Lie Detector Test!!! DID YOU LIE??????

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hey what's up guys today we are playing truth detector game it's a board game for kids but i think i can still wear it right yeah so we're gonna see who lies and who tells the truth okay always tell the truth are you sure yeah i'm very honest so it each starts with six lives and whoever runs out of lives first lose so every time that you lie you lose a life all right so i will start first so all you do is put your finger on here there you go all right i'll ask you a question okay have you ever bought someone a present and told them that you made it no if i didn't make it do you like reading gossip magazine yes i do i want to know what my favorite celebrities are up to well don't lie you don't like you don't like god's magazine why did you lie i like awesome magazine i'll take take away oh no that was fine all right so i lost the lies deep inside you hate it bye okay guys i only have four hearts left have you ever laughed so hard that you fart yes what i remember i've done it before i do that all the time this thing is not like me that you're live so he doesn't know sorry bye bye heart oh all right guys i only have four life left wow let's see what should i ask for your question here we go have you ever cleaned your teeth with your finger yes i have i tried [Music] yeah i tried but my fingers too fast it doesn't get all the gunk off oh yeah use toothbrush okay guys all right ready for your question put your finger on do you wash your feet when you take a shower uh yes what does that mean look at me it means you were so nervous they couldn't tell so what just please try again do you wash your feet when you take a shower oh yes [Music] i guess you do wash your feet i do i do let's see what kind of question oh this is sad question are you ready have you ever told a joke that nobody laughed up no ah you lied that's true yeah i lied i'm sorry nobody ever laughing my joke nobody thinks i'm funny okay i think you're funny okay so i lost a heart i tried to trick the system but i didn't work so lost another heart now i'm only a three this is the same technology fbi uses [Music] do you talk in your sleep no how would i even know what ah i guess you do i don't know i always suck in your sleep what do i even say it's too embarrassing to tell to make a video what i ever i'm sorry shawna you lost a heart for lying three left left me too so we're both tied with three my turn okay loian's turn let's see which one should i pick got a good one oh no i'm nervous fingers there all right here we go have you ever farted and blame it on someone else no i would never do that no see if i do if i do then i take full responsibility because there are many times he blames on me never obviously all right shawn are you ready oh yeah okay have you ever lied to your friends to avoid hanging out with them no [Music] really good to my friends sure okay guys we're still tied three hearts to three hearts you have any good ones yet i'm picking all right i already got really really cool questions what put your fingers there [Music] have you ever eaten while sitting on a toilet no don't do such thing no let's ask this ah yay see who does that i don't believe this okay i got one for you okay do you wash your hands after going to the toilet i always do yes oh you do i told you i always wash my hands that's why you should always wash your hands right [Music] all right next question no you have no heartbeat oh there you go there we go do you think you're the best looking of all the people playing this game oh it's just two people uh-huh the answer is yes why don't you think better than this no could be wrong let's see yes it's my answer whoa you're very nervous um that means you're questioning wait am i the best look here that's true i'm not sure okay start one more time one more time do you think you're the best looking of all the people playing this game yes this is what i think so yes thank you you secretly think i'm the best look here thank you so much all right guys so i am only down to two hearts left okay so it's okay you don't have to lie about it hey are you ready for the next one sure bring it on [Music] do you have a shower every day yes like twice a day sometimes see clean 100 clean germ free what i smell like lavender every day next question have you ever broken a window while you're playing with a ball no i would never do that no see okay there was one time when i was little and there's another time i remember there's a broken window at that house and i couldn't tell who it was maybe it was you why was it it was not busted oh no okay i guess he only got one heart left you're not being honest lauren i am i just forgot all right all right you ready for your next question have an insect ever gotten into your ear no it's disgusting no i'm losing wow you're so honest i know my heart is very pure 100 made out of beer okay here's a question have you ever picked up a dry dog poo thinking it was a stone [Music] no no what no i've never done that that's disgusting did you wash your hand afterwards of course i did not oh that means you did pick up see this is my investigation skill see how we got the truth out from her oh my heart i am not good at this line detecting game all right so the winner of truth detector game goes to sean kids always just tell people to truth otherwise people wouldn't believe you okay just be a honest person like me [Music] doors open come on in hey how can i help you i need help i lost something very important to me can you help me find it i'll pay any price this is juicy yeah i want to hear all about it tell me everything and don't skip a detail okay here's what happened it all started earlier today i was coming back to my office after meeting ready to eat my amazing lunch a delicious banana generous side of gummies and some hot chips i excitedly sat down and it was gone [Music] i looked around all my office and couldn't find it please detective paul i need your help i'll pay any price interesting all right i got everything in this book i'm gonna take your case let's go get your lunch box i hear you're hungry we're gonna go get it come on let's go gotta look for clues all right something seems out of place here really okay i don't see anything huh what what's this what what is this oh coffee cup it says well yeah that's not mine it's not yours i think we got our first clue all right must be luin okay but let's keep going yeah anything else you can find let's what's this over here games what gaming controller it's not that's not mine either who plays games combo ryan ah there's so many people got onto this dude okay anything else anything else something to slam hammer hammer whoa whoa this is getting freaky sean who would have a hammer all right i think we're on to something sean okay we're gonna hit the nail on the head all right there's a lot of things here i need you to stay here and secure the perimeter make sure no one comes in here and messes with the crime scene got it yes sir all right let's go catch our perp my first clue i know exactly who to call hello oh hey paul you wanted to see me yeah i did [Music] you uh recognized that lunch right there um yeah this is the lunch it made for sean last night well it's gone missing what yeah i thought you'd be surprised so i got a couple of questions for you on the lie detector test oh come on okay what is this paul this is my state of the art lie detector test all right you're going to put your fingers here all right and i'm going to ask you questions if you get them right the green light will shine green if you get them wrong the red light will shine red and that means you're lying to me and i know you stole the lunch okay okay but i didn't all right well first question where were you during lunch time let me see i was working very hard on work stuff i was waiting for sean to finish his meeting so we could eat lunch together yay see i told you i didn't lie all right all right good truth telling good truth telling next question okay did you make your own lunch yeah i made it the same time as sean we had the exact same lunch see i didn't lie to you paul all right all right truth again no truth again of course so tell me why were you in sean's office oh what no no i i i didn't go there oh yeah tell me what this is we found your mug in his office whose name is that it's your name okay here's what happened please don't tell sean but i got bored waiting for him so i snuck into his office to play with his figures shawn's collectibles are strictly off limits but since he wasn't there i thought it would be okay to play with them but then i heard him coming back and then i forgot my coffee mug okay all right i appreciate your honesty all right don't lie next time okay sorry that's right you should never lie all right i won't tell sean if you do me a favor okay do you recognize this controller oh yeah that's combo panda's controller combo panda yes who else oh we got a good lead we got a good lead let's go let's go come on we got a good lead we gotta go [Music] so that's the main reason i didn't get into professional chess playing it's just a lot of responsibility what do you think water cooler will you're right the knights are just horses [Music] combo drinking water huh can i get a word with you oh uh i just had a couple questions for you oh uh sure i'll answer whatever i can go ahead i just want to know how is you and your new controller doing your new gaming controller you know how's that going for you oh uh we're doing great and i just finished playing a game with him right now actually yeah that's odd that you could be playing with it because i've got it right here whoa that's crazy huh where did you find that i think you know exactly where i found it i found it in sean's office where they stole his lunch huh i'm not gonna lie i don't know what you're talking about can i just get my controller back all right you can have it on one condition okay that you take my lie detector test fine it's just ah let me tell you what really happened it all started last week i lost my controller and my mom had to buy me a new one she wasn't happy about it and told me combo panda this is the absolute last time i'm buying you a controller the next one you lose will be your last so i started taking super good care of my controller until i woke up one day then it was gone i looked everywhere but i guess i left him in sean's office hmm all right all right i buy it likely story okay you're free to go i am sweet can i have my controller back no it's evidence i have to keep it for uh police stuff stuff like you're just ah never mind just let me know when you finish up and i can have it back yeah yeah yeah go ahead so close yet so far i don't know what to make of this last clue it's a hammer who would carry around a hammer at all times and why would they leave it in sean's office [Music] what's up paul oh hey bill john you gonna go fix something yeah you know all right oh man he's always fixing something you know with his ham hold on build a john come into my office hey paul i heard you want to see me look i'm gonna cut straight to the point hey my hammer i've been looking for this your son's office whenever his lunch got stolen why were you there hmm if you want the details let me remember i was on my way to build something when i heard a loud crashing sound it sounded like it happened in sean's office so i peeked in there and i noticed his shelf had fallen off the wall with all of his toys so i decided to fix it for him really quick [Music] and that's probably when i forgot my hammer in there oh likely story all right you know what we're going to take a lie detective test it's uh it happens and yeah you know what i can fix this for you you can fix it all right fix it build it john please all right go ahead and try it out for a criminal you really are handy all right okay let's do it all right all right it's ready to go i'm gonna ask you a question put your fingers here okay are you a real detective why of course i am [Music] oh okay okay all right this has to be broken pretty sure we'll do it next time no it's fine you know what you're off the hook you were fixing something in sean's office you didn't have any lunch i don't even hear your belly rumbling get out of here all right thank you bye bill did john i've hit a dead end i don't have any more leads i need to think oh you know what helps me think a good shave let's do for one baba bobber come here barbara come here okay we're almost done yes sir so why did you take the fall how's the case coming along ah that case it's a tough one to crack but i think we're gonna get it i think we're gonna solve whoever stole sean's lunch i think i'm gonna shoot you will you're a good detective thank you oh oh hey little fella fancy a shave nah i'm okay i just came to say hi how are you guys doing yeah doing great just uh you know getting a shave you know before i go uh do my job oh well um have you had any luck finding shawn's lunch ah no luck that case i was just telling him this is a hard one to crack oh well um i wish you good luck goodbye well see you later little fella bye peck what a nice talking penguin nice fellaini you mind finishing me up here i gotta go solve this case yeah yeah go ahead all right hold on here you go hey go hold on wasn't there something funny about that penguin you mean like he's purple and he's a penguin no he knew about the case and i ever talked to him about the case pack come back here wait wait wait wait what about your shave you need me to pay me [Music] delivery a lot of fragile objects oh man that was a close one oh back back come back here oh what's what is this what is this hot cheetos gummies banana back come back here oh god hurry oh gosh oh gosh back back stop i got a couple questions for you come here uh i've got the last cup now i can finally complete the tallest cup tower in the entire office careful [Music] excuse me [Music] oh i'm just in time to work with my twin brother who was also a barber hopefully nothing gets in my way [Music] oh pardon me oh that was closed [Music] i've got you cornered you got nowhere to run you're coming with me come on oh gosh i guess you caught me oh i'm out of shape pack why did you take shawn's lunch that was not very nice oh gosh guys i'm really sorry i just wanted to play a game with you guys i didn't realize that shawn was so hungry i'm always hungry oh gosh well peck next time why don't you just ask us we will never say no yeah really that would be so much fun so pick where's my lunch now oh well uh you guys took so long to solve the case that i kind of got hungry ate most of it all right time out oh gosh guys thank you for watching this video if you like this video please give us a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe bye bye after your time out then we can play a game okay yeah okay fair enough bye bye
Channel: The Studio Space
Views: 13,752,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the studio space, ryan toysreview, ryans family review, Family Vlog, day in the life, office vlog, ryans parents, vlog, vlogging, studio fun, mommy vs. daddy, ryan's mommy, ryan's daddy, Lie Detector Test, lie detector, lie detector game, games, board game, family board game, the lie detector game
Id: dVPEUgssV6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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