Last To Poop Wins $1,000 - Challenge

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there might just be proof on the back there but now is a super glue your butt you cut the pain is an English stomach Rick of warns for the whoopee Oh [Music] you guys welcome back hope everyone is having an amazing day and yes if you read that title that's exactly what we're gonna be doing if you saw a video mr. beast posted a couple weeks ago he did last one to leave the circle wins ten grand this is inspired by that but we had to make our own little twist on it so what we're gonna be doing today is last one to poop wins $1,000 and we had to get a bunch of our friends together because I couldn't just be in the circle by myself so up first we got your boy ninja Nick guys may or may not know him you've been on the channel a few times easy though look at that next up we got your boy big boy Theo Gogh it's all guys I haven't pooped since the second grade second grade yeah it's really bad as medical he's easy and he's still in second grade those top third got your boy Rohan TV spectrum yes respective matter set forth some information I haven't pooped since the first and a half grade so you know Kirstin a half green yeah dude what are you doing dude dude don't do that the last but not least we got big boy Brett and you may be wondering why I'm not in this competition I'm already out of the competition you don't ask just just accept the fact if I was in it I'd already be out that makes sense right because my fans know I already lost but before it gets started and everyone takes the laxative we're gonna do a little pregame interview see what everyone's strategy going into this is because it's a lot of strategy it's not like you're in the circle win it's just a wool power in the mind a lot of stomach control and a lot of butt cheek control as well my friends so look off you want to come first yeah look if you I gotta play a strong but chicken so ladies first what is your strategy going into this to outlast the others and hold that poop in what's gonna separate you from the rest of you I've oh geez keep saying they're gonna hold it but once it starts going and flowing dude it's gonna come out one thing six years of cross country's taught me that is if your enemy knows that you're tired are you ready to quit then they have a chance so I'm just not gonna let them think they even have a chance the entire time even if it's about explode out of your cheek you're gonna I'm gripping my sphincter the entire time you see they're trying to squeeze him in Horniman I'm letting loose right now as we speak as we speak as we speak last time they unloaded was probably a few days ago or how tight your cheeks are together the poop eventually comes through two lexes in your system anything your system is coming immediately out the only way to not let it come out it's a super glue your butt cheeks together honestly like at the end of the day my goal is to beat Maison Mick hunter big hunter buddy chokes and so honestly I'm gonna beat him up it's not even about the money like I just want to beat Rohan and when I'd be Rohan she's gonna poop in his face and use them as a toilet so you don't even care about winning the thousand dollars it's just about beating Mason yeah I mean it's war out there you're gonna pull your pants down and poop in Romans face yes dude you know I'm not gonna lie guys I kind of eat some food this morning probably shouldn't have so that's why I'm releasing right now I got the dub in the back though all right best of luck thank you I didn't wipe all right bro well good luck to you sir hey man are we starting now yeah we're starting like right now if I do it right now you didn't glue them together yet it's the dirt right here okay dude everyone has I would say the best strategy but it's definitely interesting some are better than others for sure everyone out here is not honestly going for that dub I'm not gonna tell you not go for the dog that's crazy do don't be crazy not to go for the house actually Brando this is where you guys are playing for I have to put it in perspective this might give the buds a little more motivation once they see the cash in hand a solid brick of ones for the wolf ace did that change anyone's mind he wasn't going for the dog so you don't even care about winning $1,000 it's just about being Mason yeah I'm going for the double if I'm not out here did you already know where I'm going with all those ones man where you going I'm putting it back in the bag and it's not coming out until the last person poops not coming out till it comes out yeah Dan your positions cuz I'm gonna draw a circle around you and you can't leave the circle until either you take out and lose and poop or you actually poop your pants in the circle either one of those you lose or you just give up cuz you're easy work hmm it's gonna be perfect circle don't worry circle has been made the boys are in there for good unless they want to lose it's a perfect hey dude it's a perfect circle and you know why I did this right here look no ryu all right we'll redo finery it'll only redo of the day and if you guys are wondering this is a perfect circle I just had to include a little butt cheek right here this is where you exit the circle you get it yeah and then the toilet is right outside the circle so if you want to use it there's no physical way dude unless you can pimp and make it fly out that's the only way but I don't think anyone I can do that if you poop in the circle you poop it's still loose Oh true true yeah that's true that's true but each gonna take three laxatives we thought too but we yeah do you want people to be pooping why those are big dude oh my everyone grab three everyone got three hey you got three yeah Rohan grab three look like M&Ms we owe one fella what are we caught he caught it uh-huh alright swallow vo is out a little disadvantage he started a few seconds earlier so it could come down to seconds you never know [Music] everyone has the laxatives in their stomach the challenge begins now timers on the clock we're at three seconds currently bowel movement is it's all in the mind right now but every hour we're gonna be feeding these guys things that will make them want to poop even more than they already do feel a part coming if I try to squeeze it out something extra might come out 23 minutes into the challenge and what's the general feeling around circle camp no one is doing anything we're just all trying to stay relaxed so we don't force the poop out and I'm going to get the first ingredient of the day to mix their bellies up just stay here no one leave the circle while I'm gone okay right off the bat I'm gonna be giving the boys out there a classic staple of the American diet Bush's original baked beans do you think of things that have to make you poop besides laxatives beans is probably right up there at number two so I'm gonna be cooking this up in the crock pot keeping it up and giving each one of them a healthy dosage right now they're not feeling too much pain because the laxatives take a while to kick in but beans are pretty quick and the other stuff on beginning them too throughout the day it's just gonna pile and pile up until they explode whoever poops last is gonna have a lot of crap in them [Music] don't you just love the smell of baked beans in the morning back in the lowlands one-hit Ric is making a return check the time almost one hour it took me a while to cook this sauna but it's good it's good my you're the trainer me daddy look well what I did you know way that student hey no cheating hey oh oh I'm joking I'm joking I have to go get the other thing it's in a pot you already know what's in your voice right handmade each single bean handcrafted oh my it's liquidy oh dude oh my what are you doing are you trying to evenly disperse - dude we don't even have spoons yeah you do bro these things are you know I'm 20 dollars right now I'll eat all your beans yo I'll give you $20 bro 20 bucks yeah bro I'm winning this crap $20 okay so me and Theo just made a bet if you didn't understand he was gonna eat all my beans for me and I'm gonna give him $20 I just hustle the whole it's been one hour and 2 minutes and 44 seconds what if you just go in your head so that way you know instead of going that way you know it goes that way and you won't ever poop so you know what if I just do this yeah dude poops gonna come out your nose yeah it would be new pad that points I was just chillin over there but I found the keys to success read that I'm not gonna say it out loud but look all right you got that yeah bro I'm just gonna take all these steps take all the precautions and I take dubs dude looks like someone's already taking their stuff all right look look at this look at this step look at this step tend to bite each as much as you can Oh got to do it just kidding that's weird I'm not wasting any more time to get the next couple ingredients to give these boys how long are we into John yeah currently an hour and 14 minutes our 14 this one's gonna take me a little bit longer okay boys so I'm trusting all you guys to not leave the circle the beans were just a little something to get their appetite going but now I'm gonna be getting a full-on meal I'm talking entree beverage and a little side can I have five iced coffee with extra beans like I'm just trying to like eat my pants just got back with all of the grub needed to make this full course meal and it's gonna be worth the way Nick and Rohan keep calling me saying dude where are you where have you been because I've been gone for like two hours setting all of this up we got a full table I got IBD to help me deliver it and I think once we turn the corner cuz they're right over there they're gonna be like it was worth the wait in preparation for this video I researched a bunch of things that make you poop burritos was on the list coffee was one of the top drinks it just runs right through you apparently and makes you have to go you eat and then this was one of them as well prunes I think I'm gonna give everyone three prunes to top it off you know make you like you do a little gourmet meal ready set [Music] so long we've been waiting for this and if they drop it I'll be so disappointed cuz I knew it I knew it oh yeah this Peter in the circles region oh all my yo-yo actually that's dubs Oh Theo lost thing right there where I don't know if you can see on cam but oh my upper right right there I think you leaked a little bit all right do it for the team feel [Music] one minute 37 seconds later da da da da da say ciao we're later six hours later actually it was only three all be nice what is alright fine you don't want yours I do want it no what are those balls you complain you don't get yours say sorry right if I don't get it then I'm winning cuz I have no food the poop out okay daddy you got me there boys dude how do those fruits taste how do those prune taste I never had one yeah Pete the prune restaurant I need to prune why one Ramon can't eat it no I the texture I'll throw up I know what it looks like it's not that okay I can't it's literally like picking up my ball sack no you have to or else you automatically take out the boys have been working on their food for a good 25 30 minutes and they've down most of it Theo is absolutely finished look at that plate clean it was good Bret's plate clean as a whistle Nick's plate clean as a whistle the only people that still have food are Rohan and Mason and part of the game is if you leave the circle you lose if you poop you lose and if you don't eat what I give you you automatically lose so right now Rohan's on the chopping block Mason's on the chopping block they got three prunes to each they just both really don't like the texture and I can't blame them the texture of a prune like look at this thing it just doesn't look appetizing at all they got two minutes to eat these prunes roster automatically sent out of the circle and her out of the running for the $1,000 Rohan I think he has decided to not eat the prunes and take-out yeah sure all right sure stand up stand up the butt lasted three hours in almost 30 minutes you must repeat after me I know take the owl all right I take the El all right now come this way and we must exit you through the butt cheeks everyone singing a song hey hey hey goodbye step out sir my guys have funding for now it's on you mate how much time is yep left how much time you ready you have one minute left one minute bro you got one minute to eat all those prunes roast you take out like role after 49 attempts at eating the prunes Mason what have you concluded dude if you ever tried one of these in your mouth they're the grossest thing that I've ever tried the taste is gross Mason you have to stand up everyone stand up with them say I am the hunter I am the hunter all right sing the song and maybe leave the crack goodbye I just got one step closer to $1,000 the funny thing is before this challenge started we were doing the interviews both Rohan and Mason said all they wanted to do was beat each other it's not even about the money like I just want to beat Rohan nicely at the end of the day my goal is to beat Mason the cutter I'd be rolling that's all you Wine and Dine any lady out there okay okay I thought everything was about a brain it's been almost five hours Theo Nik and Brett are still out there Rohan and Mason already came in and took baby poops dude it was all we got it up the ante this is taken to the next level if you don't know fiber is the stuff that makes you poop so I got Raisin Bran look right here ready mmm excellent source of fiber and not only did I get raisin bran I got straight fiber this is literally fiber just like a healthy dosage grease oh yeah Oh high in fiber we literally just use the whole bag I'm not gonna tell them there's fiber in there either so they're just gonna have a hint of orange in there reason man hopefully it's a good combination boys dessert time bro there's nothing I'm not eating this crap what what what why is it tastes like orange tastes like orange what do you mean it's just Raisin Bran dude maybe it's like raisin you don't know the difference between raising it wearing fine you got it you got it it's orange fiber this one it's gonna be a two-in-one and it's not only gonna be food it's gonna be something else I know you have no idea what I'm talking about but just stay here Rohan and I are gonna grab it let's go here you go boys everyone gets two waters and I know what you're thinking two waters water is a good thing I got one water nope you can't search it hey hey put clothes back up you have to be doing squats the whole time yes until you finish both water's fine no this is where it could go down right now like someone there might just be poop on the back there but right now hey you have to drink both bottles keep squatting until your bow hey everyone I want to see the squats I want to see good form I'm just waiting for to happen right now oh my it's coming up this way Theo's done you can stop squatting all right Bret you finished both of them oh you have one more you down that quick yeah yeah all right keep going keep going well they're feeling it out I keep like getting really lightheaded i feel like if i black out I'm just gonna like dump my pants all over and I'm not gonna have any control I'm gonna lose because my body's weak but yeah I see I may need to reapply yeah yeah dude it's been like what's five and a half hours I may year apply I thought that was Brett's plan though oh yeah I gave him some legitimately like the pain isn't as might like obviously I take a dump right but the pain is just in my stomach from eating the whole bowl of cereal and then two waters there's just so much liquid in here that just that's my body dude if I puke it up then I puke it up and that's just how it'd be oh you're still drinking that water yeah bro oh man if something's coming out its own oh definitely the poop when I go down that low no joke two minutes later Bret is having problems dude are you actually leaving the circle all right Twilight right over there my friend let's go how'd you like saying go cuz I'm up yeah yeah go on the toilet go on the toilet yeah you're gonna go no we're going in time okay yeah choo choo all right Bret's gonna go inside dude how are you actually feeling I feel like I think it's gonna oh I just hate you huh there done I'm tell you right now these are done I think I'm smaller so it hit me I don't think I can take it the Oh Nick are a little bit bigger brendi right here we have to go in this way this right this way and then there were two yo I feel bad for the kid I know there was no time for a good farewell goodbye he hit him and he just had to go in you gotta go mizdow in this yo and nick oh shoot just kidding but what do you think I'm pretty confident I'm down to make a deal I'm waiting for these laxatives to hit oh yeah I'll make you a deal when it comes to ten o'clock we'll make a deal 10 o'clock what time is it 3:51 so that's six more hours gonna be dead honest like I'm not giving up so they're gonna keep going at it the six hour mark hit a little bit of go and definitely feel like I had the poop like I could easily poop right there at that point lit yeah so we did a little bit of modifications because so far no one has pooped in this toilet and we bought this brand new toilet no one got to use it cuz no one feels comfortable pooping in front of everyone which makes sense in front of the whole leg yeah in front of the whole leg people can see across the lake so we decided to put a little tarp around it so the next person that leaves and it's only between Nick and Theo now has to go poop in there or poop their pants in the little darker out Sun is set oh my dude it's literally it wants to come out so bad six hours 45 minutes oh dude it almost just came out I'm on button II just in case feels putting on a really good face or he's not famous at all like I'm like out of it like I'm it really does come in waves like in one second you don't have to go then next it's like oh shoot and then it's like okay and then oh shoot and right now I'm at the oh shoot right now I'm rolling dude I've never seen no bad not holding it I'm holding it oh you're holding I'm rewarding it dude if I pee I really have to pee I know if I pee it's it's coming out the other way dude he's going for the pee he's gonna stay in the circle though yeah do it because I have to clench my my in here and then when I clench that it clenches both of them oh my oh my dude it's going away it's the only way it's gonna run away it's gone away wow he made it past away completely but somewhat a few moments later bro it's back like a look at the time six hours 50 minutes almost seven hours seven hours I can't bro it oh no no way Oh is he going oh he left a circle he's going back okay I'm going does it dude I plan the winner of the $1,000 to one grand for the board holy shoot look at that cube what do you what do you what are you gonna buy with it honestly honestly I'm gonna pay three months of rent okay smart move smart move game can you move and like straight way this is my plan on him cent I'm buying and I paid two months of rent and I'm just gonna travel and make banger videos well dude he stuck it out and I know you had to poo dude yeah he was sitting there he was sitting there not saying anything and Theo is always talking so when he's not talking you know something's wrong that's what that was his game plan at the beginning not let anyone see the pain and he sat behind Nick so he can see dude he was in pain like like he almost I was like suffering I looked at you I was like dude I know you have to go but I genuinely probably like one more hour you think you would've gone like no whenever I was there I was like I was like dude do I cut it 50 and then while you were like pacing I was like was like she was like how bad like it is probably like easily the worst I've ever had to go on make sure to subscribe to the bud for when he leaves do yes dude he deserves it man I had one more little move just to get the poop a little flow on a little better if you enjoyed the video make sure to smash the like button and comment down below if we should do another one of these challenges and shout out to all the boys for coming through and playing and then just take you to part of it because it was hard and they all everyone took laxatives so it wasn't easy on anyone's part we absolutely love you guys and until next time [Music] is that good yeah you okay [Music]
Channel: Ireland Boys Productions
Views: 5,755,774
Rating: 4.8047495 out of 5
Keywords: irelandboysproductions, ireland boys productions, ireland boys, irelandboys, last one to leave wins, last one to, last one, last one to poop, last to leave challenge, last to leave the circle, last to leave the circle challenge, last to, last to leave, last to poop, last to poop challenge, poop challenge, poop, last to leave wins 1000, last to poop wins 1000, challenge for last to leave, mrbeast, challenge, mr beast, beast, mr.beast
Id: ElhBT-p7y70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 08 2018
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