Back to School! GOOD Student vs BAD Student!

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read through chapters one and two to find the formula for pie [Music] textbooks are the perfect thing to use to hide phones now class is going to be real fun bradley can you tell me the formula for pie what do you mean i'm just [Music] someone put a phone in my textbook [Music] hey guys welcome to our first day of school at the studio space [Music] right on time hey everyone welcome to class thank you all for being here at studio space school first things first we're gonna take a little roll call first on the list we have a rye oh oh that's me uh it's pronounced bree though oh brie of course thank you let's have you here okay next on the list is bradley bradley bradley [Music] hey yo teach hey bry so uh it's the right room right bradley you're late you missed the bill and you almost missed a rule call okay i'm sorry i'm late it was just that my dog unplugged my alarm clock because he had to charge his phone so i didn't wake up on time that is unacceptable and not at all how you follow the gosh method what's the gosh method i'm glad you asked gosh is a pneumonic device that i created myself get to class on time only speak after raising your hand off your phone have eyes on your work [Music] g-o-s-h and that is what the gosh method stands for the gosh method that's so cute the gosh method me and my sideways cap don't need no gosh method all right students take out your notebooks and write an utensil because today we're going to learn about the polar ice caps a polar ice cup is an extensive area of land at the north or south pole covered with massive sheets of ice i'm bored i wonder when lunch is hey hey pack pack pack pack teacher hey teacher penguin teacher teacher pack teacher penguin pete teacher penguin bradley remember that the o in gosh means to only speak after raising your hand oh okay teacher teacher pack pack pack teacher teacher teacher pack pack teacher penguin penguin teacher pack backpack pack pat pat pat pat pat pack bradley you need to wait to be called on after raising your hand to say something okay so many rules oh great free how can i help you uh yes heck i was just wondering may i use the hall pass to go to the restroom yeah of course you can thank you for following the rules thank you so much [Music] bradley please put your hand down let's get back to the lesson okay [Music] okay class take out your textbooks for your next assignment read through chapters one and two to find the formula for pi [Music] textbooks are the perfect thing to use to hide phones now class is gonna be real fun time's up bradley can you tell me the formula for pie uh i wasn't reading the book yeah one sec i just really need to to think over my answer here oh i know someone who knows the answer i wonder what it could be thank you what's the formula for pie oh yeah hey bradley what's up what are you doing i'm in class i need to know the formula for pi oh the formula for pi oh that's pretty easy the formula for pie that's pretty easy it's uh gotta use eggs eggs can't forget flour but flour definitely milk uh milk of course pack and depending on the pie you could also use strawberries and depending on the pie strawberries that's the formula for pie bradley what are you talking about what do you mean i'm just [Music] someone put a phone in my textbook how did that get here who did bree bradley you broke the third rule of gosh shut off your phone i'm sorry but i have to confiscate your phone [Music] no oh no oh fine there there's my phone thank you bradley please pay better attention try to follow the rules [Music] all right guys now we're going to do a simple writing exercise please tell him what you did over the weekend and go what's going on guys uh i totally wasn't asleep or anything i'm just i may have gotten a little confused i'm just going to take a peek over on freeze paper and see what she's writing okay that looks good okay i don't know what this is all right guys time's up let's get ready to share three you go first okay uh well first is pancakes and bacon for breakfast second is taking my dog daisy for a walk on the beach and third is helping you with your experiment peck wow excellent thanks for sharing bree now let's go over to bradley and his writing assignment okay uh so first i i had pancakes and bacon for breakfast oh okay that's that's a little strange but i guess it is a common breakfast okay and then uh i uh i took my my dog daisy for a walk on the beach whoa we also have a dog named daisy uh yeah yeah it's a common dog name you know it's flower flower dog it's also the duck works okay we'll continue bradley uh and and then um the last thing i wrote down um for whatever this was uh is that i i helped you with your experiment this weekend pack that is odd because i didn't remember you being at the lab helping me bradley well yeah it's a side effect of the experiment you did remember you you have memory loss well of course you don't remember bradley it sounds to me like you were copying brie's assignment no i wasn't i swear bradley i need for you to tell me the truth did you look at bree's assignment no brad [Music] okay fine i cheated i i i fell asleep but i didn't hear what assignment we are doing it's just my sleeping got thrown off cause my dog unplugged my alarm clock and everything [Music] oh bradley what are we gonna do with you oh wow it sounds like it's reese's time yes oh wait bradley i'm sorry but i'm gonna have to ask you to stay for your timeout no i don't get to go to recess i'm sorry bradley but when you don't follow the rules this is what happens all right i gotta go to recess now uh hey bradley you wanna play catch catch oh you can bye bradley for your time out i'm gonna have you write the gosh method 100 times a hundred times i can hardly remember the gosh method once no i really hope that bradley learns his lesson so that he can go to races tomorrow oh well thanks for watching studio space if you like the video please like and subscribe until the next class bye
Channel: The Studio Space
Views: 2,529,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the studio space, ryan toysreview, ryans family review, Family Vlog, day in the life, office vlog, ryans parents, vlog, vlogging, studio fun, mommy vs. daddy, ryan's mommy, ryan's daddy, back to school, back to school!, good vs bad, good student vs bad student, studio space, good student, recess time, time out, cheating student, back to school cheater, bad grades, good grades, nerd, learning, bad student vs good student
Id: 5LQdXzWvm6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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