch okay oh my god come on i really want milk really bad i want milk all right here we go oh my god no no we got milk andrew gets milk dude i wish i was you right now oh my god it was so refreshing oh my god bro can we stop eating it the outside of my mouth is burning bro i might throw this is the last minute of the competition so oh yeah what do we have one minute left oh my god pearson go faster well brett i don't know it's hard but go with this money i can't andrew i'm dying all right switch in three two one switch all right this is the last round and then we will count we'll just throw up the final stretch you're so hot all right five seconds five four seconds three two one all right guys the competition is over these are all the wings that our team made all the wings that they ate we're going to count them see who won it looks really close it looks really cool one two two three four oh no eight nine sweating in here and i don't think it's because of the hot wings 11 15 16 17 18 19. we were one wing away from winning i'm gonna throw up all right well the money unfortunately goes to brent and andrew i'm gonna go use the bathroom all right so i'm with the boys right now we're about to do a trust exercise to see who out of the three of us is the biggest plus so we're here with tanner all right so since it's my video jeremy's going first oh why why am i going first what's going on whoa what though jeremy didn't scream i thought he was going to scream like a little girl i'm not good with this stuff oh my god i'm shaking some stuff on me that was so close all right round two all right so the biggest push so far is me so i'm gonna go first guys i don't know what he's about to do all right andrew any last words uh i love you mom i love you dad um yeah oh dude this one's kind of crazy though not gonna lie okay oh my god not gonna lie i'm gonna give us all the l for this one we all lost this round all right moving on to round three it's getting very intense this is the worst idea ever all right three two one i didn't give you a hug thank you for trusting me guys anymore i'm gonna pass out i'm gonna give it to andrew and jeremy they literally did more crazy stuff than i did so i'm just going to give to myself i'm the i'm the bigger person it's all right all right ben since you lost your own competition you have to do one more twest ball so close your eyes we're gonna count to three fall and then we're gonna catch you all right okay trust us yeah i trust you all right come on here we go ready here we go three two one she got the perfect face
Channel: Ben Azelart
Views: 18,349,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben azelart, brent rivera, Lexi rivera, stokes twins, ben Azelart girlfriend, Lexi rivera boyfriend, mylifeaseva, lexi hensler, Andrew davila, pierson, Pierson wodzynski, Jeremy hutchins, dom brack, Brent and pierson, last to stop eating hot wings, hot wings challenge, last to stop eating, challenge, 10000, faze jarvis, eating challenge
Id: 2uKpNR70Xvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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