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alright guys I think it's stay 50 I don't know if I can keep up at this it's so long hey guys welcome to studio space today we're gonna do a really cool challenge that I've been seeing all over YouTube mr. beast you know what I mean stop we're gonna do so we're gonna be doing some last of Lisa's giant Lego house when hundred support for person your new studio space I'm gonna make that hundred grand a pile of toys friend come in holes in a two hurry next David guys I really need that money really no we get money please I really do we have Daniel come in Daniel all right here we go guys don't worry I'm here for my video yeah come on guys let the challenge begin alright so you guys gonna go in there let's see how long they survive alright good [Music] alright guys I think it's stay 50 I don't know if I can keep up at this it's so long dude we've been infertile for like three minutes seriously we just got in here man what three minutes I'm alone I can't do this it's been three minutes come on guys worth it bye you know what these contests are really easy I did one in Baltimore I stood there for like three hours I had to do was keep my hand on the car and then I never moved they gave us like maybe two bathroom breaks it was like kind of weird but no it was pretty okay and I think here they even have a bathroom in here so I could just go and use that hey everything's suspiciously quiet where is everybody dudes where are you guys guys oh we're changing man look I found this really cool shirt what yeah look we're changing we're doing a wardrobe choice lifting these tiny little shirts oh man I guess I just have to live in this for the rest of my life now thanks a lot guys thanks a lot so mad everyone changed it's a really cool coolest and all I gotta left this is tiny shirt doesn't even fit me and I love this shirt so much all right there's one thing we have to figure out here there's three of us in this really tiny house so we have to you know get our spaces okay between the ball pit in the bed what do you want I want the ball pit okay okay anyway I wanted the ball pit all right but I want it first I saw it first let's settle this in the game of bball you're on yeah we're doing man you're gonna shoot some poops right now you know what I mean can you give us a little space we just talked about do we just talked about this already claim the space for me all right yeah but you're basically like is over here we wanna play over here now I'm already comfortable dude you're just gonna have to do this around me do not do whatever you need to do just I'm not gonna leave all right me and me and Peck got a lot of catching up to do all right all right I got this I'm trying to relax here all right all right all right guys scores one two one two more rounds all right then get out of my space all right oh [Music] wow that's embarrassing yeah Daniel just missed sucker all right I'm about to go and I'm gonna make it this time all right here we go I school [Music] Oh only nothing guys I make this I get the ball all right this for all the marbles okay I really nothing gets in my way one two three [Music] guys have been really tired hey guys I won't play some ocean sounds it helps me go to sleep I realize help you guys don't mind hang on okay hope you guys don't mind this oh I totally don't mind it out actually I have my own soothing sounds and I sleep too so hope you don't mind you alright turning them up man good night but my ocean sounds oh man I forgot my headphones you know I'll just play it out loud everyone can enjoy my soothing sounds right right here we go turn up to max [Music] put it on your bed yeah you gotta list your head oh my gosh I can't sleep with this music [Music] [Music] [Music] know what I'm over it I can't sleep I need my ocean sounds I'm done I'm done I'm out of here forget the 100k I need sleep I need my ocean sound I'm gone [Music] [Music] No [Music] Oh chase me No oh no David hello neighbors chasing us I had this terrible dream the hill neighbors gonna get us man we gotta go dude forget this help forget everything we gotta go good maybe Daniel listen to me maybe Dino listen to me yeah yeah yeah Nina's gone sound of hungry make sure those hot pockets are still there I screwed a vid David Daniel dawn hey guess what the hot pockets watch the hot pockets are gone hey Daniel is gone day 2 31 hours inside [Music] pizza did you make this pizza no just came with the house pepperonis this piece is just a little weird you yeah that's Peters way too much number four on it but I'll make it work so hungry [Music] hmm oh it's good daily chips are delicious do they came all the way from my house for a my mom meeting me you kidding me yeah you have chips in your pocket this whole time yeah yeah I've been much much I brought the chips you know my mom my mom likes to pack me these chips and you know whenever I get hungry I just pull something out of my pocket you know she yes yeah she makes a pocket especially for a chip right here do you ask me all night dude I can't believe you pocket chips for me this entire time me your chip bro what are you talking about man it's some of your shoes seriously I'm mad here did I'm going to my room no hold on I'll cook you something in our kitchen man we have a full kitchen we were both spread guys I'm gonna make it up to David all right I'm gonna cook him a nice meal right here in this kitchen this bad boy right here all right it's gonna be delicious don't pawn this dump pocket chips you know what whatever i order my own food and then I don't even have to leave the house man I can order my own food in hello yes mr. dr. pizza one large pepperoni please all right here we're gonna cook some loss we're gonna cook some awesome dinner here for a me date okay these los bachelor here in spatula four uses ice cream scoop you know for the mashed potatoes you know when you don't have a mashed potato scoop use that ice cream scoop and it works just fine all right so here we go we're gonna get some oh man making this favorite I'm gonna make the pigs no just chopped on the floor don't tell them okay just good as new alright so some got some eggs some watermelon ooh and his favorite a peach all right we're gonna scramble this all together now we're gonna light it on fire all right we're gonna plastic boat lay sauce on it David David look man look I know I know earlier you know I've set you with the pocket chips and everything okay so I went to our awesome kitchen a fully loaded kitchen and I made it your favorite totally makes up for everything we've been arguing about it's gonna be delicious it's gonna be great this tastes like someone on the hello you mr. pizza hey I'm looking for a box for thing is made out of Legos or something I got a pizza somebody named David ordered a pizza I feel like I'm close I just uh you know where it's at well dude they can't find a place just go to the window okay dude they're right it's either window where are they somebody one of us has to go out there and tell them we ordered pizza boys I'm going out there you kidding me Pete's got pizza I see what you're trying to do here you trying to make me leave this house and you try to make you do this house no second it's not gonna work bucko all right you go get the pizza you go get the pizza you lose this challenge all right fine fine we'll go at the same time right alright alright my count three all right one two three furthest unfrozen one two three yeah yeah shoot me I shoot don't push me okay I'm gonna get my shoe alright guys would you get my shoe okay I'm gonna get my shoe dude push me out [Music] like a leg or something I don't know a pizza but I think you might want to check over there that way alright you got it oh man dancing for so long oh sorry oh man but I've been sleeping so much I'm wonder if I thought how long you been in here no well what happened it's Easter already lol what are you still here yeah I won't the challenge oh all right congratulation data for winning out your granddad job you've worked so hard for this moment thank you it's not be right back okay wait guys man I know these eggs are great but underground is gonna be even better get so many eggs okay okay so we were getting mummy no I hundred on your friends no [Music] hi guys thank you for 2015 you face you like this video a big thumbs up subscribe for more is enjoy David [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Studio Space
Views: 9,934,403
Rating: 4.4128776 out of 5
Keywords: the studio space, ryan toysreview, ryans family review, Family Vlog, day in the life, office vlog, ryans parents, vlog, vlogging, studio fun, mommy vs. daddy, ryan's mommy, ryan's daddy, last to leave, mrbeast, challenge, lego box fort, giant lego, lego fort, box fort, boxfort, last to leave challenge, $100000, 100 grand, fun, funny, crazy, adventure, wow, cool, weird, wins $100000
Id: 8Y6Ki8wDPBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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